How Do Anal Beads Work

How Do Anal Beads Work


How Do Anal Beads Work
By Sabrina Talbert and Jessica Migala Published: Jan 26, 2022
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They're not as intimidating as they might seem.
I’m a firm believer that most people who use sex toys have a personal favorite that they own, or at the very least, a specific function that they prefer having in a sex toy. Maybe you’re into something as simple as a bullet vibrator or something more intricate like a flogger. Either way, those preferences may make some sex toys off limits for you…or are they?
For some people, certain sex toys are hard no’s, but this idea usually comes from a lack of information or fear of extreme discomfort. Take anal beads (or butt play in general!), for example. Some just don't know exactly how this type of sex toy can level up an orgasm, but this just in: They totally can and do. "I think anal beads are so misunderstood," says Amy Boyajian , co-founder and CEO of Wild Flower , an online sex toy shop with an emphasis on sexual wellness. "We disregard them, but they’re a really amazing tool—especially for people with vaginas."
As it turns out, anal beads aren’t as intimidating as they might seem. There are plenty of ways to slowly start incorporating them so that your comfortability level remains top of mind, like opting for a beginner-friendly set instead of shopping sets for more experienced users.
If you're ready to leave your expectations (and any negative stigmas) at the door, you can open yourself up to an even better sex life.
Ready to dive into all the deets? Here's everything you need to know about using anal beads and why they're so damn pleasurable.
Anal beads or balls are made up of shapes (usually spheres, but they can also be oval or pill-shaped) that are fixed on a progressive, long string.
And while there are several types out there, the best ones are completely silicone (including the string and beads), a body-safe material that’s flexible and easier to use, says Boyajian.
While you're spicing up your sex life, might as well find out how yours compares...
At the end, there’s a stopper of some sort—often a loop—that allows you to grip it to insert it and pull it out. This also has the handy function of, ya know, preventing the toy from completely going inside your body.
Perhaps you haven’t thought of yourself as a butt play practicer, but know that anal balls are designed to deliver a *unique* type of pleasure that’s totally different from, say, penetrative anal sex .
"Thousands of sensitive nerve endings are located around the opening of the anus. While you don’t typically feel them inside of you, anal beads stimulate the anal sphincter muscles when inserted or removed," says Boyajian.
Meaning: It’s more of a titillating sensation compared to a fullness (like if you put a penis or butt plug up there). Think pop-pop-pop .
The anus is often overlooked as a source of pleasure even though there are many ways to benefit from it, says sex therapist and psychologist Tatyana Dyachenko .
"There is still a lot of stigma around anal play, but if you can get over that you're in for a whole new world of sexual fun," she says. "When the anal beads are pulled out they stimulate the nerve endings that surround your sphincter muscle. [It's] a very pleasurable feeling. How often you remove the beads and the speed you use to remove them is up to each individual involved."
You’re the best judge of what you like, but if you’re just getting into anal beads, look for one that’s relatively skinny.
You’ll want smaller spheres that gradually increase in size. Some small ones feature cylinders that are no bigger than the tip of a pinky finger, says Boyajian. That makes insertion easier (and more comfortable).
As you advance, you might also progress to a toy that has beads that are all the same size or random sizes. "Some people find it exciting to change shapes or add vibration," Boyajian adds. (Yes, vibrating anal beads exist!)
2. Always use lube with anal beads.
Very imporant! "The anus is not a self-lubricating area of the body. When it comes to butt stuff, the more lube , the better to make sure everyone is comfortable," says Boyajian.
Look for a water-based lubricant that's designed for anal play and compatible with silicone toys. These lubes will be thicker, so you don’t have to continually reapply. (Phew.)
3. Make beads a supporting role, not the main gig.
Anal beads can enhance any sexual experience, especially penis-vagina penetration or clitoral stimulation, says Boyajian. She recommends inserting the beads during foreplay, and as you get closer to climax, slowly pulling them out. Either you or your partner can do this.
"It’s like an extra boost to enhance the sensation of orgasm," Boyajian explains.
4. Explore with the first few beads.
You definitely don’t have to insert the entire string from the get-go. When starting, many people like to explore the first two or three beads to really get a feel for the sensation burst. You’ll also want to experiment with which sensation you like best—the inserting or pulling out.
If you want to insert the entire string, of course, you can. "Anal beads can be as long as 16 to 18 inches. We think it will hit a point in our body where it’s not safe, but that’s not the case," says Boyajian. "As long as it feels comfortable for you, it’s okay to go to that level."
