How To Add Junk Code To A CSGO Cheat & How to Use It

How To Add Junk Code To A CSGO Cheat & How to Use It


Firstly we have to know what a junk code is?

Junk code is a meaningless code that is used to make a cheat undetected. A junk code is a useless code omitted in a shorter syntax or rewritten.

Now we will show you two ways to add Junk Code ta a CSGO cheat.

If you've got an open-source cheat/hack and you assume it's detected most likely, you can use it to make it undetected again with only a few really quick steps if you have just downloaded it from a public forum!

How to use it:

Firstly you have to download a thread.

Extract it in the directory that your cheat source code is in or on your desktop. Then drag it in there.

Run it as an Administrator by right-clicking and press on "run as administrator."

You will generate a credits window; press "ok" on it. And then, you'll make it to the UI of the program.

There, you will have quite a few choices to choose from. We suggest that you play around every so often with the values down below. Speed means how easily or quickly the program can generate junk code, and It also means that your computer would slow down further.

At the top, count, complete, and passes will also be shown. The only one that matters is "passes," which shows how many times your whole project has run through the program and pasted one line of junk code into each file.!.

We suggest you go for at least 20 passes to make it safer to use // more = safer, but the cheat will become more unoptimized over time if you do too many passes!

And When you want to stop, press stop, assuming you already pressed start before.

Another way you can add a junk code to a CSGO cheat.

Go into your cheats directory, then create a folder called "Junk"

Inside this folder, create lots of .cpp files, for example, cheat; we have to create ten files, "junk1.cpp", "junk2.cpp," and so on.

Download this and place the .exe file with the junk.CPP files. Open the Junk Adder and put here "Var Length" to 100 and "Func Length" to 100 (Leave "Speed" at 50ms)

For example, having ten junk.cpp files in the folder I will leave the Junk Adder for 300 passes. On Visual Studio, right-click on your VC++ Project file and press "Add" > "New Filter" and call the folder "Junk."

Click the Right- the folder you just created and press "Add" > "Existing Item," and select all the junk.cpp files you just created

This changed the signature to the original DLL by around 45%. You can do more for better results.

It is a very simple tutorial, but it helps not make Visual Studio laggy while in your main cheat files :) + It is effortless to delete and re-add junk.

Remember, when I get 150 +rep, I will create a SimpleLoader MySQL Loader tutorial video and maybe even make it more secure and prevent cracking.

How to check if it is working? If you open it or had it open before, already and scroll downward in one of the files. If you see junk code generated, that means it is working perfectly fine!


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