Hot Tub Sex Stories

Hot Tub Sex Stories


Hot Tub Sex Stories
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Things really heat up in the hot tub.
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Since the kids couldn't come home for Thanksgiving, we had decided to take a quick trip, just the two of us. Our hotel was nearly deserted, we could count the other guests we'd seen so far on one hand. The weather forecast was for lots of snow over the weekend. Between the weather and the holiday, we didn't expect we'd be seeing many other guests this weekend, and that was fine by us.
We spent the first day hiking the trails in the nearby park, ate at a local steak house, and were back in our room before 7pm. Snow was starting to fall as we pulled into the mostly-empty hotel lot.
With nothing else to do, we decided to spend some time in the small hot tub we'd seen earlier in the indoor courtyard. We figured we'd have the whole place to ourselves, so we put on our suits and headed down.
We hadn't seen any other guests in the courtyard area during our walk through after checking in, or just a few minutes earlier when we were heading back to our room, so we were surprised to see another couple already in the hot tub when we arrived.
It was too late to turn back, so we continued up to the tub, and its two occupants. They were an attractive couple. She looked to be somewhere in her late thirties, he was probably early forties. She had long, dark hair and was very petite. He had close-cropped dark hair and an athletic build.
They were seated on the side opposite where we walked up, he had his left arm around her shoulders.
He looked up at us, smiled, and gave us a quick nod.
"Come on in, there's room. Barely," she laughed a little as she said it.
The pool was only five or six feet across, round, with a circular seat built into the outer walls.
I put one foot down into the water, onto the seat. It was nice and hot, just like I like it. I brought my other foot in so that I was standing on the seat. I felt for the floor gingerly with my left foot. I couldn't see the bottom through the bubbling water. It was about the same distance down to the floor as the seat was from the surrounding concrete pad, maybe eighteen inches. Once I was standing safely on the floor of the tub, I turned and helped Debbie to step down into the hot tub.
Debbie dropped the towel she had draped over shoulders onto a nearby chair. I couldn't help but notice her hard nipples poking at the thin material of her black one-piece swim suit. Her suit had a high neck,
with two thin straps over her shoulders, and was open in the back to just above the crack of her ass.
The legs were cut high in the front, leaving a thin strip of material to cover her crotch that formed tightly to all the curves of her womanhood. It was a nice view as she placed one shapely leg slowly into the water.
Once Debbie was in, we sat down together, careful that we didn't tangle feet with the other couple.
The woman wore a white, halter-top style suit that tied behind her neck with a plunging neck line that opened to about the middle of her stomach. The two Vs that made up the top of her suit hung a little loosely over her small breasts. They were small, but perky, as I could clearly see the outline of her nipples through the white suit pointing upwards. When she leaned to whisper in her husband's ear I got a nice view of her right tit as the loose suit drooped open. It was small, but the nipple was unusually long. We introduced ourselves to one another. They were Rick and Lisa.
"She thinks she needs a boob job," he said. "That's what we were talking about before you guys walked up. I keep telling her she's fine like she is. What do you think?"
The question took me by surprise, and I could feel my face turning red, but quickly reasoned that we were far from home and would likely never see this couple again, so what the hell?
"I agree, fine like she is. I like small, perky tits," I replied.
"See, babe, told ya we all don't want giant boobs on our women. He agrees with me."
"I don't want giant. I just want nice and round and sexy. Like Debbie's. That's what I was whispering to him before, how nice your breasts are. Those are the perfect size, don't you think?" she asked looking at Rick.
"Yeah, they're a good size, they're nice," he answered. I could see Debbie's nipples poke out just a little harder as we all stared at her chest.
Debbie giggled a little, blushed, and glanced at me. I guess since she didn't protest immediately Lisa figured that was close enough to permission and she bent forward and wrapped both hands around Debbie's tits before Debbie could react. Lisa gave Debbie's tits a couple of light squeezes, then cupped them with her hands and gave them a little bounce, like she was weighing them. Debbie laughed a little more. I smiled at Debbie and gave a little shrug. We were on vacation, let it happen.
"Oh yeah, these would be perfect!" Lisa exclaimed, looking back at Rick who looked at me and shrugged. I looked back to Lisa cupping Debbie's tits and enjoyed every minute of it. Debbie gave me a knowing look, and I probably blushed a little as I gave her a smile and a couple eyebrow raises.
