How Do Mifare 1K Woven Wristbands Do Work & What Are Its Benefits

How Do Mifare 1K Woven Wristbands Do Work & What Are Its Benefits

Newbega RFID Solution Newbega RFID Technology Co., Ltd.

Chances are, if you have visited any music concert in the past couple of years, you have probably worn Mifare 1K woven wristbands as the badges of honor. But the Mifare wristband is not limited to the huge music festivals anymore. From adventure parks and food festivals to car races using RFID technology equipped woven wristband. Such bands can be used for all types of events for the convenient guest experience. These wristbands are widely used by event planners, hotels and ticketing companies. They distribute Mifare bracelets or say wristbands to their attendees before the starting of the event or at the entrance. Each wristband contains a small magnetic chip that can be automatically scanned using smartphones or RFID wristband readers mechanism.

This RFID accessed wristband serves as the guest all-in-one ticket, digital wallet, and social media connection throughout the event, while also collecting accurate data that event organizers use to take the insights for future planned events.

Benefits of using wristbands in events

Here are the 4 most appreciated benefits of having RFID-affixed wristband in events:

Quickly sort down the events attendee’s line

No one likes to stand in a long queue. Rather standing in a long line most attendees prefer to drop their plan. This is where ntag 213 woven wristbands come into the existence to ease the even planning system and give the attendees a pleasurable experience by speeding up the event entrance and exit procedure. Such wristbands have the potential to scan in more than 20 event attendees per minute at each gate and that’s approx 1200 people per hour- that’s a big number to scan in a huge event. With Mifare, event attendees will simply wave their wristbands over the RFID sensor to get in. No more digging in purses for tickets or standing in a long line for your turn.

Reduce fraud

Unlike traditional print-tickets, Mifare woven wristbands contain microchips that can’t be easily duplicate- making counterfeit tickets a thing of the past. Even if you misplace your wristbands, you don’t need to worry as the band is already linked with your ID, you can instantly deactivate the lost wristband and can issue a new one with no additional cost.

Move cashless

Standing in a long line of ATM, or taking out your wallet become a matter of the past. Now, you can conveniently pay for the meal and drink by showing your wristband into the counter. As an event attendee, you can add your payment information to the Mifare wristband tag before the starting of the event and can buy anything with the amount. And since you don’t carry cash in your pocket, you can seamlessly enjoy the event without worrying about theft or loss.

Impress the event attendees

The moment when your event attendees receive their wristbands of badge of the honor in the mail, the excitement for your event started to build on the social media. And after the successful event, many attendees love to keep the wristbands with them for months as a part of their remarkable experience. They consider it a token of positive gesture for such an awesome event.

This way Mifare wristbands can transform any event into an unforgettable experience while opening earning opportunities for event organizers and vendors.

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