How To Become A Femboy

How To Become A Femboy


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Last Updated: December 28, 2020 References
Femininity is cultural and often created socially. This leads to certain assumptions regarding what appears to be feminine or masculine. How you become more feminine depends largely on your self-definition and feelings about gender expression. Being a feminine guy might mean making changes to your appearance or your behaviors to fit more into society's definitions of femininity. To appear more feminine, take good care of your skin, update your wardrobe to include some tighter-fitting clothing, and shave your facial hair off. To act more feminine, cross your legs when you’re sitting, speak with a higher-pitched voice, and be polite. Most importantly, be confident and embrace who you are!
Keep facial hair trimmed down and manage body hair. One of the easiest steps you can take to appear more feminine is to remove your facial hair. Use a razor and shaving cream to get rid of your facial hair, and shave regularly to fend off the 5 o’clock shadow. If you want to take it a step further, shave your legs, arms, and chest to get rid of your body hair.[1]
Electric razors tend to leave a little stubble behind. Use a standard razor and shaving cream to get a cleaner shave.
Get a shower gel to shave in the shower if you want to moisturize your skin after shaving.
Women and feminine people are generally expected to have less body and facial hair, but keeping it is perfectly fine!
Moisturize and practice regular skincare techniques to maintain blemish-free skin. Find a skincare routine that works for your skin type and budget. Wash your face daily with a high-quality face wash. Use eye cream to brighten the skin around your eyes. Use lotion every day to keep your skin healthy, happy, and smooth.[2]
Wear sunscreen and a hat if you’re going to be spending a lot of time in the sun. The sun’s rays will damage your skin, making you appear more masculine.
Tip: If you work out a lot or have a job that requires a lot of sweating, get a good cleanser to clean your pores and refresh your skin.
Wear tighter-fitting clothing that complements your body shape. Men tend to wear baggier clothing than women do, so updating your wardrobe to include some tighter clothing is a simple step you can take to appear more feminine. When lounging around, try some short shorts and a tight tank top or T-shirt. For formal events, try tighter slacks that ride a little higher on your waist and a form-fitting suit jacket.[3]
Trade in your standard-cut jeans for some slim-fit or skinny jeans. Pack the XXL T-shirts up, and get some flattering tank tops and V-cut shirts that are a little more form-fitting.
If you’re on the bigger side, avoid going so tight that your clothing hugs your body. Pick clothing items that make you appear slimmer and have more folds or textures on them.
You don’t have to wear women’s clothing to be a feminine guy, but you can if you’d like! Try wearing skirts, dresses, or flowy blouses if you want to try out some women’s clothing.
Grow your hair out and style it in a way that works for you. Women tend to have longer hair than men, so growing your hair out will help you appear more feminine. Wait 6-12 months for your hair to grow out and style it. Brush it regularly and experiment with flat irons and curling irons to find a hair style that works for you. A ponytail is a simple choice, but you can really do it however you want. Let it hang loose in a simple straight cut, braid it, or tie it up however you’d like![4]
Hats can be your best-friend when your hair is in that in-between state where it’s longer than short hair but not quite luscious enough to work with longer styles.
Wear makeup to accentuate your feminine features. Women are often expected to wear makeup, but it can also be a great way to express your femininity. Get a high-quality foundation that matches your skin tone and get a concealer to cover blemishes, pimples, and discoloration. Use blush to brighten your cheeks a little and make your face softer. Use eye shadow to make your eyes pop and give you the classic feminine look.[5]
If you’re uncomfortable with wearing makeup, skip it! Your brand of femininity doesn’t need to match everyone else’s picture of what femininity is.
Speak with an upward inflection and raise your pitch when speaking. To sound more feminine, raise your voice half an octave to make it comfortably lighter. When having everyday conversations, speak with a slight, upward inflection to make your voice sound softer. While it might feel kind of awkward at first, you’ll get used to speaking differently after a week or two![6]
Tip: Practice at home and when you’re in the shower. Talking to yourself when you’re hanging out at home is a good way to internalize your new voice.
Cross your legs when you’re sitting down and sit up straight. Body language is a big element of gender expression. Men tend to sit with their legs spread out, taking up a lot of space in the process. To seem more typically feminine, cross your legs over one another when you’re sitting down. When you’re standing, keep your legs closer together.[7]
Bring your elbows in when you’re standing so that they stay on your sides. Women tend to stand like this more frequently than men.
Slouching tends to be a masculine move. Sit up and stand up straight to keep your frame straight and appear more woman-like.
