Hot Moms 30

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Self-proclaimed "sexy mom" Jen Ferguson has been featured on a new episode of of the Truly series "My Extraordinary Family," alongside her husband, son and two step-sons.

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She’s one hot mama and she’s bringing the heat to her haters.
Self-described “sexy mom” Jen Ferguson is slamming “jealous” critics who claim she’s a bad parent simply because of her good looks and skimpy clothing.
The blond bombshell appeared on a recent episode of Truly’s “ My Extraordinary Family ” alongside her husband, Stephen Donnelly, 43, son, Levi, 12, and two step-sons, Lincoln and Parker.
During the episode, Ferguson spoke out about her racy wardrobe, saying: “I’m 31, but I like to dress like the young girls. I just like to feel sexy. That’s my vibe.”
“It’s fun to show a little bit of skin and a little cleavage,” the outspoken mama added. “But I have been judged… I think their [her critics] biggest problem is they think I’m a mom, I have sons, I shouldn’t be showing this, but come on. We all have a chest. We all have a body.”
Ferguson — who is currently pregnant with her second child — says she believes her female detractors are “jealous because they don’t have the confidence I have.”
“Confidence doesn’t mean that I’m so into myself and everything,” the beauty explained. “It just means that I’m confident in who I am, and it took a lot of years to get here. People either love or hate my style, but I just roll with it.”
Son Levi also spoke during the episode, revealing that “all his friends have a huge crush” on his mom.
“Sometimes she dresses in clothes that are like short, like very short,” Levi admitted. “But, like, honestly, like I don’t care because if she had dressed and acted differently, she’d be different than the way she is now, and I don’t want anything different than what she is now.”
But while Ferguson may be beloved by her son, her looks haven’t exactly endeared her to her in-laws.
Husband Stephen Donnelly stated: “My family has not reacted very well to my relationship with Jen. They’re very stubborn. They’re very old school. They’re very old fashioned. It is what it is.”
“You know, at the end of the day, I obviously love her. I love our family. I couldn’t ask for a better stepmom for the boys,” he added.
Ferguson admits her husband is “successful,” but insists she’s not a “gold digger.”
“A lot of people say that I want Stephen for his money, and they assume that because he is 12 years older than me,” the mom stated. “He is successful, but, honestly, I love him because I love him.”
The beauty also told the program that her cosmetic procedures have helped bolster her confidence.
“‘I got my first cosmetic procedure, which was my first boob job, in 2015,” she admitted. “I love getting plastic surgery because it makes me feel more confident, and, you know, some people disagree with that.”
Despite her detractors, Ferguson has racked up a whopping 224,000 fans on TikTok where she shares saucy videos — and the mom has no regrets about her sexy style.
“You can’t really go wrong with having a cool mom,” she declared. “Haters motivate me. They make me want to continue to blossom into the person that I am. And if I’m confident, mind your business.”












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I see you in the supermarket, I see you at the playground. I see you at the school drop-off, I see you on the train and in the kid-friendly restaurants. Sometimes you see me too, and we exchange a little smile, an eye-roll, an “I get it” moment.
More often, you don’t see me—you are chasing your toddler down the aisles, watching your pre-schooler like a hawk as she climbs higher than you’d like, admonishing your kid for pinching her brother, reaching for a wet wipe, mopping up a spilled drink.
A few days ago, I was at our public swimming pool, and if ever there was a stark metaphor for life as a mom in her 30s, the public swimming pool has to be it. There we all are: the stereotypes we swore we never would be, wading knee-deep in the kiddies’ pool, eyes locked on our littles — and genuinely delighted by their antics.
Although we may be there in pairs or groups, our conversations are piecemeal, we cannot relax. Our focus is entirely on our children. We are tired. We are distracted. Our tankini-clad bodies are battle-scarred and utterly not what they used to be.
Up on the hill are the shiny 20-somethings. They are flipping through magazines, chatting to their friends, Facebooking and selfie-snapping on their iPhones. They are rested. They are toned. They are magnificently oblivious to what is coming their way in the future. They don’t even see us. Or if they do, they swear they will never be us.
You see, the truth is, we 30-somethings have let ourselves go. No. We have let our SELVES go. We have small children and for the next little while, our SELVES will not come first. We will be sleeping (or not) according to the timetables of our toddlers and/or newborns and/or a combination of the above. Our hair will not be washed as often as we’d like.
Sit-ups? What sit-ups? We will be wiping noses and bottoms and messes from the walls. We will be cooking what feels like continuously from breakfast to supper time and not leaving the table until at least a forkful of peas have been eaten. We will spend hours a week kneeling by the side of the bath and then reading “just one more” bedtime story until we pass out on the edge of the toddler bed.
We will be fluent in the language of Paw Patrol , Sofia the First , Peppa Pig and Doc McStuffins , and will use said characters shamelessly as threats, bribes, or as digital babysitters so we can dash upstairs to grab a shower. We will find ourselves negotiating with terrorists even though we swore we never would. We will answer to “Uppy” and “More” and “I don’t want to”, and we will say “What’s the magic word?” more times a day than we ever imagined possible.
But there is another truth: up there on the hill, nestled subtly amongst the 20-somethings, are the 40-somethings. They too are rested. They too are toned. They are alone, quietly reading books. They see us, and they are sympathetic but also a bit smug. They’ve been there and done it and they know it doesn’t last forever. Girls, 40-something is the holy grail. 40-something is coming.
Not that I want to wish away the time.
Never again will I feel a squidgy cheek rest on my chest in the middle of the night. Little arms reaching up to me after a fall. The delicious baby smell and the little pairs of skinny jeans and sparkly trainers. The scooter rides and monkey bars and the bedtime stories with a small person in the crook of each arm. Hearing “I want Mommy,” and “Please can you help me?” and “I want to huggle you.”
Yes, 40-something is coming, and it’s going to be bliss. But don’t let it come too fast. If I’m to lose my self for a decade, motherhood sure is a delicious thing to lose it to.
This post was originally published at Littles, Love and Sunshine .
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Catherine Dietrich is a freelance writer and mom to two girls. A former women’s magazine journalist, she now writes for various online publications as well as celebrating the ordinary moments of motherhood on her blog, Littles, Love and Sunshine . Catherine is a British South African, currently living in the Bahamas with her husband and two small daughters.
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The fact that the OnlyFans platform is a playground for porn and other adult content has led many people to think that it is just for the young, but there is clearly a place for the young at heart as well. In fact many of the most successful OnlyFans content creators are also among the most seasoned. 
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