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How To Beat The Spread In Basketball


How To Beat The Spread In Basketball
Home → Blog → Training → How to Dribble a Basketball (7-Step Guide + Drills)
Learning how to dribble a basketball is usually the very first skill a player will learn.
It’s easy enough to bounce the ball up and down while standing still…
But when a player’s trying to figure out how to:
Then learning how to dribble a basketball can be intimidating.
Practicing your dribbling and ball-handling skills requires only two things:
You don’t need a basketball hoop, a teammate to pass you the ball, or a fancy basketball gym with perfectly polished hardwood floors.
In the steps below, I’ll teach you the best way to dribble a basketball and also give you several dribbling drills to practice as well.
The first step in learning how to dribble a basketball is to relax your fingers and make sure they’re spread out evenly on the basketball.
Young kids have a tendency to keep their fingers together unless they’re taught otherwise.
Spreading your fingers out increases the surface area and gives the player more control.
The other issue is players making their hands and fingers too stiff…
Which results in players ‘slapping’ at the ball.
It’s important players get comfortable relaxing their hands and fingers.
Some coaches and trainers tell their players the basketball should never touch the palm of their hand while they’re dribbling…
This results in a bunch of 5-year-olds making a claw shape with their hand, bouncing the ball with the top of their fingers, and then wondering why they can’t dribble.
The basketball SHOULD touch all of the pads on your hand…
But it’s the fingertips which control the basketball.
All players should be bending their knees and staying low to the ground when they have possession of the ball.
There are several reasons for this, but the main benefit is…
Being low to the ground makes you explosive.
If your defender reaches in to steal the basketball, you’ll be able to immediately explode past your opponent and attack the rim.
Whereas if you were more upright, you’d first have to drop down before you could attack.
Players need to push the basketball into the ground with force when they’re dribbling.
Do this by extending the elbow and snapping their wrist at the bottom of the movement.
The less time the basketball is out of your hands, the more control you have.
If a player bounces the basketball without much force, the ball can easily be tapped away by a defender because of the time extra time it isn’t in the offensive player’s hands.
Players have to make sure they’re protecting the basketball when dribbling.
1. Raise your non-dribbling arm for protection
An arm bar will hold off a defender who’s attempting to close down the space and will also deter defenders from reaching in and attempting to steal the basketball.
But make sure to never push off with it.
2. Use your body to shield the ball
Turning your back / shoulder towards the on-ball defender will also provide protection.
Defenders will have a difficult time reaching all the way around the dribbler’s body and tapping the ball away without fouling them.
When first learning how to dribble a basketball, it’s natural for players to look down at the ball when they’re practicing.
But as they improve, players need to be encourage to raise their eyes up and see the floor.
When in game situations, this will allow them to read the defenders and their teammates to make the right passing decisions.
"I learned at a young age to dribble with both hands, and that allows me to be more creative when I go against bigger and stronger opponents" - Steve Nash
Have you ever coached against a player who can only attack the rim using their dominant hand?
All a defender needs to do is overplay their dominant hand and the offensive player will either have to pass the ball to a teammate or they’ll attempt to drive and lose the ball.
Which is why players must learn how to dribble equally well with both hands.
When a player can do this, their opportunities immediately double.
One of my favorite dribbling quotes of all time comes from former Australian basketball coach, Lindsay Gaze…
"You dribble to score, not to explore."
Mindless dribbling is something that’s becoming more and more common in today’s game.
Players are putting the ball on the floor as soon as they receive it without having a smart reason for doing so. This is often leading to them wasting the dribble.
On the Coaches Clipboard website , it’s written there are only six reasons to dribble.
