How To Find Porn On Tumblr

How To Find Porn On Tumblr


How To Find Porn On Tumblr

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Elle Chase
Certified sex educator, writer, and speaker Elle Chase, ACS is the author of Curvy Girl Sex, the editor of the #NSFW Totally Naughty Coloring Book, and is the creator of the multi award-winning, sex-positive porn site and brand Lady Cheeky.

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Don't worry, you can find a similarly sex-positive community elsewhere.
On December 17, 2018 Tumblr banned adult content on their platform. The move was rumored to be a knee-jerk response to Apple removing Tumblr from its App Store over failing to adequately filter out child pornography. While that is certainly an understandable and valid reason for removing the app, instead of improving their filtering system, Tumblr decided to ban all adult content altogether. In doing so, they destroyed a massive social media community and outlet where people, especially underrepresented communities, could freely express their sexuality.
I was one of those people. I was in the midst of ending a sexless and passionless marriage, and while I never took much pleasure in sex anyway, I knew others did, which gave me a resounding and incessant urge to find out what I was missing. But how would I even start? What turned me on? How would I find it and articulate it not just to myself, but to a partner?
Mainstream porn sites only offered clips of brightly lit, conventionally-attractive people with hard bodies having what seemed to be a very athletic, staged, and mechanical style of sex. And the categories I could choose from (like “Babysitter”) along with the pop-up ads pushing pills to make my "dick harder" didn’t help entice me either.
A lot of these sites belonged to women and communities who were often not depicted in mainstream adult entertainment as multi-dimensional.
But when I happened upon Tumblr, that all changed. There were blogs that explored a particular side of female-centric sexual pleasure—as well as any number of sexual interests or preferences. A lot of these sites belonged to women and communities who were often not depicted in mainstream adult entertainment as multi-dimensional. Seeing people of color, and/or bigger, disabled, or trans bodies in sensual scenes that didn't make their race, gender, or body the plot line was revolutionary –they were simply participating in pleasure like everyone else. Aspects of humanity that mainstream porn fetishized, Tumblr adult sites normalized.
I was able to discreetly and safely view other people’s sexual tastes and interests, take what I liked from it, fold it into my own pastiche of sexual pleasure, and disregard the rest. In fact, the more I looked at others’ sexual expression, the more confident and validated I felt in my own. Without this private outlet, I really don’t know when–or if–I would have realized the dormant sexual woman living inside me that was screaming to come out.
Tumblr was revolutionary for so many women like me and others who felt disconnected to mainstream porn and found self discovery, affirmation, and connection within its platform. It’s an end of an era, but it’s also a clarion call to those who value freedom of speech and expression to speak up and fight for that right.
So, where can women like me go from here? There is hope that some smart, enterprising tech folks will come up with a similar, maybe even better platform in the near future. For now, here are some possible substitutes for those who are over 18:
While it's not as easy to scroll through visuals as you did on Tumblr, Reddit's NSFW subreddit might be a good alternative.
Timbr lets you back up any old Tumblr blogs so nothing is ever truly lost.
Mastadon promises a safer-feeling browsing experience.
Swarmr vows to be committed to free speech and gender equity.
Give New.Tumbl a go. Very straightforward!
The other alternative, if you're willing to pay some money, are ethical, feminist porn sites, which I personally use. Here are some recs, depending on what you're looking for:
Bright Desire has been producing artistic, body-positive fare since 2012.
Erika Lust’s XConfessions lets users submit what they want to see, and then recreates their ideas with top-notch cinematography.
FrolicMe is perfect for lush, gorgeously-shot films.
CrashPad Series and PinkLabel.TV are both excellent options.
I’ve also been recommending Tristan Taormino DVDs and jessica drake’s Guide to Wicked Sex for people who want to learn more (and watch) different kinds of sex.

