How Big Is Danny D

How Big Is Danny D


How Big Is Danny D

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Can anyone confirm Danny DV penis length?
A sub-reddit for the fans and critics of the show It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Discussion of the show, pictures from the show and anything else.
Yo heard Danny Devito Gotta a Inflatable-baloon-sized for a D can anyone confirm? Been looking towards his crotch for a whole season now and cant definitly tell BTW does anyone know what happened to that girl who cracked the neck on s02e06? shit's been on my mind since I was boxing with this kangooro around my apartment after few shrooms and the damn thing just wouldnt stop trying to telling me this whole show is based on some of danny's shitpostlike scripts bout a modern version of beauty and the beast anyway, stay woke, keep away from those ballon animals cause you know who's watching 8===========Danny's out
One time I saw him walking on the city streets bent over. When I moved closer I realized he had dropped what looked like a pool noodle rolled up into a small plastic package. Still don't know what it is used for. He also dropped about twenty $100 bills. He apologized to me and then invited me to dinner (a great Italian restaurant but sadly they ran out of fish). We are currently waiting for the check and he invited me back to his house to play a game (night something). What a nice man!
Did you order the spaghetti since they were out of fish? Extra hot with lots of sauce, of course.
You can definitely see something dangling between his legs as he walks away naked after crawling out of the couch in the Christmas ep
Youโ€™ve done. The single best post on this entire sub.
nice try Danny just tell us whats up with dat
You mean you donโ€™t know? Danny Devito is actually a very tiny man, what you see is his penis, comedically shaved to resemble a face.
Good post, bounced on my boys magnum dong to this for hours

Danny with 5ft 8 Kaitlin Olsen Photo by
Sharon Stone , Michael Douglas , Danny Photo ยฉ / Featureflash
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Your Guess (Optional)
4ft 7 4ft 7 ยผ 4ft 7 ยฝ 4ft 7 ยพ 4ft 8 4ft 8 ยผ 4ft 8 ยฝ 4ft 8 ยพ 4ft 9 4ft 9 ยผ 4ft 9 ยฝ 4ft 9 ยพ 4ft 10 4ft 10 ยผ 4ft 10 ยฝ 4ft 10 ยพ 4ft 11

Peak Height
4ft 8 4ft 8 ยผ 4ft 8 ยฝ 4ft 8 ยพ 4ft 9 4ft 9 ยผ 4ft 9 ยฝ 4ft 9 ยพ 4ft 10 4ft 10 ยผ 4ft 10 ยฝ 4ft 10 ยพ 4ft 11 4ft 11 ยผ 4ft 11 ยฝ 4ft 11 ยพ 5ft 0

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Average Guess (56 Votes) Peak: 4ft 10.19in (147.8cm) Current: 4ft 8.86in (144.4cm)
Jackie Lee said on 2/Apr/22 @Toby Barrett
Even Guinness inflate heights? Well then the tallest and shortest man's height in the world are probably exaggerated too. It's frustrating how most people even this so called "accurate organization" doesn't care about accuracy when it comes to height. I seriously don't get what's so hard about getting a stadiometer to measure properly.
Leesheff1985 said on 17/Mar/22 But tall Sam there is 5 inches between a current devito and 4ft 4 dinklage 5 inches is certainly a noticeable difference
Tall Sam said on 15/Mar/22 Would be interesting to see a current day De Vito with Peter Dinklage, 4 inches is not inconsiderable but not a huge difference.
Yeah the shorter the spine, you'd think the odds are higher for less shrinkage.
Ian C. said on 12/Oct/21 De Vito has an interesting personality in that he has always played a courageous alpha male. (Other than in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, in which he had no dialogue.) His movie persona is roughly the same as Gene Hackman's. In Twins, he has a more dominant personality that Arnold Schwarzenegger. Can his real life personality be the same? Could you be four foot ten and then go around bullying people and get away with it, and not also carry a gun?
I suppose it also ties into your personality type and the way society views shortness

Editor Rob said on 27/Aug/21 I saw this quote from Andrew Morton (biographer)...

"Colin Firth was approached to play me. He turned down the opportunity of a lifetime. Foolish man. Where is he now I wonder. When asked by journalists who should play me, I suggested Danny DeVito. It was a joke. You see I am 6ft 4ins and he is 4ft 9ins. I thought it was funny. No one else did. Last year I met him at a wedding in Hollywood and told him the height story. He listened politely. But he didnโ€™t laugh either. What is it with you Americans? And by the way he is a lot smaller in real life."