1. To advance the ball up the court. 2. To drive to the hoop. 3. To get open for a shot. 4. To open up a passing lane, to have a better chance of completing a pass. 5. To get out of a trap. 6. To kill the clock at the end of a game.
A player dribbles a basketball up and back in a small area performing different dribbling moves. At home, this area could be the driveway. At the gym, this area would be the full or half court.
Learning the basics of how to dribble a basketball. This is a great way to introduce new dribbling movements to players without overwhelming them.
1.  Get one basketball and line up on the baseline.
2. Dribble the full length of the court practicing a specific dribbling move while trying to keep your head up to see the floor.
3. Each time you get to an end and turn around, switch up the move your practicing.
Here are a few of the different dribbles I like to use with beginner players:
• Do your best to keep your eyes and head up throughout the drills to see the floor.
• When performing the different dribbling moves, do your best to explode out of the move to practice getting past your opponent.
• Go slow in the beginning and focus on technique before adding speed.
This drill involves keeping a balloon in the air while simultaneously dribbling a basketball. When the balloon hits the floor, the player loses their score and starts back at zero.
An incredibly fun drill designed to improve a player’s ability to control the basketball. The drill achieves this by forcing players to keep their eyes and focus on the balloon instead of the basketball.
1.  Players begin by dribbling the basketball while holding a balloon.
2. When they’re ready, the player throws the balloon directly up into the air.
3. The player then continually taps the balloon into the air while keeping their dribble alive.
4. A player is out when they lose control of their basketball or their balloon hits the floor.
Opposite Hand -  Players are required to dribble the basketball in their non-dominant hand only.
Change Hands -  Players must switch which hand they’re tapping the basketball with each time they keep the balloon alive.
• Ensure you’re in a low stance while maintaining the dribble. The closer the basketball is to the ground the easier it will be to control.
• Attempt to keep your eyes up and on the balloon at all times.
A player gets a basketball and finds a small, flat area where they can dribble. They then perform a series of one and two-ball ball-handling drills.
Players work on keeping their heads up while performing a variety of creative dribbling and ball-handling moves to improve their feel for the basketball
1.  The player starts by setting up a small timer (phone, iPad, clock, etc) to track the time spent on each dribbling drill.
2. Each drill should last 15 - 30 seconds depending on the level of the players and which drill the players are doing.
3. The entire set should last approximately 5 minutes.
Below I’ve listed several one-ball and two-ball dribbling drills to use.
If you’re looking for a bigger list, there are 50 dribbling moves here .
• Attempt to keep your head and eyes up throughout the drill.
• Get out of your comfort zone by pushing hard for the entire duration of each drill. Don’t worry if you mess up once or twice, that means you’re extending yourself!
• Do these dribbling drills every day!
​ Learning how to dribble a basketball at an advanced level can give you a huge advantage over the opposition and teammates you’re battling with for playing time.
If used correctly, dribbling will allow you to get to any spot on the floor.
This can set both you and your teammates up for high-percentage shots.
Leading to more points score, more wins on the scoreboard, and more fun during games.
So, get out there and improve your dribbling skills!
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50 Basketball Dribbling Drills (Develop an Amazing Handle)
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How to Dribble a Basketball (7-Step Guide + Drills)
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Touch the ball with your fingertips, not your palm. When you dribble, you want your hands to make contact with the ball in such a way that you have good control over the ball and you don't have to use much arm strength to keep the ball bouncing. For this reason, don't slap the ball with your palm. Rather, try to handle the ball with the tips of your fingers. Spread your fingers out across the surface of the ball for a wider, more balanced contact area. [1]
Research source