Be more polite to come off as soft and gentle. Generally speaking, women tend to be more polite than men, which is because they are expected to be this way. Say “please” and “thank you” whenever you can, and use softer language to express complaints or concerns. For example, instead of saying, “I don’t know what you want from me,” say “I’m sorry, I don’t think I understand what you’d like me to do.” Managing your tone will give the overall impression that you’re more feminine.[8]
This is where the stereotype that women are passive-aggressive comes from. They aren’t passive-aggressive, they just tend to state complaints politely!
Trust your intuition and listen to your instincts. To get in touch with your personal vision of femininity, you need to recognize that ego, social norms, and logic are going to get in the way. Leave your reservations aside and start to trust your natural instincts. Be confident that your own emotional truths are worth exploring and engage with them to develop a better sense of what it actually means to be emotionally intuitive.[9]
As you learn to ignore your ego, you’ll notice that it’s easier to calibrate how you feel about yourself without shading your self-image with society’s expectations for you.
Being sensitive just means that you accurately identify your feelings and respond accordingly. This is commonly seen as a feminine trait because men are stereotypically seen as more logical and prone to ignore the way they feel.
Accept who you are and embrace it with confidence! Unfortunately, people can be judgmental. If you find people critiquing you or trying to put you down, ignore them. They’re just projecting their own insecurities on to you. Own who you are be proud of it. With enough confidence, you can make any look, style, or behavior your own![10]
Stand up for yourself and tell your friends if they’re ever being cruel. They may simply not recognize that they’re behaving in a way that’s upsetting you.
Rinse the area for about two minutes with very warm water (take care that the water isn't hot enough to burn or scald your skin). This will soften the hair shaft and make the area easier to shave. You'll definitely need to use some shaving cream or gel if your hair is course and wiry. Go slow, shave in the direction of the hair growth, and make sure you stretch the skin around you scrotum so you don't cut your skin. Remember to go slow and be careful. To prevent after-shave irritation, apply an after-shave gel specifically formulated for the pubic region to the area.
Isn't it more about your demeanor than appearance?
That depends on what you define as feminine, but using refined mannerisms, walking with upright posture, and swaying and/or rotating your hips in a forward and back motion could usually be considered feminine mannerisms.
What if your parents won't accept you doing it, but you really want to?
This one's really difficult to answer. It entirely depends on who your parents are and what your own goals are when it comes to this kind of thing. If your parents see feminine men as a bad thing, unfortunately all you can do is wait it out. You can still do it without them knowing. Just make sure you behave more masculine around the house. Bring a change of clothes with you if you want to wear feminine clothes when you go out.
Will having both ears pierced help me pass as female?
Most females who have their ears pierced have them on both ears. A classy stud can go a long way.
How can I convince my parents to let me grow long, feminine hair?
Tell them how you feel about this and why you want long hair. Try showing them some pictures of guys with hair that looks like you want yours to look, and calmly explain that since it's your hair, you believe you should have a say in what you do with it.
How can I keep my legs from getting razor burn?
I can't give a foolproof answer, but using a lot of soap or shaving cream beforehand helps a bunch, and using lotion afterwards helps too. It's also very important to use a sharp razor! Don't use a disposable one for too long.
What if you're "too young" to get nails done, or just being a feminine guy in general?
If you're too young to get nails, then talk to your parents or a trusted adult. Tell them how you feel, and maybe you can work out a compromise. If not, you will have to wait till you are old enough to do this on your own.
What other kinds of clothes might also fit into this style?
You could wear ripped jeans and a comfortable sweater or t-shirt. This is easily done.
Is there anything I can take that will help me grow breasts?
Estrogen is the typical female hormone taken to grow breasts. Having said this, there are always other hormones that your doctor could prescribe. Most will have other side effects, but are usually not minded by the user, such as longer hair, a more feminine voice, and feminine feelings.
How do I become a feminine guy and hide my penis?
Tucking is always an option. It involves folding your penis in a way that makes it much smaller externally.
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"I adore being girly! One thing I would add is that is is so easy to wear pretty shoes these days. I like pastle..." more
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"I adore being girly! One thing I would add is that is is so easy to wear pretty shoes these days. I like pastle..." more
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Hey. My Name is Angel. Few people call me Muffins. This blog is just a little insight into what being a real femboy is like through the eyes of a lonely, boring guy who sucks at social media as well as everything ever. If your're looking for porn: click off and choose one of the thousands of over-saturated sissy wannabe blogs/sites that pollute the world. If you're looking for someone to lead and supply all the answers to what being a femboy means, I'm afraid you too will also have to search elsewhere. If you're looking for a real person to have a down to earth conversation with, I'm here. For whatever little that's worth.
Starting out as a femboy is something that is very easy to make overly complicated. Any closeted femboy who has finally decided to begin dressing more effeminate wants to immediately look as cute, sexy, girly, and beautiful as their hearts desire. You want to spread your wings and take flight. But rushing into something new without experience doesn’t often result in desired success. Becoming a unique and beautiful femboy doesn’t occur over-night. It takes time, experimentation, research, and often plenty of courage. But there are easy ways to start out on a good foot. Here are six basic steps I followed while starting out.
