How To Cum Like Peter North

How To Cum Like Peter North


How To Cum Like Peter North

Originally Posted by Jack Edward

Kindly advise what Peter North eats or take supplements to increase the huge load of him cum? What method he or exercises he uses to increase the time duration of his ejaculation ? I am quite eager to know about it.

Originally Posted by TheGreatDivider

Now if your intention is to spray your seed on a woman’s face and mouth or breasts without paying her and have her actually enjoy it, You are delusional. Most woman I have been with wouldn’t allow this but one time then after that you may be paying for her dry cleaning or sleeping on the couch.

Originally Posted by Gentle Giant

Not my experience. There are plenty of women who DO enjoy a cum shot - it’s just a matter of finding them and dropping the ones that don’t FAST :)

Originally Posted by TheGreatDivider

If you are planning on kegeling like he does I have seen a home video where he would lay on his back with his erection laying his stomach and raise a novel with his penis in between the pages. I have heard of other accounts of men kegeling to full erections with as much as 10 pounds.

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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
Seems like you would want a juicer for the celery.
Ganesh10’s formula: See his thread, “Untraditional PE Exercises”, ‘Cumtastic Milkshake’.
Start: BPEL 6.5" BaseEG 5.0" MidEG 4.5" | Now: BPEL 7.0" BaseEG 5.75+" -- MidEG 5.0"
Seems like you would want a juicer for the celery.
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If you can’t do it now, your probably never going to do it. My opinion.
The only time I blew a North load was when I was eating lots of fresh squeezed juices, edging daily, and doing endless, I mean endless Kegels. Some people can blow huge loads, others can’t. I have the natural ability to play guitar, others can blow bigger loads than me. Some have bigger dicks, smaller dicks. Chasing after loads is something I gave up on. Instead I’m practicing abstaining from masturbation, using an aneros, restoring foreskin and trying to get 8 hours of sleep. Since I started doing this, I’m having mind bending sexual sensations, mini orgasms for 2 hours while having sex, having tingling sensations all over the body and on and on.
But I gave up on chasing megaloads. Now if your really excited, like say you got 2 girls at once, like playboy models, no rubber, nothing. Skin on skin. I don’t care what you ate 1 day or 1 week before. Your going to explode. I don’t think diet has as much to do with this as does the mental aspect of stimulation. This is why when you jerk off it’s the same old dribble and when you have sex with a strange hot lady you tend to soak her chest.
North probably also goes days without blowing loads too. I guarantee that he kept his hands off during the days prior to filming.
Since you are my property, the contents of your mind are also my property, and you will give them to me when I ask.

Can anyone please advise, what Peter North does to increase the distance of his cum shot? What exercises and what he eats that makes him able to produce such a long lasting explosion of cum at the far distance and also his contractions of PC muscles are great which last from 6 to 8 contractions during ejaculation? Please help in this regard.
How many more of these threads are you going to start before you get your answer?
Most likely the only answers are going to be speculation or what has worked for other people. If you want to know his exact routine or diet that may be his trade secret of the industry.
Until you decide to actually do some experimenting of your own the only answers you at going to get are to abstain from sex, eat healthy, drink plenty of water, avoid caffeine and alcohol, and it’s genetics. Beyond that the your guess is as good as mine to which anabolic steroids or illegal drugs he is using.
If you are planning on kegeling like he does I have seen a home video where he would lay on his back with his erection laying his stomach and raise a novel with his penis in between the pages. I have heard of other accounts of men kegeling to full erections with as much as 10 pounds.
Now if your intention is to spray your seed on a woman’s face and mouth or breasts without paying her and have her actually enjoy it, You are delusional. Most woman I have been with wouldn’t allow this but one time then after that you may be paying for her dry cleaning or sleeping on the couch.
Not my experience. There are plenty of women who DO enjoy a cum shot - it’s just a matter of finding them and dropping the ones that don’t FAST :)
My first though would be “and how many other men have done that to her?”, the second would be if it’s not your experience and you say “plenty of women do”, how would you know in th first place? Unless you said you had a platonic friend that does or something or in a university sex servay results. I guess it’s like foot fetishism where I have never heard of a woman getting horny over a guys feet but not minding if her toes get sucked by a great lover.
Interesting — I started googling around for “Peter North Kegel Routine” and found a description of it at Matters of Size:
I’ve also launched it from edging but this is probably the most effective way that I have done it and I shot real far.
1. Lie down of the floor or bed (He was on the floor) 2. Have a pretty thick book (Get heavier ones as your PC muscle gets stronger) 3. Open up the book half to like the middle 4. Get erect and let your penis stay on her stomach 5. Put the book on top 6. Kegel and make your penis lift the book 7. Keep doing it until you can’t do it no more
I did this with the daily 300 quick kegels 100 5 secon kegels 10 1 min kegels
And after I gave it a break for a day or 2 I’d shoot so far it was amazing.

