How To Catch A Sagittarius Man

How To Catch A Sagittarius Man


How To Catch A Sagittarius Man
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The Astrology of Sex, Love and Relationships
[ad#link] The language of seduction intrigues me. To catch a man implies that he is some kind of animal fleeing his pursuer. A Sagittarian is one of the more likely members of the zodiac to run away. He is represented by a centaur — half-man, half-horse. And so he’s not so easy to catch!
Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter , which rules expansion and adventure. The Archer does not like to be held back — he wants to explore, through travels to distant lands or studies of arcane philosophy texts. You may be able keep up with him by going along on ski trips or discussing world religions. However, it is not advisable to cage him in. If Sagittarius feels trapped, he’ll bolt. He needs his freedom. To use a horse metaphor, he needs free rein.
I understand the thrill is in the chase, but I would advise you to gallop besides him, not to catch him. Because the moment you do, he’s gone.
The following guest post is by Lisa Saliture. Calling all Cowgirls! Get your cowboy boots and your lasso ready, you are about to enter the "corral of love" to catch yourself a Sagittarius man, so brush up on your riding skills, and find a comfortable saddle for the ride of…
[ad]It's a bitch trying to hitch a wild horse, so it's reasonable to assume that one must appeal to the upper half of the centaur if you want to marry him. The higher mind of a Sag studies the religious or philosophical foundations of marriage. The animal self wants to…
[ad]OK, I'm gonna get on my moral high horse right now and tell you that it is wrong to break up a marriage.That said, it's not so hard to get a married Sagittarius man. He's got a bit of wanderlust in him. The Sagittarius man does not like to be…
Jeffrey Kishner is founder and publisher of Sasstrology. He is a licensed mental health counselor and has been doing astrological counseling since 2001. Jeffrey has been published in print magazines including The Mountain Astrologer and Dell Horoscope , and has written online for sites including AOL, and StarIQ. Jeffrey has also been heavily involved in the astrology blogger community. Read his personal blog at .
i just saw this. what is his birthdate including year? are u still having problems with him?
wow how the hell do you catch a saggitarius guy? besides bragging about your huge bank account and ignoring the fuck out of him.. : )
one just really broke my heart.
very insensitive to my feelings.
I tried to play it cool when he started ignoring me except for the few texts like: i miss you.. blah blah blah
and I love him so much even though hes an asshole.
I dont know what to do because i think he already is bored of me and feels
like hes won the game so hes going to move on.
I honestly dont know what to do except for going to his house and smashing his
car with a baseball bat in front of his face.
honestly i wasnt ready to go on this journey with a saggitarius and its waaay too late to
change it.
I met a Sag man a few months ago and fell HARD & FAST. This is the first guy I’ve “liked” in a loooooooooong time. However … I can’t get a handle on it. Initially it was all good he text, called consistently giving me all the attention I needed. However after we did the deed … communication slowed down. He is the brutally honest type I ask am I the only one he’s with(sexually) he says yes your the only one I’m with. He has female friends … I knew this going in but am having difficult time being “cool” with it. I am truly the emotional Pisces who needs to know where we stand. However logically I know I went too far too fast and trying to stop this train that is my emotions is seemingly impossible!!! He asks me why I can’t live in the moment & I ask him … why can’t you just tell me where “we stand”. He tells me not to be so heavy and just chill. He has “female” friends which I’m not thrilled about … yeah throw in jealousy issues too … lol. The other night I tell him im reevaluating the situation & he tells me … he just wants me to be happy so IF dealing with him isn’t making me happy then … do what I need to do. I tell him I got his point … crystal clear we don’t need to discuss it anymore. We go to our separate corners and he gets ready for work. When he finishes he tells me that when I say stuff like “I’m reevaluating” it hurts his feelings and he in turn lashes out. He comes to me and says … in no way do I want you to go out & get someone else understand me when I say that’s NOT what I want you to do. However … I want you to be happy. Oh … forgot to mention … he works 2 jobs right now so my main issue is TIME or lack there of. I don’t feel like I get enough of his time … however I understand that he doesn’t have much to give. Totally out of my comfort zone ….. feeling like I need to stick a fork in it and be DONE!!! Any suggestions on how to SAVE this?? Or should I just call time of death on this one and keep it moving???
