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How Long Does ADDERALL Last

There is some evidence that schools can inadvertently enhance ADHD-like behavior. For example, one study found that children who were in environments with more
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How does adult ADD ADHD affect relationships with other adults and partners?

Asked by Wiki User

Thank you to all the helpful and generous people who shared their personal experience on this page. Your input is invaluable to others who have been diagnosed w
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Is ADHD physiological or psychological?

Asked by Wiki User

ADHD can have physiological or psychological symptoms. ADHD and autism are typically associated with neurological development problems with the brain. The brain
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What improves pronunciation for child with ADHD and poor motor coordination?

Asked by Wiki User

A speech therapist is needed when a child has speech issues. A physical or occupational therapist is needed when a child has issues with gross motor and find m
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Conditions and Diseases


Are there any similarities or connections between sociopathy and autism or ADD or ADHD?

Asked by SabrinaSingularity

Definitely a link between epilepsy and autism and ADD... regarding the psychopathy, I'll bet in many cases there is an association there as well. I have two chi
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Should parents medicate their children for ADHD?

Asked by Wiki User

The decision to give medication to your child is a very personal decision that you should make with your healthcare professional. Your doctor's opinion, your ow
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If a person does not have ADD or ADHD but takes Adderall on almost a daily basis and smokes marijuana what effects can this have on the person?

Asked by Wiki User

nothing i have been taking adderall xr 30mg for almost 8 years and i smoke almost an ounce of pot a day and i am fine it has acually helped me with my ADHD and
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What is the best medicine for add and depression?

Asked by Wiki User

There is no best medicine for add and depression. a depression is most of the time a mental illnes, and mental illness can only cured by yourself, when you're n
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What type of foods can help victims with adhd?

Asked by Wiki User

Several different diets can minimize the symptoms of ADHD. These include a gluten free diet and low sugar diet. You can learn more about diets for ADHD here: ht
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When do medications for ADHD start to work?

Asked by Wiki User

The most common class of medications used for ADHD, stimulants, take twenty to forty minutes to begin to improve symptoms. Other medications such as Strattera,
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Is ADHD considered long term illness?

Asked by Wiki User

About half of children diagnosed with ADHD will meet criteria for the disorder as an adult. In some studies the percentage is a bit greater than that.The 50% (o
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Anxiety Disorders


Is Maurice Moses a psychologist in MI?

Asked by Wiki User

Maurice Moses is a Consultant for the Rehabilitation Research & Training Center on 'Positive Behavioral Support': Maurice Moses Community Based Intervention
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How does one know if they are attention deficit?

Asked by Wiki User

One knows they are attention deficit if they have trouble with concentration, restlessness, lack of motivation,disinterested or a lack of willingness to adhere.
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Why does ADHD make you Hyper?

Asked by Wiki User

The answer is not entirely known, however ADHD is caused by underdevelopment within certain regions of the brain. ADHD may be entirely genetic, environmental, o
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Conditions and Diseases


There is any Difference in sensory processing in autism and adhd?

Asked by Wiki User

The 3 actually go hand in hand. Kids with autism normally have ADHD AND SPD as well. There are many though, that have ADHD and SPD but not autism. There is howe
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What are some possible cures for ADHD?

Asked by Wiki User

There are no cures for ADHD.TreatmentThe American Academy of Pediatrics has guidelines for treating ADHD:Set specific, appropriate target goals to guide therapy
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Is Collin Gosselin autistic or asperg's ADD or ADHD or bipolar?

Asked by Wiki User



Are there similarities between ADHD and exceptionally gifted students?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes there are! Plenty of similarities exist between ADHD and gifted people. In fact, some people believe that gifted people are actually ADHD people. But in ord
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Mental Health


Is ADHD an excuse?

Asked by Wiki User

I have ADHD and I know it's real. It's probably way more than you know, it's not just being hyper and distracted, you are angry and frustrated most of the time.
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What does Focalin XR look like?

Asked by Wiki User

It's a half yellow half white capsil.
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your post very much. If it is in the afternoon or near the time of the next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your usual dosing schedule. An entire Adderall IR tablet will have been undergone full metabolism and distribution within 4 to 6 hours of its administration. This article originally appeared in The Carlat Psychiatry Report an unbiased monthly covering all vie, terrasse d?grement. Anxiety Essential Reads. That is what they do. PROGRAMME: Ecole elementaire, une unite d'accueil, un refectoire, une nurserie, une creche, un gymnase. Adderall is commonly prescribed to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD in adults and children, as well as narcolepsy (daytime sleepiness).

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