Hot Legs Feet

Hot Legs Feet


Hot Legs Feet

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The feet are the most peripheral parts of the human body, distant from the center of the circulatory system (the heart) and the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Nerves and blood vessels need to travel a long way towards the feet area, and that is why the changes in these and other organ systems can be noticed in the feet region first. Hot feet and the sensation of continuous or intermittent warmth in the feet area is a very common complaint in every doctor’s office, and it can be associated with several different causes. They are ranging from very mild disorders to very severe diseases affecting multiple organs and organ systems. Here are some of the most important things you should know about hot feet.
Sensations of hotness in the feet area often appear in persons suffering from disorders affecting the peripheral nervous system, such as diabetes mellitus. Basically, due to lack of insulin (type 1) or decreased sensitivity of insulin receptors to insulin (type 2), the glucose remains in the blood, while the cells remain “hungry”. In this way, diabetes causes peripheral neuropathy, which is usually first manifested in the feet as warm sensations, numbness, tingling, or other strange sensations which suggest some disruption in the innervation.
Lyme disease is caused by a spiral bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi which also attacks the human nervous system and it is transmitted by ticks. During the third stage of this disease, the indicators of some level of neural damage, such as hot feet are very likely to appear. Lyme disease is a very severe disorder if it reaches the third stage. During the first and the second stage, it is completely curable.
Long-term alcohol abuse can cause a disorder called alcoholic neuropathy. It is another disorder affecting the most peripheral part of the body first – the feet. Ethanol is a small molecule which easily passes through all barriers, including the nerve tissue, so the alcoholics are in a great danger of producing permanent damage to their central and peripheral nervous system.
All of these disorders related to neural damage can be very irritating and disabling. Experiencing hot feet before going to sleep can prevent a person from a good night rest which is necessary for daily activities. Additionally, the vicious circle which starts with the underlying disorder is further propagated by the lack of sleep. Variations in body temperature during some infectious diseases can cause hot feet at night.
Long term high blood pressure causes the aggravation of the atherosclerotic process in the blood vessels. Small blood vessels in the feet are also affected and that can cause various sensations, including hot feet.
Other possible causes of hot feet are related to the pressure applied to the feet area. Of course, running, especially in overweight persons can result in the inflammation of the heels and even foot joints. In obese individuals, these symptoms can be noticed even after waking. Hot feet during pregnancy appear for the same reason and the additional swelling of the feet , which can occur in some pregnant women. One of the most common autoimmune diseases called Systemic Lupus Erythematosus often affects the hands and feet, causing all kinds of different sensations on the skin surface.
When assessing the symptoms related to feet, such as hot feet, it is necessary to take into account all the other associated symptoms which can altogether help to make the right diagnosis. For example, persons with diabetes will certainly have other symptoms for months or even years before developing hot feet. These symptoms include excessive hunger, thirst, frequent urination, and chronic fatigue. It is important to mention that if diabetes is properly managed, there will be no such symptoms or consequences.
An interesting thing about the Lyme disease is that it does not produce too many symptoms until it reaches the advanced stage. Peripheral neuropathy can be recognized by the vegetative changes in lower legs and feet, such as redness of the skin, and hair loss. Pain can accompany these symptoms, but not necessarily, while tingling, numbness , and irritation are almost always present.
Persons who experience peripheral neuropathy for any of the above reasons can also have an issue with mechanical damages of the feet as their perception of pain is not adequate. To better understand this, take the fact that persons with advanced unmanaged diabetes often feel no pain, even during heart attack!
Alcohol abuse produces a broad range of symptoms, but the symptoms related to neurological damage, such as hot feet, often appear while trying to withdraw from alcohol without professional help. This is a mistake many alcoholics make, and besides localized neurological symptoms, they can even experience epileptic attacks.
If besides hot feet you also experience frequent headaches, tinnitus, nervousness, and insomnia, you should check your blood pressure. Increased blood pressure can cause all these symptoms. Hot feet will rarely be the only symptom of this chronic disorder. Persons with the advanced stage of atherosclerosis will also feel the pain during physical activity in the lower legs and feet due to lack of blood flow. This phenomenon is called intermittent claudication.
Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus produce a broad range of symptoms coming from many organs, but they very commonly affect the feet and hands. In fact, this is one of the disorders where hot feet, pain, or swelling in the feet area can be a first sign of the disease.
Hot flushes are very common during menopause and perimenopausal period, and in some women, they can be localized to the feet area.
If your hot feet issues are associated with taking certain food and upset stomach, you should consult your doctor in order to investigate possible food allergy or sensitivity to gluten. Gluten enteropathy is often associated with subtle neurological symptoms, such as weird sensations in the feet area.
As you can see, hot feet have a very wide spectrum of causes, so the treatment will also depend on the specific cause. The underlying chronic diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be kept under control using the appropriate medication. For autoimmune disorders, corticosteroids are commonly used. Lyme disease is treated with the appropriate antibiotics.