Is there a character limit on posting here?? Posting from my phone & it won’t post my original message. It keeps saying “error check your message”. Any suggestions??
@emotionalpisces , there’s no character limit that I’m aware of. some comments are as long as full articles.
LOL emotional pisces.. first of all.. chill out!!
I know its hard to do but you have to find things that you enjoy doing besides being with him.
YOU MUST. Saggitariuses usually hate attachment so do what you do and show him that your content in your own life and you dont need him to make you a happy person.
The only other thing i can say is yes, if he is not making you happy, dump him. How old are you?
One thing saggitariuses like is the chase, and if they see you lose interest then they will usually do
whatever it takes to win you back.
how is your situation going caphilander? did u take a bat to his car yet?
lol. no i didnt take a bat to his car. I would have done something like that in the past.. im not as evil as i used to be.. or rather i dont act on it. still evil though.
Im just heartbroken. I really cant think of anyone else. sex doesnt appeal to me.
I just want to know (in general) how saggitarius men work. If they really really loved you, but the circumstances of the relationship just got so bad that they had to break up with you, will they EVER come back? I made the mistake of pouring out my feelings when he broke up with me and telling him how much i loved him. He didnt respond
it was 2 much for me to just try to play it cool.. thats the one thing i hated about him.
I felt like if he knew how i really felt its a turn off because then he knows that he “had” me
and sooner or later like most sagitariuses get bored and leave.
i wish i could go into further details but I dont want to run the risk of him seeing this. (not that he would know about this sight.. but still)
basically he said he doesnt want to talk to me.
I am considering sending a text just asking how he is.
I dont know if its a good idea but i may not be able to help myself. Its how i feel
its not a game, even if it is to him. But i will play it, if thats what it takes
i heard that sagitariuses like the challenge of winning back their partners heart if its broken. is that true?
if so then contacting him would probably be a bad idea right?
well, it depends on some factors. moon sign and venus sign. im a venus in cap and a moon in scorp, if i want someone badly but i know the relationship wont work. id be hard pressed to want to get back together. ive gotten back with an ex and it wasnt the best choice.
are u guys not even on speaking terms? saggis usually do stay friends with exes.
yeah their supposed to stay friendly right!? but he’s being a polite asshole.
I have moon in gemini and ascending scorpio.. so im kinda flighty and intense at the same time i guess.
UGH im so stupid, i need to get fucked up and not think about the bastard.
and i probably didnt give enough time… hes probably not speaking to me because the relationship was intense.. and so was the breakup.. pretty dramatic.
damn, ive had some pretty intense moments with a moon in gemini and scorp sun. i cant imagine scorp asc being any different.
lol @ polite asshole. u see each other regularly?
ive been told this is a stupid idea..
but i just wanted to tell him
___ : listen.. i dont want sex, i dont even want your friendship, all i want is for you to tell me that you love me.. more than anything in the world. thats all i want. but only if you mean it of course.
wow im crazy.. i need to wake the f***k up!!! Its over!!
I was like a moth to a flame and i got burned!!
I was just angry because he made made promises (more like fantasies I guess) and never carried through with them.. such as getting a place together, traveling, ect.. but i guess i cant be mad about that because saggitariuses are dreamers.. thats what they do!
Ive just never been so head over heels for anyone and i dont think i ever will be.
Once you go Sag you never go back.. my new slogan.
Next time i meet someone im gona ask them, so whats your sign? oh your not a sag? sorry not interested
Caphilanderer you can’t do that. I was doing that for awhile with Scorps because I loved my ex Scorp so much. It wasn’t working. Then I found that a mix is better. I prefer to have another sign with a heavy scorp influence. So the guy I’m working with now is a Sag with Venus scorp. Its a super hot combo. Just wished he didn’t have the Cap moon. Tough to communicate sometimes.
did u tell him that? what happened? i think thats super sexy by the way.
