How To Approach Search Engine Rankings With Your Squidoo Lens

How To Approach Search Engine Rankings With Your Squidoo Lens

Yes, you absolutely can create a Squidoo lens and do the necessary steps to ranking it in search. As long as you’re taking the right steps and know your competition well, it shouldn’t be a problem achieving higher rankings for your lens. Whether or not your Squidoo lens is about online marketing strategy or any other subject, you should recognize that by finding it ranked inside the search engines you will receive far more targeted traffic.

There are many popular bookmarking sites that you can use to get targeted exposure to your Squidoo lens. Using these sites you’ll be able to get new and fresh traffic at no cost, but you have to do it right. All the major sites are pretty smart about detecting certain things, so be forewarned about the dangers of trying to be underhanded. Reddit, Delicious and Digg are well worth your time, but we have heard that StumbleUpon traffic is very difficult to convert to anything worthwhile. These sites are no longer dofollow, but you can get traffic which is what you want plus some backlinks from them will not hurt. Believe it or not, but there is value to having outgoing links to Squidoo lenses that are not yours. Is there really any value to this approach with your external links? Squidoo likes seeing things like this, plus it shows you want to be part of the community. Hopefully others will begin linking to your lens, but do not worry if they do not.

Once you get your lens setup for SEO, then it is just a matter of making sure each new article is taken care of as well. Sites and blogs require a lot more on-page effort than your lens every will, so that is a good thing. If you notice under the “stats” section of your Squidoo lens, you’ll come across another tab that says “Traffic”. Just like your server raw stats log, your lens log will provide a nice list of the different search phrases people used. Once you have that information - now what? Writing new lens content is a great idea as well as is building a lens off those keywords. So if you want to create it huge with your internet marketing Book Squidoo Lens then it’s genuinely crucial that you simply focus on finding things correct using the Search engine optimization.

Squidoo makes RSS feed activation possible with a module they have specifically for that feature. But make sure you’re using your own RSS feed so that if someone clicks one any of your content, they still come back to you. Be sure to use any and all available tools at your disposal with Squidoo, and the RSS module is another tool designed to help you.

Every little tweak that you make to your lens and every step you take towards getting more exposure will contribute to your long term success with Squidoo. So never underestimate even Cause We All Love Games of progress that you can make so that your lens ranks higher than the others, and stays there. So go ahead and apply these suggestions to your website marketing plan lens to obtain the most out of it Search engine optimization wise.

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