How Do Men Get Blue Balls

How Do Men Get Blue Balls


How Do Men Get Blue Balls

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Let's talk about blue balls. A lot of people seem to believe it's a myth, but this couldn't be further from the truth.
It's a real problem impacting countless men across the globe. At this very moment, there are at least two billion men with blue balls; it's an epidemic.
Just kidding. We actually have no idea how many men have blue balls right now. And now that we're really thinking about it, we don't want to know.
But there is a science behind why men get this uncomfortable feeling and why it's been labeled as such. Before we get into it, however, it might be helpful to define or describe blue balls for those unfamiliar with the term.
Blue balls is the painful and dull aching sensation a man gets in the testicular region following protracted sexual arousal without climax.
In other words, it's probably similar to how women feel after sex the vast majority of the time, only this disappointment is focused in one specific area.
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There is widespread debate over treatment for this pain, which includes everything from cold showers to manual stimulation and sleeping it off. Most agree that ejaculation is the only real solution to this issue.
Simply put, sexual healing is real in this sense. Marvin Gaye was on to something.
Even after orgasm, however, a man might find the pain hasn't fully dissipated. Don't worry, if you happen to experience this dreaded sensation, be comforted by knowing it will eventually subside one way or another.
Now let's explain why men sometimes experience this discomfort. It all has to do with what is known as epididymal hypertension , the medical term for blue balls.
In essence, when a man gets aroused, blood flows to the penis and scrotum, causing everything to become engorged. Pressure will continue to build up in this area until ejaculation.
Thus, if he remains aroused for an extended period of time, the pressure could lead to the pain we often refer to as blue balls.
Moreover, as Men's Health notes , it might even cause his testicles to turn a darker color , hence the colloquial name for the condition.
Indeed, this is a very real problem; science says so. But let's not forget about the ladies' suffering, too.
There is evidence only around 70 percent of women are able to orgasm during intercourse, according to a study from the Kinsey Institute.
Perhaps what all of this suggests is we need to pay more careful attention to the needs of our partners — mentally, physically and emotionally.
So there you have it. Blue balls are very much a real thing and now you know the science behind the condition.
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There is nothing better than climax, is there? However, many people face difficulty ejaculating with the slightest efforts like dry humping or a simple hand-job. When a guy stays erect for too long without actually reaching climax, the feeling of pleasure can turn into a painful erection for him, and this is known as blue balls. The easiest way to get him out of this pain is sex, but sometimes giving somebody blue balls can make him feel better when ejaculating. So how to give a guy blue balls intentionally?
Our bodies work in amazing ways. Men's reproductive organ, for example. Within a few seconds of arousal, his penis changes in shape, becomes hard, and expands up to inches! All this magic that goes on is simply the blood coming into his penis with more and more pressure than before, and not going back out because the veins that allow the blood from his penis to flow back swells and constraints it. The pressure and the increase of incoming blood in his beloved organ against the decrease in outgoing blood is why the organ expands and hardens (Many people refer it to as a "boner"). When a boner has been up for quite a while, all the pressure built inside it and his balls starts to hurt the man. He needs to get rid of the pressure to get rid of pain, which is done by ejaculation, which opens the veins again to let blood flow out as his muscles relax and he lets it go.
The best way to give a guy blue balls is by locking his little soldier up in a chastity device, so that all your hard work does not go to trash. To explain how, it is really easy: try to bring him to climax and then suddenly stop, you leave him hanging and begging for it, of course, with blue balls. However, you must both be at consent with this kind of seduction because this act of leaving him hanging at the edge can irritate him and be painful for him. Many couples try the chastity device and it pleases them as the woman decides when or not to unlock his penis. Men are usually the ones who dominate in bed, and this can bring a twist in your sex life.
Now that you know what causes blue balls and how to give a guy blue balls, you should know that even though men might take advantage of this situation and convince a girl to have sex to relieve them of the pain, it is definitely not necessarily the girl's task. If you have not caused his blue balls, you are not restricted to make it go away. In fact, according to a doctor, having blue balls is nothing to be afraid of as it does not cause any damage. A man can get rid of his blue balls simply by masturbating till he ejaculates.
In the world of medicine, doctors and other professionals disregard blue balls as an ordinary situation, and many even consider it only a myth. No real consideration of this situation has been made in years, and it was only realized when a young boy came across this problem. However, and as we know, his problem was solved once he became sexually active with his girlfriend.
To talk about practical solutions, there are some. It is already discussed that the swelling of the veins restricting the blood flow out of the penis causes this painful condition. So, to get rid of blue balls, we must reverse this biological trap made in the penis, that is, we must open those veins again. This can be done by ejaculating either by masturbation or whatever way the man may choose; or, alternatively, like we unclog our ears in an airplane through forcing air, a man may use a Valsalva Maneuver to force an exhalation to open the veins. 
All concerns about reproductive organs are extremely sensitive and it must not be concluded that any pain caused during an erection is the pain from blue balls. While it may seem unlikely to you, there may be underlying medical conditions like urinary tract infection or such, that may be causing the pain. In such cases, obviously sex or ejaculation is not the answer. It is best to be safe, and hence, get checked if the pain is recurring. Knowing how to give a guy blue balls and how to release it, you can also help rule out whether your boyfriend is having blue balls or a medical condition.
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Home Intimate Health Sexual Health If your partner gets ‘blue balls’, here’s what it means
Sex can be different for all genders. If your man has ever complained of ‘blue balls’ when he ain’t getting much action between the sheets, you know what we’re talking about. While women may experience the lack of sex through different psychological and physical symptoms, men can feel that too, ladies!
Dr Niveditha Manokaran, Sexual and Reproductive Health Expert, who is known to shatter taboos around sex on social media, spoke about this rather unfamiliar sex-related issue in a latest Instagram post.
The expert clarifies at the very beginning that the term doesn’t directly translate into balls or testicles that actually turn blue! But it is more of a psychological state that affects the sexual health of your partner.
“The balls do not actually turn blue no matter whether you have sex with someone or not. Blue balls is a psychological state caused when a man is aroused for an extended period of time without an orgasm ,” reads an excerpt from the post.
A lot of women may believe that men complain of this condition when they are aroused but denied an orgasm. And they brush it off calling it sexual frustration. But truth be told, there are certain uncomfortable symptoms that your partner may be dealing with.
Dr Manokaran explains that this happens because of back up of fluids in the epididymis due to prolonged sexual arousal without ejaculation . While your partner is in the act, there’s a point when semen gets loaded up. If it’s not set to liberty, that’s where the whole blue ball sensation creeps in. However, this issue of blue balls – medically also known as epididymal hypertension – that many find embarrassing, may subside on its own within a few hours.
No one is to be blamed or made feel guilty, if your partner is experiencing this blue ball syndrome, adds the expert. Instead, you could try to comfort your man by telling him of ways to feel better.
Leaving your partner with unresolved feelings is not the way to go about it. So ladies, believe him when he says it and cut your partner some slack!
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