How Big Is A Horse Penis

How Big Is A Horse Penis


How Big Is A Horse Penis
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I’m curious as to the um… male genitalia size of different animals. I’ve heard different people say horses are 3 feet long or 5 feet long or “not much bigger than us.” What’s the deal? How large is a horse’s cough ? How large is a bull’s, whale’s, elephant’s? And what’s up with the barnacle having the largest? ::Confusion::
I thought I could, you know, find a chart by searching “animal penis size”, but boy was that a mistake! I just got a bunch of porn sites with bestiality or large-endowed men.
Is there a resource for this kind of thing? If not, does anyone know the uh… “dimensions” of a bull, horse, whale, and elephant?
(What a topic for my first post in a year. ::Chuckles:
I’ve heard different people say horses are 3 feet long or 5 feet long or “not much bigger than us.” What’s the deal? How large is a horse’s cough ?
There’s a reason for the expression “hung like a horse”. I’ve seen penises on live equines that nearly scrape the ground – but only, of course, when said male equine is in active pursuit of a female equine. Otherwise, there ain’t much to notice, hence the phrase “obvious as balls on a dog” rather than “obvious as a penis on a horse”.
There is indeed a poster called “Penises of the Animal Kingdom” which shows just that in scaled lithographs. I’ve actually seen this poster (it’s not an urban legend) but for some reason it’s become hard to come by. A site called TAG Online has a listing for it, but the specific page is currently 404.
I’ve heard the barnacle story as well, which refered to penis size proportional to overall body size.
Dried ox pizzles have long been used as walking sticks in certain parts of the world, if that tells you anything.
Random animal penis trivia: Possums have forked penises. Pigs have corkscrew penises. My brother once dated a girl whose job it was to masturbate pigs for artificial insemination programs (way back in the '70s here in rural America).
Well just yesterday I saw a girl donkey giving a boy donkey a piggy back and the boy donkey had this big long stick between his back legs and he was poking the girl donkey in the bum with it (probably to make her run faster)
So yes, equines do have big long thick dicks … like 3 feet long and wide as your wrist :eek:
I shan’t dwell on the occassion a colt (young male horse) showed me his when I was grooming him … :o
Growing up on a horse breeding & training farm, I have much experience with horse penises. Wait! That sounds real odd… I didn’t mean mean it like that!
Anyway, on a typical adult stallion (excluding draft horse breeds), the penis is about 2.5-3 inches in diameter, and length is about 12-18 inches. Think of a typical large kielbasa or similar sausage in the grocery store. We never measured any, actually, it never mattered; size varied by stallion, but all seemed sufficient to effectively breed a mare. It’s large compared to humans, but seems to me to be pretty much in proportion to their body size.
The head end of a stallion’s penis is basically flat, rather than rounded like on a human. During & after ejaculation, this swells outward, and can get to 4-6 inches across, about the width of a typical saucer. I presume the purpose of this swelling is to block the passage, so that the stallion’s sperm moves in the right direction up towards the mare’s egg. There isn’t any kind of foreskin on it, like on humans. Probably not needed, since the penis is normally held inside the body.
Breeding in horses is very fast. Typically it’s “done in 60 seconds”. But it’s commonly repeated 2-3 times a day for the 5 days or so a mare is in heat.
There is a fair amount of what you might consider ‘foreplay’, but that’s mostly done by the stallion to verify that the mare is ready to breed. Experienced stallions are cautious, because a mare that’s not in heat will reject a stallion quite violently, kicking, biting, etc. And the stallion is in a vulnerable position, and can easily be seriously injured by that if they aren’t careful. Also, young mares, even when in heat, often don’t know how to respond appropriately.
So it’s quite common on breeding farms to put kicking straps or other restraints on young mares. And they often have a “breeding stall” on the farm, specially built for this, with padding, etc. to prevent injuries to either the mare or stallion during breeding. Breeding is typically done with 2-3 humans leading the horses, and making sure it all works right.
Remember that in horse breeding, it’s common to cross breed to different bloodlines. So the horses are typically strangers who have never met before, and the mare has usually been transported to a strange location, away from all her normal companions. And they are both very valuable animals, especially the stallions.
There is quite a bit of semen ejaculated by a stallion. I’d guess about 1/3 of a cup or so. Way more than is needed to impregnate a female (just like in humans). In Articifial Insemination, semen is captured and frozen into ‘straws’ for use in later breedings. It’s common to get a few dozen straws from a single ejaculation. These can be frozen and held for years before being used to breed a mare. In breeds that allow AI, it’s not unusual to have new foals born from a stallion that has been dead for several years.
The stallion’s penis is normally held inside the body, except when urinating or breeding. (Stallions can urinate with the penis inside, but normally don’t.) Thus it can get rather dirty, and covered with an ear-wax like substance, which can get up to 1/2 inch thick on the penis. So one job on a breeding operation is washing the stallion’s penis. Yes, really!
Washing is commonly done both before breeding to prevent any kind of infection in the mare (which would be very dangerous, usually fatal to the developing foal). And commonly done again after breeding, to prevent anything from the mare from infecting the stallion. (Even though most breeding farms require a vet’s inspection of the mare first, to verify that she is not infected.)
