How Do I Get My Dog To Lick My Vagina

How Do I Get My Dog To Lick My Vagina


How Do I Get My Dog To Lick My Vagina
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H ow to make you femake dog lick your vagina

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by IWantSex 3 hours ago



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Y ou could just use a little butter, it's not to messy,and would lubricate you too (not that I think a girl like you would require much lubricating ;). just re-apply as nesseccary. :)
Y ou make sure she isn't castrated first; and if she is, she won't be interested without something like 'peanut butter' smeared on your clit.

And seducing the dog into, is not fair on the dog if it doesn't want to have sex with you; it could be non-consensual, so therefore is abuse. But to hell with it, what's wrong with abuse if no one's harmed. Well I don't tolerate abuse, but whatever tickles your fancy.

I'm a consensual, conceptual, fatalistic, bisexual male-to-male zoo-exclusive zoosexual bestialist and sexological and existence philosopher, myself. Say the when you're drunk :D!
J ust put a dab of peanut butter there
j ust alittle peanut butter will do it works even if the dog is fixed
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Female dogs licking their private parts is a pretty common occurrence, but what does it mean? A lot of people don’t know what to do when they see their dog licking their private parts. They might think that the dog is sick or injured. However, this behavior is quite common, especially if your female dog is in heat.
As dog owners, it is our responsibility to make sure that our female dogs are healthy and happy. If you see your female dog licking her private parts, there are a few things that you can do to help her out. We will explore this in more detail below.
There are a few reasons why female dogs lick their private parts. One reason is that they might be trying to clean themselves . Dogs have a strong sense of smell, and they can often detect things that we can’t. If your female dog smells something unpleasant down there, she might start licking her privates as a way of cleaning herself up.
Another reason female dogs lick their privates is that they’re in heat. When female dogs are in heat, they produce an increased amount of vaginal lubricant. This lubricant attracts male dogs, and the female dog will start licking her privates to get ready for mating.
Female dogs will also lick their privates as a way to self-clean. This is perfectly normal behavior, and you don’t need to do anything about it. Just make sure that you’re providing your dog with a clean environment and plenty of freshwaters to drink.
Female dogs will sometimes lick their privates when they’re anxious or stressed. This is because licking can be a form of self-soothing for dogs. If you think this might be the reason why your dog is licking her privates, try to provide her with some other ways to relax, such as plenty of playtime and exercise, or a quiet place to rest.
If your female dog is licking her private parts excessively, there might be something wrong. She could have a urinary tract infection, an allergy, or something else that’s causing her discomfort. If you’re concerned about your dog’s licking, take her to the vet for a checkup.
Yes, it is normal for female dogs to lick their vaginas. This behavior usually starts when they’re puppies and continues into adulthood, even after they’ve been spayed. There are a number of reasons why female dogs lick their privates, but the most common one is because they’re trying to clean themselves. However, there are other reasons why female dogs might lick their privates, including being in heat, having an infection, or being in pain.
There are a few things you can do if your female dog starts licking her privates. The first thing is to make sure she’s getting enough exercise and that she’s not feeling anxious or stressed. You can also try training her with commands like “leave it” and “stay.” If the licking is caused by an infection or another medical condition, you’ll need to take her to the vet for treatment.
There are a few health conditions that can make female dogs lick their vaginas excessively:
If your female dog has a urinary tract infection, she might start licking her privates as a way to try and relieve the pain. If your female dog has been diagnosed with a urinary tract infection, the best course of action is to talk to your vet about the best way to treat it.
If your female dog has allergies, she might start licking her privates as a way to try and relieve the itchiness. If your female dog has been diagnosed with allergies, you need to talk to your vet about the best way to treat her allergies.
If your female dog is licking her privates more than usual, it could be a sign of a hormonal imbalance. This is especially true if the licking is accompanied by other changes in behavior, such as increased aggression or urinating inside the house. Hormonal imbalance can be cured by medication, so please take your female dog to the vet if you think this might be the case.
In some rare cases, female dogs might start excessively licking their privates as a result of a compulsive disorder. A compulsive disorder should be treated by a professional, so if you think this might be the case with your female dog, please take her to the vet.