Tumblr Isn’t Removing Porn, Just Making It a Hell of a Lot Harder to Find

Imagine someone baked you a cookie and promised you that you could have it whenever you wanted. “You promise not to take it away?” you ask them. “Yes,” they say. “I promise. Even though your dad doesn’t really want you to have cookies, I promise that I’ll leave the cookie in your house for you.”
Then, let’s imagine that they put it in a box and hid it from you. Sure, you can find it – but it’s really hard to find and almost not worth the effort. At that point, would you say that they have basically taken your cookie away from you?
With that story in mind, know that Tumblr has just released a new set of guidelines for NSFW and Adult blogs that basically puts your porn in a box and hides it from you.
“Tumblr welcomes and encourages all forms of expression. However, we have to be sensitive to the millions of readers and bloggers from different locations, cultures, and backgrounds with different points of view concerning mature or adult-oriented content. There are a lot of people in our community who would rather not see this stuff and could even get in trouble if they did,” says Tumblr on their new NSFW and Adult blogs guideline page .
With that, Tumblr is asking blog owners to help protect those who do not wish to see adult content by tagging their blogs as either NSFW or Adult, if applicable. NSFW means that your blog has some occasional nudity – maybe an artful nude photograph or a breastfeeding photo. Adult means that your blog contains a substantial amount of nudity and adult-oriented content – which means full on porn, I guess.
Of course, if blog owners don’t do this on their own, they could be flagged an given either a NSFW or Adult tag automatically.
Now, if your blog is tagged as NSFW, it will no longer appear in tag pages and searches for logged-out users. Your content will also not appear in the streams of users who don’t follow you.
The big hit here is taken by Adult blogs, however. Adult blogs no longer appear in search engines like Google or in Tumblr search results.
Tumblr isn’t removing adult content – they’re just making it really hard to find .
When Yahoo announced its Tumblr acquisition back in May, Tumblr users threw a fit. Part of their concern stemmed from the fact that they believed Yahoo’s influence would lead to Tumblr censoring all of the adult content on the site. And as we know, there’s a hell of a lot of it .
Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer assuaged some fears when she said that Yahoo is not interested in restricting content on Tumblr . And just this week, Tumblr CEO David Karp echoed that sentiment , saying,
“Look, we’ve taken a pretty hard line on freedom of speech, supporting our users’ creation – whatever that looks like. It’s just not something that we want to police.”
Despite that claim, it appears that the porn crackdown is here. In with the ads , and out with the porn.
Of course, this is a bigger blow to blog creators that frequently feature adult content. The average Tumblr user will be fine – they can find porn and other adult content anywhere. But this decrease in visibility will most likely hurt tons of Tumblr blog owners.
Tumblr is hiding your cookies. The question is, will users look for another baker?
© 2022 iEntry Network All Rights Reserved