Lisa released Debbie's tits, sat up straight, and quickly reached both hands behind her head, undid the knot of her suit, and pulled the top of her suit down to her waist, revealing her naked upper half.
She looked down at her tits and wiggled her shoulders, making her small tits sway ever so slightly.
Her nipples were about quarter size around, but they were at least an inch long. They were a dark red color, and pointed up. I wanted to grab them so badly. Something about those long nipples just called to me, begging to be pinched.
"See what I mean? They're too small and pointy," Lisa complained.
I couldn't have disagreed more, I thought they looked positively beautiful. Firm and tight, long, dark nipples pointing skyward. I caught myself staring a little too lustfully when Rick startled me from my fantasies about his wife's nipples.
"I don't think Jeff has any complaints about how they look," Rick said chuckling.
I pulled my eyes off of Lisa's tits, closed my mouth, and looked at Rick, a little embarrassed. He just winked at me.
"No. None at all. I think they look great. They fit you. And..." I stopped myself before going too far.
"And what?" Lisa looked at me hard and asked.
"And nothing. They look really nice," I lied.
"No, you were going to say something. Tell me," Lisa insisted.
"Nothing bad. Its just... your... your nipples... are fantastic," I admitted.
Lisa giggled. Rick made an approving sound, and nodded in agreement.
"Ah, you're sweet," she smiled at me and I thought I would melt. She was really hot.
"But seriously. They're just shaped funny, too pointy. I want nice and round like Debbie's," Lisa added.
Lisa leaned forward and grabbed both of Debbie's tits again, and gave them a few squeezes.
She then reached up to the two straps at Debbie's shoulders and hooked her thumbs under them.
"I want to see them," Lisa announced as she slid the straps down Debbie's arms. Debbie pulled her arms in against her sides, slowing down and trapping the straps, and squeezing her tits together.
"Come on, please. I'll bet they're beautiful," Lisa begged Debbie. Debbie loosened her arms a little while looking over at me. I smiled at her and watched Lisa tug the straps down past Debbie's elbows and off her arms, peeling Debbie's suit down to her waist, and exposing her chest. I was thinking to myself how happy I was that I hadn't headed back to the room when I saw that the hot tub was occupied.
Lisa let go of Debbie's suit, and sat back to admire the new view.
"See, look at those Rick! They're perfect. Just what I want," Lisa said looking at Rick who nodded in agreement.
"I love your little pale, pink nipples too!" Lisa exclaimed looking back at Debbie, who smiled a little shyly while crossing her arms under her tits.
Lisa reached forward again with both hands and cupped Debbie's now bare breasts, bouncing them like she had before. She then covered them, and squeezed a little. I could see the look on Debbie's face changing subtly as Lisa's hands ran across her nipples. Debbie has extremely sensitive nipples, and touching them really gets her motor running. Debbie wasn't giggling anymore, she was breathing heavily.
"Ooh, your nipples are like two hard little pebbles. They're so pink and sexy. I don't think I can change my nipples, but if I could, I'd get new small ones like yours when I get my new boobs," Lisa laughed.
She then moved her hands to take each of Debbie's nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each of her hands and pinch them. Lisa bit her lower lip and watched Debbie's face to see her reaction. Debbie took in a quick breath, and arched her back. I knew Lisa's pinching her nipples was driving Debbie wild.
"Somebody has sensitive nipples," Lisa giggled looking at me, and then at Rick.
"Yes, she does. Very sensitive," I assured Lisa, as she traced circles around both of Debbie's nipples with the first finger of each hand before going in for another pinch. Debbie's left hand went to my right thigh and she gave it a hard, almost painful, squeeze as Lisa continued playing with her tits.
Debbie's chest was noticeably heaving up and down with Lisa's teasing of her nipples. Lisa was enjoying the effects, watching Debbie intently. Lisa started running her fingers lightly up and down Debbie's sides, under her tits, and across her nipples. Debbie started moaning softly, closed her eyes and laid her head back on the edge of the tub. She kept her left hand on my thigh, rubbing up and down my leg, her little finger moving across my balls with each stroke. Coming down to the hot tub was turning out to be the best move I'd made in a long time.
