How Do Pornstars Have Such Big Dicks

How Do Pornstars Have Such Big Dicks


How Do Pornstars Have Such Big Dicks

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3 Secrets On How Male Porn Stars Enlarge Their Penis

MLA Style Citation:

McDoogle, Chess "3 Secrets On How Male Porn Stars Enlarge Their Penis."
3 Secrets On How Male Porn Stars Enlarge Their Penis .
9 May. 2014
12 Jul. 2022 <­Secrets-­On-­How-­Male-­Porn-­Stars-­Enlarge-­Their-­Penis&id=8497853 >.

APA Style Citation:

McDoogle, C. (2014, May 9). 3 Secrets On How Male Porn Stars Enlarge Their Penis .
Retrieved July 12, 2022, from­Secrets-­On-­How-­Male-­Porn-­Stars-­Enlarge-­Their-­Penis&id=8497853

Chicago Style Citation:

McDoogle, Chess "3 Secrets On How Male Porn Stars Enlarge Their Penis." 3 Secrets On How Male Porn Stars Enlarge Their Penis .­Secrets-­On-­How-­Male-­Porn-­Stars-­Enlarge-­Their-­Penis&id=8497853

Chess McDoogle  |  

Submitted On May 09, 2014

Have you ever wondered how male porn stars become so large, as far as penis size goes?
Maybe you just shrugged it off and thought "good genetics" were to blame. But the more you watch adult film, the more you notice how unlikely it is that so many of these men just happen to be blessed with superior penis size genetics.
The truth is, there are a few tricks to the trade as far as penis enlargement goes. There are some "secrets" as to why so many of these guys are well above average.
Here are 3 secrets on how male porn stars enlarge their penis:
Here is a very popular jelqing program employed by both male adult performers and average joe's interested in increasing penis size -
The beauty of this method is that it also incorporates supplementation to increase the effectiveness of the jelq exercise. The link to this 2 step program is at the stop of this page on SizeGirth, and below are other quick methods to achieve bigger penis size -
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Almost everyone is influenced by the size of the penis of a porn actor. I know you are also here for the methods of penis enlargement like porn actors. There are many myths that porn stars do not have a huge penis, as shown in porn. Most of us often ask and search on google that “Are the huge dicks you see in porn real?” But things are different in reality. Yes, camera angle and other factors play an important role in showing the dick size bigger, but it is also true that a pornstar has a big penis in reality.
But the question may arise How do male pornstar have such huge penises? The makers of porn movies deliberately select men with a bigger dick to star in their porn movies. Most of the time, they were hired because of their bigger dick. That does not mean that there is an official restriction of smaller penis guys to participate in porn. In reality, most guys with a smaller dick just don’t have enough confidence in the first place to get in front of a camera. A porn producer said in an interview with RES erection , “ Most pornstars naturally have a bigger penis. But some are definitely on the smaller side, which is okay. ” They also said that “Just like any job, our male talent is committed to being the best performer they can be. Many pornstars do grow their cock size before or during their careers. I have seen it with my own eyes several times.”
In this blog, you will get the various methods of penis enlargement as some pornstars use to enhance the length of the penis. We will also let you know what porn producers say on this matter.
Yes, it is possible to increase the penis size like a pornstar. A porn producer in an interview with RES erection agreed that it is possible to do that. They say, “But the first step is to believe it’s possible because most people still don’t believe it. If you don’t believe that you can grow your dick, then chances are you are not even going to take action or exert the effort needed to do that.
Before proceeding with the procedure or method to increase the penis like a pornstar, you need to know the global small, average, and huge dick size. According to TheGuardian , “ 45% of men are unsatisfied with penis size “. At this point, it becomes even more important to know the global average penis size and how many inches consider to be a big penis. Because sometimes, it happens that you think that your penis is small, but in reality, your penis is above the average.
According to LiveScience , the average American man’s penis is 5.6 inches, equal to 14.2 centimeters long when erect. BostonMedicalGroup says that too big is likely more than 7 inches for any woman. Anything more than seven inches is considered to be a big penis. According to one study published in the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI)Trusted Source , the average length of a flaccid penis is 3.61 inches. In contrast, the average length of an erect penis is 5.16 inches . HealthLine also added the statement that “ The average girth is 3.66 inches for a flaccid penis and 4.59 inches for an erect penis. Girth is the circumference of the penis at its widest section. “
The below table clearly says that the average penis size is not so much as you think. The same thing applies to a big or huge dick.
The porn producer said in an interview with RES erection that it is definitely possible to increase the penis size. Still, there are no magic pills or magic wands like harry potter that add two inches overnight. But it does not mean that it is impossible to increase the size of the penis. There are definitely many ways to increase your dick size other than enlargement surgery within reason over time. They also say that “don’t expect to start with a 5-inch dick and end up with an 8 inch one. And patience plays an important role in enlarging the penis. Dick’s growth is slow, and there’s only so much you can do.
