How Much To Hire A Porn Star

How Much To Hire A Porn Star


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Last Updated: November 19, 2020 References
One of the most lucrative entertainment industries in the world, porn production brings in almost 100 billion dollars worldwide each year.[1] The potential for this much money has people interested in finding work, but it is not as easy as you might think. Though the life of a porn star is not as glamorous or carefree as it seems, many people have made good money and had fun starting a career in adult entertainment.
Ask yourself if porn is the right industry for you. On the outset, porn seems like the perfect career for adventurous, sexually-active actors. You get paid to have sex almost every day, and the pay is actually pretty good once you get started. But porn comes with a series of risks as well, and they may outweigh the perceived benefits. Things to remember include:
Your image, once filmed, will be online forever, even if you try and switch careers.
You need to take the time every day to stay in shape, eat well, and keep clean and hygienic.
You are not having sex for fun, you are doing it for your job. Expect the intimacy and spontaneity of sex to disappear during a 4-hour video shoot.
Maintaining a committed relationship while in porn can be almost impossible, as jealousy is only natural.[2]
Remember that you must be 18 years old to act in pornography. This is a heavily enforced rule in the porn industry because breaking it can lead to years of prison and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines. Even if you are a consenting, willing participant, you must be 18 to be in porn in the United States.[3]
You must bring proof of age (valid passport, ID, etc.) to with you to a shoot in order to act. Producers are required to copy this proof and keep it on record for years.[4]
Ask how much you will be paid. The average rate for a straight porn star in Brooklyn, NY, is $500-600 for one video shoot. Gay porn stars, however, make three times that, no matter the gender. The general rule of thumb is that the weirder it is from “average,” the more you will get paid. So a straight, guy-girl scene might make $800 while an intense bondage or novelty scene can make $2,000 or more.[5]
The average female porn star averages $50,000 a year, but can make upwards of $350,000.
Top male performers can make more than $100,000 each year, but average far less.[6]
Understand where porn is filmed. Strictly speaking, it is only legally possible to make or act in porn in Los Angeles and New Hampshire.[7] That said, most videos are not location specific, making it impossible to determine where it was shot, so producers will often make videos anywhere. There is a porn industry in many major cities, but to have the best chance of breaking in you need to move to LA. Some major hubs include:
Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, California. This is the porn capital of the world.[8]
New York City, New York
Orlando, Tampa, and Miami, Florida[9]
San Diego and San Francisco, CA
Portland, OR[10]
Realize that it is very difficult to become a porn "star." The porn industry is inundated with young talent that flocks to Los Angeles hoping to make it big. The sad reality, however, is that not everyone can be a well-known, marketable star in any industry. If the only reason you want to be in porn is to be famous, pulling in a six-figure salary every year, you will be sorely disappointed. The porn industry is at its most competitive thanks to the explosion of internet porn, so be ready to work hard to make a name for yourself. Porn is not a lavish lifestyle, it is a job, and you need to treat it as such.
While no one should ever force you to do something, having wider preferences and being willing to try more things will lead to more gigs and greater success.
Remember that all body types are beautiful, and lucrative, in porn. One of the most interesting facets of porn is how inclusive it is. Since there is a desire for almost any type of man or woman on the internet, almost any type of man or woman can find a niche in the porn industry. What matters most is confidence on camera, not your look.[11]
That said, make sure you show your best side for the camera. Exercise, a healthy diet, and a good posture will all help you go far on camera.
Take flattering photographs, both nude and clothed. Producers are most concerned with your look as they cast porn, so they need to see if you will fit in their next video. Capture as much of your body as you can, showing off your best assets whenever possible. If you have an incredible chest, puff it out slightly and make it the center of the photograph. If you are proud of you booty, curve your body so that it is in the frame. The shots you absolutely need are:
Full body, clothed scantily (tight t-shirt and shorts, lacy tops, etc.)
Full-body, nude. Men should have a full erection.
Get a full HIV and STD test. One of the benefits of the modern porn industry is its insistence on safe, healthy sex. Any porn shoot you get will demand a current (under 30-days old) STD test to make sure no one contracts a dangerous disease while shooting. You can get an STD test at:
Your local Planned Parenthood.
Your physician.
The hospital or health clinic.
The CDC has a free search engine to find clinics across the country that will test you for HIV and STDs free of charge.[12]
Set personal boundaries about what types of sex you will willingly engage in. If you wouldn’t do it for free at home, you shouldn’t do it for money. Keep this in mind as you book gigs, as it will help you stay happy and healthy as your career begins. Know your limits and “no-go” areas and be honest with producers before taking a gig. Some of the most common types of porn include:
Fetish: Fetish porn is made to fit a specific, often odd, desire. It can feature almost anything, from costumes of famous TV shows to a predilection for feet.
BDSM: Standing for “Bondage, Discipline, and Sado-Masochism", this extreme variety of porn features various power dynamics. It is widely known for whips, chains, handcuffs, masks, and black leather.
Sexual Acts: There is a variety of sexual acts and specialty porn genres out there, and you need to know what you are signing up for before showing up. When in doubt, do your research on the large list of porn terms and vocabulary.