1. “Positive and Realistic Mindset”. The first thing to do, is throw away everything you think you know about femboys. This specifically means common stereotypes. Like having to dress or act like trap. Or you must be gay or bi. Or that you need to be skinny and hairless and in your teens. Etc ya’know. Well all o dat jank, get it out of that adorable little head of yours. Really, just be honestly realistic. You don’t have to do or be anything you don’t want to. You also don’t need to dress like other femboys. In fact you should strive to be unique. Honestly being a femboy isn’t about needing to do things. It’s about being happy. And that’s the real first step. Realizing you are doing this to be happy. Kay?
2. “Incorporate Gender Neutrality” Now once you’ve got a clear and positive mindset, you can move onto the next level; How to change your appearance. This is a very gradual process (Seriously, do not rush it unless you are 1007.2% sure you know what you are doing). The best way to start out is simple. If you have a preferred style or even color, grip onto it. Start incorporating little things into it. Wear more form fitting pants. Try out some baggy sweatshirts. Buy some sock caps. Get some unique shoes. Etc (I should add that you can find all of these things in the “guys section” of about every store). Dress normal. Ease a little androgynous or gender neutral into it. You don’t have to start dressing like a girl right off the bat. In fact you should definitely avoid doing so. At the same time you should do your best to take care of your skin. Daily washing and moisturizing is important. Try growing out your bangs a little too. Just keep your skin, hair, and overall body healthy(I don’t necessarily mean skinny!) and you’re good. Eventually, you should start looking up makeup tutorials. Eyeliner, mascara and a little lip balm is all you really need. Once you’re this far, you should have a decent idea of what you want. Trust your gut. You want to be comfortable.
3. “Get a Public Feel” If you haven’t already, try going out with makeup and gender-neutral-type clothes. This step is important because it boosts confidence and grants you some experience to know what you are going for. Most importantly, it eases you into a feeling of femininity or androgyny in public. Go to the mall or movie theatre on your free time. Have fun! Once you are able to go out like this normally and feel comfortable, you’re ready to move on.
4. “Check Out the Other Half of the Store” Next, try browsing the girls sections of stores. You don’t have to buy or try anything on, but get a feel for it. Look and see what you like and don’t like. Once you feel ready, start trying new things on. This is necessary. Trying something on not only let’s you size it up and check for fit, but it lets you see wether or not it suites you. If you find something you really like, get it. Just walk up to the counter, place it down, be normal, and don’t act like its a big deal. If you’re still nervous, grab a few other plain things to buy it with. They usually won’t say anything about it anyway. And if they do, just go somewhere else. If you are still a little wary of this part, you can simply ask a trusted female friend of yours to buy clothes for you instead. But it’s important that you have enough confidence to buy you’re own clothes. Just remember that you aren’t doing anything wrong. No need to be embarrassed.
5. “Figure Out an Outfit”. Now that you have materials, make a masterpiece.The only stipulation to this step, is that you are aiming to look good. Being a femboy is limited only to the one rule that you dress to look good. Some fashion sense is required. But by now you should be able to match colors and textures nicely. Remember, when you play games like tf2, or bf4, or sumthink, you want you’re loadout to be awesome right? Same thing with an outfit. Make that stuff look sexy-awesome!
6. “Try it out”. The final step is the one that takes the most thought and consideration. By this point, you need to be confident enough to look at least a little feminine in public, browse through and buy girls clothes comfortably, and know what you want to look like. So now’s the moment to let fly. Once you’re absolutely sure you’re ready, toss on that outfit you’ve been dying to wear, put on your best eyeliner, fix your hair up super cute, and walk tall with your head held high. Go somewhere you like and know. Maybe invite a supportive friend. Ignore the occasional stare.Treat yourself to something sweet. Just do what you always do. Be normal. Be yourself. The only thing that’s changed about you is how you look on the outside. And be happy! You’re expressing yourself in one of the most beautiful ways possible. If you can return home feeling comfortable and without a notion of regret in your mind, you did perfect. And you can safely say, that you are now a proud and unique femboy. Remember: patience is virtue, mistakes are fine, doubting yourself is normal and can be overcome, this may take a long time, and all that really matters is that you are happy. And don’t forget, you’ll do great.
\(^ u ^ )/
My apologies for it being so late. And long. I tend to ramble. Anywho, I’d like to thank everyone who requested this and reminded me to finish it. Talking to all you sweet little anons out there! Have questions? Ask me! There will definitely be more to come. And remember. You’re awesome-sauce. -(^u ^ -)

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