Hot Sex After A Hot Bath

Hot Sex After A Hot Bath


Hot Sex After A Hot Bath
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Home Our Blog Is Having Sex in a Hot Tub Safe? Doctors say a big no-no.
Is Having Sex in a Hot Tub Safe? Doctors say a big no-no.
A soak in a hot bathtub can be an elixir after a long day. The warm water eases aches from conditions like arthritis¹ and can be relaxing during winters. That's what it is meant for.
But wait. What about having sex in there?
Well, the answer is, “it is the worst thing you can ever do in your sex life, after oral sex”.
Yes, besides the fact that a hot tub can up the STD transmission, it can lead to UTIs, and can be fatal for your lady parts, even if your tub is squeaky clean! Here's why:
Candidiasis, also known as "yeast infection" is caused by a group of small fungi that inhabit the vagina normally. This infection is not highly contagious but can develop during sexual contact.
Normally, an average woman has a small percentage of them in her vagina, and sometimes the environment changes which triggers the yeast to morph into infectious forms that leads to issues including vaginal itching, burning, curdy white discharge, and even pain while having sexual intercourse.
Therefore, your body chemistry can badly react with another person's genital bacteria and yeast, when having sexual intercourse. The chlorinated, hot water and other chemicals in it can mess with your vagina's good bacteria and kill them, allowing bad bacteria to invade —the heat and pH of the hot tub can trigger a yeast infection.
The same goes for urinary tract infection² (UTI), which takes place when bacteria get caught in the urethra, which can travel to the bladder — already a risk during copulation — since the urethra is present near the vagina and rectum.
Catching STDs from hot tubs is possible. This is because using water as a lubricating agent can develop micro-tears in the vaginal skin, which leads to a higher risk of STIs, including herpes and HIV.
Thinking of this classic myth? — “It is safe to have sex in a hot tub because chlorinated, hot water kills the STD-causing viruses and bacteria.”
Well, no way! Neither chlorine, not hot water can save you from getting an STD — chemically speaking, organisms in STDs are chlorine-resistant.
A person can only spread STDs through direct individual-to-individual contact, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Take syphilis, for instance. The infection can't be spread through shared utensils, seats, doorknobs, or a hot tub. Currently, there is no evidence that STDs can spread via hot tubs — except if you're engaging in sexual intercourse in water. This is due to the intimate exchange of body discharges and fluids.
Not only that, but if you're having sex without a condom, then your chances of encountering an STI is very high. If you do, then make sure you maintain good hygiene standards. It will not only protect you from any bad odor, but also many associated illnesses like diarrheal infections and allergies.
To sum up — the only STDs you can develop are via unprotected sexual intercourse or having sex with your better half who already has an STI.
Itchy pus-filled, lumpy swollen red bumps present around the hair follicles known as pseudomonas folliculitis — that's what a typical hot tub rash is called — arising due to exposure from bacteria and chemicals in the tub water, including chlorine. It can show within 12-48 hours after using the hot tub and is caused by the germ known as Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
It is highly contagious and can spread through using shared razors, towels, or even bathing together. It can also spread from one body part to another.
Hot tub folliculitis usually goes away within 5-10 days without any treatment. However, topical treatments can help, including silver sulfadiazine cream when used two times a day applied to the bumps for 15-20 minutes in 2-4 different sessions. You could also try white vinegar to get rid of these bumps.
Sex can be better after applying lube as well as natural lubrication. But *not* with hot tub water. It may sound counterintuitive, but water dissolves any water-based lubricants. So, any sexual intercourse taking place will be less smooth and more friction-y and chafing.
From the action of sexual intercourse, water will enter the vagina and dissolve any natural lubrication and may lead to microtears (or even microtears), and thus causing infection and irritation.
Also, chlorine is harsh enough to dry you out and lead to painful sex. Therefore, to replenish your vaginal tissues it is recommended to use a vaginal moisturizer like Replens afterward.
A hot tub contains water full of chemicals that can weaken the condom. Also, it is a known truth that any hot or cold environment makes latex more vulnerable to weakening, thus losing its strength and eventually its effectiveness.
