How Irish Are You

How Irish Are You


How Irish Are You
How much Irish blood runs through your veins? Take this quiz to discover just how Irish you are.
How many people do you know named Patrick?
What is your response when somebody asks you a question that you have no intention of answering?
How would you pronounce the first name of Academy Award nominated Saoirse Ronan?
How would you ask a friend how their date went last night?
How would you greet a person in the morning?
Pure Irish blood runs through your veins. You understand all of the quirks of the beloved Emerald Isle and hold it dear to your heart. You are 100% Irish.
You are a true Celt. You thoroughly understand all things Irish, including the Celtic language and superstitions. Even a Leprechaun isn't more Irish than you.
You have Irish roots. Your ancestors crossed the sea many years ago to make their way in the New World (Probably settling in Brooklyn). You are Irish-American.
You understand much from the Fair Isle,certainly more than an average American. You have some Irish roots but are influenced by other cultures as well. You are half Irish.
You might have ancestors from Ireland, but you identify yourself more with the regional area and not the country itself. You still have an appreciation for all things Irish and celebrate March 17th with zeal. You are British.

What kinds of stories do you like to tell?

Exaggerated stories about my friends

I'm always right, even when others don't think so.

How do you show affection to others?

By greeting them with a pint of beer!

Can you count the number of freckles you have on your face?

No, but I can do a convincing Irish accent.

Does every meal you eat require a side of potatoes?

Maybe not for every meal, but I do like potatoes!

I don't mind an occasional side of potatoes.

On an average day, how do you generally feel?

Does everyone in your family have an Irish first name?

Nope, nobody has an Irish name in my family.

How often do you use swear words when you speak?

When I write cards for my loved ones

Are you more reserved or outgoing in nature?

I'm shy, but I'm more outgoing when I drink.

I'm a bit of both, depending on who I'm around.

You can hear someone gossip about your best friend. What do you do?

Politely talk to them about their behavior

Show them kindness by buying them a beer

What do you drink when you feel stressed out?

How would you describe your manners?

Somewhat polite, but it depends on who I'm speaking to.

I think I have great manners, but I don't show them too much.

Are you really good with directions?

Yes, I can always find my way without a map!

Only if I have some friends around to help me

What is your favorite holiday of the year?

How many times do you say "bye" when you're leaving someone's home?

What do you use to keep your house warm during chilly evenings?

Do you celebrate Saint Stephen's Day?

Only if my friends are celebrating it

Some years I do, but other years, I don't.

What is your favorite sport to watch?

It's not a real Irish dinner without which of these breads?

How in control are you of your thoughts and actions? As much as we like to think we control our lives, our subconscious often drives our desires and decisions. Take this quiz to find out what personality is behind the wheel of your mind!
What percent Irish are you? Are you 100% Irish, 25% Irish, 50% Irish or 75% Irish? The only way to really find out is by taking this quiz, which will determine just how Irish you really are. We'll ask you everything about Irish foods, drinks, sports, manners and more! If you think you've got some Irish blood in you, then this quiz should be a piece of Irish apple cake! Ready? Take this quiz now for some traditional Irish fun! 
Irish people are generally perceived as very kind, outgoing and well-mannered individuals who like to drink. Of course, this isn't the case for all Irish people, as many Irish people prefer tea over liquor any day! 
Irish folks are also known for how well they can tell stories, as they love to express their imagination with lots of vivid descriptions and movements. But hey, you can still be Irish even if you're not a great storyteller. As long as you have an appreciation for classic Irish foods and drinks, you'll always be a little bit Irish to us! 
But enough talk about Irish culture - it's time to see how Irish you are with this quiz! Ready? Let's find out what percent Irish you are right now!

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Dublin: 12 °C

Friday 1 July, 2022



dear fifi

By Michael Freeman

Tuesday 29 Jul 2014, 11:00 PM

2. You're heading to the beach with a picnic when it starts to rain. Do you...

Turn the car around. I think I saw Trivial Pursuit 1982 in the caravan.

Sit in the car park eating damp sandwiches with the windows steamed up.

Trudge around in the rain because you're here now and it would be a shame to waste it.

3. How much of the National Anthem can you sing?

Sinne Fianna Fáil, na naa na naa naaa... naaa?

The first four lines, and then the last line obviously.

Nah, the last time I heard it was drunk in a country nightclub.

4. You are served sub-standard food in a restaurant. Do you...

Finish the entire plateful in case you come across as 'rude'.

When the waiter asks how the food is, reply "Delicious!" while feeling somehow guilty.

Refuse to complain, while secretly enjoying the prospect of moaning about it later.

Politely point it out to the waiter.

6. You go to the pub 'just for one' on a Wednesday. Do you...

Just have one. Big day at work tomorrow.

Sure you never just have one, do you? Let's have the round at least.

Not sure what happened, but I DO remember shifting a minor TV3 newsreader in Coppers while the DJ played Keep On Movin' by Five.

7. Which of these would most strike the fear of God into you?

8. On the way to work, you realise you've left the immersion on. Do you...

Turn around and go back. Some things are more important.

Feel a niggling sense of discomfort all day that you can't quite pinpoint.

If we made it through 800 years of oppression, we can make it through this.

9. An bhfuil cead agam dul go dtí an leithreas?

10. You see someone you know slightly coming towards you on the street. Do you...

Try and tough it out by pretending you haven’t seen them.

A combination of all three, re-evaluated moment by moment based on what you think they’re doing, that will probably end up in both of you smiling awkwardly, walking all the way past one another, turning round to see if the other one is turning round, then having a conversation that nobody wants and that ends in insincere pledge to ‘go for a pint sometime’.

11. Who is the odd one out, really?

12. How would you describe the weather in this picture?

13. You're at a wedding. At 11pm, the party shows signs of winding down. What do you do?

Call it a night. After all, it's been going since 1pm and I think I lost my tie during AC/DC.

Ask the DJ to play Maniac 2000, drawing every uncle in the room like helpless puppets to the dancefloor.

Remain calm - the cocktail sausages and triangle sandwiches at midnight will give everyone a second wind.

Commence military-style planning to get everyone into the residents' bar. SMALL GROUPS, PEOPLE.

14. And finally... wait a minute, that's a lovely outfit you're wearing!

Congratulations! You're as Irish as Miley from Glenroe supping a creamy pint of stout.

You are the true epitome of Irishness. Hold your passport with pride.

Woohoo! You're as Irish as Socky from The Den (and his blue bucket).

OK, there are people who are more quintessentially Irish than you. You're a fringe character of Irishness - but you're flying the flag proudly. DUSTIN DO THE FLAP FLAPS!

Ahhh... You're as Irish as Don Conroy drawing an owl.

You're a little too genteel to be the true epitome of Irishness. But you're a living legend, so we'll forgive you.

Hmm. You're about as Irish as Jack Charlton.

OK, you're not really Irish at all. But we love you anyway, and by God we will claim you.

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