In that interview, they expose the working methods to increase the penis size:
But they suggest avoiding any pharmaceutical way to get the result unless you really don’t have any luck with natural methods. Let’s discuss in detail each method to know more.
The first method is penis stretching, according to porn producers. Let’s see the real data from the most trusted source. According to , there is evidence that extensive penis stretching can help increase the penis length by 0.5-2in (1-5cm). There’s minimal growth can occur, but it’s possible to get results from here . HealthLine also agreed to the fact that the result is possible, but the results are usually minimal. But in some cases, they may even be temporary.
According to HealthLine , There’s no harm in trying stretching exercises . They may help you feel more comfortable with your penis size and appearance. But keep in mind that being too rough with your penis can cause large tears in the tissues or damage the ligaments that connect your penis to your body. These injuries can potentially hinder your ability to get or maintain an erection.
According to porn producers , many porn actors do use penis pumps before they go on set. The pump increases the blood flow in the penis, and then the size automatically looks bigger. According to the journal of BJU International, 37 men used penis pumps for 20 minutes, three times a week, for six months. Researchers found that the participants’ mean penis length increased by only .3 cm (which was not statistically significant), the treatment was only 10% effective, and only 30% of the patients were satisfied (Aghamir, 2006).
LondonAndrology reported that ” Patients should note that results vary significantly and more than four to six hours of daily stretching is required for a minimum of 6 months. ” Another study One 2010 reviewTrusted Source , reported that “ Men who use penis pump saw an increase in size with extended daily use. Participants used the device for six hours per day over the course of four months. They gained anywhere from 1.8 to 3.1 centimeters (cm) in length “. 
According to the report published in NHS by Professor Wylie , there’s very little evidence that these devices cause any significant long-term gain size. You should also keep in mind that using a penis pump for a few minutes a day won’t increase penis size.
According to WebMD , “ This is an exercise where you place your thumb and index finger over your non-erect penis and pull on it repeatedly to increase the size. There’s no evidence that jelqing works” . There’s plenty of info online about jelqing in which the flaccid penis is pulled and massaged with the fingers or a specially designed device. But there is no surety of permanent effect, but jelqing comes with no risk of any injury, says Getroman . Wylie at says there’s no scientific evidence to suggest jelqing can increase penis size.
Penile extenders are traction devices that you strap to your flaccid penis and wear for an extended time, usually several hours a day. According to Trost, who developed a traction device called RestoreX to help men with Peyronie’s Disease, a condition in which the penis becomes unnaturally bent said on Getroman , “ Nearly anything can be stretched in the body, including the penis, and that has been done for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years .” There is also some evidence that proves that penis extenders can gain 1-2cm penis length within six months. According to the study of reported that ” S ome patients using traction devices for six months have noticed a gain in the size of 1-2cm . However, such treatments shouldn’t be started without the supervision of a doctor . “
Pills and lotions generally contain vitamins, minerals, herbs, or hormones that manufacturers claim enlarge the penis. But keep in mind that none of these penis enlargement products has been proved to work. But instead of these, you will face some serious damage to your penis because most of them are toxic and may be harmful to your penis, says Mayo Clinic . WebMD reported that penis enlargement pills and lotions contain contaminants like pesticides, and their claim to increase penis size simply never works . 
According to Seth Cohen , MD, a urologist with NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City, who frequently sees patients expressing concern about their size and asking about penis enlargements says, “ There are no supplements out there that are going to grow the size of your penis “. Actually, penis enlargement pills are a complete waste of time, and you should stay away from this garbage. If they were effective, they would be on sale at chemists, says Professor Kevan Wylie , a sexual medicine consultant.
In the above method, no one can claim a hundred percent surety to increase your penis size. But still, there is some hope left. Penis Remedy claims that they can increase your penis size up to 2 to 4 inches using stem cells. If you don’t know about stem cells, According to hormonereplacementstlouis , “Stem cells provide new cells for the body as it grows and replaces specialized cells that are damaged or lost. They have two unique properties that enable them to do this: They can divide over and over again to produce new cells.” According to Hormonereplacementstlouis , it is possible to increase the penis size using stem cells. You can give it a try to see the result. You can check out Penis Remedy from here.
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H OW do Porn Stars Get their penis So huge like 12 inches and 13 inches 11 inches 10 inches and some even 14 inches how do they do it