This is because cold or hot temperatures can lead to perforations in the condom and thus making you more susceptible to STDs from hot tubs, including herpes, HIV, and gonorrhea³. It also makes you prone to vaginal infections.
The same holds for dental dams — which are also made of latex, and are used to protect against STDs while having oral sex. Plus, it would be difficult to hold in water, thus making it less effective.
However, if you must have sex, keeping a few condoms and dental dams available at hand is a good option to consider.
Water-based lubricants, as the name suggests, dissolve in water — so does women's natural lubrication. Then goes oil-based lubes — which are a big no-no — since this ruins any latex condoms. Therefore, there isn't an option when having sex in a water tub.
Thus, using silicone-based lubes is the best — for preventing dryness and irritation in water. However, make sure to check if your condom supports silicone lubricants — many don't.
Having sexual intercourse in a hot water tub doesn't decrease your probability of getting pregnant — especially if you're having sex without a condom. This is because water is not dissolving, deactivating, or washing any ejaculations.
Thus, there are neither higher chances nor lower chances of getting pregnant.
But, if you want to conceive, it is best to avoid having sex in a hot tub, especially if your husband has a low-ish sperm count. This holds if your husband has erectile dysfunction.
Why? This is because sperm formation in the testes — pouch-like structures hanging from either side of the penis — requires a cooler temperature. A soak in a hot tub raises the temperature of testes — thus leading to slow down or halt the sperm formation, and eventually sperm count.
Also, pregnant women *must* avoid any hot tubs (especially during early pregnancy).
This is because when you use a hot tub, it is difficult for your body to lose heat via sweating — which increases your body's core temperature — which could cause damage to your baby-to-be, including spinal cord and brain defects.
It could also lead to miscarriage. So, for your baby's sake, avoid any hot tubs during the first three months of pregnancy.
For men: Be mindful not to get excessively heated. If the temperature is too high, it can be harmful to the delicate skin of your penis and can cause dryness. Also, as aforementioned, it can lead to lower sperm count in many cases, though temporary — but can be a potential concern if not watched upon.
For ladies: HT sex can cause extreme vaginal dryness. In addition, it can also dry up your vagina's inner lining, leading to irritation and rashes, and many potential STIs and yeast infections — by altering the pH of your vagina.
Also, if you already suspect an STI, it is best to avoid any sexual activity, including HT sex. It will save you, your better half, and eventually your sex life and health. Be cautious. Get tested.
The water itself doesn't pose an *actual* risk here — but things like hot, chlorinated water do. Not only do these affect the vagina, but also a man's sperm count. During sex, this chemical-filled H2O can enter your vagina, leading to yeast or a urinary tract infection (UTI), bacterial vaginosis, or all of these.
It can also dissolve any natural lubrication of your vagina, which makes sex more painful and rough. Some people even get an itchy rash — though it resolves within a few days.
The main thing to watch for: even if you're using condoms (latex or polyurethane), you're at risk of developing a STI⁴/multiple STIs. They can also spread via skin-to-skin contact.
Although leftover syphilis isn't floating around in the HT, chlorinated water doesn't sterilize any STDs your better half is carrying.
Also, condoms manufacturers don't examine their products underwater — thus your safety is likely to break down, burst, or glide away in this new environment. Plus, the aforementioned dryness (lack of natural lubrication) makes you more susceptible to developing STDs — which has a good chance during sex in HT.
However, all these risks are associated with any sexual activity except fondling, touching, or foreplaying before having actual sexual intercourse.
In addition to that: it is recommended to get tested for STIs regardless of whether you're sexually active or not. This will lessen your chances of developing any further STIs or other associated diseases.
Also, using condoms and dental dams are a good option to consider while having sexual intercourse, to avoid any danger of catching an STI. Be responsible. Get tested as soon as today! is an affordable online marketplace where customers can easily and securely order STD lab testing. Customer Service 1(213)4747347
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Hey Ladies, whats your opinion on showering or having a bath after sex? Any evidence to suggest this kills sperm?