@sag 24/7 no.. but i made a song about shooting your ex to death. Gona perform it at an open mic.. think its a hit.
I must confess I really enjoyed reading through all the comments on this blog.. They are very enlightening. I am a sagg with moon in aquarius. A lot have been said about sagg, they are honest, they are scared of commitments, they don’t want emotional overweights, they fall in love quick etc.. As a sagg if I like someone I just want to scream it loud into their ear but I try to hold back, to be sure they feel same way too. When am sad or happy, you know. m not good at hiding this things. Yes I love the thrill of the chase.the butterflies in the stomach that comes with it, .the excitement of a first kiss. And I am really sexual. I am not all over the place needing sex, nope..I can go without it for months but once I get this strong attraction to someone, all I think about is kissing them, and if the kiss was also electrifying..I start thinking of having sex with them so bad. If the sex was great, m hooked. I think its mostly because I feel that connection is the one thing that won’t make me get bored with you. I look for this strong sexual connection with any guy I meet. When I find it, I hold on to it. I do keep relationships. I love stable lies, no cheating.. once u hurt me am out the door and once I make up my mind, I don’t go back, nomatter how great we were together.
I do fall out of love quickly once I make up my mind its over, most of my exes are still so in love with me, but m not.. And its funny cos I was so crazy about them when we were together.. I never really hurt any of my exes.. I stayed faithful and loved them hard. But ve hurt some other guys. Walk into their life..then realise we aint good together and walked out without a second thought. They think m cruel but I did it for them. I get irritated with too much emotions or childish tantrum in a mans. I admire a real man that won’t take my bullshit and knows how to call me to order..loving, caring, a little bit jealous and possessive..yea..its cute. Lol. I value love a lot..its all I want.. And for a sagg I think a lot about getting married and having kids..then I think about other career goals and m dead confuse on how to balance the two Am jealous, emotional (but try hard to hide it) and possessive
Though m Sagg I need help with a Sagg guy I just met.. This will be lengthy coz I love being thorough but please be patient with me. I just met this sagg guy. I have never dated a Sagg guy before or connected with one..My best friend for 3 years was a sagg guy and we were so happy together but no sexual we never even kissed. But when I met this guy, our eyes met for a few seconds and I felt something. I noticed he started observing me after that day. Somedays later, I siezed an opprotunity to say hi to him. We started talking right away for hours. Then he asked about my love life..I dodged the question. I closed early from work that day (cos we work in same building) he begged me to wait for him.. Told him am hungry so can’t wait..he promised to buy me lunch and drop me home. He did. In his car that day he asked me about my love life again..told him there’s nothing much to it. Then he said hope my love life aint as complicated as his.
. And told me he has a friend who believes she’s his gf cos they got really close and his ex gf is trying to come back. I told him mine is also complicated cos ve got lot of exes trying to come back
The next day we saw at work, he told me he had his eyes on me since the first day we saw and he like my person. Said he has this weird funny feeling like he has known me for a long time and he’s can’t help liking me. I closed early too and he begged me to wait for him. When I couldn’t wait any more I had to leave.. As soon as he closed he drove to my place and we went out together. We talked deep and I told him I don’t need a relationship right now, just want to be single and free. He said he use to feel that way sometimes but then he will realise there’s nothing like being in a relationship. Told me about his ex gf that she was faithful and he was rude to her coz she’s dependent on him.. Said he also cheated on her and confessed to her coz he wanted to be open to her., instead she retaliated by cheating on him.. And he couldn’t take it. Told me he’s very jealous. He intoduced me to his younger brother and his friend and took me to his dad’s house (his parents don’t live together) after droping me off that night.. He called me and said his brother and friend like me a lot , then asked if it was possible to like someone so much after spending just two days with them.. I said yes
The next day we saw as usual in the morning and he took me out after work. When taking me home he asked for a kiss, I refused and he settled for a perk on the cheek.. Then he said he want us to take things to the next level, that he wants me to be his gf. When I got home we started chatting and he said he luv me crazy.. I didn’t see that coming cos Sagg dnt use the “love” word so soon. Well, he said he luved me from the first day we saw. We weren’t going to work the next day, so he begged to see me
The next day he asked me to meet him up at his mum’s place, I did. I met his mum and she was nice to me. We had fun going over his kid pictures. and he kept trying to go through my fone, next thing we kissed.. Omg.. I felt the stars.. We couldn’t spend muich time together cos he had to go with his dad on a political campaign.. He asked me to come along but I refused. As soon as he dropped me off.. He sent a text ” I luv you crazy” called me on fone and said it again 3 times.. A male friend was suppose to come take me out, and he said “pls dnt go out”. He showed me this jealous trait several times .Now m really hooked on this guy.