i have to say I am skeptical about this. I do a lot of kegels (even though I have never tried this method) and my muscles are pretty strong. I think it is more genetic.
On the other hand I suppose it is not going to hurt anything to try it out.
Start: BPEL 6.5" BaseEG 5.0" MidEG 4.5" | Now: BPEL 7.0" BaseEG 5.75+" -- MidEG 5.0"
Of you think that’s stretch I knew a guy in another PE forum that would put a ten pound weight in a drawstring backpack and then loop it over his penis and kegel while standing to full attention.
I’ve hung a washrag and a wet washrag while standing up. 10lbs is pretty impressive.
The unique thing about that alleged Peter North routine is that he is on his back with the book on top of his penis. So that is hitting the muscle from a direction I have NEVER hit it.
Start: BPEL 6.5" BaseEG 5.0" MidEG 4.5" | Now: BPEL 7.0" BaseEG 5.75+" -- MidEG 5.0"
Interesting thats what that guy reccomended first off to build up the bc. Either a handkerchief of a wash cloth, then both wet until you handle a full bath towel first dry then wet.
I have a hard time believing that is all Peter north does to work his bc. I think it’s just one workout in his entire routine.
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Dec 18, 2006

Hello all, been a member for a long time but rarely have time to post because of being a travelling musician and always on the road and out of country! Thought I would share some interesting info with some of you who might be interested regarding Peter North and his so called "technique" for ejaculation.

Was out partying with some well known people in Europe who worked with him and said these supplements he takes have less to do than with actual physical mechanics of roping and distance. Not just kegels as have been mentioned here which we all know.

Apparently, the amount and force has to do with tensing your stomach/ab muscles (or sucking your gut in for those of us without ripped abs) and holding that position while you kegel during ejaculation. I was definitely skeptical at first, but can attest that I did an trial of this during 4 different times in the past two weeks and it is amazing! We're talking 7-8 shots just like Peter North himself! Apparently it has something to do with internal organs and applying extra pressure on them (prostate perhaps?). All I can say is it definitely worked and I felt like the man himself!

Thought I would share this info, because it has definitely benefited me and I would like to give back to MOS , since it has definitely helped me out in terms of gains over the years, making me more confident and obviously bigger. This has been a well kept secret everyone has always wondered about, and the above may be the answer, at least it works for me. Better than believing in all these claims of rare herb supplements and BS; there has to be a logical explanation for everything!

Not saying it will work for everyone, but give it a try, and perhaps we have a breakthrough!

May 20, 2005


So are you sucking your stomach in, or flexing the ab muscles?

Thanks for sharing.
Im a Daily Wanker ''Aaah make myself crack up!'' I will give diz a twirl! My abs show so i will try and tence them.

So are you sucking your stomach in, or flexing the ab muscles?

Thanks for sharing.

Didnt work for me, but illl keep trying.
It is more like flexing/tensing your abs at the "point of no return". You hold this feeling/position throughout this whole point, as well as during orgasm. In addition, you kegel during the entire process as well (it does sound a bit complicated and tiring and I do find it to be).

I don't know if this will work for everyone as everyone is different I suppose. However like I said, I have done this now 4 times to success and feel if done right, you will not see much difference between yourself and Mr. North in terms of ejaculation ability. It seems to be something that would be attainable in terms of actual execution of the process to make the roping technique happen by anyone who tried (though I am only going off personal experience).....

