Hot Nurse Bj

Hot Nurse Bj


Hot Nurse Bj
Update: Nurse who (gave) sexual favors
Comment deleted by user · 4 yr. ago
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This is the girlfriend (now fiancee!). I took over from my fiance halfway through our original post and now I have a Reddit account that I use regularly, so this is all me. He doesn’t want to see it.
The update: at the beginning of this year I got caught. After my fiance and I made our original post 16 months ago, I started to get more bold due to how easy it was for me to get away with it. I was more flirty with patients right from the start, and if I got any signals back from them I would make things sexual pretty fast (making sex jokes and “dropping” things right in front of them). I started giving blowjobs again and showed more of my body. I wore revealing lingerie under my scrubs. It spiraled out of control and I wasn’t even aware of it.
I was getting too much pleasure out of it. I would get very aroused when I was servicing these men and I would look forward to it when I wasn't working. Sometimes I even thought about it when I was masturbating or having sex. At the time I made the excuse that it was normal for me to be aroused because penises are penises, but eventually I realized I couldn’t say that it was only about the patients anymore, and that made me question whether I should be doing it at all. I still didn’t stop because I kept justifying it to myself. It made me feel sexy.
So, back to how I got caught. On an evening shift I was alone with a patient who I had been giving blowjobs to for a few weeks. I had been giving them with my scrubs shirt off and a see-through bra, or one that didn’t cover my nipples. On that evening, while I was giving him a blowjob, a friend/coworker walked in. I don’t know how I didn’t hear her...I had always heard people coming before that. If I didn’t have my shirt off then I probably would have gotten away with it (all she saw was me putting my shirt back on).
It was the most awkward moment of my life... She was absolutely shocked and she turned right back around and left. I ran after her and found her in the break room. I started crying and I lied to her. I told her I had never done anything like that before and that all I did was flash him. I told her that things were bad in my relationship and that I got a crush. The patient was a young guy who was pretty attractive so it seemed plausible to me. My coworker was so shocked she stayed completely silent and looked like she was going to cry along with me. We weren’t super close friends, but we had spent some time together outside of work. Without even saying anything, she walked away and we avoided each other for the rest of the evening.
I couldn’t sleep one wink that night. I didn’t tell my fiancee because I was so scared and ashamed...I guess I wanted to pretend it didn’t happen. The next day my coworker texted me and told me that I could either tell our boss, she could tell our boss, or I could quit. At that time I had been thinking about applying to grad school, so there was no way my boss could find out. I also worried that I would be arrested. So, a week later I pretended that I found a new job and I quit. They gave me a cake and everything. It was mortifying, but I did a good job of pretending.
I told my fiance at that point and he was devastated. He blamed himself for letting me do it. After lots of thinking and being unemployed for a few months, I realized that I couldn’t handle being a nurse so I stopped applying to grad school and started working in a different field in an entry level position. I was very depressed for months. I started having sex with random people from Tinder (my fiancee was usually at work and he didnt know at first). Our relationship became officially open after I told him. A few times I had sex for money through Craigslist, but I made myself stop doing that even though it made me feel so good about myself (I know...).
But things have gotten better since then. I like my new career (but not as much as nursing) and I’ve been promoted two times. We got engaged four months ago and it’s been great. We still have an open relationship but it feels healthy, and one of the things that I’ve been working on with my therapist is how I’ve had somewhat of a sex addiction for most of my life.
So, AMA. I’m in a completely different place than I was during the original post, so you can ask the same questions as before if you want. I can also post verification if people want it.
Holy shit! SOME nurses can be cruel and they know exactly what they're doing. But the flirting never goes anywhere other than a hard-on that you cant do nothing with after talking for an hour at 0300. But you...fucking hell. Bavo
edit Question: It's Wayyy More common for nurses to hook up with docs or other nurses. What made you go for Patients?
Cant tell if that's bravo or if you're insulting me lol
To answer your edit: this didn't start out as something sexual for me. Going all the way back to college I had read about caregivers who helped their patients/clients fulfill their sexual needs. For example patients who were severely disabled or unable to leave the home. I thought that was really cool and it made perfect sense for me.
When I started working as a nurse I definitely didn't have a plan to do this, but after I got to know patients who were in the final stages of their life and completely depressed/alone, I thought about it again. It just made sense to me and I did it to care for people.
As far as nurses having sex with docs, that definitely happens but it wasn't so common where I worked. I think probably what's most common is the medical residents or fellows having sex with each other haha
We have a very happy relationship and I wonder why you feel so comfortable judging it based on this microscopic glimpse you have on our sex lives.
Relax uncle creepy. We're here for porn.
In countries where sex work is legal, there are organizations that provide sex workers for the severely disabled, or those in long term recovery. It seems to me that they provide a wonderful service and I regret that sex work is not decriminalized and safe in the U.S.
If such an organization existed in the U.S., would you consider working for it? Something like this:
Things like that are actually what got me started in this. I left this as a reply to someone else:
This didn't start out as something sexual for me. Going all the way back to college I had read about caregivers who helped their patients/clients fulfill their sexual needs. For example patients who were severely disabled or unable to leave the home. I thought that was really cool and it made perfect sense for me.
When I started working as a nurse I definitely didn't have a plan to do this, but after I got to know patients who were in the final stages of their life and completely depressed/alone, I thought about it again. It just made sense to me and I did it to care for people.
That organization is really interesting and I fully support what they're doing. I personally think that sex work should be legal and regulated everywhere for everyone, and I think that providing sick and disabled people with sexual services is very important. Sex is a natural part of life and it's a basic need that we all have. All adults should be able to pay other adults to have sex with them, and that goes even more for people who aren't able to have sex without that kind of service.
As for whether I would work for that organization: when I was doing escorting on Craigslist I was in a place of depression, but I definitely enjoyed it and it's something I wouldn't rule out doing again in the future. If I lived in Australia then I could totally see myself working for them. Again, the issue for me though is that I would have to do a lot of thinking about the fact that I would be aroused by it and get pleasure. I guess maybe that's ok, but at the same time it just makes it feel less like providing a clinical/care service and more like hooking up with people to satisfy my needs.
So your fiance was totally cool with you doing all of this? Handjobs and blowjobs for random strangers, which turned into fucking random tinder strangers? Does he do any of that too? Or is this a one sided situation?
Yes, he was completely ok with it (he talks about it in the original post, if you're interested). Our relationship has been open for most of the time that we've been together, and it was open at the time I started helping my patients in this way. We're both very sexual people, so there have been times when we would each be having sex with 4-5 other people every week. Most of our friends are like this too, so when we spend time together there's often lots of sex involved =P
When I started going on Tinder after I was fired, we didn't technically have a "closed" relationship but we just happened to not be having sex with other people at the time. It was something that I did behind his back, even though he would have been ok with it if I had asked him. I was just in a really bad place. When I told him about it he was surprised and disappointed more than anything.
So do you carry over any of your past work habits, in your new job?
Well my fiance and I have an open relationship so if something came up at work I wouldn't shy away from it. It's a regular office job so it's different, but both of us have had sex with coworkers in the past. We'll see!
What made you go on tinder and ‘cheat’ on your bf at the time? Were you unhappy with the amount of sexual attention he gave you? Or did you miss the sexual favours you gave your patients? Do you bareback the tinder strangers or use condoms each time you stray play outside the relationship?
What made you go on tinder and 'cheat' on your bf at the time?
It was a combination of things. It had nothing to do with our sex life, since that's always been very satisfying. I think I was mostly just feeling self-destructive... I was depressed, and when that happens l sometimes seek out risky sex situations. I didn't use condoms during this particular streak although I almost always do with strangers. Part of it is that I just prefer the feeling of bareback and I get turned on by men coming inside me, but another part was just being self-destructive and risky. As far as doing it behind his back, again the thrill and taboo nature of it excited me and made me feel good when otherwise I was feeling down all the time. I would definitely not have done it at all if it was actual cheating (as in if he was fundamentally opposed to sex outside of our relationship).
I do also think that part of it was that I was missing giving sexual favors to my patients. I was getting men off almost 5 days per week for months and months, so when I suddenly didn't have that in my life anymore I definitely felt a hole that needed to be filled (pun intended, but only after the fact haha). Even though I wasn't getting off directly it just sort of became a mindset and a part of my daily experience.
You should start a storiesgonewild thread under a different account. I’m sure people would be interested.
I'm a pretty good story teller, so I'm happy to give details if you're interested =)
I'm an xray tech. And caring for people isn't easy at all. Even for me, I'm lucky to be able to treat em and leave em. But, doing the same person over and over can be hard, especially if they are young. I can't tell you how to feel about yourself (guilt?) and nursing, but, I can tell you, if you enjoy nursing, I would go back. There's always a shortage of good nurses, plenty of shitty ones tho. Maybe, go to an ER, or maybe a procedural area where there's never privacy, Just my 2 cents. Good luck in your future
so how was giving the bj s like how were they how did they lead up did you like it . and you've done all that have you ever been to any gloryholes before