Interesting he also used the 4ft 9 figure...
Ian C. said on 26/Jul/21 DeVito played a lot of parts where is dwarfism seemed to be irrelevant. That is, the part could have been played by a man of average or greater height with no change to the screenplay. None of the other characters in the movie seems to notice or care that DeVito's character is a dwarf. This is not the same phenomenon as a short (but normally proportioned) actor pretending to be tall. Alan Ladd in Shane, for example is not only treated as a tall man, but efforts are made to make him seem tall. He is not shown to be clearly short, but with no consequences to being short.
Genau said on 10/Jan/21 Peak 150 cm current 146
Mma Eric said on 19/Dec/20 I could see him being as short as 4โ€™7. I think his peak was no more than 4โ€™9 if even thatโ€™z
Infalible said on 16/Dec/20 Peak: 148 cm
Current: 144 cm
Ian C. said on 3/Dec/20 I had a professor once who was four foot ten. A very confident, good-humoured and gracious man. If I had to pick, I'd rather be four foot ten than six foot ten. Better to be cute than scary.
J2Frenzy said on 19/Nov/20 Guys we shouldnโ€™t trust Arnie for height estimates given heโ€™s shrunk to 5โ€™11 at best and is still claiming over 6โ€™0. Danny saying 5โ€™ on a good day is presumably a morning Bust a Gut measurement. So 4โ€™10.25 peak and 4โ€™9.5 now
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Nov/20 ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽŠ Happy Birthday Danny! ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ‚

A very happy belated birthday to Danny DeVito, who turned 76 yesterday.

4ft10 peak and 4ft9 now. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘

Littlelee5ft6 said on 4/Jun/20 Patricia his son is at least 5ft 5 that's not barely over five foot. I wouldn't class myself as barely over five foot. Well maybe as a joke
6'4 and a half leperchaun said on 22/Apr/20 Like Arnold said 4'9''. Today DeVito shrunk 1-2 inches. Great actor enjoyed DeVito in Hoffa.
Patricia Thomas said on 22/Sep/19 If he only has multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, is that genetic? His son is barely over 5ft.
Pappy said on 23/Jul/19 @Film Fan: That isn't true. Danny doesn't have dwarfism, but he does have multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, which is a condition that affects the growth of bones.

DeVito is an amazingly talented actor and if he stood on his talent and charisma he'd be 20 feet tall and change.
You could be anywhere in that range, but it's always best doing a measurement to discover the truth.
Film Fan said on 29/May/19 Itโ€™s kind of crazy that Danny Devito would be less than a head taller than Peter Dinklage if they stood side by side. People donโ€™t seem to realize just how close Danny Devito is to being a dwarf, yet he doesnโ€™t have a condition.
MilkyB said on 25/May/19 In August of 2007, I was in the same subway car as someone that looked just like like Danny DeVito. Based on the height of the doppelganger, I'm confident in saying he is 4'10.5" at a minimum.
Littlelee5ft6 said on 21/May/19 Nik123 if he was around your shoulder he'd be about a foot shorter than you so wouldn't be 4ft 10. 4ft 9 seems accurate
James Keffer (185 cm) said on 29/Apr/19 Littlelee well he's shorter than 5'0 peak Rhea Perelman so I guess so.
Nik123 said on 20/Feb/19 I live/am from and uber part time in atlanta. Day after super bowl I did a drop-off at place he was staying and actually got to saw him which was really cool. I am a legit 5'8, and he was standing next to me and was around my shoulder like he is with kaitlin here. I'd say 4'10 better. He is small but at least 4'10 I feel.
Ian C. said on 14/Dec/18 So Danny DeVito has been credibly accused of lying about his height? What could possibly have been the point? If I were that short, and inclined to lie, I'd lie the other way, and claim to be shorter. Or I'd just say that I was six foot two, and forget 'em if they can't take a joke.

He's five foot tall "on a good day?" What day might that be? There are days when the international standard meter changes length?
Scott Adkins said on 9/Oct/18 Jake DeVito looks about 8 inches taller. 5'5 - 5'6.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Oct/18 Quite honestly, Danny didn't look more than 4ft10 in 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest'! He was a tiny authority figure in 'The War of the Roses' too - and so funny!

