How Do Male Porn Stars Last So Long

How Do Male Porn Stars Last So Long


How Do Male Porn Stars Last So Long
By Richard on July 14, 2021 Comments: 0

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Anyone who’s ever watched a porno movie has probably noticed that the men in it seem to be able to stay hard for hours. (Look, there’s nothing wrong with admitting that you’ve watched porn, okay? We’re all grown-ups here.)
It turns out they have a variety of techniques they use in order to maintain their erection and you can learn from the experts. After all, those guys aren’t always attracted to their costars and since they’re actually on a film set, there are dozens of distractions they need to contend with.
Quick note: Are you genuinly happy with your size? If not, then you need to see this video .
Diet can be extremely important when it comes to staying hard. Foods that are rich in folate (such as spinach and kale) have been shown to boost testosterone levels.
The more testosterone you’ve got flowing through you, the harder and longer you’re going to last. Oatmeal and other foods that contain L-arginine also work in your body to improve blood flow, another key element to maintaining that erection.
It’s also a good idea to cut back a little bit on how much alcohol you’ve got in your system. While a couple of drinks might relax you enough to put you in the mood, too much alcohol can interfere with staying hard.
If you’re looking to increase blood flow throughout your body (including your penis), exercise is also a path to try. I’m not saying that you need to spend hours and hours at the gym here — because moderate exercise has been shown to definitely make your blood flow more easily.
At the same time, you also have the benefit of being a little more healthy and possibly even meeting someone at your local gym that you might want to try out your erection maintaining techniques on.
Exercise is also a great way to help fight depression without the use of antidepressants. This is definitely a benefit, since many antidepressants actually can cause problems with maintaining a strong erection.
According to the Mayo Clinic , if you’re looking for an option to get and keep that erection that isn’t invasive and is actually cost-effective, it might be time to look at getting a vacuum erection device — also known as a penis pump.
It’s a tube you put over your penis and is either hand or battery-powered. There’s a pump attached that creates the erection and there’s an elastic ring or band you place around the base of your penis once you’re erect.
Pumps can cause some serious damage if you use them incorrectly, so it's advisable that you consult with a medical health professional before using one.
Thanks to advances in modern medicine, there are a wide variety of different medications out there that can help you when you need a little something extra. Drugs such as Viagra and Cialis are usually prescribed when needed.
Since they are drugs, however, there might be some side effects. (One side effect is an erection that won’t go away and while you might think that could be pretty impressive, it turns out you might need to go to the emergency room because it can also be pretty damned painful.)
At the same time, people who are on certain medications (usually alpha-blockers or nitrate medicines) should not take the blood flow increase medications.
Mental focus is a key element to getting and staying hard. If you’re fighting off depression or a wave of anxiety, it’s going to be extremely difficult to get that erection off and running. You might need to try some relaxation techniques.
These will allow you to stop focusing on any functional problems you might be having. Deep breathing exercises get the mind to become more aware of the body and help anxiety to dissipate.
While originally designed as an exercise to make your penis larger , it’s also been reported to create erections that last longer. Basically, the penis has its tissues stretched and this causes microtears (the same as when you work out and you feel that “burn” in your muscles).
The microtears will expand and thicken as the body heals itself, resulting in a larger and thicker penis designed to stay harder for longer periods of time. (It’s important to note there haven’t been any medical studies showing that jelqing has any benefits although there seems to be plenty of anecdotal evidence.)
One of the ways to keep your erection at its peak during intimacy is to distract yourself from thinking about how great it feels.
By maintaining your actual movement while you’re making love, your erection will probably not go away — and if you are able to distract your thoughts in a non-sexual area that won’t result in turning yourself off, you’ll be able to last longer.
Since orgasms are achieved through tension, distracting yourself while maintaining that tension is a key element to staying harder longer .
When it comes to getting and keeping an erection, one of the most time-honored methods of achieving that goal is through the use of fantasies. Since the brain is actually the organ that sets off the fireworks when there’s an orgasm, it’s only natural that the brain is used in order to make yourself hard.
Of course you’re wanting to be there when you’ve got your partner but there’s nothing wrong with introducing a little fantasy into your thoughts while you’re making love — and if you ask most women, they’ll tell you there are some fantasy elements in their own heads going on when they’re in bed with someone.
GQ Magazine pointed out that Kegel exercises are something men can do in order to create stronger erections and to increase both orgasms and performance. Basically, you can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and the PC muscles when you do Kegels.
As an added benefit, a medical study published in the British Journal of Urology showed that when men suffering from erectile dysfunction did Kegels, forty percent of them were able to overcome ED without drugs and thirty-five percent saw marked improvement in that area.