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F irst of all, get a 12 inch ruler.

Place the 12 inch ruler at the TOP of the base of your penis, where it connects to your pelvis.

No look at where the other end of the 12 inch ruler is at on you abdomin.

Now, how many porn stars do you REALLY think have a penis THAT long? Not very d*mn many. They exagerate a great deal.

Penis size is a matter of genetics. Pills and penis pumps ain't gonna make it any bigger.

Check this link out for some surprizingly honest information:

JuJubee is wearing a COAT of chocolate

I don't think they do anything special. I think that's just how they're made.
A ctually, you can achieve a larger penis through jelqing. Look it up.
t hey are born that way dodo. Not including penile implants, the majority are like that from birth.
P enis extenders for 12 to 16 hours per day over a 5 to 6 years period, along with a dr. joel kaplan pump with pressure gauge and structured program of 15-30 minute sessions then deflate pump; then massage, then repump it up then do for repeat sessions till 2 hrs total per day 3 to 5 times per week. They do a hard and easy day cycle so 3 times per week hard or higher pressure, with 2 times per week in between for to speed recovery. You need to put in the time and be patient. google africa weight system on penis as they have 24 yes twenty four inch penis. You also need tons of vitamins,herbs,etc. The results are permanent and easy to get a 14 inch penis.... If you know pumps 200-600.00 and penis extenders 500.00 24k gold. contact for experts advice.
T he makers of porn movies deliberately select men with large penises to star in their movies.
P orn producers know that men like to see men with big instruments so they look for such men and cast them.
M ost pornstars use enlarging supplements in order to grow their penis to highly above average size. Though not unhealthy, the supplements are not the best option considering some people could have an adverse reaction to the ingredients, and the supplements are often very expensive.
T here is so much misinformation and so many bogus products surrounding penis enlargement that when they discover the solution, no one will believe. So here goes; any male can permanently increase length and girth in the same way a bodybuilder adds mass and becomes larger. As you stress tissue, the body goes into a natural process of creating new cells making you larger. The question is not whether permanent enlargement is possible but instead, how do you safely stress penile tissue to promote cell growth? The answers can be found by checking out Magnum Rings online or on Facebook.

A fter two years of use girlfriend still stares at the results saying 'I can't believe 😮 how big it gets from the magic blue pill!' It was my friend, actually, who suggested I try it. He said 'just Google search for this keyword 'VCLGET4ED' to get it 👍'. I have had excellent results with V*agra. My erections long, full, thick and hard. Like penis is stretching out of its skin.
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