How Long Can Sperm Live In A Condom

How Long Can Sperm Live In A Condom


How Long Can Sperm Live In A Condom

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Communities > Pregnancy: Trying to Conceive (TTC) > how long can sperm last in a condom, can someone become pregnant if they implant the sperm up to ...

How long can sperm live in a condom? if they were implanted into the woman an hour after intercourse, is it possible to get pregnant

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My boyfriend and i have been together now for 5 years and he was on probation for 2 of them and now we both want kids but he is afraid to try. So i want to know if it is possible because i want to have children so bad and my bf feels the same just afraid so i figure maybe this will make it a little easier if it just happens, because we have done it a few times unprotected but so far a no go. I believe that was because i was not ovulating at the time. so i am hoping maybe i can do it this way and get things going and to start a family with him.  

May89 it is COMPLETELEY wrong and it makes me sick that women would trap a poor man i no men are not innocent but it makes me sick that a women would think that way if i was ur bf and i found out u did that i would not trust you after that !

i am not judging the person whos thread this is as i do not no the full storey all i can say is i think your chances are slim

That is wrong on so many levels!  If he wants to be a donor, then so be it.  But doing that behind anyone's back is completely wrong.  If he doesnt want children, and you give him one intentionally without his knowledge, it is still his child.  Even if you dont need him there to take care of it, he is the daddy!!  Dont you think your child/children want a daddy?  There are many wonderful men out there who would love to have that title and be there for them.  Find one of them if you want another baby!! Or wait until this man is ready! Good luck to you.

I want a baby so bad with my partner ... we have tired so much time and nothing happened ... what could be the reason.?? So last night he left the condom ina condom and I insert the sperm in me this morning will I get pregnant

I'm pretty sure you have better chance at conceiving with him ejaculating inside you rather than inserting a condom with his semen. Make sure you have intercourse during your fertile days. If you continue to try and it doesn't work, go see a doctor and perhaps get him tested as well.  


People are soo insensitive. This is a forum where you ask questions and people answer. Thats it. Who cares about how any of you personally feel. No one on here knows the next persons situation. So to judge on something you have no knowledge on is preposterous. If you dont have the answer keep it moving and have a nice day!

On another note, to answer the original question at hand, the sperm is not 100% dead until it is dried up. So yes you can still get pregnant but the chances are slimmer the longer you wait because the semen around the sperm turn into a clear watery type substance the longer that its exposed to air and make it harder for the sperm to get all the way to the uterus. Your chances are better within the 1st 5 minutes.

hi Jennifer,


Base on your post, I'm very much interested on it, what is the procedure of self insemination? does it work a semen inserting the sperm from a condom up into the vagina?
Thank you.

no, you can not.  I'm sorry.  This is not realistic.  

me and my boyfriend want a baby but hardly see each other and he left me with sperm in a condom at body temp, is it possible for me to get pregnant?

ve been getting bad pains, feeling like im gonna be sick, and my boobs hurt plus my belly is getting bigger

Rubbish it is totally possible. How do you think lesbians self-inseminate!

Not in any defence- stealing sperm is wrong- but I'd like to share my experience. I was married for 5 years, left my past behind to build a new life witha man a worshipped- he made me two children in worst situation possible( assured it was fine then)- and left me alone to care for them. I was devastaed. I love my children more than anything, but it hurts to be left with them. So I decided not o have a devoted relationship anymore-only devote to my children. I am not so young, I want more children before I hit meno-time; and decided to simply find a guy I really like and have a kid. Well, I fell in love. He is wonderful, but bad past, and doesn't wan tot have kids afraid he won;t be able to be a good father. He's also leaving he country. I find it a waste. He should share his beauty, his character, pass it on. I do wan tot carry his child, without his presence if necessary. I just ACCEPT him as someone who's child I'd like to have. So, yes, I did the deed. It felt wrong- but thought of having another beautiful child, from a beautiful person. I'd love this baby and raise it as I have so far, alone, my other two. And I'd tell about its father. How I loved him so much I could never let go, even if it was a reminder of him. Its not OK to do stuff like this behind a guys back, but I believe if there's no intention involved of blackmail, extortion- but just to behold, its not so evil.

Say sperm un-invitedly find its way into her chamber...working with the requisite temperature hypothesis..then I would imagine inserting some icicled condom inside the love chunnel should refrain further invasion?

Well I was wondering the same question you see my hubby nd I are ttc but with one complication he has hpv and I don't we want to know if there is a way to conceive without me being any way exposed

how long does a sperm stay liquid in a condom found one in the bin not sure if it was left over from me or my partner or hes been playin away

yes u can get pregnant as longd as the sperm is at the right temp wich is average body temperature 98.6- 100 but its less likley u have the skill to insert it in to ur vagina the right way sperm dies very quickley in the vagina because of the  thetemp in ur vagina so its less likley ur gonna get pregnant with out the rght tools for it go get to a doctor if ur that desperate

i dont think that its a dumb question.
me and my boyfriend have been together for a few years and i have wanted a baby for a while..
just the other day i was asking myslef that same question beacuse he doesnt want a baby right now but i do.. and since we use condoms... my options are slim too....