*First Published: Dec 22, 2018, 6:00 am CST

Maksim Shmeljov/Shutterstock


Posted on Dec 22, 2018   Updated on Jan 26, 2021, 6:41 pm CST
Tumblr porn is no more. After years of laissez-faire policies on adult content, Tumblr has outright banned NSFW content on the site. The move essentially kicks out sex workers , adult artists, kinksters, and 18+ bloggers who made a home on the service for over a decade, leaving many to look for sites like Tumblr or alternative Tumblr services.
While Tumblr stored a rich and inclusive archive of queer porn, fetish artwork, and kinky communities that cannot be replaced, there are alternatives out there for users fleeing from the Dec. 17 ban. Some have been around for ages, while others are still growing and maturing into similar porn sites. Here are some of the best Tumblr porn alternatives and sites like Tumblr to look out for in the meantime.
Twitter quickly became a similar porn site to Tumblr, and a popular safe haven for artists and adult content creators impacted by the Tumblr ban. The site sports laid-back policies on adult content, letting artists, porn creators, and cam girls all build a following on the site. While Twitter usually tags NSFW material, and you may need to manually allow “sensitive content” to be displayed on mobile, it’s one of the last major social media networks that still freely allow pornographic content on its servers. But as far as sites like Tumblr go, Twitter is relatively similar.
If you’ve never used Twitter before, the site lets users follow each other to curate an endless timeline filled with tweets, or short messages that max out at 280 characters. Searching for content is as easy as typing in a keyword or hashtag and reading through the results, plus many adult artists and sex workers on Tumblr already have accounts on Twitter. To get started, we recommend checking out artists bramblefix and Ktullanyx , as well as adult performer pawslut . For queer porn in particular, Valerie Halla’s NSFW Twitter account @drool_cutie is a great choice.
Mastodon took off in 2017 as a popular, progressive similar porn site to Twitter. The social media service sports content warnings, improved privacy features, and best of all, a federation system called the “fediverse.” On Mastodon, users interact by registering accounts on an instance—a separate community and server part of a larger Mastodon federation. Users from different instances can interact with each other, or they can simply hang out in their own instances. The social media network has incredibly inclusive policies on adult content, so much so that its founder even put together a blog post explaining why fleeing NSFW Tumblr users should make the switch.
Mastodon hosts an enormous catalog of instances based on adult content. For sex workers and their clients, Switter is an excellent sex work-friendly for staying in touch. For an alternative Tumblr service, there’s something for everyone. But several popular Mastodon instances have since been taken down. There was Humblr, for example, a self-described “home to all previous Tumblr users that were pushed [off] the site” due to the NSFW purges. However, the site has since been shut down. Another 18+ instance, (which went offline sometime after this article’s publication), offers a “safe, open space focused on those in the NSFW LGBT+ community.” And Art Alley allowed artists and commissioners alike to post adult illustrations.
Instead of following creators like on Tumblr or Twitter, Patreon lets users pledge a small, reoccurring amount of money to support their favorite artists. In return, artists provide perks or incentives based on tier pledges. NSFW comic artist ThirtyHelens , for example, runs a Patreon with over 400 users supporting her work. Patrons can pledge a wide range of tiers per month, from $3 for full-resolution versions of her comics one week before release to $10 per month for PSD files of everything ThirtyHelens creates.
Other popular Patreon users include the artist Fuya , who does anime-inspired explicit drawings, as well as NSFW illustrator Sakimi Chan . Adult game developers also run their own Patreon pages where fans can turn to support their creations. Redamz , the creator behind adult dating game Monster Girl Island , has over 6,000 patrons on the service. Game developer Palmer , meanwhile, lets users pay $10 per month for early access to erotic video games created by the studio Love-Joint. Ethically, Patreon is a solid alternative Tumblr service.
In some ways, Pillowfort is a similar porn site to Tumblr what Mastodon is to Twitter. The service has laid-back policies on adult content and gives its users much more control over their privacy. Granted, Pillowfort is still pretty small, having only sent out registration keys to the service’s Kickstarter backers in September. But the site has grown in users since Tumblr announced the NSFW ban in early December 2018, and adult content has gradually made a place for itself on the site.
If you’re interested in following Pillowfort accounts for adult content, we recommend checking out the site’s community feature, which is a great way to quickly fill your feed with NSFW content. The “NSFW” community is a perfect starting point for adult illustrations, with over 800 users part of the group. For fleeing Tumblr users looking to reconnect with their friends, the “Tumblr NSFW Art, BDSM, Kink and Sex-Work Refugees” community is as popular as it is active. Oh, and for queer men, the “Gay Bears” community is a great choice for the boys out there that like their dates big and hairy.
Users can request an access key by donating $5 to Pillowfort, or can use an invitation key from a current user. While the site has closed registration in December in order to “improve performance and add necessary features,” registration is open as of June .
Update 11:23am CT, Feb. 25, 2020: This article has been edited to reflect that Mastodon’s instance is currently offline.
Update 11:14am CT, July. 8, 2020: This article has been edited to reflect that several Mastodon instances are currently offline, and that Pillowfort is accepting new users via donations.
Ana Valens is a reporter specializing in online queer communities, marginalized identities, and adult content creation. She is a former Daily Dot staff writer. Her work has appeared at Vice, Vox, Truthout, Bitch Media, Kill Screen, Rolling Stone, and the Toast. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, and spends her free time developing queer adult games.
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