Not only will your fingertips give you more control than your palms - you'll also be able to dribble faster. Oklahoma City's player Paul George strongly recommends against palm-to-ball contact, as it "slows down the whole dribbling process." [2]
Research source

Get in a low stance. When dribbling, it's not smart to keep an erect, up-and-down posture. In this stance, the ball will have to travel all the way from your upper body to the ground and back again as it bounces, leaving it wide open for a defender to steal. Before you start to dribble, get in a low, defensive stance. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and drop your hips back slightly (as if you were sitting in a chair). Get your head up and your upper body mostly erect. This is a good, balanced foundation - it protects the ball while giving you plenty of mobility. [3]
Research source

Don't bend at the waist (as if you were bending over to pick something up). Besides being bad for your back, this stance is fairly unbalanced, meaning it's easier to accidentally stumble forward, which, depending on the in-game situation, can be a big mistake.

Bounce the ball off of the ground. This is it! Handling the ball with your fingertips, take it in your dominant hand and bounce it off the ground. Bounce it firmly, but not so hard that you have to use serious arm strength or you have trouble controlling it. Your dribble should be quick, yet steady and controlled. Each time the ball returns to your hand, without grabbing it or catching it in any way, make contact with your fingertips and push it back down with a controlled motion of the wrist and forearm - again, you shouldn't be tiring your arm out from dribbling. The ball should hit the floor at a spot slightly to the side and ahead of the foot that's on the same side of your body as your dribbling hand. [4]
Research source

When you're practicing dribbling for the very first time, it's O.K. to keep your eyes on the ball as you dribble until you get the hang of things. However, you should switch to dribbling without looking at the ball as soon as you can. It's expected that you'll be able to do this at nearly all levels of play.

Keep your hand on top of the ball. When you dribble, it's important to keep the motion of the ball under control. You never want the ball to get away from you, as this can give the other team possession of the ball for free. Try to keep the palm of your hand directly over the ball as you move so that the ball, on its "up" bounce, will bounce right into your fingertips. This will give you more control over the ball as you move around the court.
Another reason to focus on keeping your hand over the ball at all times while dribbling is that momentarily "catching" the ball on its underside at any point results in a penalty called a carrying violation. To avoid this, keep your palm over the ball and facing the floor as you dribble.

Keep the ball low. The shorter and quicker the ball's bounces, the harder it is for your opponent to steal. One sure-fire way to make your ball's bounces shorter is simply to bounce it closer to the ground. Since you're already in your low stance (with your knees bent and your hips dropped back), it shouldn't feel very unnatural to move the apex of the ball's bounce to somewhere between your knee and hip. Keeping your knees bent, drop your dominant hand down to the side of your leg and dribble with low, quick motions.
You shouldn't need to bend to the side to dribble in a low stance. If so, you're probably dribbling too low. Remember that, in your low stance, the highest point of your bounce can be up to your hip while still keeping most of the defensive benefits of a low dribble.

Keep your head up. When you first start dribbling and the process isn't intuitive yet, it's hard not to look at the ball as you dribble. However, it is very important to practice looking at anything (and everything) else. During a game, you'll have to look for your teammates, keep an eye on your defender, and be aware of where the basket is, all while dribbling. You simply can't do this if you're spending lots of time staring at the ball. [5]
Research source

Serious practice is the only way to get truly confident in your dribbling ability. When you play basketball, you can't waste time focusing on the minutiae of your dribbling technique. Dribbling has to be second nature - you need to be able to "trust" that the ball will return to your hand without watching it.

Be aware of where you dribble the ball. When you're dribbling during a game, the way you dribble the ball should change based on the positions of other players and conditions around you. If you are in open court (such as if you're moving the ball up the court after the opposing team has scored a point), you can dribble ball in front of you, which will let you run as fast as possible. However, when you're near defenders (especially if one's guarding you), bounce the ball at your side (just outside and ahead of your shoe) while assuming a low, defensive stance. This way, the defender will have to reach across your body to get at the ball, having a much harder time reaching it and possibly drawing a foul.

Keep your body between your defender and the ball. When you're being covered by one or more defenders - that is, they're following you and trying to steal the ball and/or block your shots and passes - defend the ball with your body. Never dribble your ball on the same side of your body as the defender is on. Rather, position yourself so that your body is between your defender and the ball, making it difficult for the defender to steal the ball from you (remember - the defender can't just shove you out of the the way or strike across your body to get the ball without risking a foul for his team.).
You can use the hand that isn't dribbling as an arm bar. Raise your non-dribbling arm and make a fist, presenting the side of your forearm to your opponent. Be careful when using arm bars. Don't push the defender, strike the defender with your fist, or drive through the defender using your arm bar as a wedge. Instead, use an arm bar defensively (like you might hold a shield) [6]
Research source

to keep space between yourself and the defensive player.