Do you have your donor picked out? or are you recruiting additional suppliers? bet you have some cute Dr. all scoped out.


why the hell would you ask a question, as an answer to a question?? That makes no sense. This person didnt come on this board to get more questions and the third degree from you morons!!! A simple answer is all they are looking for, not nosey a$$ pinnocios like YOU people.

u say that when sperm gets exposed to light...or when it interacts with oxygen....the sperm is dead.....

What if i go and donate sperm....doesn't your sperm get exposed to light or oxygen ????

Jun 29, 2007

Might I add, And just what are you going to use to inject this sperm inside of you with ?????And what medical experience do you have to just know you going to inject the sperm inside of you correctly?????This has got to be the weirdest question I have ever replied to.

And as for what I know after the sperm becomes airbourne it is totally useless and after an hour im sure it was exposed to more than enough air to have killed the cells. Also it's not possible for a woman to just inject sperm inside of herself and become pregnant there is a percise area where the sperm cells have to be planted in order for this to work(thats why doctors get paid lots of money to do things like this)and unless you have the proper sterile equipment and a home ultrasoung machine PLEASE DONT TRY, YOU WONT GET A BABY, BUT YOU WILL GET ONE HELL OF AN INFECTION!!!

Maybe it IS the woman asking , hmmmmmmmmmmm

this does sound like a man asking.  this is my opinion, but either flush the stupid condom, or dont have sex with women that you think might try to become pg from a (ick!!) used condom. while most women should be trustworthy there are those that go on the maury povich show!

i have to say thank you for asking that question but i was sure if i should i doubt they will come back though now that they have been figured out:)

Are you a man asking this because you left the condom in the trash and think she may be trying to get pg? If there's no spermacide in the condom it can live for a while inside, at least an hr or two. You can carry a sperm sample to a lab up to an hr after and it's still good. I would recommend taking it with you or flushing it afterward.

John C Hagan III, MD, FACS, FAAO Jun 08

John C Hagan III, MD, FACS, FAAO 12/20

John C Hagan III, MD, FACS, FAAO 04/18

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Communities > Pregnancy: Am I Pregnant? > How long can sperm live inside a condom that's inside a woman's vagina?

My girlfriend and i were having sex last night and afterwards she likes me to stay inside of her for a little bit. Since i always use a condom i don't mind. Well last night, we both fell asleep before i pulled out and when i woke up the condom was still inside of her (and i had since rolled over) but the open end was outside of her, only by about an inch or so, the rest was still inside of her. Is it possible that the sperm could have survived in the condom all night? Because when she pulled it out this morning she said she some may have spilled and got all over her down there. Any information i can get would be very appreciated. Thank you.

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  What if the condom stays inside vagina but the sperm is in condom but it hasn't  been licked  so is it possible that the girl get pregnant..?and In 10sec I removed the condom with the sperm and little sperm was stick near vagina

My boyfriend and I had sex about 3 or 4 days ago.. And we had a condom on and he pulls out when he's about to *** but the condom broke we don't know when it happend .. And then a day or 2 later part of the condom came out of me... Could I may be pregnant..?

I had sex with my husband 3days ago straight after i finished my periods and the condom got stuck inside me when he came is there a chance i could get pregnant?

Hi Lyn,
I have been on the pill for a while and been given a new one to try cos i get really bad period pain and have bad skin at the moment so i was put on: Brevinor 28  35mcg and forgot to take my tablet on Christmas night and just so happened to have some fun with my fiance and havent taken the pill since we have had sex in early hours of 27th and again this afternoon on the 27th no pill or condom,Do you think i could be pregnant?? I had some breakthrough bleeding on the 21st December that lasted for about 6 days and have have had a bit of a upset tummy(gastro type of thing) What do you think my chances are of being Pregnant are and when could i do a test to see if i am or not my partner doesnt think nows the right time but there never is is there???
Please write back soon Lyn keen to know what you think...


Chances are she is not pregnant if she is on birth control.  However, spem can stay alive for DAYS at room temperture (trust me, I work with sperm all day long lol).  However, there is also a spermicide in most condoms that will kill the sperm, so I wouldn't  be too concerned.

Phew.  I don't think you need the plan b pill.  Chances are the sperm didn't stay alive.  You really need to have sex without a condom in order to get pregnant.  The fact that you used a condom is good.  The fact that she's on the pill is great.  She does need to take it at the same time every day in order for it to be effective.  My friend got pregnant on the pill when she missed taking it for 3 days.  They did NOT use a condom however.  I think you will b fine.  If you want to take an early pregnancy test to be sure you could.  Just make sure she stays on birth control, and don't do this again.

No we are not trying to get pregnant. She was on birth control but had issues taking it on a daily basis. Shes is looking into a different form of birth control but does not have it yet.

I checked and there wasn't a hole in the condom, so i'm not concerned about that. However, when she took it out of her, the contents of the condom got on or near her vaginal area and was of enough concern that shes contemplating getting the plan b pill. My concern is that since i was asleep when i pulled out, i have no way of knowing what came out of the condom with me. And remember, the sperm was inside of a condom that was inside of my girlfriend, i'm not sure how much air was really able to get in there.  

its a bizzare request.. is she trying to get pregnant? if she keeps being kind of careless in not removing the condom, she may just get caught. she might wanna consider taking birth control pills.x

Sperm dies after 6 min. once exposed to air if I can recall.  But, your story is interesting.  It seems like the condom and her body heat kept it in a liquid state all night.  If you are concerned that the sperm stayed alive all night and now you could be pregnant, I don'
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