How To Edit Footer Links in Thesis

How To Edit Footer Links in Thesis

Willy Kelly
How To Edit Footer Links in Thesis

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the Thesis theme for WordPress is a popular theme framework that allows users to customize the design and layout of their WordPress websites. Keep in mind that there may have been updates or changes to the theme since then, and it's always a good idea to check the official documentation for the latest information.

To edit footer links in the Thesis theme, you can typically follow these steps:

  1. Access the WordPress Dashboard: Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the Thesis Options: Look for the "Thesis" menu in the WordPress admin sidebar. Click on it to access the Thesis options.

  3. Edit Footer Links: In the Thesis options, you should be able to find a section related to the footer. Look for options like "Footer" or "Footer Widgets." The specific wording may vary depending on the version of the Thesis theme you are using.

  4. Use the Customization Panel: Thesis usually provides a customization panel where you can modify various aspects of your site, including the footer. Look for settings related to footer links or footer text.

  5. Edit HTML/CSS: If the options in the customization panel don't provide the level of control you need, you may need to edit the HTML or CSS directly. In the Thesis theme, you can usually find a place to insert custom HTML and CSS code.

  6. Check Custom Functions: If you are comfortable with coding, you can also check if there are any custom functions added to your theme that modify the footer. This would typically be in the "Custom Functions" or "Custom Code" section in the Thesis options.

  7. Save Changes: After making changes, be sure to save them. Some changes may require you to refresh your site or clear the cache to see the updates.

  8. Backup: Before making any significant changes, it's always a good idea to back up your website, especially if you are editing code or making changes that could potentially affect the functionality of your site.

If you are unable to find the specific options or if there have been changes to the theme since my last update, I recommend checking the official documentation for the version of the Thesis theme you are using. The documentation should provide step-by-step instructions for editing the footer links or any other customization options. If you encounter difficulties, you may also consider reaching out to the Thesis theme support or community for assistance.

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