How Many People Have Oral Herpes

How Many People Have Oral Herpes


How Many People Have Oral Herpes
In all of the United States adult population, over 50 percent is infected with oral herpes (usually known as fever blisters or cold sores) . Most individuals contract oral herpes at the time they were still kids by accepting a kiss from an infected relative or friend.

A study carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that about 16 percent (that is, one in six) individuals within the age range of 14 and 49 have genital HSV-2 infection in the United States ; however, over 90 percent are not even aware that they are infected by this disease. People are not aware of the contraction of herpes for so many reasons (check the section on Signs and Symptoms to read more).

Any individual who is fully sexually active can be infected with genital herpes. According to a recent result of the nationally representative study, genital herpes infection is usual in the United States. Across the nation, 45 million individuals whose ages are 12 and older than 12, or even one out of five of the entire adolescent as well as the adult population, have contracted HSV-2.

The HSV-2 infection is more usual and found in women (around one out of four women) than can be found in men (just one out of five). This may be as a result of male to female transmission is more effective than the process of female to male transmission. The HSV-2 infection is also more usual in blacks (45 percent) than in whites (17.6 percent). Additionally, the United States is a country common with race and ethnicity, which result into risk markers that connect with other more essential determinants of wellbeing, like healthcare seeking behavior, poverty, living in communities with large prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), illicit drug use, and access to quality health care facility.

From the late 1970s till date, the number of genital herpes infection among Americans (that is, prevalence) has expanded to 30 percent. The prevalence of this infection is expanding most dramatically among white teens that are still young; the prevalence of HSV-2 among whites within the age range of 12 and 19 years old is presently five times higher than it used to be about 20 years ago. Furthermore, young adults within the age range of 20 and 20 are presently twice as prone to have HSV-2.

