How To Dominate A Woman

How To Dominate A Woman


How To Dominate A Woman


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The different types of domestic violence

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Much ado about nothing - just more social media noise

Ag shame, she was totally quoted out of context

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Much ado about nothing - just more social media noise
Ag shame, she was totally quoted out of context
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Before you go, you might be interested in
Emotionally abusive relationships can destroy your self-esteem, lead to depression , and give you a sense of helplessness. Recognising that your situation is abusive is the first step to being free.
Survival strategies of abused women Abused women develop astonishing ways of surviving the violence. Others rarely understand these strategies because they often seem unhelpful when viewed from outside the relationship . Often, a woman's survival strategies are used to support the myths around abuse and to blame her for the abuse.
Taking steps to heal and move on The trauma of what you’ve been through can stay with you long after you’ve escaped the abusive situation. Counselling, therapy, and support groups for domestic abuse survivors can help you process what you’ve been through and learn how to build new and healthy relationships.
After the trauma you’ve been through, you may be struggling with upsetting emotions, frightening memories, or a sense of constant danger that you just can’t kick. Or you may feel numb, disconnected, and unable to trust other people. It can take a while to feel safe again. However, treatment and support from family and friends can speed your recovery from emotional and psychological trauma.
Sources: Breaking the Silence: A Handbook for Victims of Violence in Nebraska Melinda Smith, M.A.; and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D, Help for Abused and Battered Women Domestic Violence Shelters, Support, and Protection November 2010 POWA Information Package and the Participant's Manual: Violence Against Women (Criminal Justice Training Project on Violence Against Women),Violence Against Women in South Africa - (Photo of scared woman from Shutterstock)

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The different types of domestic violence

6 unhealthy eating behaviours on the rise during the Covid-19 pandemic

Some South Africans are not happy after Meghan Markle relayed a story about her 2019 royal tour to SA. What are your views?

Much ado about nothing - just more social media noise

Ag shame, she was totally quoted out of context

I fully agree with their sentiments

Much ado about nothing - just more social media noise
Ag shame, she was totally quoted out of context
I fully agree with their sentiments
PODCAST | The Story: Unpacking the national shutdown
PODCAST | Cape Town woman turns her heartbreak into hope
Podcast series: click here to find them all
PODCAST | The Story: Inside the Babita Deokaran scandal with News24 investigations
PODCAST | The Story: Ramaphosa facing mounting pressure over Phala Phala scandal
PODCAST | The Story: DNA evidence crucial in Krugersdorp gang rape case

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How this man from Johannesburg is turning trash into treasure, one recyclable at a...

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A litter of puppies born in Namibia in 2020 have been trained to sniff out Covid-19

Company reimagines workforce by employing people with special needs - 'They...

Before you go, you might be interested in
Emotionally abusive relationships can destroy your self-esteem, lead to depression , and give you a sense of helplessness. Recognising that your situation is abusive is the first step to being free.
Survival strategies of abused women Abused women develop astonishing ways of surviving the violence. Others rarely understand these strategies because they often seem unhelpful when viewed from outside the relationship . Often, a woman's survival strategies are used to support the myths around abuse and to blame her for the abuse.
Taking steps to heal and move on The trauma of what you’ve been through can stay with you long after you’ve escaped the abusive situation. Counselling, therapy, and support groups for domestic abuse survivors can help you process what you’ve been through and learn how to build new and healthy relationships.
After the trauma you’ve been through, you may be struggling with upsetting emotions, frightening memories, or a sense of constant danger that you just can’t kick. Or you may feel numb, disconnected, and unable to trust other people. It can take a while to feel safe again. However, treatment and support from family and friends can speed your recovery from emotional and psychological trauma.
Sources: Breaking the Silence: A Handbook for Victims of Violence in Nebraska Melinda Smith, M.A.; and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D, Help for Abused and Battered Women Domestic Violence Shelters, Support, and Protection November 2010 POWA Information Package and the Participant's Manual: Violence Against Women (Criminal Justice Training Project on Violence Against Women),Violence Against Women in South Africa - (Photo of scared woman from Shutterstock)

Delivered to your inbox every Thursday, subscribers will receive Du Toit's newsletter-exclusive take on the state of South Africa.