When you’re looking to stay hard longer and last longer, these techniques might help you perform better. After all, when you’re in bed with someone that you care about, you’re going to want to deliver the goods the best way possible.
Whether you’re using a pump or changing your diet and getting some exercise, what’s important is that you’ve taken a pro-active approach to doing whatever it takes to improving the situation.
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Hi Bish, I am 17, from London, a guy. I wanted to ask: how do the guys in porn last so long? I am young, and I can last only about 5-10 minutes max when masturbating to porn, but the guy in the video will go on for an hour?? Magic? A drug? Or could it impossibly be the fearsome video editing software? Cheers, ABB
Thanks for your question. I thought I’d ask my porn star pal. Here’s his answer.
Interesting question. It’s one that I used to have too. I think the main answer is that the mental space you inhabit while masturbating to porn is almost the opposite of that you inhabit when you’re performing in porn, so your sexual response is naturally different.
I will tend to reach orgasm pretty quickly in that situation
When you’re masturbating to porn you’re probably alone, in control of your own space, probably relaxed, have found videos and ways of looking at them that engage you and turn you on. You masturbate in the way you know you like without having to think about it; it’s basically an ideal situation for stimulation, and like you, I will tend to reach orgasm pretty quickly in that situation.
When you are performing in mainstream porn it’s a completely different mode of sexual engagement. The film, your pay-check and to a degree the progress of your career relies on your body behaving the way everyone expects it to: that is to say that you get and maintain a hard-on and get to orgasm when it’s called for. That’s a whole bunch of pressure to start with, but there are a few more things that make a difference too.
You are performing, sometimes unnaturally, rather than pursuing anything along the lines of your peak erotic experience as you would when masturbating. You probably haven’t met your co-performer before and you can’t negotiate as effectively while you’re having sex, so there is always some second guessing going on as to what they would respond well to. You are trying to maintain focus and stay totally engaged in the moment while not thinking about staying focussed and while keeping in mind what the director needs.
Given all that, it is little wonder that the most common challenge male performers face is not that performers will come too quickly but that they might not reach orgasm at all or that they struggle to maintain an erection. Plenty of people who have always been quick to get erections and easily achieve orgasm suddenly find that the pressure of a shoot takes all that away from them.
performers can even take a total break that will be edited out of the final movie, so there can be some movie trickery involved
There are three addenda I should add to all this: I have worked with performers who feel themselves heading towards orgasm before they want to. When that happens they can change position or movement or tempo, use their hands or mouth to touch their partner or themselves differently, or even take a total break that will be edited out of the final movie, so there can be some movie trickery involved. In my experience I find that I can hit a wave of stimulation early on, but if I can get past that then I will keep going for a pretty long time.
The second is that there is obviously a statistical bias at work in looking at dudes working as (mainstream) porn performers. If on camera you can’t keep fucking for a fairly long time, your porn career is probably not going to take off so it’s unlikely that your correspondent will get to see those guys very often.
Lastly, I should be honest and say that one of the reasons I last a long time is as a side effect of some medication I take for depression. So yes, I suppose that that is a drug that helps, albeit tangentially. The flip side is that staying hard is more difficult and getting to orgasm, if the producers require a cumshot, is often a challenge.
That’s a long answer to a short question, but I hope it helps.
Massive massive thanks to Parker for his amazing answer 🙂
Here are some more links and advice from me
An Educational Guide to Porn – some more general advice about porn and sex
How Men Are Supposed to Look – like Parker says, if you don’t look or perform in a particular way you don’t get paid
How to Last Longer – here’s more advice about lasting longer (and why it’s not that important)
Solo sex – here’s some advice on how to enjoy wanking.
Balls and Cum – what happens when you ejaculate and what happens after
Try not to beat yourself up about not lasting as long as porn guys. Just try to enjoy what you enjoy.
I always found that if I give her an Orgasm with my tongue, the next one comes pretty fast and easy. Worst thing a guy can do is get overheated with oral sex, and just explode on entry. My preference is for very little oral sex given me, and as much as she wants given to her. There is an awesome reward when you do it right. And, yes, in my case at least, giving oral sex to a responsive woman is a huge turn-on for me too. Just hope she don’t crush your head when her legs start squeezing you.
I can get Hard but as soon as I put it inside her am ready to cum I lost so Mini relationship with this problem I can understand she wants to cum to what can I do I will never have a good relationship
You can have a good relationship and be quick at cumming. If you are wanting to have more enjoyable sex together, you might find reading a few more articles on here to be useful Should Men Last Longer At Sex? or How To Have Sex or Make Sex Last Longer or OMG Yes, No, Hmm: work out what kind of sex you like or How to Enjoy Sex More
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BISH is a guide to sex, love and you for everyone over 14. It’s for people who are (or are thinking about) having sex / relationships. It's for all genders and sexualities, people with disabilities, backgrounds, beliefs and values. It’s got a UK vibe so we say ‘snog’, ‘fancy’ and ‘shag’ a lot.