When Debbie laid her head back, Lisa leaned forward, glanced at me, smiled and winked, and took Debbie's left nipple into her mouth. Debbie took in a quick surprised breath, opened her eyes and raised her head up to look at Lisa. Debbie then let out a long, slow moan as she closed her eyes again and laid her head back down. Her left hand moved to my crotch and rubbed my now raging hard on through my swimming trunks.
Lisa was sucking and licking Debbie's left nipple like crazy. She then moved her mouth to Debbie's right nipple, leaving a big blob of saliva on her left nipple which she immediately started working into Debbie with her left hand. The water lapped at Lisa's chin as she nibbled, sucked, and licked Debbie's right nipple just as furiously as she had her left. Debbie's hips started rising up off the bench seat with Lisa's sucking and fondling, pulsating up and down and making little circles. Debbie took her left hand off my crotch and moved it toward her own. Rick scooted to the front edge of the bench, his left hand on Lisa's back, and reached under her to play with those long, hard nipples with his right hand. I could see Lisa's little tits dangling and Rick's hand brushing back and forth across those beautiful long nipples that I wanted so badly to pinch.
I slid my right hand along the inside of Debbie's leg and met her hand at her crotch. She was rubbing her left hand up and down her slit outside of her swim suit. I covered her hand with mine and followed her motions. Lisa released Debbie's nipple from between her teeth, and looked up at her.
"Sit up on the edge," Lisa huskily commanded Debbie. Debbie didn't hesitate. She slid back and up onto the edge of the hot tub. Lisa tugged at Debbie's suit. Debbie placed her hands flat on the concrete on either side of her hips and lifted her butt up off the concrete so that Lisa could slide Debbie's suit down her thighs, over her knees, and into the water, where Debbie kicked it off to float away toward Rick. He picked it up and laid it gently on the concrete near the tub. I couldn't believe my wife was completely naked in a hot tub with strangers in the middle of a hotel courtyard! I was so turned on I could hear my own pulse throbbing in my ears.
Lisa climbed up to kneel on the bench seat, put one hand on each of Debbie's knees, spread them apart and scooted herself between Debbie's thighs. Lisa moved her left hand from Debbie's knee to the middle of her chest, and pushing gently, instructed Debbie to lie down. Debbie looked behind her, grabbed her towel laying nearby, rolled it into a makeshift pillow and laid back onto the concrete. Debbie's pussy was so inviting right there at the edge of the tub, up a little higher than her back since her hips were on the raised edge around the tub. I couldn't see Debbie's upper half, the view ended at her hips, her legs spread open. Lisa put her left hand back on Debbie's right knee, and bent forward to bury her face into Debbie's crotch. I could see Debbie's ass raise up off the ledge a little as she pushed her hips up to meet Lisa's mouth. My hard-on raged in the hot water.
Rick scooted forward on the seat in his position directly behind Lisa. He leaned forward and grasped her suit at her waist with both hands. He slowly peeled it down and into the water where he used his right foot to push it the rest of the way off. Lisa stepped out of her suit without a pause in her work on Debbie's pussy. Rick tossed the suit next to Debbie's on the concrete behind him.
Rick put his left hand on Lisa's left hip, and slid his right hand up between her legs, sliding up the inside of her left leg all the way to her crotch. Lisa's knees bent involuntarily as Rick slid his hand forward and back across her pussy from behind, finally sinking two fingers slowly into her.
He started working those fingers in and out of Lisa's hole, and Lisa started moaning louder and moving her hips in rhythm with Rick's stroking.
I sat up straighter and stretched my neck to be able to see Debbie's face as she lay on the concrete.
Debbie was rubbing and pinching both of her nipples with both hands, her mouth open and her eyes closed. She was obviously really enjoying Lisa's attention. I could hear her moaning mingling with Lisa's, both now louder than the hot tub.
Suddenly, Lisa stood up, ran her hands through her long, dark hair, looked back at Rick and gave him a nod toward Debbie's obviously super wet pussy. She then stepped to her left, around Debbie's right knee, as Rick slid into position kneeling in front of Debbie. I strained to look at Debbie again. She met my look and held my gaze. She bit her lower lip lightly, still looking at me, and then took in a quick gasp of air, closed her eyes again, laid her head back down, and went back to working her tits. I ran my eyes down her naked body to her crotch, where all I could see was the top of Rick's head moving around as he worked my wife's pussy with his mouth. That explained the gasp.