Stallions often object to this washing at first, unless you start when they are young. But they soon learn to accept it, and will even start to get erect during it. Partly just because it feels good, but also because they are smart enough to learn that this means they are soon going to breed a mare. Often breeding farms have a special halter & lead that they use on the stallion only when breeding. He will soon learn to recognize this halter, and will get quite eager as soon as you put it on him. Horses aren’t dumb!
A picture is worth a thousand words. Submitted for your viewing pleasure .
In Spanish the man who handles the horse’s penis and holds it to direct it in the right place is called “mamporrero” which, I suppose, is related to “mamporro” which means “thump, bump, punch, thrust”.
In Articifial Insemination, semen is captured and frozen into ‘straws’ for use in later breedings. Horses aren’t dumb!
But I’m dumb as to how the semen is collected? Is the horse masturbated?
Espartero was a 19th century Spanish general who did something or other. If you ask any Spaniard they probably won’t know what the general did but they all know his horse had huge balls because there is an equestrian statue of the General in the center of Madrid and everybody has noticed that part of the anatomy of the horse even if they can’t remember what the general looks like. It is a common phrase to say in Spain about someone “he has balls like the horse of Espartero”, meaning he has guts. All Google hits for “Caballo de Espartero” refer to the balls of the horse but I cannot find a photo online. Maybe I’ll try to take one myself and post it online.
But I’m dumb as to how the semen is collected? Is the horse masturbated?
You can use something called a “phantom mare”, which is a dummy horse body, with an opening in the back end, and a collection bottle inside.
Or you can use an “artificial vagina”, which is basically a hollow pipe, rubber-lined and filled with warm water and coated with a lubricant*, with a collection bottle at the front end. (The temperature of the water, and how much water (how tight) need to be adjusted to each stallion’s preferences.)
[Similar devices are available for human males; just search the internet and you’ll find many sites offering the equivalent of either of these for sale.]
With a phantom mare, you need to start with a mare in heat standing near it, who can ‘tease’ the stallion to get him excited, then he is led to mount the phantom mare and ejaculate into it. With many stallions, after a few times, you can dispense with the tease mare; they will respond to just the dummy phantom mare itself. Early phantom mares were sometimes covered in horsehide to give an appropriate smell, but it was soon discovered to be unneeded – stallions aren’t really that particular.
With an artificial vagina, you always need a ‘tease’ or ‘mount’ mare. The stallion is induced to mount this mare, then the attendant grabs the stallion’s penis and diverts it into the artificial vagina rather than the real mare. Some stallions will thrust into the artificial vagina just like a real mare, but others require the handler to move the AV to stimulate ejaculation. (So I guess that could be considered masturbating the stallion.) Here’s some photos of an artificial vagina in use . (Probably not suitable for the eyes of yearling or weanling foals. :))
Either of these can be home-made, or commercial ones are available for purchase from equine supply stores. Sample commercial Phantom mare
Some typical commercial Artificial Vaginas
Pennie Ahmed , the author of a well-known book on this, “Shipping Semen”, writes a “Dear Abby”-type column where you can send your artificial breeding questions. See here .
More detailed info on the artificial breeding process is available here .
P.S. Stallions do masturbate. Even without hands! Typically, they contract their muscles rhythmically to bounce their penis against their belly, or against the side wall of their stall. (It doesn’t take much. There are a lot of nerve endings in a stallion’s penis, and they ‘get off’ pretty fast. Probably evolutionarily a good thing, for a prey animal in the wild.) Also, young colts will mount each other and rub against the other horse’s flank. There are even reported cases of ‘gay’ stallion couples that prefer each other to the mares in the herd.
Here’s my next question, then… If an average human female (say, 5’5) were to um… copulate with a fully aroused horse, where in her body would the head of the penis end up? Would it be UNABLE to go all the way in? If not, what area would the deepest point reach?
(And no, I’m not asking because I intend to test it. I’m curious because I’ve heard of women being strapped to the underside of horses in Mexican arenas and uh… well… banged. I was wondering if the length made it dangerous.)
What’s the purpose of collecting semen? Do they artificially inject mares a lot? If so, how often, and why would that be done instead of simply getting a stallion?
Also! With the reported cases of ‘gay’ stallions… did that just involve rubbing like you mentioned with the colts, or was there… well… rear penetration?
(And that makes sense with the barnacle… I was about to say, maybe I should be careful if I touch a barnacle at Sea world,. )
Here’s my next question, then… If an average human female (say, 5’5) were to um… copulate with a fully aroused horse, where in her body would the head of the penis end up? Would it be UNABLE to go all the way in? If not, what area would the deepest point reach?
(And no, I’m not asking because I intend to test it. I’m curious because I’ve heard of women being strapped to the underside of horses in Mexican arenas and uh… well… banged. I was wondering if the length made it dangerous.)