Contact the public editor with feedback for our journalists, complaints, queries or suggestions about articles on News24.

Cutting-edge dating advice for men from the SIBG chapter – since 2001
February 4, 2020 By Matt "Cougar Hunter" Ganz
A lright, Justin McKinsey here, and I am standing in for Matthew for this exclusive mini-guide on, well, mind control :). It may seem strange, but lots of our new members to the Baltimore Lair ask us about our infamous “ How To Use Mind Control On Women ” guide which got shared around in the underground seduction lairs for a long, long time (since 2002 to be exact).
So, here’s a short summary of that guide.
Before anything, here’s a disclaimer. We have edited (OK, deleted ) some of the original content because it’s just too controversial to be published online like this.
Matt still sends out the guide (and other good stuff like the Masterclass on Fractionation ) – I thought that’s pretty risky but hey, he’s the leader of the Baltimore Lair for the reason that he has got balls.
OK, with that out of the way, now here’s what you need about Mind Control on women…
A lot of men ( at least, the newbies who come thronging our lair after the short feature on CNN in April) seem to think that some women out there are completely out of their league… just because they are downright gorgeous.
However, while these men believe that they will never be able to win these gorgeous women over, the truth is that this is definitely not the case. Ask Matt. Or Derek Rake. Or even me.
The fact is that any man can get any woman that they want if they know what to do . I’m serious.
Well, here’s the answer: they just need to use certain psychology tactics to help them re-structure and re-shape women’s thought processes.
You see, by influencing a woman’s thoughts, you can influence her feelings and actions. Pretty straightforward, isn’t it?
With the right psychology techniques, you can make women see you in a different light and in the process, become more attractive in their eyes. And guess what, you’re going to learn about these very same techniques in this guide. Strap on your seat belts!
B efore we start, there’s one very important thing that you must know when you’re learning a new seduction technique…
You’ve got to understand that discovering about a new tactic is only half of the battle – in order to truly benefit from the new knowledge that you have acquired, you’ll have to put it into practice. Knowledge without practice is pretty much useless .
The problem with reading about new techniques from blogs ( or elsewhere) is that it’s easy to completely forget about the things that you have learned as you jump from one blog to the next.
Regretfully, most guys who have stumbled upon this guide today will probably forget what they’ve read soon enough, much less putting the knowledge into good use for their own benefit. Sad, but true. I hope you won’t be one of those guys .
To help you take action, I’ve prepared a downloadable Action Checklist which contains everything inside this guide in a simple, step-by-step format. With the Action Checklist, you won’t have to wreck your brain trying to remember if you’ve forgotten anything important before you use this technique on a woman you want to seduce. Cool, isn’t it?
What’s more: there’s also a bonus technique which I will only share inside the Action Checklist (and not in this guide) – it’s simply too controversial to be exposed publicly like this.
To download the Action Checklist, simply click on this link below –
Download the “How To Control A Woman” SIBG Action Checklist (click here) . This 11-page PDF contains everything you need to know from this article summarized in a handy step-by-step format as well as EXTRA examples of Implanted Commands not found in this guide.
There’s one minor catch though… once you’ve finished downloading the Action Checklist PDF, kindly refrain from sharing the download with anyone else . You see, this material is strictly a controlled item, and whoever who wants it will need to come here to request it. Thank you for understanding.
Done with the download? Great… now let’s move on!
What you’re going to find here in this guide (and elsewhere on is markedly different from what you’d expect from “Pickup Artist” (PUA) blogs.
So no, we won’t be discussing about “pickup lines” or “opener routines” or “peacocking” or any kind of Pickup Artist gibberish. Instead, we will go deep into the understanding of the female psyche, and more importantly, how to exploit the weaknesses in the female psychology for our benefit .
If you’re unfamiliar with the use of Mind Control in seduction, I highly recommend that you watch this online Masterclass conducted by Derek Rake (enter your best email address below) –
Get an exclusive invite to Derek Rake's online Masterclass by entering your best email address below. No credit card required.
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It will blow your mind – I can guarantee you. Once you’ve understood the basic concepts of Mind Control (covered in the online Masterclass), you’ll realize just how easy this game can be, and you’ll laugh at how ineffective Pickup Artist crap can be.
Go on – watch the Masterclass. We’ll wait for you to come back.
L et’s face it. Like it or hate it, in this day and age, women hold all of the power in a relationship by default.

