How Do I Meet Guys

How Do I Meet Guys


How Do I Meet Guys
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If you're tired of that app life, try these tips.
When swiping through curated photos, filtered selfies, and expertly crafted profiles becomes more chore than cheer, you may want to consider alternatives to online dating apps . “As much as I embrace technology, there’s nothing better than meeting someone in real life. Chemistry can tell chapters beyond a dating profile,” says relationship expert and matchmaker Destin Pfaff, who along with his wife Rachel Federoff, founded Love and Matchmaking . But in an era where dating apps rule, how does one go about meeting their meeting their soulmate the old-fashioned way? We asked the experts to share their tips how—and where—to meet someone out-of-this-world…in the real world .
We get it, you feel most comfortable when you’re singing Sweet Caroline with your crew, instead of humming your favorite song solo, into your Sauvignon Blanc. But that handsome guy who caught your eye? He’s probably not going to risk getting rejected in front of five of your BFFs. “In therapy, we work on building confidence and self-esteem to have the courage to go out by yourself or with one friend,” says psychotherapist, TEDx speaker, and author Kelley Kitley. “People are more approachable when they are at a social event without a group of people,” she says.
Consider pulling up to a bar seat at happy hour alone, with a great book. That page-turner can make a perfect conversation starter .
It makes sense that doing charity work is a great way to find a date: “You meet like-minded people who have the time to give back to the community and to support their passions,” says Tammy Shaklee, relationship expert and founder of the national offline matchmaking company, H4M Matchmaking .
But what if THE ONE is stuck driving the van while you’re outside hammering nails? Your paths may never even cross, and that would be a bummer. Shaklee has the perfect solution: “Sit at the registration table,” she says. You’ll get to meet every participant who checks in!"
Waiting is the worst. Who likes to stand there with nothing to do but count the freckles on the person's neck in front of you? But think of it this way: there’s nowhere else to go, so why not start a conversation? “It passes the time and you never know if it could be a match or if they could know someone,” says relationship expert and therapist Dr. Juliana Morris , who points out that if even if Mr. Right isn’t directly in front of you, it’s good to practice striking up conversations with strangers. “You never know if it could be a match or if they could know someone,” she says.
Wherever a community gathers, there’s a good chance of meeting someone—and places of worship are no exception. “Churches are redesigning ways to stay connected to attract community members,” says Shaklee. “Sign up to receive invites from your local religious organization for events like leadership conferences, modern music performances or evenings hosted by a quality speaker,” she suggests. According to Shaklee, some churches have coffee shops to athletic facilities so that even non-members can share feel comfortable sharing in the fellowship.
“Traveling can be a bring out the best of you,” says Morris. “Your mind is learning, you see new sights and cultures, and it can be a wonderful backdrop to get to know someone.” Many travel companies offer group trips designed especially for people traveling solo. At Exodus Travels , 66 percent of their clients sign up for tours alone. Another option is Contiki , an eco-conscious company that appeals to younger travelers (think 18-35). Whether you prefer to cycle through Vietnam, or eat your your way through Paris, there’s a tour for you. Even you don’t meet your soul mate on the Inca Trail, you’re growing as a person, and that’s always attractive.
If you decide to take a trip, keep in mind it's not just the destination…it’s the journey. “I always tell clients to look their best during traveling because people are bored and watching,” says Morris, who points out that not only do fellow travelers often have things in common, but they also have the time to connect (now that's a positive spin on a delayed flight !). A simple question like, “Are you flying home?” Or “What book are you reading?” can lead to much bigger conversations. “I know multiple people who have met their spouse in airport travels,” encourages Morris.
“Doing something different can make you open up,” says Morris, “And people are attracted to open, vulnerable people.” If you're not sure where to start, or what to do lists all kinds of cool classes by location. Or, similarly, is a website where people can join (or create) groups that meet for activities like hiking, golfing, or even coding. “Taking an interesting class will likely attract interesting people, that you may be interested in!” Says Pfaff. So whether it’s beer brewing, wine pairing, painting or sausage making, find something that piques your curiosity and go for it.
You may be tired of online dating, but don’t discount the internet as a tool all together. “Sites like or can provide great information on fun events going on around your town,” says Pfaff. He also recommends checking out your Facebook Events, which lists what’s going on near you. Pfaff likes that you can see profiles of who’s “interested,” so you can get an idea who might be there, even before you go. “These are great ways to scope out activities where you could possibly meet someone,” he says.
If this sounds cliche, sorry, not sorry! (Because it's true!) “Dogs are great conversation starters…and distractors,” says Morris. For example, not sure what to say after hello? How about “What’s your dog’s name?” But even more than a good ice breaker, when you’re caring for a dog you’ll seem more approachable and kindhearted to others, says Morris. “If you’re a true pet lover, your relationship with your pet can show a vulnerable side of you that gives others a peek into your personality.”
There’s no happy filter IRL. So you’re gonna have to work those cheek muscles on your own. We’re not saying you need to be in a good mood all the time. That’s foolish. But from the bank to the bike path, “you can ‘accidentally’ meet someone almost anywhere in your day to day,” says Pfaff. “Be open to the universe delivering to you in the least expected places,” he says. When that happens, he says to “put your best self forward.” So the next time you spot someone who catches your fancy, try this crazy idea: “Make eye contact and smile!” What happens next may be even more satisfying than swiping right.
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Think about previous relationships. A great way to gauge who you might want to date is by looking at what worked and what didn’t in the past. Think back to what you loved about a guy, and what made you break up. Even if he broke up with you, you may not have agreed with his decision.
For example, personality traits that you may pay attention to are previous boyfriends’ neatness, long-term goals, their ability to have a serious conversation, and so on.


