How Asif Ali Gohar Plans to Change the World With His Vegan Leather

How Asif Ali Gohar Plans to Change the World With His Vegan Leather


goal? It all comes from his desire to create a vegan alternative to leather. Gohar has dedicated his life's work to finding a way to make leather without harming animals.

Asif knows a thing or two about leather

Asif is from Pakistan, a country that is heavily reliant on the leather trade. Every year Pakistan sells 874 million dollars’ worth of leather or 4% of its GDP. Asif grew up in Pakistan until the age of 12 when his family moved to Hamburg, Germany.

At 15, Asif decided to become a vegan

At the age of 15, Asif decided to become a vegan. He did this partly because of his desire to make a difference, to change how people thought about animals. Asif doesn't think animals should be considered as a source of food or leather. You see, Asif's way of thinking is a bit different. He believes animals should be thought of as our friends, not food.

Rice is the backbone of his vegan leather

You might be wondering why would Asif choose rice of all things to make his leather from. Well, it's pretty simple, Pakistan is the tenth-largest rice exporter in the world. Pakistan produces 8% of the rice the world eats every year. This means that Pakistan produces more than enough rice to make Asif's vegan leather a reality.

Asif is on the brink of making history

Now that you know the bigger picture of why Asif chose to make vegan leather from rice let's get down to the details. Asif's idea is to create a vegan alternative to leather. It all began in high school, and from there, it blossomed into something more significant when he was getting his major was business administration at the University of Hamburg. Finally, the lightbulb went off in his mind, and he decided to try to make his leather concoction with yeast and rice and acetic acid bacteria.

Obsession is the only word that can be used to describe Asif's desire to create a plant-based leather product that puts an end to animal suffering as we know it. All he needs is a little funding to make his dreams a reality. Asif has already proven his concept is viable by combining the ingredients to create a leather that can match that made from animal skins.

Your help is needed to end animal suffering

Rice farmers, factory owners, and those who are seeking someplace to plunk some of their investment capital should look into talking to Asif Ali Gohar. He's on the verge of making history with his plant-based leather. His concept will revolutionize an entire industry and help to save wild animals from an untimely death.

You can help Asif end animal suffering by investing money, selling him rice, or opening up your factory to a new incredible idea. Being a vegan is not about what you eat; it's about what you do for the sake of our planet and the animals that call it home.

Asif Ali Gohar can put an end to animal suffering with your help. So if you care about animals, contact him today and get help save innocent animals around the globe.

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