Check out modeling forums to look for casting calls. Online forums, found easily with an online search for “Adult Modeling Forums,” allow you to post your pictures and search for casting calls. Never give your real name or address on these forums, and instead wait until you are contacted back by a producer who is interested in you.[13]
You will have to begin in amateur porn before you will be paid for professional porn.
Petition porn studios with your photos. Go directly to nearby porn studios and send them your information through their website’s “contact us” button. Go online and research “Adult Film Studios + your area” to find nearby studios, or check out aggregate sites like to find potential listings.
Bring a friend or chaperone with you to your audition to prevent scams. If a producer says that you cannot bring a guest because it is a “closed set,” then don’t take the audition. You need to protect yourself against scams, and the best way to do this is to have a partner to watch your back.[14]
For detailed information, classes, and up-to-date changes on laws in adult education, you should sign up for a free National Association for the Advancement of Science & Art in Sexuality (NAASAS) membership online.
If a gig seems too good to be true (paying 1,000s of dollars for minimal work) or does not give you concrete details (what you’ll be doing, where, for how long, and for how much), don’t take the gig.
Be ready to perform. An audition will be more than just showing up and snapping a few pictures. You need to be ready to get in the sack and be professional and cooperative. If you’ve booked an audition, you need to know that you’ll be on camera for your first gig. Prepare accordingly.
Look nice – wear clean clothes, shower, and groom your private areas.
Be on time.
Have proof of age and a recent (2-weeks old or less) STD test.
If you’re a man, show up with a girl. Ron Jeremy famously said that the only way to get into porn is to bring a woman with you. Make sure she is willing to take part as well.[15]
Make your own videos and post them online, as an alternative. The internet age has made it possible for anyone to break into the industry with a camera and a consenting partner. The site, for example, lets you post your videos online and make 50% of the profits when people download it. This can be a great way to get comfortable on camera, test your limits, and gain traction in the porn industry.[16]
Focus on what makes you happy. Be natural on camera and the audience will enjoy it.
You can point potential producers to these videos later as a sort of “porn resume.”
Sign with a talent agency for porn stars. Agencies help you book gigs, protect you in case of contract disputes, and put you in touch with other stars and producers. A list of licensed adult agencies can be found on the LATATA website, where you can contact them with your pictures, past movies, or questions. Search around their websites to find one that fits your boundaries and desires. Some large, famous agencies include:
LA Direct
OC Modeling
Burning Angel
Spiegler Girls
Lucas Entertainment
World Modeling[17]
Invent a screen name for your porn persona. While there is no law saying you cannot use your real name, it is usually easier to keep your career under wraps if you make up a new name, or ‘’nom de porn.’’ While you can choose anything, from the normal sounding Ron Jeremy and Jenna Jameson to the more absurd Moe the Monster or Brick Steel, you should try and keep things relatively simple.
The most common first names are Lisa, Angel, Nicole, Jessica, and Vanessa (female), or David, Tony, Mike, Steve, and Jason (male).
The most common last names are Love, Star, Foxx, Rose, and Sweet (female), or Lee, James, Stone, Steel, Black, and Williams (male).[18]
Be a professional on-set. Much like a typical movie shoot, porn requires an enormous amount of coordination between cameramen, directors, sound engineers, lighting crews, and actors to succeed. Don’t walk in expecting to be a king – you should be ready for a full 3-4 hours of shooting, re-shooting, and posing. You may have to shoot the same scene 5 times, and you need to deliver and lines and show up at the right place every time. This will be harder than you think after 3-4 hours of near constant performance in the bed.
Hit your placement – there is usually a place on the ground, marked by tape, that you have to find and stand on without looking down.
Show up on time, with the proper paperwork documenting your age and STD test.
Be open and honest on set. Tell the producers your limits beforehand and ask for some time if you have trouble getting it up, getting in costume, or setting a scene.
Know that you will have to conform to someone else’s standards. Porn is entertainment for other people, and the director, writers, and producers will all have a vision for what is the most appealing scene. You need to be flexible and willing to change, whether that means putting on costumes, working frequently, or using shots and pills to enhance your “goods.” This won’t always be pleasant, but is necessary to develop a strong, lasting career.
Do not sign a modeling release form until you have been paid. This may anger producers, but you need to look out for yourself to avoid getting scammed. Wait until you have cash or a check in hand to before signing the contract to make sure your rights are respected.[19]
Diversify your options. A straight male or female who only does one type of porn is, unfortunately, not going to get a lot of work. The porn industry is constantly changing and evolving, and it requires actors who are flexible, eager, and willing to try new things. While you should always respect your boundaries, test out new gigs as you become comfortable in the industry to take your career to the next level.[20]
Remember, the weirder the shoot, the more you usually get paid.
Scenes with multiple or same-sex partners often pay the most.
Yes, as this is a niche in the industry called mature porn.
What if I want to be a doctor instead?
Then stay in school and don't do porn.
Can I go to college and be porn star at the same time?
Yes but be careful, because your social life could be ruined. If someone finds your video or plays it on campus, it could be hard to make friends after that.
