How To Cure Intense, Glossy Object Syndrome

How To Cure Intense, Glossy Object Syndrome


Mindset For Success: Before you make up your face it's important you makeover your mind. Take control of your life by focusing on the success you wish to garner. You are what you think. It's time you think highly of yourself and your life!symptoms of shiny obejct syndrome It's what I call the Bright-Shiny-Object Syndrome - when we see something we like...something everyone else likes, and we reach for it--along with everyone else. It could be the latest fad, the newest idea or the most recent state-of-the-art technology. We pursue these things without considering how they fit into a strategy and end up plodding along with the rest of the to cure shiny object syndrome What have you spent lots of money and time on getting good at? Your employer or friends or spouse may force you to spend time learning things you don't really want to learn as a condition of your employment or because your want to be a good friend or a supportive spouse. Aside from those, on what do you spend your time and money to learn more about?They are waiting for their upline to provide the perfect training - the perfect system, the magic leads that are going to get it all done for them... or worse still- for spillover! What the heck is spillover? It's a lottery mentality. It's the get as much as you can shiny object syndrome be cured? (Suggested Browsing) for doing nothing - it's the employee mentality that wants to get just enough done so that they don't get fired... but never strives for excellence.Shiny object syndrome - If I'm not mistaken, this was coined by Frank Kern, and internet marketers are prone to it. It is caused by how our community works. You are inducted by one marketer, who tells you about other products and launches, you join a few others. Eventually your inbox is bombarded with emails that tell you if you don't get this next new shiny thing you'll never make it online, but first your head will explode. This happens weekly, hardly enough time to have worked with the old program you got and follow through with it. When you have multiple products you feel the need to give your time to all of them. But failure in 5 directions is still failure. You will see better results if you focus on one course and put all of your effort into it.14. Make your processes simple. No one is going to argue against copying and pasting being the best social media tool. There's a reason for that: It's dead simple. Make your time spent on social media as a participant and contributor as simple as the idea of copy-pasting content.

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