Don't stop. In basketball, offensive players are allowed to start and stop their dribbles only once each time they have the ball. When you're dribbling in a game, don't pick up your dribble unless you know what you're going to do with the basketball. Once you stop, you can't dribble again, and, if s/he is smart, your defender will capitalize on your inability to move.
If you stop dribbling, your options are to pass the ball, to shoot the ball, or to have the ball stolen from you. If you're planning to do one of the first two, stop dribbling and then do that thing immediately - otherwise, the defense will react and you may have the third option happen whether you like it or not!

Know when to pass the ball. Dribbling isn't always the smartest way to move the ball around the court. Often, it's better to pass. A good passing game is one of the cornerstones of an effective offense. Passing the ball is faster than moving while dribbling, can be used to misdirect the opposing team, and can be used to get the ball to a teammate through a section of the court occupied by defenders. Don't be a ball hog - if dribbling to the hoop means going through multiple defenders, it's usually a good idea to pass the ball to a teammate who has a better chance of making a shot.

Avoid dribbling violations. There are certain basic rules that dictate the way you dribble in basketball. Know these rules! A careless dribbling violation can result in a penalty, halting your team's offensive momentum and giving the defending team the ball for free. Avoid committing any of the following violations:

Traveling : Moving with the ball without dribbling. Traveling includes:

Taking an extra step, skip, hop, or shuffling your feet
Carrying the ball while you walk or run
Moving or changing your pivot foot (set foot) when stationary

Double dribble : This penalty refers to two separate violations:

Dribbling with both hands simultaneously
Dribbling, stopping your dribble (catching or holding the ball), and then starting to dribble again

Carrying : Catching the ball with one hand and then continuing to dribble (without stopping the dribbling motion). In a carry, your hand makes contact with the bottom of the ball, then flips the ball over in the act of dribbling.

Practice the "triple threat" stance . The "triple threat" is a highly versatile stance that's taken by offensive players after they receive the ball from a teammate in a pass, but before they start dribbling. From the triple threat position, the player can pass, shoot, or start to dribble. The stance allows the player to protect the ball with his or her hands and body while s/he decides which option to take.
The triple threat keeps the ball close to the body with the strong hand grasping it on top and the weak hand grasping it on the bottom. The player assumes a low stance and keeps his or her elbows back, bent at ninety degree angles. S/he leans forward over the ball slightly. From this stance, it's very difficult for a defender to steal the ball.

Practice the "crossover" technique. A "crossover" is a dribbling technique used to destabilize and misdirect a defender. The player dribbles the ball in front of his or her body, transferring it between hands in a "V" shape. By "selling" his or her movements, the player can get the defender to move toward the ball while it's in one hand, then quickly cross the ball over to the other hand, allowing the player to quickly dribble around the defender or pass the ball while s/he's off-balance.
One useful related dribbling technique is the "In & Out Dribble." Essentially, the player pretends that s/he is going to crossover, but keeps the ball in the same hand.

Practice dribbling behind your back. When you're covered by a defender that you just can't shake, you may need to bust out some seriously fancy dribbles. One classic move for "juking" a defender is to dribble behind your back. This move requires serious practice, but it's worth it - when done well, a behind the back move can leave a defender's head spinning.

Practice dribbling between your legs. Another classic ball-handling move is to dribble between your legs. You've probably seen this done by everyone from the Harlem Globetrotters to LeBron James, and for good reason. A quick, well-executed between the legs dribble can flummox even the most difficult defenders.

How do I keep the ball from getting away from me when I'm dribbling or passing behind my back?

Put the palm of your hand on the very top of the ball, allowing it to curve to fit the ball's surface. Then, push the ball in the direction you want to send it.

Is there a way to learn how to dribble between my legs and behind my back?

You really just need to practice the moves you're trying to learn. You will probably mess up several times at first, but the more you practice, the better you'll get.

Am I allowed to push a defender while posted?

Yes and no. Too much pushing may result in a foul.

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Bahasa Indonesia: Melakukan Dribble

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Last Updated: January 22, 2021


When you see an NBA player juke a defender out with a lightning fast between-the-legs, behind-the-back dribble, you're watching the skill of someone with many years of practice. If you're an absolute beginner at basketball, even a basic dribble can be intimidating at first. Luckily, with practice and dedication, anyone can become a better ball handler!

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