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My gyno told me not to take a bath after BD sex, as for the shower though it seems like it would be fine.
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My gyno told me not to take a bath after BD sex, as for the shower though it seems like it would be fine.

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My gyno told me not to take a bath after BD sex, as for the shower though it seems like it would be fine.

Shower is definitely fine although I know hot water can kill/damage sperm so I'd stay away from a hot bath immediately after sex.
Shower is definitely fine although I know hot water can kill/damage sperm so I'd stay away from the bath.

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Shower is definitely fine although I know hot water can kill/damage sperm so I'd stay away from the bath.
Shower is definitely fine although I know hot water can kill/damage sperm so I'd stay away from the bath.

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Shower is definitely fine although I know hot water can kill/damage sperm so I'd stay away from the bath.
Shower is definitely fine although I know hot water can kill/damage sperm so I'd stay away from the bath.
Shower is definitely fine although I know hot water can kill/damage sperm so I'd stay away from the bath.

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The hot temps of some bath water (or a really hot shower) could kill the sperm if it raises your temperature. So, avoid hot water. I would feel gross taking a bath due to leaking...but a quick shower should be okay in appropriately warm water.

I was actually wondering this exact thing since I am dying for a hot bath tonight. Since I'm pretty sure I o'd yesterday and we bd'd this morning I'm going to avoid it but man a nice hot bath sounds good right now. 

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Interesting. What is the thought behind that?
Do you not take hot showers? I was under the impression that the hot water/sperm damage was more related to sperm still being in your husbands body...not yours.
Do you not take hot showers? I was under the impression that the hot water/sperm damage was more related to sperm still being in your husbands body...not yours.
Honestly, I don't have any evidence other then I know men are recommended to stay away from hot tubs and other hot water. To me the difference between the hot shower and hot bath is the extended soaking in hot water that a bath entails.
Do you not take hot showers? I was under the impression that the hot water/sperm damage was more related to sperm still being in your husbands body...not yours.
Honestly, I don't have any evidence other then I know men are recommended to stay away from hot tubs and other hot water. To me the difference between the hot shower and hot bath is the extended soaking in hot water that a bath entails.
Right because the sperm aren't as protected in a male's body as they are in a woman's body. 
Do you not take hot showers? I was under the impression that the hot water/sperm damage was more related to sperm still being in your husbands body...not yours.
Honestly, I don't have any evidence other then I know men are recommended to stay away from hot tubs and other hot water. To me the difference between the hot shower and hot bath is the extended soaking in hot water that a bath entails.
Right because the sperm aren't as protected in a male's body as they are in a woman's body. 
Fair enough. Like I said, I don't have any evidence that says for females to not take baths, it's just what I suggest knowing what I know about sperm and hot water. Personally, I wouldn't take one immediately after sex just to be on the safe side but I wouldn't cut them out all together.
Do you not take hot showers? I was under the impression that the hot water/sperm damage was more related to sperm still being in your husbands body...not yours.
I would avoid hot-hot baths because there are lots of websites (I know, not the most accurate source of info) say that you shouldn't take hot baths or go in hot tubs while pregnant. Although, I still follow the "Drink till it's pink" rule, so maybe "bathe till it's pink" too? 
Do you not take hot showers? I was under the impression that the hot water/sperm damage was more related to sperm still being in your husbands body...not yours.
I would avoid hot-hot baths because there are lots of websites (I know, not the most accurate source of info) say that you shouldn't take hot baths or go in hot tubs while pregnant . Although, I still follow the "Drink till it's pink" rule, so maybe "bathe till it's pink" too? unless you know you are KU why would you not do something you normally do?

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