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Having a leg that is swollen and hot is a possible indication of a medical condition. The swelling commonly occurs on the ankle or top of the foot, which may eventually become warm to touch. One may experience any of these symptoms or at times a combination of both. Proper knowledge of the underlying medical conditions behind leg swollen and hot is important in order to give a better understanding of the possible causes as well as to provide the best treatments to these conditions. Here we compile some common causes behind these symptoms and if you experience them and still can’t figure it out, see a doctor to get proper treatments.
Cellulitis is a serious infection caused by bacteria including Streptococcus and Staphylococcus. This commonly affects the skin surface, tissues, and even the bloodstream of the lower legs, the body, or the face. It can easily spread to the different parts of the body but not easily transferred from one person to another.
Other symptoms include redness of the affected area, tenderness, pain and discomfort, blisters and red spots, skin dimpling, and fever
•  Consult primary health care specialist including family medicine doctor, internists, or in urgent cases, an emergency medicine specialist.
•  Take prescription oral antibiotic to clear the bacterial infection. This may include penicillin, amoxicillin, cephalexin, clindamycin, or levofloxacin
•   Wash the affected area with soap and water.
•   Place a clean and damp cloth on the area for a quick relief.
Insect bites cause the reaction of the body to the insect’s venom. Some of the most common carriers include mosquitoes, bees, fleas, wasps, and spiders. This condition is not really dangerous and can easily be treated at home. However, there are cases when anaphylaxis occurs, in which the whole body is affected and may be life-threatening.
Besides leg swollen and hot (if this is the affected area), skin bumps, discomfort, pain, welts, itchiness, and redness of the affected area can be experienced.
•   Clean the area with soap and water.
•   Apply a cold compress to ease the pain and discomfort.
•   Use calamine lotion to relieve itchiness and pain.
•   Take antihistamine cream or pills.
•   In some cases, prescription antibiotics and steroids are also given.
Gout is a medical condition that occurs when the body has too much uric acid. These excess substances will build up as crystals in the joints, leading to pain, possible inflammation, and through time it can also develop to kidney stones under the skin. This condition can be genetically acquired and will attack people who are obese and having improper and unbalanced diets more.
Other symptoms include joint pain, discomfort, redness of the skin or the affected area, difficulty in walking and other movements
•   Take drugs that can lower the uric acid level in the body.
•   Painkillers can also be taken to eases the discomfort.
•   Take medications that can stop further inflammation and swelling.
•   Corticosteroids can be given for severe conditions.
Congestive heart failure is a condition that occurs when the heart fails to pump the recommended blood in the body. This is due to the presence of clogged arteries that usually occur after an incidence of heart attack. Due to this condition, the other organs in the body are also not getting enough amount of oxygen in order to function properly, thus causing heart conditions.
Other symptoms like fatigue, cough, pain and discomfort, frequent urination, and decreased appetite can also be experienced.
•   Use of ACE inhibitor medications in order to help open and loosen up the blood vessels.
•   Use of heart muscle stimulants and beta blockers.
•   A surgical procedure which may include heart transplant.
•   Use of devices such as a pacemaker.
Water retention or edema is a condition where the extra fluids in the body started to build up in the tissue, leading to puffiness and swelling. This normally affects the ankles, legs, hands, and face. Anyone can experience this condition, but the high risk may occur in pregnant women, older people, and those with medical conditions.
More than leg swollen and hot, you can also experience puffiness and difficulty in moving.
•  Self-care treatments which include proper posture and body positioning and wearing of support stockings.
•   Use of water pill or diuretic to increase the release of urine and excess fluid in the body.
•   Try physical therapy activities.
Pulmonary hypertension occurs when there is high blood pressure present in the lung’s blood vessels. This is a serious condition which leads the right side of the heart to pump more blood. The occurrence of this condition may be due to diseases in the lungs, hearts, and other disorders.
Other symptoms: Fatigue, pain and discomfort, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, and change in skin color to bluish
•  Medications such as calcium channel blockers, blood vessel dilators, diuretics, and anticoagulants.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that affects the autoimmune system. It causes the body to attacks different joints, leading to unbearable symptoms. There are still no known reasons on what triggers the condition and there is still no known cure to totally stop the damages in the joints.
Other symptoms: Aches in the joints, difficulty in walking and movements, pain, discomfort, stiffness, reduced movements, fatigue, and fever
•  Start with disease-modifying antirheumatic drug or DMARD to reduce the damage to the joints.
•   Medications to support the immune system.
•   Use of corticosteroids and biologic agents.
•   Anti-inflammatory medications to control the effects.
•   Physical therapy treatments to enhance movements.
•  Surgical procedure and plasmapheresis or filtering of the blood to remove the harmful antibodies present
Chronic kidney disease is another serious condition that slows down and eventually stops the functioning of the kidney. This causes the build-up of the fluids as well as waste products in the body. It is a condition that increases the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.
Besides leg swollen and hot, fatigue, decreased urinating frequency, confusion, headache, and sleeping problems may also be experienced.
•   Medications including those to control blood pressure and cholesterol.
•   Lifestyle changes including proper and well-balanced diet and regular exercise routines.
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Last Updated 24 August, 2022.

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