How Similar Different Are The Teens

How Similar Different Are The Teens


Перевести · 20.10.2017 · Social media use, Twenge explains, means teens are spending less time with their friends in person. At the same time, online content creates unrealistic expectations (about happiness, body image, and more) and more opportunities for feeling left out—which scientists now know has similar effects …
Перевести · 28.07.2014 · 2. Today’s Teens are driving less. Several 2013 studies confirmed that less teenagers are driving than the generation prior, with some not getting licenses at all. Just over half of today’s teens drive, compared to over 70% in 1983. What it means: There are several theories on this decline, and the answer is likely a combination of these.
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Перевести · Every teen is different, same as every adult. Yes, there are some typical traits of a teenager, but I don’t believe that any teen is the same as …
Перевести · 05.02.2015 · Now, of course, there will be some obvious differences in today’s teens, like the style of music that they listen to, and the type of clothing that they wear. … Changes - Similarities...
Younger and older people face similar social, physical, and economic pressures. Category Teenagers/Young Adults Older Adults Transportation Getting permission to drive; …
What's the difference between teens and today's teens?
What's the difference between teens and today's teens?
Now, of course, there will be some obvious differences in today’s teens, like the style of music that they listen to, and the type of clothing that they wear. Elephant legs and sequence are all the way out; so is big hair and sock-hopping.…
What are some of the different types of teens?
What are some of the different types of teens?
Geeks, jocks, skaters, outsiders, hipsters, scenesters, preps, nerds, mean kids and emo kids are some examples of groups teens may fall under.…
How are teens today different from past generations?
How are teens today different from past generations?
Girls may be especially vulnerable, since they use social media more, report feeling left out more often than boys, and report twice the rate of cyberbullying as boys do. Social media is creating an “epidemic of anguish,” Twenge says. iGens grow up more slowly. iGens also appear more reluctant to grow up.…
What's the difference between a kid and a tween?
What's the difference between a kid and a tween?
In my opinion, a "kid" is from toddler-aged to age eight, but can be used to reference anyone under eighteen. A "tween" is from nine to twelve, and this is the age where kids start seriously caring about appearances (a skill later used by a teenager, so important to mention.)…
Перевести · Well, to get a head start on all of your fabulous plans for your fabulous future, try out these exciting ways teens can make a difference. Table of contents: befriend a lonely …
Перевести · 03.05.2012 · The majority of teenagers are fairly well behaved, and I don’t believe there’s a higher percentage of teenagers causing trouble than adults, so it is not …
Перевести · 26.05.2010 · 9: Jocks. Their "type" has been around forever, and you can spot them by their T-shirts, school colors and running shoes. They're the teens who live for athletics. One big change from when you were a teen …
Перевести · B) Teens in the U.S. are more likely to remain dependent on their parents for financial support as they grow into young adulthood. C) U.S. teens work fewer total hours per week than teens in other cultures. D) Teens in other countries are more likely to work in family-owned businesses than are U.S. teens…
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Александровск-Сахалинский, Сахалинская область
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How are you as a teenager different from other teenagers?
Emilie Morgan, B.S. Psychology & Marketing (2022)
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 70 answers and 1.5M answer views
I find this question interesting, as a lot of teenagers that have answered stating how they’re “different” from other teens have all answered in the same way. It’s all, “I don’t listen to the trash bubblegum-pop that is on the radio, I listen to classical! Or jazz! Or Mongolian throat singing,” or some shit. Also, a lot of teenagers that have answered this post seem to have some kind of superiority complex about being more intelligent that their peers because they don’t conform to stereotypical “teenage” actions.
But, despite what I said, I’ll answer this question as well, by saying that I am n
I find this question interesting, as a lot of teenagers that have answered stating how they’re “different” from other teens have all answered in the same way. It’s all, “I don’t listen to the trash bubblegum-pop that is on the radio, I listen to classical! Or jazz! Or Mongolian throat singing,” or some shit. Also, a lot of teenagers that have answered this post seem to have some kind of superiority complex about being more intelligent that their peers because they don’t conform to stereotypical “teenage” actions.
But, despite what I said, I’ll answer this question as well, by saying that I am not very different from other teenagers at all.
I love social media, I’ll admit. I thoroughly enjoy scrolling through celebrity Instagram pages, meme pages, and I love watching makeup artist videos.
I don’t see the problem with teens taking selfies. Isn’t it a good thing to love the way you look? I enjoy taking pictures of myself, especially when I’m wearing an outfit that makes me feel confident.
I love makeup. I could walk into a Sephora and blow through $500 easily. Not that I do, I don’t have the money for that, but I know I could. Also, I don’t see the problem with other people wearing makeup. Girls (or boys!) who wear lots of makeup are sometimes seen as less intelligent, or stuck-up, which is completely not true, and it’s very ignorant for people to make assumptions like that. I think that makeup is beautiful, and there is a reason that makeup artists are called artists, there are some out there who are extremely talented, and they deserve recognition. It’s beautiful how they can turn the human face into a piece of art.
I like parties. I go to them quite often. No, I wouldn’t rather stay home and read a book. Sure, I love reading, but I also love spending time with my friends. I can read on my own time, at any time. Soon, lots of my friends will be leaving for college, and so will I. I want to spend as much quality time with them as I can, while I can.
I don’t think I’m more intelligent than my peers. Hell, I probably have below average intelligence, judging from my poor decision making skills. (A few weeks ago I decided to jump a fence at school so I could pick up an UberEats delivery because I reaaalllyyyy wanted a damn milkshake. I was caught by the dean of discipline. But it was totally worth it, the shake was really good.) But do I care about my intelligence level? Not particularly. As long as I make a good future for myself, I’m happy! You don’t need to have an IQ of 150 to be happy. Drop your elitist attitude, damn.
I really like video games. Minecraft? Hell yeah. Although not many teenagers play Minecraft, they more often make fun of it, I enjoy the game. Fortnite? Yes! Call of Duty? I play it. Grand Theft Auto? Okay, who wouldn’t enjoy a game about stealing cars, shooting people, and buying prostitutes? If you can’t do it in real life (unless you are missing your moral compass), why not do it in video game form? It’s great, trust me.
So am I really that different from other teenagers? No, probably not. Am I different in some ways? Well, of course, everyone is. It’s called having a personality. But thinking you’re above others because you don’t engage in activities that “normal” teenagers do, isn’t just your personality. It’s called having a small case of the ass. To alleviate said “case of the ass,” realize that everyone has redeeming qualities that makes them unique, and everyone has their special place in the world. Just because someone listens to Taylor Swift doesn’t mean they’re destined to be mentally inept.
I also don’t mean to offend anyone by what I said!
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Chantelle Hadden, 19 years old | writer | single
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 1.3K answers and 16.1M answer views
Every teen is different, same as every adult. Yes, there are some typical traits of a teenager, but I don’t believe that any teen is the same as any other. Here are a few things that I believe could make me at least slightly different:
Every teen is different, same as every adult. Yes, there are some typical traits of a teenager, but I don’t believe that any teen is the same as any other. Here are a few things that I believe could make me at least slightly different:
Those are the only traits that I can think of that could potentially make me semi-unique. Other than that, I think I’m fairly normal – I spend all my time in my room, if I’m not on my laptop, I’m on my phone (I do put it down when spoken to) and other than the fact I’m chronically ill, I don’t care for make-up and I don’t work due to illness, I’m the same as any other 18-year-old girl.
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