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Or in other words, how to date Latvian girls without making a complete and utter fool of yourself (it’s trickier than it looks).
It feels fitting to start with the basics. When you look at the statistics for women in Latvia, you notice that the country has one of the biggest gender imbalances in the world.
The female to male ratio is 58:42 percent.
That means there are 8% more women than men in Latvia.
The world average is 51.9% men. Most of the developed countries do have more girls than guys, but nowhere is the difference so big as it is in Latvia.
Statistically speaking, your gender itself is an advantage. If you add well-educated, financially stable, and reasonably attractive to the package (and maybe not even all of these at once), your chances with Latvian girls increase dramatically.
Don’t let it get to your head, though, because…
A girl might have been single for years and she would still be incredibly picky. To be honest, they kind of have the right to – the average Latvian woman (like many Baltic women) is ridiculously attractive and I guess you get to be picky when you look the way they do.
Latvia is a traditional country and women have ‘old-fashioned’ mindsets.
They want you to do the chasing because they would not want to appear desperate.
The typical Latvian dating strategy would involve a lot of playing hard to get from her part. I would not want to encourage you to do the same but it might help. She will expect you to shower her with attention and buy all means, do it. Just remember to back down from time to time. Childish? Absolutely. Does it keep her addicted to you? Of course, 100%. But…
This one ties in with the hot temper. Latvian girls don’t appreciate being talked down to or played in the sense of you dating multiple people. I don’t care what the pickup guru world tells you, don’t play games with Latvian girls because they will drop you if it comes to it. Here are a few dating no-no’s that might work elsewhere but definitely won’t do it for Latvian women:
All of that being said, don’t be a doormat either.
Latvian girls appreciate a masculine man and they will let you take care of them. The key is to always give her at least the illusion of power. She doesn’t want to make all the decisions but she does want to feel important in the relationship every step of the way. Stick to being a decent human being along with a sexy macho guy and you should be fine.
We have touched upon this in other articles about Eastern Europe—but guys here are not always boyfriend or husband material.
Alcoholism and smoking are all too common, not to mention how normalized cheating can be. That is actually a part of the reason why open relationships and seeing a few different girls at a time is such a deal breaker. Most of the girls you will meet have been cheated on and they are extra cautious that it does not happen to them again.
In general, Latvian girls would not mind becoming expats for you.
Not only are they interested in foreigners because they represent the exact opposite of what local guys are like (immature and unfaithful), but most women you meet will be fascinated to get to know another culture. I would not go as far as saying that you are exotic to them. However, the foreigner status definitely adds a layer of interest and it makes you much more desirable.
Going to the club to meet a cutie is pretty much universal anywhere you go, right? Well, right but there is a catch when it comes to Latvia. Riga is one of Europe’s capital for sex tourism. There are a lot of guys coming in, expecting to do nothing but drink and get with pretty girls.
Locals have caught up to the trend – now the clubs are full of ‘scammers’, a.k.a. some truly dangerous people.
If there is one word to describe Latvian girls, it would definitely be classy.
Women here love to flaunt their beauty, but they are nowhere as showoff-y as other Eastern Europeans. Their style is a unique mix of Western casual and Eastern feminine.
They are very modest compared to what you see at clubs elsewhere but they do love themselves a pretty dress or some sexy skinny jeans. Generally, Latvian girls go by the ‘only show off one thing at a time’ rule. Either a short skirt or cleavage or a low back, not all of them at once.
Style and class go beyond what you just wear of course, and people in Latvia are living proof.
Old-school manners like opening the door for a lady are not outdated here. It is simple courtesy and you would be seen as rude if you don’t do it. Another one would be who pays the bill at the end of the night.
She would appreciate it much more than you think. Oh, and of course, try to be presentable. The girls try to look sexy and modest at the same time, you should at least put some effort into looking classy as well as acting so.
Latvian girls have grown up with some great women around them.
Chances are, both her mother and grandmother (plus all the other women in her life) have successful careers and have encouraged her to pursue one. Feminism, in the way we know it in the West, is irrelevant to these women’s lives.
Balancing work and a family is as tough for them as it is for anyone but there are no preconceptions about where a girl’s place is. On one hand, this means there are hardly any unpleasant feminazis in Latvia and that women have the freedom to build a life they love. On the other, it creates a lot of conflict in terms of what should come first.
Different girls will have different answers to questions like ‘Should I secure a career before I settle down?’ or ‘Would I drop my job if my children need me to be a stay-at-home mother to them?’
Unlike Russia and Ukraine, where family comes first for virtually everyone, some Latvian girls do say they prefer to wait longer before committing to a relationship.
One thing for sure, though, they are all hard workers and they provide for themselves. This extends to small things as well. For instance, I bet you whatever you want that your Latvian girl has money for a cab at all times. She might be out with friends, have a designated driver, plan to stay over after a hook up etc. Still, she will always have that plan B just in case something fallsoff.
Latvian girls are masters of making themselves a priority and they will not put up with a situation that makes them uncomfortable. Which is a good thing, because she will be very straightforward with you about her thoughts, feelings, and expectations.
At the same time, girls will be girls. The occasional gift or treating her to dinner will not hurt her feminist ego (because she does not have one). Once again, be a gentleman and a decent human being and you will be all good.
Literally the most cliché piece of advice in the book.
But still, Latvian girls can be very intuitive. They smell games and fake people from afar. Molding yourself to what you thing her expectations might be will not get you anywhere. Besides, playing someone you are not is exhausting. So relax, be yourself (you are a confident, cool, and put-together guy, right?), and have a good time in Latvia.
As usual, if you have any thoughts, tips, or stories to share about Latvian girls, leave a comment below.
You can meet Latvian girls online here.
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The Ultimate Guide To Georgian Girls
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I am intrigued by how much of my Latvian personality you understand. How beautiful, and sexy. Love it. Great job.
Latvian women are beautiful and amazing creatures. So glad you enjoyed the write up
I wanna Marry with honest Girl Good Life partner
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