How To Cite Thesis Paper in APA Format

How To Cite Thesis Paper in APA Format

Bailey Kerr
How To Cite Thesis Paper in APA Format

To cite a thesis paper in APA format, you'll need to follow a specific citation style for various elements, including the author's name, publication year, thesis title, university, and retrieval information (if applicable). Here's a general format to cite a thesis paper:

Author. (Year). Title of thesis [Type of thesis, Name of Institution]. URL or Database Name

Here's a breakdown of how to cite a thesis paper in APA format:

  1. Author: The author's name or names should be listed in the format: Last name, First initial. Middle initial (if available).

  2. Year: The publication year of the thesis.

  3. Title of thesis: The title of the thesis should be italicized.

  4. Type of thesis: Specify the type of thesis (e.g., doctoral dissertation, master's thesis).

  5. Name of Institution: The name of the institution where the thesis was submitted.

  6. URL or Database Name: If the thesis is available online, provide the URL or the name of the database where it can be accessed. If it's not available online, exclude this part.

Here's an example:

Author, A. (Year). Title of thesis [Doctoral dissertation, Name of Institution]. Retrieved from URL

For example:

Smith, J. D. (2019). Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Marine Ecosystems [Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles]. Retrieved from

Remember to italicize the title of the thesis, use proper capitalization, and follow the APA guidelines for formatting, punctuation, and alphabetization.

If the thesis is not available online, you can omit the "Retrieved from" part and only mention the Name of Institution.

Always check the specific guidelines provided by your institution or the APA manual for any variations or additional requirements in citing thesis papers.

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