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Herpes is a unique disease. Unlike other conditions that cause chronic or predictable symptoms, herpes is often an invisible disease.
The symptoms of herpes are only evident during an active outbreak . As soon as the virus wears itself out and returns to a dormant state, the symptoms disappear. Many people with herpes never suffer an outbreak, which means they remain asymptomatic their entire lives.
This begs the question: how many people have herpes in the U.S.? Believe it or not, the majority of Americans carry some form of this virus!
Herpes is a family of more than 100 known viruses , but only a handful can infect humans. Some you may not realize are related to herpes, including the virus that causes chickenpox and shingles.
The two most common and well-known herpes viruses are oral herpes and genital herpes.
The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1) spreads through direct contact with the skin and causes cold sores to develop on the face. Once HSV-1 enters your system, this virus spreads easily to trigger cold sores around the lips and mouth. It is highly contagious, especially when oozing blisters are present.
HSV-1 remains dormant in the nerve cells in your skin after your initial outbreak. It may lie inactive for weeks, months, or even years. It’s hard to predict exactly when and how the next outbreak will be triggered in the future, but these external factors are the most common causes of cold sores :
The herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV 2), most commonly known as genital herpes, is a sexually transmitted infection without a known cure. The most common sign of genital herpes is the development of blisters around the genital area. Herpes simplex blisters are often itchy and painful.
Other symptoms may accompany the blisters to indicate early warning signs of a person’s first genital herpes outbreak:
Most people experience their first outbreak two to twelve days after initial exposure to the virus. After the blisters break, it may take up to four weeks for herpes ulcers to heal.
Following the first outbreak, recurring outbreaks are common but don’t last nearly as long. Sores tend to heal within three to seven days in recurring outbreaks, and the number of outbreak periods may even decrease over time.
Other types of herpes can infect humans in different ways. The varicella-zoster herpes virus, for example, causes chickenpox and the shingles. Vaccines are available to prevent this form of the virus altogether.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), also known as human herpesvirus 4, can cause infectious mononucleosis and other illnesses.
Cold sores and genital herpes are both members of the Herpesviridae family of DNA viruses, so they share many of the same characteristics and symptoms, including recurring infections and painful sores. However, each condition is caused by a different strain of the herpes simplex virus (HSV).
In most cases, there’s no link between HSV1 and HSV2. The HSV2 strain is a sexually transmitted disease, while HSV1 is not.
However, it’s worth noting that the categorization of HSV1 as oral herpes and HSV2 as genital herpes is not as clear-cut as once believed. Research now shows that up to 42% of genital herpes in females is actually caused by HSV-1, not HSV-2.
The percentage of people with herpes varies based on location, age, and demographics. Overall, oral herpes is far more prevalent than genital herpes.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), an estimated two-thirds of the population under 50 are infected with HSV1 globally. That equals more than 3.7 billion people or 67% of the world’s population. For Americans, HSV1 infection impacts nearly 50% of all people ages 14 to 49.
In some smaller research studies, the percentage of people with herpes was found to exceed 80 or 90%! For example, a randomized study of otherwise healthy Americans above the age of 60 reported an 84% prevalence of HSV1.
Genital herpes is most commonly caused by HSV2. According to the WHO, 417 million people worldwide aged 15-49 have an HSV2 infection.
Less commonly, HSV1 can cause the symptoms of genital herpes. It is believed that about 140 million people worldwide are infected with this form of genital HSV1, especially in the Americas, Europe, and Western Pacific.
Altogether, this totals more than half a billion people worldwide with genital herpes infection. In the United States alone, the ratio of people with genital herpes is one out of every six people aged 14 to 49.
Despite its prevalence, a surprising number of people are asymptomatic and never know they have herpes! This puts them at higher risk of spreading the herpes virus to others unintentionally.
Up to 80% of all HSV2 infections are asymptomatic . However, a lack of symptoms doesn’t always stop viral shedding in the genital tract. It’s still possible for asymptomatic people to shed the virus and spread it through oral or sexual contact with a partner.
Sometimes it’s easier to find misleading myths about herpes than the truth. These three herpes myths deserve to be debunked.
If you are pregnant and have genital herpes , you may believe the myth that you’ll definitely transmit the virus to your newborn baby. Fortunately, with the right precautions, your baby faces a very small risk of contracting the herpes virus. Nearly 30% of pregnant women have genital herpes, but only 0.1% of babies born in the U.S. each year contract neonatal herpes.
Herpes cannot be transmitted through the blood, but it can be detected through a blood test. In fact, people with a history of herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2 can safely donate blood as long as:
Unfortunately, there is no cure or vaccination for herpes. The structure and behavior of the herpes simplex virus makes it difficult to develop an effective vaccine, though scientists continue to try .
As much as people with herpes wish for a cure, this infection is currently a lifelong condition. But the good news is that antiviral medications and high-powered light treatment with Luminance RED can help to reduce and prevent painful outbreaks .
Cold sores and canker sores are often confused as the same thing, but they’re actually two distinct problems .
Herpes is a contagious virus spread from one person to another. It’s an incurable condition that may present outbreaks of ulcers around the mouth or genitals from time to time. Herpes sores and ulcers are filled with pus and eventually burst and cause pain and discomfort until they heal.
Canker sores, on the other hand, are non-viral ulcers that form on the inside of the lips and cheeks. Experts estimate that 1 in 5 people are affected by recurrent canker sores. Unlike cold sores, canker sores resemble pink craters with a soft white border. Canker sores are usually minor, appearing a few times per year and lasting around one week.
You may need a blood test to identify asymptomatic herpes, but symptomatic herpes is easy to identify by its symptoms.
The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) emerges in five distinct phases that cause painful and unpleasant cold sore outbreaks. These five stages transition through tingling, blistering, weeping, crusting, and healing:
Genital herpes occurs in a similar manner, but may also be accompanied by fever, chills, aches, fatigue, swollen glands, and painful urination. After the first genital herpes outbreak, recurring outbreaks are common but don’t last nearly as long. Sores tend to heal within three to seven days in recurring outbreaks, and the number of outbreak periods may even decrease over time.
If you’re not sure what your symptoms mean, the best answer is always to visit your doctors. Some discreet home testing kits are even available to get results without leaving your house.
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The Luminance RED has been registered with the FDA as a Class II medical device (ILY). It is manufactured in a fully compliant, FDA-registered facility. The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to support the safety or effectiveness of Luminance Medical’s devices, or diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It's not a substitute for a consultation with your healthcare provider and should not be construed as medical advice. Any independent reviews presented are applicable to the individual depicted and may not represent the uses mentioned above. Individual results may vary.


