How To Date Around

How To Date Around


В этом учебном пособии вы узнаете, как использовать Oracle/PLSQL функцию ROUND (для дат) с синтаксисом и примерами.

Oracle/PLSQL функция ROUND возвращает дату округленную до определенной единицы измерения.
Синтаксис Oracle/PLSQL функции ROUND (для дат):
format единица измерения применяемая для округления. Если параметр format опущен, функция ROUND округляет до ближайшего дня.
Ниже приведены допустимые параметры format:
Округляет до 16 числа второго месяца квартала
Тот же день недели, что и первый день года
Тот же день недели, что и первый день года ISO
Тот же день недели, что и первый день месяца
Функция ROUND (применительно к датам) возвращает значение date.
Функцию ROUND можно использовать в следующих версиях Oracle/PLSQL:
Рассмотрим несколько примеров функции ROUND и изучим, как использовать функцию ROUND в Oracle/PLSQL.

In many applications, a date and time value is intended to unambiguously identify a single point in time. This article shows how to save and restore a DateTime value, a DateTimeOffset value, and a date and time value with time zone information so that the restored value identifies the same time as the saved value.
Convert the DateTime value to its string representation by calling the DateTime.ToString(String) method with the "o" format specifier.
Save the string representation of the DateTime value to a file, or pass it across a process, application domain, or machine boundary.
Retrieve the string that represents the DateTime value.
The following example illustrates how to round-trip a DateTime value.
When round-tripping a DateTime value, this technique successfully preserves the time for all local and universal times. For example, if a local DateTime value is saved on a system in the U.S. Pacific Standard Time zone and is restored on a system in the U.S. Central Standard Time zone, the restored date and time will be two hours later than the original time, which reflects the time difference between the two time zones. However, this technique is not necessarily accurate for unspecified times. All DateTime values whose Kind property is Unspecified are treated as if they are local times. If it's not a local time, the DateTime doesn't successfully identify the correct point in time. The workaround for this limitation is to tightly couple a date and time value with its time zone for the save and restore operation.
Convert the DateTimeOffset value to its string representation by calling the DateTimeOffset.ToString(String) method with the "o" format specifier.
Save the string representation of the DateTimeOffset value to a file, or pass it across a process, application domain, or machine boundary.
Retrieve the string that represents the DateTimeOffset value.
The following example illustrates how to round-trip a DateTimeOffset value.
This technique always unambiguously identifies a DateTimeOffset value as a single point in time. The value can then be converted to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) by calling the DateTimeOffset.ToUniversalTime method, or it can be converted to the time in a particular time zone by calling the DateTimeOffset.ToOffset or TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTimeOffset, TimeZoneInfo) method. The major limitation of this technique is that date and time arithmetic, when performed on a DateTimeOffset value that represents the time in a particular time zone, may not produce accurate results for that time zone. This is because when a DateTimeOffset value is instantiated, it is disassociated from its time zone. Therefore, that time zone's adjustment rules can no longer be applied when you perform date and time calculations. You can work around this problem by defining a custom type that includes both a date and time value and its accompanying time zone.
Define a class or a structure with two fields. The first field is either a DateTime or a DateTimeOffset object, and the second is a TimeZoneInfo object. The following example is a simple version of such a type.
Mark the class with the SerializableAttribute attribute.
Serialize the object using the BinaryFormatter.Serialize method.
Restore the object using the Deserialize method.
Cast (in C#) or convert (in Visual Basic) the deserialized object to an object of the appropriate type.
The following example illustrates how to round-trip an object that stores both time zone and date and time information.
This technique should always unambiguously reflect the correct point of time both before and after it is saved and restored, provided that the implementation of the combined date and time and time zone object does not allow the date value to become out of sync with the time zone value.
The following namespaces be imported with C# using directives or Visual Basic Imports statements:
Each code example, other than the DateInTimeZone class, be included in a class or Visual Basic module, wrapped in methods, and called from the Main method.

Java Date rounding - Stack Overflow
How to : Round-trip Date and Time Values | Microsoft Docs
How to round date functions in Oracle?
Dating Around Revealed - The Secrets of How They Film The Show - YouTube
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