How Long Does SEO Take?

How Long Does SEO Take?


Most new website owners ask the wise question: How long will it take for my website to rank in Google?

Will it happen in three months? six months? Or do I have to wait five years to see favorable results?

Don't worry, this blog aims to enlighten you with the facts!

Cliché Answer: It Depends

So, you have decided to create a new website. You have spent thousands of dollars and hours creating your own brand, creating a website that focuses on your product, service, market and audience.

They just launched the website last week and so far they have no visitors.

But you can't wait! In the end, you pay your web designer to build a strong website that gets people to click on it in search results.

So what is the time frame for my website to be listed on Google?

It depends on how competitive your niche is on the Google search engine results page (SERP).

To reach the stars and grow to new regions, you really want to hire a digital marketing services in Delhi to guide you through the wide and limited paths of your journey.

It also depends on whether you or your web developer have added an extensive SEO strategy to building your website. So, now let's look at the real facts.

Your competition and niche AFFECT the time it takes for Google to click through to your website

As of January 2022, a total of 1.18 billion websites are online worldwide. One of these websites is yours!

On average, you have at least ten competitors in your niche. Unfortunately, there will be websites that are more than 100 times larger than their market.

This is the best thing to keep in mind when building or creating a website.

This high ranking website has been in the industry for a number of years. Most of them spend thousands of dollars to speed up their journey. Some rely on organic search.

Your competition is critical to finding your way in the online world. The trick here is to use a blue ocean strategy, a marketing strategy that requires you to define a space with little or no competition.

So knowing how this strategy works can be a good starting point for success.

How does Google handle website rankings?

There is no way to rank your website online. But knowing how to use geographic or low competition keywords will definitely help your website get quick results.

However, there are more factors than you know that determine your site's ranking, and some of them may be difficult to determine directly.

In fact, the competition for search engine rankings has never been so fierce that if you know what it takes to rank your website, you can position yourself as a leader in your niche.

Google constantly changes the ranking of websites by updating its search algorithms (see Google's Quality Score guidelines).

This means that they are constantly improving their rankings to deliver better results to consumers.

With that in mind, there are 200 specific ranking factors that Google looks for when ranking websites, such as:

Page Credibility: Google's algorithms see how well authorized pages link to the page you want to rank for. These links may be on third party websites, e.g. B. in your regional directory, or on your own website!
Page depth: Google's algorithm analyzes the number of internal links pointing to the page. Also apply this concept to links between pages.
Link Orientation: Google analyzes how links are directed to your page, up or down.

And the list goes on. But of course these factors depend on your niche and the goals of your . . . website.

In short, the Google ranking process begins with a search engine query to find products and services.

He then navigated the website, flipping through page after page and analyzing the content of each page to find its true purpose.

Google then takes the content of each page and compares it to similar pages across the web.

To do this, Google uses its knowledge of what may be of interest to you, as well as likes and dislikes information from your previous searches and browsing history.

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