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If you’re good in bed, not only do you have the satisfaction of knowing that you canalways give a woman a good time between the sheets, but you’re also increasing your chances of getting laid more often –not just with one woman- but with many.
Because women talk. When a man is good in bed, women will tell their friends, and you will get a reputation. This will not only boost your confidence, but increase your attractiveness to other women.
Being good in bed is pretty simple, there are no magical tricks that will satisfy every woman, but with a little confidence and attentiveness, you can give a girl a good time, and guarantee a repeat performance.
For a basic overview on how to f uck a woman properly keep reading!
If you want to fuck a woman right, this is perhaps the most important thing to pay attention, and often the most neglected. Keep it simple, if her breathing is heavy and fast, she’s probably having a good time.
If it’s slow and shallow, try something else. Use breathing as your compass during sex, and let it guide you in the right direction.
There is one exception to this rule. Some women tend to hold their breath to let an orgasm build up (to make it more intense). If suddenly she stops breathing entirely (assuming you’re not choking her or she has died for some reason), keep doing whatever you’re doing.
Other signs of arousal include reddening of the cheeks, quivering, wide eyes, vaginal wetness, hard nipples, lip biting, loose jaw, and –of course- moaning.
If you’re about to have sex with somebody, the least you can do is make sure you’re appealing to look at, touch, and smell. That means keeping your clothes and body clean, smelling nice, brushing your teeth, and maybe shaving in a few key areas. One of the biggest turn-offs for a woman is bad breath or body odour.
Remember, dirty sex doesn’t have to be unsanitary!
One of the most common misconceptions among men is that having a big dick makes you good in bed. Not everyone who has a big dick is good in bed. Not every woman likes big dicks. Often, having a humongous penis can be painful, uncomfortable -and sometimes- just doesn’t fit.
Good sex doesn’t come from your dick. It’s in your hips, arms, abdomen and your eyes. It’s in your tongue and fingers. It’s in the way to talk and the way you carry yourself.
Being good in bed involves your whole body and your mind, not just your cock.
Often the guys who think they know how to please every woman on the planet are the worst in bed. This is because they rush in with some ‘technique’ that worked on their ex-girlfriend.
All women are different, and they all like different things. Some girls like rough sex, others prefer it a bit softer. Some like to dominated, and others like to take control. Most girls may switch between what they want depending on how they’re feeling.
The bedroom is no place for shyness. You will never be more unashamedly open than when you’re naked with a woman, so don’t be afraid to be completely open about what you’re into and what you want.
Confidence is sexy, and if your woman likes a man who takes control, this will be a dream come true. Don’t act like you don’t know what you’re doing, and don’t be afraid to make the first move.
Open your mind to new sexual experiences. Kinks and fetishes are very common, so don’t be too quick to set hard limits on what you’ll try (you might find you enjoy it more than you realised).
Setting the tone is understanding what kind of sex you’re going to be having. If you do this right, you will have the exact kind of sex she wants, but it will look as though you set it up.
You’re right, it’s not. Unless your woman explicitly tells you what she wants, sometimes it can be hard to tell what kind of sex she’s into. You could just ask her, which –if your woman is totally open- is fine, but often women can be a little shy about discussing their sexual preferences and kinks.
The trick to finding out comes during foreplay. Find out how she reacts to being dominated by lightly cuffing her wrists, pinning her down or gripping her hair. If she seems to like it, try something a little rougher; a bite or a scratch or a light spank.
If she doesn’t respond well, try being more submissive, let her get on top of you, and see how she responds. If she pins you down, let her take control.
Most women prefer the man to take control, but don’t assume this means all of them do.
Thoroughly explore your woman’s body during foreplay, find out which parts of her body are sensitive, touch her neck, run your fingers through her hair, massage her inner thigh. Grip her arms, and see how rough she likes it.
Pick her up, pin her down. Kiss, bite scratch and spank. Find out what she responds well to. Don’t go straight for the arse, pussy or boobs, work your way towards them.
Grabbing a girl and trying to shove your fingers inside her reeks of inexperience, and will probably put her off you.
Learn to love foreplay. Most women say that foreplay is their favourite part of sex, so –unless you’re having a quickie- make it last.
Teasing is a big part of foreplay, let the anticipation build by keeping your woman stimulated without going straight for the ‘key areas’. This will pay off later. Watch 5 Powerful Foreplay Tips For Men to learn how to get better at foreplay.
Nipple-play can vary massively from woman to woman. Some women love it, others don’t care for it, and a lucky 3% can even have orgasms from it!
It’s important to start by lightly licking the nipples, and listening for her breathing response. If the response is positive, try lightly sucking or grazing your teeth against them.