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Massive proportion of world’s population are living with herpes infection

Billions worldwide living with herpes
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About half a billion people worldwide are living with genital herpes, and several billion have an oral herpes infection, new estimates show.
Authored by staff at the University of Bristol, World Health Organization (WHO), and Weill Cornell Medical College-Qatar, and published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization , the new study estimates the global infection prevalence and incidence of herpes simplex
virus types 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) in 2016. 
“Herpes infection affects millions of people across the globe and can have far-reaching health effects. We need more investment and commitment to develop better treatment and prevention tools for this infection.” says Dr Sami Gottlieb, Medical
Officer at WHO and an author of the study.
An estimated 491.5 million people were living with HSV-2 infection in 2016, equivalent to 13.2% of the world’s population aged 15 to 49 years. HSV-2 is almost exclusively sexually transmitted, causing infection in the genital or anal area (genital

An estimated 3.7 billion people had HSV-1 infection during the same year – around 66.6% of the world’s population aged 0 to 49. HSV-1 is mainly transmitted by oral to oral contact to cause infection in or around the mouth (oral herpes). However,
HSV-1 can also be transmitted to the genital area through oral-genital contact – during oral sex – to cause genital herpes. Most HSV-1 infections were oral; however, between 122 million to 192 million people were estimated to have genital
HSV-1 infection, depending on the assumptions used in the estimation model.
Because herpes is a lifelong infection, estimated prevalence increased with age; HSV-2 prevalence was also higher among women and in the WHO African Region.
Most people living with herpes, caused by either HSV-1 or 2, are unaware they have the infection.
When symptoms do occur however, oral herpes infection can lead to painful sores around the mouth (“cold sores”). Genital herpes infection can cause recurring, often painful, genital sores, often referred to as genital ulcer disease. 
WHO and partners published a study in March 2020 estimating that around 5% of the world’s population (187 million people) suffered from at least one episode of herpes-related
genital ulcer disease in 2016 (1). Most of these episodes were due to HSV-2, which can recur frequently over many years.
Recurrent symptoms of genital herpes can lead to stigma and psychological distress, and can have an important impact on quality of life and sexual relationships. However, in time, most people with herpes adjust to living with the infection.
“Genital herpes is a substantial health concern worldwide – beyond the potential pain and discomfort suffered by people living with the infection, the associated social consequences can have a profound effect on sexual and reproductive health”
says Dr Ian Askew, Director of the Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research at WHO. 
A strong association exists between HSV-2 infection and HIV infection. In 2019, WHO commissioned a modeling study to estimate
how much HSV-2 infection might contribute to HIV incidence. The study estimated that almost 30% of new sexually acquired HIV infections in 2016 worldwide were likely attributable to HSV-2 infection (2). 
Evidence shows that people with HSV-2 infection are at least three times more likely to become infected with HIV, if exposed. HSV-2 leads to inflammation and small breaks in the genital and anal skin that can make it easier for HIV to cause infection.
In addition, people with both HIV and HSV-2 infection are more likely to spread HIV to others.
Women have higher biologic susceptibility to both HSV-2 and HIV. Women living in the WHO Africa Region have the highest HSV-2 prevalence and exposure to HIV – putting them at greatest risk of HIV infection, with negative implications for their health
and well-being. 
For people living with HIV (or who are living with other conditions that compromise their immune systems) as well as HSV-2, the symptoms of herpes can be more severe and more frequent. 
Neonatal herpes can occur when an infant is exposed to HSV in the genital tract during delivery. This is a rare condition, occurring in an estimated 10 out of every 100,000 births globally, but can
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