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I have that same uniform. 😜👩‍⚕️💉
animation very good and fluid also the quality is outstanding, but no sound.
Thanks! They'll be basically all mute for now, but i'll surely work on the sound in the future.
Motion looks a bit stiff and her lips move robotic. On the other hand the position is cool looking.
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OMG! I was in mid fap and then #11 happened, and I just kept going. # skills

#16 I'd marry either one of those beautiful women, Give them a good stable home to raise some children in as well!

I know he's a dude. Dudes can be nurses too, you dumb fuck.

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Home Working as a Nurse Do Nurses Relieve Patients? Learn the Facts

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Nurses are an important part of the healthcare industry, they spend years studying and practicing to devote their life to patient care and attend to their individual needs.
Unfortunately, their role is still underrated and many patients and healthcare colleagues don’t appreciate the role that nurses have in the wellbeing of patients.
In this article, we are going to about ethical problems like how should nurses treat their patients , what is their role in the healthcare industry, and do nurses relieve patients or give them handjobs.
Nurses have a vital role in the healthcare team. They are not only in charge of administering medication and checking the vitals but they also provide relief and increase the well-being of a patient .
Nurses regularly check patients and notice any subtle change in the symptoms that could be a warning sign, they teach the patient about his/her symptoms, how to take care of themselves.
As a nurse like I am , you need to look at patients from a physical, mental, and spiritual perspective to promote wellness. You also provide emotional support not only for the patients but also for the patient’s relatives.
You build a relationship with the patient based on commitment, trust, and support.
The nurse’s main priority is the patient , you are directly involved in the patient’s care and collaborate with other healthcare professionals in the diagnose and treatment.
The patient should trust you and know what to expect with the treatment. Proper patient care has positive effects on the patient like relieving the anxiety symptoms, more acknowledgment of his/her condition.
The answer to the question “ Do nurses relieve patients? ” is a simple “ Yes “.
But do nurses perform controversial relieving methods like giving a handjob to a patient? That’s coming up next.
Nurses are not supposed to provide any sexual relief to the patient , this includes not only handjobs but other inappropriate sexual behaviors like kisses, touching the genital area without gloves, or performi
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