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Think about your personality. You may love watching James Bond movies and have a crush on him, but in reality you may not be compatible with smooth talking men. Or, you may be attracted to guys who are extremely laid back, but you demand utmost cleanliness and neatness in your apartment. Think about what you can and can’t ‘live with’ – figuratively, but also literally speaking. You may want to eventually spend extended periods of time together.


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Look at your best friends. Who you are friends with and who you date are not generally the exact same person. However, your best friends may be a good gauge for what you like in other people. There is, additionally, nothing that says you can’t date people you might otherwise consider your buddy. Take a step back and look at what you do with your best friends, and the parts of their personality that make you want to spend time with them.


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Look at past and current roommates. If you are looking for a potential long-term boyfriend, you will sooner or later want to know how you will get along at home. There is no exact formula for what makes great roommates, nor finding the ‘right’ guy. However, think about the behaviors that annoyed you and pleased you the most in previous roommates. [1]
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For example, if you had to quit rooming with someone whose cat was soiling your clothing, a guy with a dog or cat may not be right for you.
If you clashed with a roommate because they were messy and you aren't, you might have trouble getting along with a boyfriend who doesn't tidy up after himself.


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Determine how much spare time you have. Relationships are on another spectrum – between casual and serious. Generally speaking, casual relationships need less of a time commitment than serious ones. If you are secure in your career and want to build lifelong relationships, you will probably want to devote more time to new boyfriends. On the other hand, if you are busy all the time and can’t tend to a serious relationship, your needs are much different.


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Think about your life and career goals. Compatibility is much less of an issue in the early phases of a relationship than several years down the road. It is easy to ignore the marriage and baby conversation early on (and even necessary), but you should know what you want. Think about whether you want to settle down anytime soon, and where your career goals might take you.


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Check out the local nightlife. This is kind of a cliché first step, but it is still preferred by many. If you want a more casual relationship, involving once a week dinner dates, this is a good place to look. You already know that they enjoy nightlife and meeting new people. The local nightlife is a place where strangers from many different backgrounds converge. Who knows, you may intend only to start a casual relationship and meet someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.


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Look where you spend the most time. You and your future boyfriend don’t have to have all the same career goals and hobbies. However, a good place to look for people with similar interests is where you spend your time outside work. This will give you ideas for dates you could go on besides going out to dinner. It is also one way to judge their core beliefs and values.

For example, if you spend time at church and with religious groups, meeting someone in those circles is a way to ensure they share your beliefs.
If you spend a lot of time rock climbing, you may want to meet others there.
Time-consuming hobbies can overshadow relationships. If you can do them together, it could take some of the pressure off the relationship.


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Ask close friends and family. If you have had several unsatisfactory relationships in a row, you may want to ask for recommendations. Friends and family may know who they should set you up with better than you. After all, they are capable of evaluating your personality and needs as an outsider. Make sure to approach someone who is not going to set you up with someone they want to see you with rather than who might make you happy.
Keep in mind your parents might be inclined to pair you with someone who shares their sociopolitical beliefs or who earns a certain amount of money.


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Keep your head up. You meet people in the most unexpected places, in everyday situations. Like ripples in the ocean, many simple conversations come and go without anyone noticing. However, a chance encounter with the right person may reveal enough commonalities to turn this ripple into a real wave. Don’t go to the grocery store today with the intention of meeting Mr. Right, but don’t ignore the people all around you.
For example, you might see a regular in your local library reads the same authors that you do, so you might go up to him in the stacks.


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Try internet dating. Some people don’t have the luck that others do when it comes to meeting guys in their area. There are a number of internet dating sites that cater to many interests. Many people have had success with internet dating, so you might give it a try. It is a good idea to keep other non-internet options open, even while you have your profile online.
Unfortunately, there are people throughout the world that prey on internet daters. Do not send money to someone you have met on the internet. [2]
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