How Can Potassium Citrate Benefit Your Overall Health?

How Can Potassium Citrate Benefit Your Overall Health?

An electrolyte and a mineral associated with our diet, potassium citrate is an absolute essential for us, in order to maintain a stability of our body fluids. It is involved in the nervous and muscular functions and also affects the blood pressure. Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges; leafy vegetables like broccoli, lettuce etc. are among some of the many food items that are rich in sodium citrate dihydrate. This compound greatly reduces risks of having stroke, treats high risk kidney stones and also reduces blood pressure.

How it benefits us?

  • Lowering blood pressure- Potassium plays an important role in the abatement of the risks of hypertension. It works with sodium to maintain water balance in the body. When the potassium level increases in blood, it is coupled with a subsequent amount of sodium being excreted out, thus lowering blood pressure.
  • Reducing risks of kidney stones- Potassium Citrate is known to be an alkalinizing medication. Its alkaline nature neutralizes some acid in the urine, thus preventing crystal formation.
  • Stroke- Hypertension is a major reason for stroke. Since potassium citrate reduces blood pressure, consequently it reduces chances of stroke.
  • Osteoporosis- Potassium Citrate helps in calcium retention. Thus the bone mass is retained and osteoporosis can be avoided which greatly affects women who are above 45 years of age.

However, it should not be consumed if one is suffering from kidney failure, peptic ulcer, kidney stone, acute diabetes, burns or tissue injuries, Addison’s disease, hyperkalemia or dehydration.

One should always keep in mind the following about potassium citrate pills:

  • If one has problems with swallowing or digesting pills or has any problem in the esophagus, intestines or stomach, these pills should not be taken.
  • One should not crush or break or suck these pills as they may cause irritation in the throat and also a high quantity of the alkaline salt is released in one time which is harmful.
  • One should take the medication within 30 minutes of having a meal and should avoid lying down for sometime after the medication.
  • One should get frequent blood sample checkups to monitor the effect of the medication.
  • One should not suddenly stop taking the pills before consulting a doctor.
  • A planned diet created by the doctor is to be followed.
  • Muscle weakness, stomach pain, numbing or tingling in hands feet and mouth are a few side-effects of this medication.
  • This treatment may be harmful for pregnant or to be pregnant mothers and needs to be informed to the doctor.
  • Care needs to be taken while breast-feeding a baby and being under medication.


Since there isn’t a definite side-effect of this particular medication, one should always inform the doctor for any abnormalities. Also, potassium supplements should be taken with care as its overdose can be harmful. Certain drugs can interact with potassium magnesium citrate compound so care needs to be taken. A prescribed dosage would ensure a safe and effective treatment.

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