How Do You Differentiate Between Personal Injury and Bodily Injury?

How Do You Differentiate Between Personal Injury and Bodily Injury?

Nelson, Rozier, & Christenson

Personal injury is referred to as any injury in an accident, including mental, physical, and emotional damage. On the other hand, bodily injury is referred to as physical injury to one’s body.

Bodily injury is presented in criminal court cases because it is referred to as injuries caused by someone who has been the victim of a crime or assault.

Personal injury is presented in civil courts and claims and covers all the costs incurred due to accident or wrongful death. If you wonder how you will get help with it, do not worry; you can rely on a personal injury lawyer in Visalia.

It is noted that a lawyer will be able to help collect your bodily and personal injury compensation. For example, when you are involved in an accident, collecting compensation for your loss is crucial as it will play a vital role in your healing. But when such things happen, people can barely think straight. For help, you can rely on the best legal attorney services in California from Nelson, Rozier, & Christenson and get help. 

"Personal Injury vs. Bodily Injury: Major Differences Explained"

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