How Do You Stay in the Same Job for More Than Two Years?

How Do You Stay in the Same Job for More Than Two Years?

Short answer. You shouldn’t.

Some jobs are very straightforward. You pour the drinks, make the burritos, deliver the mail, or answer the phone. You know what you are supposed to do; the stream of requests never ends; and your job doesn’t significantly change from the day you get there until the day you quit. You can easily stay decades in this type of job without ever having to think about jazzing it up or reinventing yourself. I’ve worked many of these type of jobs in my lifetime and they are comforting in their own way.

At least you always know what is expected.

Then there are jobs where the job description given at the time of employment is sort of vague. Adjectives are thrown around like rice at a wedding — motivated self-starter, independent thinker, engaging speaker. For every adjective you encounter, add another ten thousand dollars to the salary. It’s not enough to be qualified and willing to work, you must be passionate. It’s not enough to be able to carry on an intelligent conversation, you must have exceptional communication skills.

The other things about these types of jobs is that they often require a bit of your own special engineering. You are given a general outline of expectations that make almost no sense on their own, and then you’ve gotta get creative. You are expected to discover inadequacies within the particular system you are working and fix them. You are expected to write the necessary processes to fix the inadequacies. If there are no inadequacies, you make some up and then fix those.

If you have the right personality and give enough presentations that show you do something all day (like make presentations) you get promoted to a job with an even vaguer job description. And you get to start writing job descriptions for the people you manage. And so on.

There is nothing wrong with this type of job (other than the soul-sucking knowledge that you are spending your day doing nothing to better the world) but it requires knowing when to move on to the next position.

When To Make The Move

It is my firm belief that the vast majority of white-collar workers need to move into new positions about every two years for a number of reasons. Here are the top five:

  1. Movement looks impressive. Everyone wants to hire a go-getter because go-getters get things done. When you are looking for positions that bring new challenges or more money or more prestige — people will notice.
  2. There is no job description you can’t fulfill in two years. Let’s be honest, most job descriptions are fluff written by human resource departments looking to cover their collective asses. There will be a list of requirements that are impossible to get in a single human and won’t matter to the actual job anyway. Then there will be a list of activities you are expected to perform. You can breeze through those activities in about a year. You can then spend your next year improving the processes. Then you’re done. Move on.
  3. If you stay you’ll become bored and people will know it. This is how people lose their jobs. Once you know a job inside and out, boredom will set in. You will feel yourself becoming stagnant. You’ll stop wanting to learn new things. Your job becomes a way to do nothing but collect a paycheck. Your boss will notice. When layoffs hit your company as they inevitably will, you will be one of the first to go — if you don’t get fired first for sleeping at your virtual desk.
  4. You need to leave before the decisions you made bite you in the ass. When you move into new positions about every two years, you are basically guaranteed to look like you know what you’re doing. You were there long enough to put processes in place, get to know all the right people, and for a while it will look like you are a genius. You may be a genius or you may not be. Let’s go with the second one. Leaving at the two-year mark basically guarantees that you won’t be there long enough to see your less than smart decisions come back to haunt you. The systems you put in place haven’t had the chance to screw up everything. There have been no true outcomes from your work. The next person will certainly redo everything you did, so leave before it all hits the fan.
  5. You will make more money. Frequent job movers make more money, period. Studies have borne this out — and it only makes sense. Getting a new job is like dating a new person. They don’t really know your worth and only have one or two dates (your interviews) to try and figure it out. They look at your past experiences and because you already have a job and are not desperate for money, you can ask for more. People like that. It shows confidence. They will give you more money. If you work for ten years in the same position, you are like the long-term spouse. No one really appreciates what you do and no one is going to give you more and more money to continue doing it when they could find someone younger and less experienced to do it for less. Sad but true.

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