I have acne and acne scars. Will this be a problem if I want to become a pornstar?
No, it shouldn't be. You can try to treat your acne and scarring if you're worried about it though. wikiHow has lots of articles on getting rid of acne and reducing acne scars.
Are there any pills for lasting longer in bed?
Yes there are, but you should consult a doctor before using them.
Is it possible to be a lesbian only porn star?
Yes, it is, just as it's possible to be a straight only porn star.
What if people don't accept me after becoming a porn star?
This is something you need to consider when you decide to become a porn star. If people judge you for it, that's not unexpected, but it's not necessarily right or fair either. As long as you're becoming a porn star by choice, and you're not being abused or mistreated in the industry, then there's no reason that they should have a problem with it. If they do, they should keep it to themselves. I would recommend distancing yourself from anyone who judges you for becoming a porn star; they aren't worth your time.
Can an 18 year old girl from India become a porn star?
It is definitely possible, but you might want to think about going to another country that is more friendly towards pornography.
Can I become a porn star and not show my face on camera?
Yes, there are companies that do this. That said, you will not become as famous.
Do I need to be a US citizen to be a part of porn industry in LA?
No, but you need a work permit visa. You will pay income tax on your earnings.
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A small but growing number of men doing sex work are catering to women clients by taking consent and gender equality seriously — and offering emotional labor as part of the deal.
Posted on January 10, 2020, at 2:25 p.m. ET
Ellen was terrified as she stood in the foyer of a 5-star hotel in Sydney, waiting for John. The 51-year-old government employee had never hired a male sex worker before. Her self-esteem was at an all-time low since discovering that her husband of 25 years had been cheating on her with multiple women.
“I had no concerns for my physical safety. It was all about my emotional safety,” Ellen said. “I didn't feel desired. I didn't feel attractive.” But with someone she was paying for their time, she said, “there isn't that risk of rejection.”

Sex work is legal in most states in Australia, and more accessible than in the United States — especially male sex workers for women. “I wasn't concerned that he was actually an undercover policeman,” Ellen said. “It made the decision possible for me in a way that would have been impossible if the whole process … was under the counter with secret handshakes.”
Her decision to hire John Oh wasn’t made on a whim. She’d researched him for months and read every line on his website, where he writes things like, “It’s quite a big statement that women, who for so long have had their lives, finances, and their very bodies ruled by the whims of men are now able to choose to see a sex worker and not have to apologise to any one for it.”
When John showed up — 6 feet 2 inches, 47, with a mop of gray curls — Ellen felt like she already knew him. John is cute and goofy, with a toned but not overly muscular body. They rode the elevator up to her floor together to have dinner in the hotel room. John ate lamb and Ellen had fish as they chatted about music, films, and the small town her mother had grown up in. It was like a normal date, except she was paying $300 AUD an hour for it.
After they finished dinner, John asked Ellen if she wanted a massage, adding that she could take off as many clothes as she was comfortable with. She hesitated. She’d only had sex with her husband for the past 25 years. “The thought of taking my clothes off in front of a new man was scary,” she said. “What if he runs screaming?”
She worked up her nerve and got naked. So did John. He began rubbing her back, her legs. He asked her to flip over. Then he kissed her mouth and breasts, which led to oral sex, and then vaginal sex with a condom. She came and then she cried.
“It was a combination of just the sheer physical pleasure, but also a release of some of the emotional tension that I had been carrying with me as part of the bust-up in the marriage,” she said. She’s since seen him for three other bookings. “After my first orgasm, I cried; after my second, I laughed. After my third, I had a smile on my face that was still there the next morning.”
What these men provide is exactly what many women have been dreaming about getting from their partners for centuries.
As a sex historian, I’ve long wondered why so little attention has been paid to male sex workers and their women clients. And in the course of my research for an upcoming book, I’ve noticed a growing niche within that category: feminist-leaning male sex workers who are selling themselves as the ideal boyfriend in the 21st century and the #MeToo era. These men make consent and boundaries explicit, celebrate diverse body types and gender equality, and provide women with a safe space to explore their sexuality.
For this story, I spoke to three male sex workers from three different countries who offer this kind of experience: Australia-based John, Canada-based Owen, and US-based Levi, along with a few of their clients. These men, who are among more than a dozen I’ve encountered around the world so far, don’t look and act like the stereotypical “gigolo.” They’re not bodybuilders, they insist that their penises are about average size, and they don’t view their clients as sexual conquests. Owen, on his website, refers to a two-hour date with him as “a brief encounter for the woman busy conquering the world.”
In speaking with John, Levi, and Owen, I tried to get a sense for how they thought about their work and the larger questions it raises: Do they think of themselves as feminist? And is paying for sex (or being paid for it) a feminist act? After all, what these men provide is exactly what some women have been dreaming about getting from their partners for centuries: active listening, backrubs, cunnilingus, mindful intercourse, earth-shattering orgasms, and sometimes even a home-cooked chocolate soufflé.
“I'm not sure how you could do this job and not consider yourself a feminist, and be successful at it,” John said. “Do I market myself that way? Not overtly. My attitude is I should show, not tell.”
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