Hot Lesbian Scene Movie

Hot Lesbian Scene Movie


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Sex scenes in films can be such a teaser. Seeing those beautiful girls in the big screen can caused many undesired… consequences. And not only because of her sculptural bodies, sometimes their personalities and chemistry can be even more alluring! To refresh your memory, LalaTai has decided to re-watch our favorite lesbian films and rank the 8 hottest bed scenes between girls in film history.
A loving and touching Swedish film featuring plenty of hot sex scenes. It is the tragic story of Mia and Frida, two steps-sisters that fall for each other and will bring disastrous consequences to their new family…
We know this one very well, one of the most popular lesbian films ever! Although the featured sex scene is a bit long (about 10 minutes), and the critics’ comments were equally polarized, it is still a really hot moment.
Unlike others, this film’s sexy scene builds up after a long and slow making-out sequence. Two women start touching each other in a library, taking the risk of being discovered at any moment.
This film explores politics and feminism while trying to build a female-only utopia. Eva Longoria and Mexican actress Kate del Castillo spread their deadly charm in this film, and their sex scene eases the intense story pace.
This one has been chosen the best film of the 21st century. Directed by David Lynch, it is filled with surreal moments and dream sequences creating an unsettling atmosphere, which also makes the sex scene bizarre and unique.
There is no doubt that the story of Black Swan is one twisted dark tale, but that does not make us like its hot sex scene any less. It is already regarded as a new classic! It ignites our dark side and sets up in motion a crazy and wild moment!
Although starring two straight women, this film is filled with tenderness and intimate spiritual connection that leads to a beautiful sex scene. It also received many Academy Awards nominations.
This film makes lesbians go wild! The sex scene goes way beyond Blue Is the Warmest Color. It gives you nothing but sex, and not only sex: you can also see some props are used to enhance the fun :P

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