The next day I went on his facebook page and found out his ex gf is a libra ( a good match for him, perhaps better than me being a Sagg ). Also found out as at early this month they were still on good terms, so the break up is still fresh. Now m not too sure if his feeling his genuine anymore. He might just be using me to escape the pain of the former relationship. I texted him that even though m strongly attracted to him we can’t be together cos something will happen to leave me heartbroken..told him we should just be friends. He refused and said he want to Luv me, that I should stop fighting the feelings I have for him. We are suppose to see tomoro to talk about it. What do you sincerely think about this guy?
I totally agree.. I’m in love with a sag but he’s married. He is trapping himself and making himself crazy, i wonder how long it will take before he bolts !!
I need advice! I’m a Gemini, daughter of a Sag father who will always be a mystery to me. Last August I met a sag while playing a game online and within a few minutes of chatting, he gave me his number. I didn’t text him right away, I was a bit put off by him being so forward. It didn’t take me long to figure out that he sincerely liked me and we continuted chatting and texting, then sexting, which was amazing. There were times we’d go a few days without chatting and I’d wonder what was going on but then he’d text me and all was well…one day I asked him a question and my phone rang. It was him, I was thrilled! Then we went right back to texting, not talking on the phone. I even tried to call him on his birthday but he didn’t pick up. And he never asked me about it. Then in Jan, I didn’t hear from him for a few days and I felt things had cooled considerably so I texted him ‘no regrets’ which he immediately replied ‘what do you mean?’ I said ‘things have cooled off, wouldn’t you agree?’ and he said ‘yes’ then we went on with things like, I’ll never forget you, etc. and it was done. Or so I thought. Both my parents are dead now and I was feeling especially sad on my mothers birthday in April. ‘Life’s too short’ kept going through my head so I requested a game and he accepted. We started talking, sexted a couple of times…then Nothing for about a week. I know he’s an adrenaline junkie and I was imagining all sorts of disasters so I finally texted him to ask if he’s okay. He told me he and his ex (kids’ mom) had been talking about getting back together, I was so relieved! I wished him well and once again, thought that was the end. Then a couple of days before my birthday, he sent me a game request and we started talking once again. It has now been a month and I can feel him getting restless again. He’s told me he wants me to come for a visit (to sleep with him) but I haven’t done that. I’m trying to absorb everything that has been written on this site about sags and I know my best bet is to let him fly. I honestly don’t mind that we lose touch and then reconnect (I feel like my life and outlook has definitely improved since I met him) but that really messes up any other guys’ chance with me because I’m totally nuts about this man! There’s a big age difference, I’m older and I know there’s no way this will ever work…I guess I just needed to sound off on here. I tell you one thing, though…sags are at the top of my list of requirements for any future man I date because all the other good traits I want are already there once I find the astro sign…
I’m Sag and I’ve had a Sag crush on my case for a while. He lives on the other side of my estate. The first day I saw him he told me how much he loved the smell of my perfume. A few weeks later we got talking properly and he asked if I could help him with his work CV….which I did. I saw him very rarely on and off since then, usually saying a quick hello if I saw him locally.
I saw him one day as I was leaving to go out….he practically ran over to me and gave me a little ear bashing that I’ve been ignoring him….eventually I took his BBM under his directio
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