If your female dog is licking her privates excessively, there might be something wrong. She could have a urinary tract infection, an allergy, or something else that’s causing her discomfort. If you’re concerned about your dog’s licking, take her to the vet for a checkup.
In most cases, female dogs will stop licking their privates when they’re no longer in heat. If your dog is still licking excessively after she’s been spayed, there might be an underlying medical condition that needs to be treated. Talk to your vet about ways to stop your dog from licking her privates.
If your female dog is licking her vagina excessively, there are several things you can do to stop her. One option is to talk to your vet about potential medical causes for the behavior and how to treat them. You can also try using deterrents such as bitter apple spray or citrus-scented sprays. Finally, make sure your dog has plenty of toys and things to keep her occupied so she doesn’t feel the need to lick herself.
Yes, you should be worried if your female dog is licking her vagina excessively. Although most female dogs will stop licking their privates when they’re no longer in heat, some will continue to lick them even after they’ve been spayed. This could be a sign that there’s something wrong and you should take your dog to the vet for a checkup.
However, if your dog is in heat, it’s perfectly normal for her to lick her vagina. This is because she’s trying to remove the bloody discharge that comes with being in heat. If you don’t want your dog to lick her privates, you can try using a female dog diaper or wrapping her in a doggie sweater. This way, she won’t have access to her vagina and won’t be able to lick it.
No, giving your dog a bath will not prevent her from licking her vagina. In fact, it might actually make things worse because the soap will irritate her skin. The best way to prevent your dog from licking her privates is by using a female dog diaper or wrapping her in a doggie sweater. If your dog has an underlying medical condition that is causing her to lick her vagina, then you should take her to the vet so she can get the treatment she needs.
If your dog keeps licking her private area, you should take her to the vet to make sure that there is no underlying medical condition causing her to do this. The only time it is normal for female dogs to lick their private parts is when they are in heat. If your female dog is not in heat and is licking her vagina, it could be a sign of an infection, allergies, or another medical condition.
Your female dog might be licking her vagina after being spayed because she is feeling itchy down there. The stitches from the surgery can cause irritation, and your dog may be trying to relieve the itchiness by licking. If the licking persists or gets worse, take your dog to the vet to have her checked out.
Yes, you should find a way to have your dog stop licking her vagina if she is doing it excessively. Constant licking can cause irritation and lead to infection, so it is best to nip the behavior in the bud.
While most female dogs will eventually outgrow the need to lick their private parts excessively, it is important to be aware of the reasons why they do it and take steps to address the behavior if necessary. By understanding the root cause of your dog’s licking, you can help her overcome this habit and keep her healthy and happy.
Female dogs might lick their privates for a variety of reasons – some benign, and others more serious. If your female dog has been licking her privates excessively, it’s important to figure out why she’s doing it and address the issue as soon as possible.
In some cases, female dogs might lick their privates as a way to try and relieve pain or itchiness; in other cases, it might be due to an allergy or a compulsive disorder. No matter what the reason is, though, it’s important to get your female dog the help she needs. So if you’re seeing your female dog licking her privates more than usual, take her to the vet to get checked out.
Nicole has been a freelance writer for over 10 years. She has three dogs, two of which she rescued from the streets. When not furiously typing away at her computer, you’d either find her chasing after her adorable dogs and kids, or volunteering at a local shelter.
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Yes, this sounds like a pointless task, but let me explain. If you want to teach your dog how to bow, for example, think about that stretch he already does when he wakes up — It looks just the same. So, the next time you see the pup doing something you want to turn into a trick, issue the command as he already does it and give him a treat.

Dogs can then associate words with an action and learn to perform the task to get that yummy reward. This technique is easiest with things a pooch already does regularly. Find out how I made it work for North and read more.
North and I have a firm no-kisses-on-the-face rule. However, he does know what I mean by "give kisses." When strangers meet him on the street, I ask if they would like some affection and, if so, to hold out their hand. If someone says "give kisses," my smarty pooch knows to give them a lil lick on the hand. If a dog doesn't naturally do this, smear some peanut butter (or other tempting treat) on the top of a hand and put it in front of the pup's face. As he goes to sniff and then lick it, say "give kisses" so he learns the command and the resulting way to act!

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