How To Cite PhD Thesis

How To Cite PhD Thesis

Gene Cummings
How To Cite PhD Thesis

Citing a Ph.D. thesis follows a specific format depending on the citation style you are using (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, etc.). Here are general guidelines for citing a Ph.D. thesis in some of the common citation styles:

APA Style:

  • Author. (Year). Title of the thesis [Type of thesis, Name of Institution]. URL or Database Name (if applicable).

Example: Smith, J. D. (2021). Investigating the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems [Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. (Accession No. XXXXXXX)

MLA Style:

  • Author. Title of the Thesis. Diss./Ph.D. thesis, Name of Institution, Year. Database or URL (if applicable).

Example: Smith, John D. Investigating the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems. Diss., University of California, Berkeley, 2021. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Chicago Style:

  • Author. "Title of Thesis" (PhD diss., Name of Institution, Year).

Example: Smith, John D. "Investigating the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems" (PhD diss., University of California, Berkeley, 2021).

Harvard Style:

  • Author Year, 'Title of Thesis', Name of Institution, Type of Thesis.

Example: Smith, J.D. 2021, 'Investigating the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems', University of California, Berkeley, PhD thesis.

Remember, these are general formats, and you should follow the specific guidelines provided by the citation style you're using or consult the official style guide for precise details on formatting in-text citations and the bibliography/reference list.

Also, ensure accuracy by checking the thesis itself or the database where it's stored for accurate details like author names, publication year, title, institution, and any DOI or URL if applicable.

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