It is more like flexing/tensing your abs at the "point of no return". You hold this feeling/position throughout this whole point, as well as during orgasm. In addition, you kegel during the entire process as well (it does sound a bit complicated and tiring and I do find it to be).

I don't know if this will work for everyone as everyone is different I suppose. However like I said, I have done this now 4 times to success and feel if done right, you will not see much difference between yourself and Mr. North in terms of ejaculation ability. It seems to be something that would be attainable in terms of actual execution of the process to make the roping technique happen by anyone who tried (though I am only going off personal experience).....

I find it to be both further, but mostly as long and as much volume as Peter North. I have always been able to cum a lot, however I'd be lying if I said it was as much as Mr. North. However, with this new technique, I find there to be no difference. 7-9 Big shots just like you see on his videos.

I would have thought it may be a one time thing, however this has happened 4 times now using the same technique I was told about. I also find it to be more of the thick variety that he is famous for (rather than milky and lose, though I do believe this may also have to do with diet more so than this technique).

Any more opinions or trials would be interesting, hope it works for everyone else like it has for me!
If i masturbate for around about 45Min's - 1hour, holding back the temptation to cum, once i do hit climax i can, what seems to be thin light white colored spray with a few shots of pure white cum, dunno why this is? THIS IS NOT USING PN TECHNIQUE, just original masturbating.
I did it yesterday, and I got about 2 good squirts out.
Ahh yes, first post.

Here we go!
In my opinion, from personal experience, i've found that flexing my pc muscle right before ejaculating to prevent it for a second or two longer forces me to push harder so that it will shoot more and farther.

I also find that flexing the abs doesn't really have anything to do with it for me, but that can vary from person to person. Lastly, another thing that I find helpful is actually really lame, but useful. Concentrate. After reading some 100+ page manuscript about multiple male orgasms I found that concentration is a key part of everything. Without it a lot of the things come out half-assed, which maybe why PN is able to get such a good shot, he loves his job!

I think your post goes along with what DLD had been saying for Penis Enlargement in terms of visualization technique (ie, believing that your penis is growing while you do the exercises). I know that this works for me in the "PN technique" I have posted here, however it is done with the same process of both flexing abs and PCing during and after the point of no return in order to achieve the same effect.

Alfalphie, sorry it hasn't worked for you, wish i could explain better perhaps, maybe something else is going on, and I'm just attributing it to abs and PC? It does continue to work for me however. I do eat eggs every morning and this might contribute to volume perhaps (I did read once that someone theorized he ate a lot of eggs before shoots) but I only eat two so I can't imagine that makes a big difference. Too bad he's not a member here and could tell us! (not that he ever would I guess......)

Hope this helps some other people who have tried/will try/are thinking of trying this technique!

Alfalphie, sorry it hasn't worked for you, wish i could explain better perhaps, maybe something else is going on, and I'm just attributing it to abs and PC? It does continue to work for me however. I do eat eggs every morning and this might contribute to volume perhaps (I did read once that someone theorized he ate a lot of eggs before shoots) but I only eat two so I can't imagine that makes a big difference. Too bad he's not a member here and could tell us! (not that he ever would I guess......)

Weird, ive never hard problems with cuming. The first shot for me is the most powerful and the last 8 gets smaller and smaller. So I get in about 9 squirts already but not with the load capacity as preston or peter north. I've mostly seen alot of preston and he packs alot of it.

Claims "THE SECRET" to his amazing cum shots is a 500% Concentrate extract of "Luchaio Ling Chih". Anybody have experience with that herb or this product he is pushing?

IMO thats a load of bullshit and he is getting fucking rich off it or whoever is getting rich of that site is paying him a fuckload for that testimonial.. if its the porn industrys heavy guarded secret why doesnt every porn star shoot as much. most of them shoot just like the rest of us.

IMO the only thing they try to guard is photoshopping and camera angles to make dicks look bigger

Sep 16, 2006


I seen somewhere on HBO that this dude bi-sexual. Man thats fucking wrong. I don't care if they pay triple for gay shit. Never let man ass near my dick

We are sharing penis enlargement "secrets" on a public forum, so why doesn't every guy have a big dick?

Peter North


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