by Jeremy Glass Published: Apr 17, 2021
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We talked to veteran male porn stars and newbies alike to find out the tricks of the trade
No man or woman on earth has watched a porn without asking the following question: “is that actually real?” One question that comes up time and time again? How male performers stay hard for what seems like hours at a time. That’s why we went to the Adult Entertainment Expo (AEE) in Las Vegas to talk to some porn stars to find out what really happens to dicks on camera.
Veteran porn star Peter North says staying hard is a challenge that most male porn stars will confront at some point in their career. "Everyone thinks it would be so easy to stay hard on set and it’s not easy at all," he says.
While we'd all like to believe that the ability to stay erect for hours at a time, that's not always the case, says porn star Kayden Kross . “Most of our male talent uses some form of medical aid to stay hard,” says Kayden Kross. “That can be anything from Viagra and Cialis to injections that will keep erections going without arousal. I know others have had surgeries to implant penis pumps.”
Kross says that often, her coworkers will pop a pill before any scene they shoot to achieve an erection and go on their merry way. But it's usually obvious when this is the case.
“Sometimes with the pills they'll look a little flushed, but sometimes you're just flushed because sex is an aerobic activity,” says Kross. “With the more hardcore methods (injections, pumps), you can tell because the dick doesn't respond to situations where arousal would naturally dip. For example, one guy once fell through a glass wall on a shower in the middle of a scene. He stood up with shards of glass sticking out of him and his dick was still hard. Viagra is strong, but it's not that strong.”
How safe is it to be popping pills and shooting your penis full of drugs? We asked Michael Krychman, MD, director of the Southern California Center for Sexual Health and Survivorship Medicine , for some clarity.
“Taking Cialis or Viagra at the correct doses are appropriate in some medical conditions,” says Dr. Krychman, “But long-term studies are certainly lacking. Documented adverse effects of certain medications include: changes in vision or sudden vision loss, ringing in your ears, or sudden hearing loss, chest pain or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling, and irregular heartbeat.”
One former porn star, Christopher Zeischegg (a.k.a. Danny Wylde), went through a particularly terrible experience from taking too much of the drug Cialis.
“Throughout my career as an porn performer, I used erectile dysfunction medication as a performance enhancer,” says Zeischegg, “My drug of choice was Cialis, though I dabbled in other medications. Over the course of eight years, I ended up in the emergency room three times for priapism [a condition in which the penis is erect for hours after stimulation has ended]. During my last ER visit, a doctor told me that if I didn't quit taking the drugs, I risked the likelihood of long term damage that would affect my ability to achieve natural erections. So I quit using the drugs, and quit performing in porn.” Zeischegg suffered from an erection that raged for more than 12 hours, which ultimately ended his affair with ED drugs.
“Most men aren't used to the pressures of on-set set,” continues Zeischegg. “There's the lack of intimacy or chemistry with a partner, the film crew, the pressure to achieve erection on cue, maintaining an erection during still photographs, etc... So most male performers experience a 'failed' scene early on in their career/ Too many failed scenes will ruin a performer's reputation. Most guys end up taking ED drugs to allow themselves a certain level of consistency.”
But short of putting a shot directly into their dicks, what do porn stars do to maintain an erection on set?
Aaron Thompson, better known by his pseudonym, Small Hands , says that every porn star is different, but his own secret comes down to fitness.
“I can't stress this enough, as I came from a hard-partying touring band background before porn, and saw the positive changes in my libido as I made healthier choices in my lifestyle,” says Thompson. “I'm on the Paleo Diet , I work out every single day, and I don't party nearly as hard as I used to. I drink a ton of water. And I go to bed early the night before I have to perform. Real wild rock and roll stuff.”
During the sex scene itself, Thompson says, "everything goes out the window except the female as far as where my mind is. I'm hyper-focusing on absolutely nothing but my partner, the sex about to happen and the beauty of the person in front of me, and the fact that I am one lucky motherfucker who gets to do this.”
Thompson says he tries as hard as he can to block out every kind of external stimuli possible. “Nothing else matters in that moment: not rent, not traffic, not the dog pee on the carpet that you're gonna have to clean when you get home, not how many followers on IG you have, nada," he says. "By becoming truly obsessed and immersed with what’s happening in front of me, I become truly obsessed and immersed with my partner for the scene. That works 95% of the time.”
Now that he's taken a more behind-the-scenes role as a producer, North regularly offers advice to the male talent on his porn sets about how to get it up. "Guys feel like they have a time limit on getting it up," he says. "But guys hav
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