Meanwhile, Lisa had climbed up out of the tub to sit right next to Debbie, their hips touching. She seemed to be enjoying watching her man work on my wife, and she started rubbing those long nipples of hers. She looked from the action in Debbie's crotch over to me and smiled, still rubbing those sexy nipples. I stood up, as straight as I could, as my hard-on got kind of jammed in my suit. I made some quick adjustments as I took the few steps to then kneel on the bench in front of Lisa.
I put my hands on top of Lisa's thighs, and she scooted a little closer to the water, still working her nipples with both hands. I had a great view just a few inches above and away from her tits. Lisa arched her back, pushing her tits closer to me, and I took the invitation. I leaned in and took her right nipple into my mouth. It was so long and so hard I could suck it like a little cock. I wrapped my tongue around it and moved my head to run up and down its full length. I nibbled on it. I sucked it into my mouth and battered it with my tongue. It felt like french kissing. It was awesome. I moved to her left nipple and repeated the process. I was so engrossed in what I was doing, I'm not sure when Lisa started getting really vocal, but she got so loud she snapped me out of my ecstasy.
"Oh God! Yes! Suck my tits! Oh fuck! That feels so damn good!" Lisa exclaimed a little louder than I would have liked, but I didn't really care at this point.
Lisa put her hands around my neck and started running her fingernails up and down my back as I sucked her tits. She was scratching me pretty good, so I was glad when she moved her hands to her crotch and started to play with her pussy instead. She pulled away from me and laid back to mimic Debbie's position. I glanced over at Debbie and Rick to see that Debbie had wrapped her legs around his shoulders and seemed to be pulling his face into her pussy with her legs, while he had moved his hands up to work on her tits. I could see Debbie's right hand clutching at her towel next to her hip, squeezing and releasing.
"Suck my pussy!" I heard from Lisa and I turned away from watching Debbie to see Lisa looking up at me, holding her pussy open with both hands.
Lisa's clit looked to be just as over-sized as her nipples, and I couldn't get to it fast enough. I dove in and took it into my mouth. Lisa immediately began writhing around as I sucked, licked, and tongue-fucked her wet pussy.
The sound of Debbie and Lisa moaning, mixed with the sound of their pussies being eaten was really exciting, and I was really enjoying the moment. Suddenly I heard Debbie say "Stop!". I looked up from Lisa's pussy to see what was wrong.
"Stop. I can't take it. I need a cock in me," Debbie begged. I heard Lisa laugh. I loved how horny Debbie was.
"Yeah, me too. Time to fuck," Lisa announced.
I stood up to switch places with Rick. Rick stood up, Debbie's legs still wrapped around him. Debbie's legs slid down to Rick's hips as he stood. Debbie had her legs crossed at the ankles behind Rick's back. I took a step back, expecting Debbie to release Rick so we could trade places. I think Rick was just as surprised as I was when, instead of releasing her grip on him, Debbie pulled him closer to her with her legs.
I looked over at Debbie, and she was looking right at me. She had a mischievous look on her face, bit her lower lip, and smiled up at me, raising her eyebrows questioningly. I returned the smile, and nodded slowly. I looked at Rick, who was watching me, and held up my right hand for a high five.
He slapped my hand and said "Hell yeah!"
Rick took his engorged cock in his right hand and ran it up and down Debbie's slit. Debbie looked him in the eyes, licked her lips slowly, and let out a super sexy long moan as she moved her hands to her nipples. I watched as Rick put the large round head of his cock against Debbie's opening. Debbie's hands stopped moving, she held her breath, mouth open, as Rick slowly buried the full length of his fat cock into her. Debbie then let out a high-pitched little whimper when Rick's hips stopped up against her ass. I could see her legs pulling him tightly against her as she ground her hips into him. Rick then pulled almost all the way out before ramming his cock deeply back into Debbie, hard and fast this time.
"Yes! Fuck me hard!" Debbie pleaded as Rick commenced to quickly pounding in and out of her pussy.
Debbie kept her legs locked around Rick's hips as they moved against each other making a loud slapping sound each time Debbie's ass slammed against the front of Rick's thighs. I was mesmerized not just because I was watching my wife getting fucked hard by a stranger, but also because I was watching her fucking him back just as hard. She looked so incredibly
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