I’ve heard of that too, but only in books. I wonder if it isn’t mostly urban legend? I asked my brother about it; he was once in the Navy stationed in San Deigo, and frequently went into Mexico with his buddies. He said they were once at a dive in Mexico which advertised that, but were told that this was a “special show”, and they had to pay quite a bit extra to see this. And pay up front, then come back tomorrow to see the show. They declined to do that, so I don’t know if it’s for real or not.
But if it was for real, I suspect they would actually use ponies or cob (small) sized horses. And I expect that the woman involved would arrange to control the depth of penetration, to prevent injury to herself.
What’s the purpose of collecting semen? Do they artificially inject mares a lot? If so, how often, and why would that be done instead of simply getting a stallion?
Yes, it’s becoming fairly common for several reasons:
exposing your stallion to various unknown mares is risky, both for possible diseases and injury during breeding. With a very valuable stallion, you don’t want to take those risks.
With a single collection, you get enough semen to sell breedings to a couple dozen mares. Much more profitable than ‘wasting’ all that on a single mare.
Breeding is stressful & tiring on a stallion. With a big name stallion, there might be dozens of mares wanting to breed to your stallion. Covering them all naturally would wear out your stallion. Plus his potency would drop (forcing you to refund breeding fees).
Probably the biggest reason: Say your mare lives on your farm in northern Vermont. The stallion you decide is the perfect match to produce that wonderful foal stands at stud in Phoenix, AZ. Shipping your mare to Arizona, paying board for a month, and shipping her back home would be both expensive for you and very stressful for her. But shipping chilled or frozen semen is easy & convenient. You just check your mare daily, then call them up at the right time of the month, they air ship the semen overnight, and your vet AI’s the mare the next day. There are even special containers designed with this in mind. Google on “Equitainer”, for just one brand.
With natural breeding, you are limited to the stallions in your general vicinity. With AI, you can breed to pretty much any stallion in the world. (If you can afford the fees they charge, and if they are willing to accept your mare for breeding. Big name stallions can charge a lot, and are often fussy about the quality of the mares they breed to. It’s fairly common to see stallion ads stating “Book limited to 15 mares this season”. Limiting the number of foals generally increases the price of each of them.)
The down side of AI is that it takes Vet work to actually do the breeding, and various tests afterward. This costs money, quite a bit more than just breeding to a neighborhood stallion. Plus, in general, AI breedings don’t ‘take’ as well as natural ones. (10,000 years of evolution seem to have developed a pretty efficient natural breeding process!)
Also, some breeds (especially thoroughbred racing horses) do not allow AI breeding. Their concern is the increased chance of fradulent registration when the two horses are not on the same farm at the same time.
Also! With the reported cases of ‘gay’ stallions… did that just involve rubbing like you mentioned with the colts, or was there… well… rear penetration?
I don’t know, I’ve never seen this in person.
I have seen young colts on our farm mounting & rubbing against each other; in such cases I’ve never seen any penetration.
I’d think that would be unlikely. Even in humans, it generally requires some artificial lubrication and careful effort to accomplish.
It may be bad form to include a scriptural reference in some GQ threads but what the hell. The bible compares size in the opposite direction but apparently Oholibah was a size queen.
Ezekiel 23:20 for those of you who don’t know where the naughty bits are in the bible.
Don’t know about penises, but, if your dog, horse, bull etc thas been neutered you can buy new - even larger testicles for him to “increase his self esteem”
Neuticles has provided proven, humane solutions for pets, their caring owners, and veterinarians for over a quarter century.
I saw a whale on TV with penis that was quite thick and six feet long.
It was enough to make me pay up my public television membership pledge.
I heard that a pesis (any penis) differs in size, thus being different to eachother, it means a difference in sexual activities
Redhawk , we ask that old threads only be bumped to add new factual information. Since yours doesn’t, I’m closing this.
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The stallion’s penis consists of 3 parts: (1) the root or bulb, (2) the body or shaft, (the main part), and (3) the glans, the enlarged free end of the penis. When not erect, the penis is 50 cm long and 2.5 to 6 cm in diameter with the distal end 15 to 20 cm free in the prepuce. When erect, the penis doubles in length and thickness and the glans increases by 3 to 4 times. The prepuce or sheath is a double invagination of the skin that covers the distal portion of the penis when not erect. Examination of the penis and prepuce is most conveniently done at the time of washing. Allow the stallion to approach the mare in order to be stimulated to let down, at which time the penis extends from the sheath. Exercise caution because some stallions may be reluctant to be examined and cow kick or kick backwards at the examiner. Be careful to protect everyone involved. Examine the penis and prepuce both manually and visually. Grasp the shaft of the penis just behind the glans. Examine the urethral process for lesions and the associated structures for debris or other foreign material. The examination continues up the shaft where any injuries, scars or other lesions are noted. With the penis exposed, examine the internal and external portion of the prepuce. Usually a small amount of greasy smegma is found at the base of the penis. Any trauma or injury to the penis or prepuce can be very detrimental to the stallion’s ability to cover a mare and could result in long term psychological problems. This is particularly true if the stallion is kicked by the mare while attempting to breed her. Trauma can also occ
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