Always remember that women’s pleasure and pain thresholds vary significantly, and whilst some women love having their nipples bitten and sucked, others may find it painful or dull. Be sure to listen to her breathing.
Every guy thinks they give great head. Most of them are wrong. It’s not necessarily that what you’re doing is bad it’s just that there is a big difference between good and great.
Take it slow. Start by kissing and licking the inner thighs, see how she responds. Introduce yourself, breathe on her clit as if you’re steaming up a window.
Then lick it from the bottom to the top and back again as lightly as you can. Slowly get faster and faster, but make sure you’re not pressing too hard or “digging” under the clitoral hood (as this spot can be too sensitive when touched directly).
When things start getting heavier, try lightly sucking on the clit, or inserting a finger into her pussy whilst you’re tonguing her clit.
Which brings us on to our next point…
If you’re not already familiar with the location of the clitoris, it is the fleshy hood above the entrance to the vagina. Most women require stimulation of the clitoris to achieve orgasm, so pay great attention to it.
Ensure your fingers are lubricated before touching the clit. Do not try to ‘dry rub’ the clit, as this can be uncomfortable and even painful. Lubricate the tip of your finger using the wetness from the vagina, do this by circling the entrance to the vagina with your index or middle finger.
Do not force your finger any more than an inch inside at this point. Move your finger up to locate the clitoris. It should feel slightly harder than the rest of the vagina. Do not press too hard on the clitoris, start off slowly, lightly rubbing the clitoris in small circular motions, and –as always- listen to her breathing.
If you struggle to find the clitoris, move her hand down to her clit, and let her do it. As she becomes more aroused, try going a little harder/faster, but don’t press down on the clit like it’s a doorbell, and don’t ‘dig’ under the clitoral hood, as this can be very uncomfortable.
Finding the G spot is relatively easy. First of all, make sure your girl is wet and ready to be fingered, then slowly insert onefinger into her vagina, do not insert a second finger until you know how tight her vagina is.
Two fingers may be too much (or not enough!). It may that she needs to widen more before you can insert another finger. When you have a finger inside of her, slide your finger upwards, as if you are trying to rub the clit from the inside out.
Slowly move your finger in a “come here” motion, and at the top of the front of the vaginal wall, you should find the G-spot. It will feel rough or spongey, less smooth than the rest of the vagina.
The G-spot will swell slightly as your woman becomes more aroused. Do not press too hard on the G-spot initially, as with everything, build up to it.
If you can do this right, you may cause your woman to squirt . Highly recommend watching this excellent video on: Where is the G-Spot & How To Stimulate it so you and your girlfriend can have the best and enduring sex. 
When you’re about to penetrate a woman, enter slowly. This maximises the pleasure she feels. Slowly enter an inch, then withdraw, then enter a little more, then withdraw. Don’t just push your cock in all at once, let it get wetter and wetter.
If you’re a particularly hung or thickly endowed man, this is especially important. Having a big dick sounds like a blessing, but often it can be very painful for women, so it’s always a good idea to see how much your woman can take before taking them to poundtown.
One of the biggest complaints girls have about men in bed, is that they charge headlong into some action with full force. Pleasing a woman is like playing a piano, not swinging a sledgehammer. Always test the water first before diving in.
This applies to any part of sex. Anything from light petting to heavy BDSM should start out soft and build up to a level where you and your partner are satisfied.
If she seems like she’s uncomfortable, bored or in pain (and not the good kind) stop what you’re doing and do something else. Don’t keep trying to make it work. It could just be going back to what you were doing before, or trying something else entirely.
You know when you’re in the car and somebody keeps changing channels every time you start to enjoy a song?
Sometimes, being good in bed is as simple as finding hot spot, and continuing to stimulate it until she has an orgasm. Listen to her breathing, if what you’re doing is making her breath harder and faster, keep going!
Whoever said that sex should be clean has never had good sex.
Sex should be sweaty, exhausting, messy, and in some cases, a little painful. Don’t be afraid to scratch, spank, bite, choke, gag, bind, slap, spit, lick and restrain if the mood calls for it.
Don’t be squeamish about any part of a woman’s body, and don’t be afraid to get kinky (yes, that means whips, chains, spankers, floggers, vibrators, dildos, harnesses, collars, chains, leather, lace and PVC). Be willing to try a little bit of anything, and don’t be afraid to suggest something you’re into.
As always, if you’re into harder stuff, dip your toe in the water before diving in head first. If you’re into heavy bondage, suggest a little light restraint with a belt or a tie, and see what she thinks, before suggesting something heavier.
If you’re into pain, start out with a little bit of light spanking before you break out the bullwhip and nipple clamps.