4ft10.25 peak, 4ft9 now.
Littlelee168cm said on 13/Sep/18 James he was never 5 ft this listing is right 4ft 10 peak look how tall he made Michelle pheifer look in batman returns I know she wore heels but if he was 5 foot she'd have looked 8 or so inches taller when she looked close to a foot taller
James Keffer said on 12/Sep/18 Peak height was pobably 5 ft. current height seems about 4'10.
Becky said on 11/Jun/18 If you look up his kids' heights and Rhea's height and look at them in pictures, it's hard to put him anywhere NEAR five feet tall.
James B 170.8cm said on 8/May/18 Interesting rob hes lost more height than al pacino yet he was 8 inches shorter at his peak
Ian C. said on 14/Apr/18 Here's an interesting exercise: Call up a series of mass portrait pages from Celebrity Heights and see how many people you an find who are under five feet tall. There are not a lot. There are more people over six foot six on this website than there are less than five feet. This is the reverse of what I see everyday in the Canadian city where I live. People five tall or less are quite common here, although many are ethnically Asian, whereas extremely tall people are comparatively rare.
Tall In The Saddle said on 25/Oct/17 Not to be patronising or cliched but seriously, Mr DeVito is possessed of such talent, presence, confidence and conviction that even if you pause initially to ponder his height whatever it be, you quickly forget about it. He simply is Danny DeVito and absolutely unique - as we all would like to think we are but aren't necessarily so. Mentally I link him with Joe Pesci who could play as scary a character as anyone could imagine.
Grey said on 14/Sep/17 Rob, how tall is his son, Jake DeVito?
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 10/Aug/17 @Canson

Might even be a bit under 4'9" if anything.
Canson said on 9/Aug/17 Was he really only 4'9"? I would've thought he was 5' or 4'11.
Nik said on 9/Aug/17 @****sock

He is damn talented!
Johan said on 28/Jul/17 Seems to be a perfect height next to Olsen ;)
Deep Roy is basically a bit under 4ft 4

I doubt she's getting any more than 2.5-2.75 range, so at least 1.5 inches...he could still look 4ft 10-10.5 there with Kaitlin if she of course is 5ft 8.

I linked to it before, but for anybody who didn't see, Arnie described Devito 4ft 9 and had a joke with Ronnie Corbett.
Lee168cm said on 4/Jun/17 Rob would you guess him a foot shorter than kaitlin here shes probably 5'11 in the pic which makes danny 4'11 in shoes and an inch shorter or so barefoot
he did have more in the past, there was a lot of comments missing from 2012-2007.

But, comments themselves on websites are far less prevalent than 5-10 years ago.

As for Danny, with Mara Wilson who is a bit over 5ft and in very basic heel, I don't think he'd be under 4ft 9.
Phil said on 25/May/17 is devito a dwarf?
Duhon said on 24/May/17 If he's ever seen photographed with Peter Dinklage I wonder if people will be surprised at how close they actually are? I think Danny's pegged taller than he is and Dinklage shorter.
Joe G Bowen said on 27/Mar/17 I like Danny DeVito acting ability - having been around several great actors i'm a lite more informed than some ind's on m ma my actors must put up with to avoid being type cast.
I knew James Best whp played sheriff on Dukes of Hazzard, on a personal level & he moved to Jackson,Miss. back in the late 1960s & 70s, helped set up new stage/old little theater in Jaxn, Ms & we double dated, fished & partied together for several yrs.
James Best was a great actor ad was my Cousin Merrell Williams who had a PhD in acting was instrumental in bringing down big tobacco companies in 1990's. The movie The Insider, was made about Merrell bringing down big tobacco cos. James Best & Merrell commented to me many times that often actors guard constantly to not be type cast as this can reduce how a studio looks at them for movie roles.
Joe G. Bowen,
Nickname, Joe G.
Miss Gulf Coast
abe said on 5/Mar/17 140 cm and no more
Roger said on 16/Feb/17 You don't yhave to be big and tall to be a good actor!
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Jan/17 I've heard all sorts about Danny's height but never have I heard that he's this near to the ground!
He still manages all types of roles despite this diminutive height! He hasn't let him ruin his career or his confidence so I think he is worthy of a great deal of respect! He certainly has mine!
B said on 18/Nov/16 Damn, he's an inch shorter than my mum, and she's very small. This guy is truly tiny.
Editor Rob said on 23/Sep/16 Noticed he did admit to being under 5 foot...but only by the quarter inch.
Mat said on 6/Jul/16 Kevin Hart is 4-5 inches taller than this guy. Mind Blown.

If I was his height I would have killed myself. Props to the guy for making a quite succesfull carreer out of this.
Jfjfjfn said on 15/Apr/16 Should take lessons in confidence from this guy
Johnny said on 29/Mar/16 This is when it gets to the point where when someone walks up to you and asks you how tall you are, instead they ask you how short you are. "Hello sir if you don't mind me asking, how short are you" Lol. All joke's aside though the guy was bigger than life itself in a
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