This is especially true in the beginning of any relationship when men are very vulnerable.
Have you experienced this before? Once a woman realizes that a man likes her, she starts to behave differently .
She makes you jump through multiple hoops just because she can.
And guess what? Once you have surrendered the power to her, it’s often beyond the point of no return.
Fancy getting pussywhipped? Nobody does.
So here’s the key to keeping the power to yourself: be subtle and indifferent at all times.
Keep some distance between the two of you, for starters, and avoid showering her with too many compliments. And don’t be afraid to call her out on her bullshit.
Remember that it is entirely alright to continue to flirt with her , However, don’t make it seem like you are trying too hard into getting her to like you back. Act as if you don’t really care.
I know… it’s just so easy to make the mistake of lapsing especially when she seems to be responding well to your indifference. Be careful: she will lose interest in you and might even start to disrespect you once you lose all of your power.
O nce your power in the relationship is intact, you need to start taking control of her thoughts using Mind Control techniques.

Some may frown on using these “covert” tactics because they may seem to be rather insidious, and to some, amoral .
Morality is none of my concern. It’s my job here to show you what works. Whether something is “right” or “wrong” – I’ll leave that to you.
These tactics are so effective that they can successfully hack into the female mind and get women to fall for you in no time. The good news is that even beginners won’t have any trouble learning these tactics because they can be so easy (once you know exactly what to do.)
One of these Mind Control techniques which you can use to control her thoughts are Implanted Commands . Originally developed by Derek Rake inside the Shogun Method , these are the keywords and phrases that you tell a woman that will help you plant ideas inside her mind subconsciously .
Here’s how Implanted Commands work…
You’ll make a suggestion to her which will automatically accepted because she won’t be noticing it consciously, making it outright impossible for her to reject your suggestion.
To learn how you can use Implanted Commands to quickly seize control of a woman’s thoughts (and subsequently her emotions), watch this video –
For more examples of Implanted Commands you can use, refer to Pages 6 and 7 of the Action Checklist ( download here if you haven’t done so already .)
Done with the video? Great. Now let’s go to the third and final step…
I n a nutshell, Fractionation refers to a very effective hypnosis tactic that is both fast and easy to use. In just 15 minutes, this tactic can re-program a woman’s feelings and make her depend on you for all of her positive emotions.
Before you use this technique, however, you have to be super careful… since you could unintentionally turn women into stalkers if you do it wrongly . Trust me: it’s no fun having to deal with a woman who’d come knocking on your door at 3am at night just because you didn’t reply her text (personal experience!)
Also, agree with me that you won’t abuse this tactic to intentionally hurt women. (Very important!)
Derek Rake (the originator of the technique) has developed an online Masterclass on how to use Fractionation to seduce women initially to share with the rest of the Baltimore Seduction Lair members a few years ago.
Unfortunately a recording of the Masterclass has been spread BEYOND the lair, and as a result, Matt has decided to keep it within the members of the lair (and those who join Derek Rake’s mailing list).
For more information click this link below –
If this link is dead, it means that we have decided to take it off. Truth is that this stuff can be misused to harm women’s psyche, and we NEVER recommend using Mind Control tactics by AMATEURS on women. If you have any intentions to use this to harm women, DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK .
Justin McKinsey, senior member
Get an exclusive invite to Derek Rake's online Masterclass by entering your best email address below. No
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