It’s a myth that marathon sex is what all women want. Quality will always beat quantity, so don’t worry too much about lasting for hours on end. That being said, if you’re just out to satisfy yourself, your woman will be less than impressed.
As mentioned above, takes things slowly and learn to appreciate foreplay, and take things slowly before you start thrashing towards the end goal.
Most importantly, remember that sex doesn’t have to end at the male orgasm (as porn would have you believe), and if you have a short downtime (or stay hard), you may come twice or more in one session.
If you’re not happy that your woman is satisfied after you’ve ejaculated, keep pleasuring her in other ways, or alternatively, experiment with some natural aphrodisiacs, and keep going all night!
For some reason, western society has this ridiculous assumption that women should feel shameful for having a sex drive. Often this means that women do not talk as openly about sex (in the company of men, at least), than men do. This gives some people the impression that women do not actually enjoy or seek out sex, which is utter nonsense.
When viewing pornography, women become just as aroused as men do. Remember that your woman wants you and she wants what you can give her.
Hopefully, this article has given you some good ideas on how to fuck a woman properly, but if you want more information, I’d strongly recommend visiting our dating and sex content, for an almost endless resource of in-depth information on how to attract women, fuck them right, and keep them coming back for more!
Terrence Kennedy is the man’s man on a journey to self-discovery. A traveler, extreme sports aficionado, an observant wanderer, a DIY-Know-How, an ultimate outsider and a documentarist of culture, sex, dating, relationship, fashion, style and gentleman's etiquette. He has learned a lot through his escapades, and is happy to pass that knowledge on to you.
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How to Fuck A Girl Properly: 7 Tips to Have Sex Like A Pro
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3 text messages to make a girl want to fuck you!

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After using strategy #2, everything else in my life magically seemed to fall into place. Now, women come up to ME and start talking to ME!
If You have A Dick, You NEED This Book! Jon forces you to write down, think about, and implement these things, BEFORE you proceed with the book. Definitely get the 7 Strategies.
As someone who was raised in a household, where my Dad was a total beta male, I was so desperate for a solution.

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Discover 3 "Copy and Paste" Text Messages That Will Make Women CHASE You...
This is easily the best article I’ve ever read on how to fuck a girl.
It was written by a girl I’m dating, for the men of this blog, to help them understand what women want in bed.
If you want to know how to fuck women properly, and what they want in bed, then this post is a must read for you…
Look… I understand that you men have it hard. Women are notoriously difficult to please.
We’re fickle, emotional, and can change our mind on the turn of a dime.
On top of things, female privilege , and social justice in the news, movies, and entertainment industry have made it even harder for men. You guys don’t always know how to act, or what to do.
Holding open the door for one girl could get you her appreciation, and holding it open for the next could get you accused of sexual harassment because of the #metoo movement.
But when it comes down to it… when it comes down to fucking, all women really want the same things in bed.
You can read The Sex God Method to see understand why.
Believe me, we do. It doesn’t matter what you’ve heard from your buddies, because I hear these things from my female friends on a day-by-day basis.
It’s always the same. Damn. Thing. Guys don’t know how to fuck a girl right.
So for the love of God…for your sake, for your girlfriend’s sake, and for your marriage’s sake, please listen up. Okay?
Here’s some tips you can use to fuck a girl and give her the best sex of her life.
I know you might find this hard to believe… but us girls do like getting fucked rough sometimes.
Sure, there’s a time to be really sweet, and make slow, passionate sex, with lots of kissing…
…but, there’s also a time to fuck our brains out and put us in our place, and give us orgasm after orgasm.
You’ll have to determine which time is which.
Have you ever wondered why EVERY single romance novel women read, and especially the best-selling ones, are almost ALWAYS about a strong, confident man?
Have you ever wondered why girls ALWAYS want a man who knows how to be an alpha male , and isn’t a whiny little bitch?
You don’t see any bitchy soy boys in “50 Shades of Grey” or “Love Drunk Cowboy,” for a reason.
As much as you see it encouraged in the news media, women HATE weak men. Weak men don’t know how to fuck a girl properly.
We’ll never admit it to you, because it’s not our job to teach you how to be men…
…but when a guy can fuck you hard in the bedroom, we instinctively know he’s a man.
While there may be some women who will disagree, most of us want the man to take charge… even if we SAY we don’t, it’s still a shit test .
No, it isn’t “sweet” when you ask us if you can “proceed” like some scared little boy.
Just take what you want, and do it unapologetically.
Obviously don’t be an idiot. If we back up or seem hesitant, please do ask if something’s wrong. Learn to read our IOI’s for God’s sake.
But most of the time, when you just take charge in the bedroom, it’s a HUGE turn on.
Again, we don’t want some little boy who
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