5. Wash anal beads after every use.
These are going up your butt, and let’s not pretend that poop doesn’t live there. You know it does; your partner knows it does.
To properly rid them of bacteria, anal beads can go in the dishwasher (if you live alone or your roomie’s open-minded). Or boil them in a pot as if you’re cooking pasta. I mean...same thing, right?
Another option, says Boyajian, is mixing a weak bleach solution of 1:9 parts bleach to water, leaving the toy to sit in the solution, and then washing in hot water with a gentle soap.
Either way, clean them between every. single. use .
It’s a good idea not to share anal toys. Technically, you could as long as you properly clean them between you and your partner, but you’re probably not taking a sex break to go boil beads.
If you and your partner both like the sensation, you should each have a set. Think of it like his-and-hers, or hers-and-hers, or his-and-his, or them-and-them sinks—except slightly dirtier. (Wink face.)
Wanna get a li'l wet and wild? Dyachenko explains that while anal beads can be used in the shower, she recommends using a silicone-based lube , noting that water-based lubes can wash away quickly, leaving you dry. And since the lining around the anus and rectum is very delicate, it can tear easily, increasing the risk of infection.
Anal beads and butt plugs can both be used for anal play, but they work in different ways. "Anal beads give you pleasure through movement, whereas a butt plug works by making your anus feel full which puts pressure on the surrounding tissue," says Dyachenko.
"Most people use a butt plug before they have anal sex to ensure they are sufficiently stretched and ready," she adds. If you’re unsure which is the best option, you can always try both out and see which works best for you.
For the best results , Dyachenko suggests pulling out the beads just as you're about to climax. "This process stimulates the soft tissue around your anus which creates immense feelings of pleasure," she says.
If you’re using anal beads with a trusted partner, Dyachenko recommends slowly leveling up the way they’re incorporated: "If you're new to anal beads, I'd suggest inserting a few small ones and leaving them in their while your partner stimulates you. If you feel comfortable with that, you can move onto having penetrative sex with the beads still inside you."
But anal beads are not limited to the time you spend with a partner. They’re also a great option for solo play . "Inserting the beads and masturbating as you normally would can totally heighten your experience," Dyachenko adds.
There's always potential for things to get a little messy during anal play, but there are a few ways to lower your chances of that. Dyachenko recommends showering and laying a towel down beforehand. Some people like to invest in enemas beforehand although it’s definitely not a mandatory step, she adds. (P.S. Never try to make your own enema!)
Whether you end up liking or not liking anal beads, either result is okay. Striving to meet certain expectations might be more harmful than helpful.
"Go slow and enjoy the process. There is no end goal when it comes to anal beads. They are simply made to be enjoyed in any way that feels good for you," Dyachenko says.
Sabrina is an editorial assistant for Women’s Health. When she’s not writing, you can find her running, training in mixed martial arts, or reading.
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With these babies, timing is everything.
Anal beads can be so much fun to use. Whether you're interested in anal play and want to start small, or wondering how to prepare for anal sex for the first time, anal beads can be a great way to experiment.
Most start off with a tiny anal bead, and they get bigger with the more length you take in. This is great for beginners as it means your body adjusts to the size slowly. They're not remotely as intimidating as they may look, and are really easy to pop in.
Although men and people with penises tend to like anal beads because they can help stimulate and massage the prostate , women and people with vaginas can also enjoy the sensation they create, as the anus has loads of nerve endings. And while yes, the anus can stretch, it is a delicate thing of which you must always take great care.
Here, sex expert Annabelle Knight from Lovehoney explains how to use anal beads safely
"Before you begin, lubricate the anal beads and your bottom with a toy-friendly anal lubricant and position yourself comfortably," Annabelle says. Bear in mind that a lot of anal beads are made from silicone, and shouldn't be used with silicone-based lubes. Go for a water-based lube instead as this won't damage the toy."
This Liquid Silk water-based lube is a bedside drawer staple. It's long-lasting, isn't sticky and doesn't have a taste or smell and is safe for sensitive skin.
Annabelle says you should always start by gently pushing the first anal bead inside you, "Get used to the sensation of gentle anal penetration. When you feel ready, insert more, using one hand to push the beads in and the other hand to keep your anus spread," she adds.
Beginners should always start with a set of really flexible anal beads, Annabelle recommends. "The extra flexibility will allow you to stimulate various areas inside you until you find your hot zone. You can keep them in during intercourse or other sex sexual play," she says.
These Lovehoney silicone beads are nice and bendy, affordable and made from body-safe silicone.
If you've dabbled in anal play before and want to go for something a little different, vibrating anal beads are a good next step. Annabelle says, "Vibrating anal beads give you an added thrill. Many people find that the vibrations create a pleasurable effect similar to analingus or rimming."
Timing is super important Annabelle explains, "send your lover into a tailspin by s-l-o-w-l-y pulling the beads out during orgasm (they’ll have to let you know when blast-off is, so you can start pulling)."
Always make sure the anal beads you use have a ring/handle on the end to prevent them slipping fully inside you . "The anus acts somewhat like a vacuum, so you need something to anchor your toy in place to prevent it getting sucked up," Annabelle says.
"If you’re worried about hygiene, you can start by rinsing out the anus before play with a gentle anal douche - but be careful, as over-douching can irritate the lining of the rectum and remove the good bacteria that we need for healthy, happy bums," Annabelle says.
"Playing with anal toys is a lot of fun but it is important to give the products an MOT so they are in perfect nick for next time. After use, spray your beads with some sex toy cleaner and then rub with a damp cloth or tissue, concentrating on any textured areas. Clean the beads under a warm tap and then spray on some more cleaner and wipe again before drying."

Here's Everything You Need to Know About Anal Beads
First things first—don't be afraid!
Megan Madden / Refinery29 for Getty Images
Stick to medical grade or body-safe silicone.
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You’ll find no shortage of explanatory pieces on the Internet when it comes to butt stuff. There are so many ways to explore the butt. Some people use fingers, while others prefer dildos or butt plugs. And, of course, people enjoy a mix of things. Yet in all of this ongoing hoopla, we’ve forgotten a key player: anal beads.
Anal beads are the unsung hero of butt play. They are freakin’ amazing, and yet when asked about butt play from readers, I never get questions about anal beads.
Butt plugs and anal beads are two different toys, although they both go in the anus. “Anal beads provide stimulation through movement, while a butt plug offers internal ‘fullness’ or pressure,” explains Alicia Sinclair, a certified sex educator and CEO of the butt-centric company b-Vibe . “Unlike a butt plug, which is often used in preparation for penetrative anal sex, and is only meant to go in and stay [in place], anal beads were designed to stimulate inside the body and specifically to move in an out of the bum.”
There is no reason to feel embarrassed about wanting to explore butt stuff. Will there be some poop? Possibly, but if you clean up thoroughly, you’ll be just fine . You might come in contact with some fecal matter, but this simply goes with the territory. The sooner we move on from that, the sooner we can delight in the butt fully. I love butt play of any kind because it is an equalizing sex act that everyone can enjoy, regardless of gender. Everyone, after all, has an anus.
“Playing with products like anal beads allows you to really create equality in the bedroom and experience pleasure for the sake of pleasure, rather than tying it to identity in any way,” Sinclair adds.
The anus is a huge area of pleasurable possibility. You don’t need to put anything all the way inside of the butt to enjoy it. The anal opening is clustered with nerves, making any play with toys very enjoyable.
“As the beads are removed, they arouse the sensitive nerve endings of the sphincter muscle,” Sinclair says. “This stimulation creates a series of pleasurable sensations, like having a muscle massaged. The beads can be removed at varying speeds, depending on the desired effect, and can amplify the intensity of orgasm or even initiate for some. A great element is that using anal beads can be a hands-free path to stimulation, which means you can use your hands for other important erotic matters.”
Sign me up, please. Here is what you need to know about anal beads and all their multidimensional wonders.
If you’re unsure if you’re ready for le beads de anal , Sinclair assures me that anal beads are totally fine for butt play beginners . While your forays ought to begin with a well-lubed finger or two, she assures SELF that there are “anal beads available in sizes for folks at all entry levels.”
Where to begin as a newbie when you’re looking for that perfect fit? Sinclair says that if you’re a beginner, it’s best to choose beads with “graduated sizes.” Meaning, ones that start small on the string and grow in size as you move up. “This allows the user to start with the smallest beads and then works towards the larger beads as they become comfortable with the sensation,” she says.
You should start with anal beads that come with three to four beads. You don’t need some long, snaking set of 15 balls when you’re starting out—that could be a little intimidating. “Make sure there is a good-sized flared base or circular handle at the end of the beads, otherwise there the beads may get lost inside the body,” Sinclair adds. Yikes. No one needs a trip to th
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