Hot Hungarian Girl

Hot Hungarian Girl


Hot Hungarian Girl
Péter Gálicz won bronze in men’s 25 km open water swimming — PHOTOS
Hungarian Justice minister calls for ‘culture of consensus rather than veto logic’ in Europe
Russian rocket scientist fled to Hungary – will he be extradited?
Hungary govt of ‘tax cuts’ will not ignore snags of global minimum tax

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These five women are not only extremely talented at what they do, but they look incredibly fabulous while doing it. To quote Cuban rapper Pitbull; these women “gotta be chiropractors, the way they break necks with that body.”
26-year-old Barbara Palvin is one of the most successful Hungarian models, who managed to build herself an international career. She was discovered rather early, at the age of 13. She was chosen “Rookie of the Year” in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 2016, and she has been a Victoria’s Secret Angel since March 2019. Barbara has been dating American actor Dylan Sprouse for about a year.
26-year-old Boglárka Kapás is a Hungarian competitive swimmer. She was known as the long-distance freestyle queen, but she shifted her focus to butterfly in the past few years. She was the youngest member of the Hungarian Olympic Squad at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. At the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio, Kapás came third in the 800m freestyle. She set a new national record time for this event of 8:16:37. Recently, at the 2019 World Aquatics Championships, she won the gold medal in 200m butterfly . Talking about God not giving with both hands, Kapás is not only a very talented swimmer, but she is also one of the most beautiful women in this country.
32-year-old Enikő Mihalik is a Hungarian model, who was discovered at the age of 15 when she was walking in a mall. She entered international limelight in 2006, since then she is signed on by fashion companies and magazines like Vogue, MaxMara, Gucci, Victoria’s Secret and Harper’s Bazaar. The smiling model is not shy at all; she has taken part in several naked photoshoots. Curiosity: she loves cartoons, home flavours, sushi and excursions.
37-year-old Nóra Ördög is one of the most well-known faces of television in Hungary. She is a TV show host who appears in all of the most popular talent, reality, or competition shows. She also appeared in smaller plays when she was younger. Nóra is married to Hungarian photographer Pál Nánási. They have two children together. The couple started their family YouTube channel , where they regularly post travel videos and podcasts.
30-year-old Zsuzsanna Jakabos is among the most beautiful Hungarian sportswomen. She competed at the 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016 Olympics in seven events in total. Her best achievement so far was sixth place in the 4×200 m freestyle relay in 2008 and 2016. I bet that most Hungarians know her, even those who despise watching sports. Anyone could easily mistake her for a supermodel. She has been on the front cover of quite a lot of magazines.
Source: Daily News Hungary; Instagram, Wikipedia
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Péter Gálicz won bronze in men’s 25 km open water swimming — PHOTOS
Hungarian Justice minister calls for ‘culture of consensus rather than veto logic’ in Europe
Russian rocket scientist fled to Hungary – will he be extradited?
Hungary govt of ‘tax cuts’ will not ignore snags of global minimum tax

© 2022 DailyNewsHungary. All rights reserved!

“Girls are angels” as it is sang in The Gypsy Princess. This is what millions of men think all around the world. Many people think that men would put women of their own nation on top of the list of most beautiful women, but this isn’t always the case.
It is well known that Hungarians are some of the smartest people on the planet with their many inventions such as the ball pen, Vitamin C, helicopter etc. Even with all of their accomplishments, Hungarians are known for their pessimistic views of life. Regardless, Hungarian ladies are accepted as one of the prettiest creatures in the world.
Did you know that Drew Barrymore, Goldie Hawn and Rachel Weisz all have Hungarian origins?
Yes, they do! But we don’t have to go that far. The delightful Edina Kulcsár became the 1st Runner Up at Miss World 2014. We also have beautiful and successful models like Barbara Palvin, Enikő Mihalik and Réka Ebergényi. And the list of Hungarian beauties could go on for ever.
According to an English study, one of the reasons behind Hungarian women’s attractiveness lies in our history. Throughout thousand years, many nations have crossed our country, mixed with the Hungarians and this lead to a wide range of beauties. We have all types of women from freckled to blond, from fair-skinned to exotic beauties. The study also came to the conclusion that Hungarian girls are not prude, neither are they easily obtainable. They love old-school romance such as compliments and flower bouquets, and believe that it is the man who has to take the first step.
Most Hungarian men swear by Hungarian women.
Apart from beauty, what are the characteristics that attract so many? Foreigners like that Hungarian women are feminine and are not shy to act feminine. They also like that Hungarian women pursue higher levels of education; they know what hard-working means. There’s also a great chance that they speak good English. ☺
Men from all over the world are captivated by the unique and wonderful qualities that Hungarian women possess. They are also widely known to take extreme care of their better haves. Diligence is something all men wish to find.
There is a Facebook page dedicated to beautiful Hungarian women: 
It is run by that chooses ‘the beauty of the day’ each day. Anyone can upload their photos if they are willing to show off their beauty.
Check out the page but watch out, you might get under the spell of beauty!
They may be the most beautiful but they are the biggest dramatic pains in the asses. If you want a stressful relationship. They are for you!!!
Joe!just because you had a bad experience it doesn’t mean that the rest of the hungarians are like that!!or maybe the problem was with you mate!haha #clapBack
Where’s the link to the foreign wife page? Where can I buy one? This is a horrible article about Hungarian women… Hungarian women are too beautiful to be in Hungary’s Parliament, but pretty enough to be a bit of jewelry. I’m too much a fan of Hungarian women, but this is a pitiful bit of click-bait.
Nice objective piece, er, Alexandra
I so agree with Adrienn K. I got myself a Hungarian wife and we have been marriage for over 8 years now and she is just great. She is kind, polide, beautiful, smart and we barely have a row.
I lived in hungary for 2 years and met loads of Hungarian girls at school, work and at pubs and they are just nice.
I cannot agree with Joe. Sorry mate, but, go back, get another Hungarian and “try again” and I am sure you will get happy next time.
Yeah Joe…Only real man can handle Hungarian womens…They are not for everybody…hahaha
Might be the dumbest thing I have read. Is this a fb post or actual journalism?
To judge all women negatively because of one negative experience would be like, stopping to eat food because we encountered a single food that we found objectionable to our palet. By doing so we may rob ourselves of some truly unique experiences within our “LIFE’S JOURNEY”.
To judge all women based on the opinion of some is just ridiculous. Each race, nationality, ethnicity, or whatever you prefer to call it has beautiful women. You have to factor in that most women who truly love their man or partner for that matter will take care of them. However the key note is you have to have that same level of respect and value from your significant other. You can’t just base beauty or partnerships on how one will act in a relationship either. The way a person was raised will also determine how well they value thei relationships, job, and other aspects of their lives. So to say Hungarian women are the most beautiful is insulting to beautiful women in other areas of the world. A good woman can be found if you are both willing to understand each otger, compromise, and most importantly…love each other.
@Mike … I don’t agree that this article (while entirely pointless drivel) objectifies women as “jewelry”. If we say Hungarians are the smartest, is that not focusing on ONE trait of a person? Is being smarter valued so much higher than being beautiful? What if the smart person wishes people would find her/him attractive instead?
And are we only permitted to appreciate the beauty seen on Gallert Hegy but the actual BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE should be treated as taboo? Puppies can be adorable, sunsets can be gorgeous, but women should only be viewed in manners that ignore their physical brilliance?
To *limit* any person (women or other) to ONE trait of theirs is short-sighted. But this article (again, while entirely poorly written and pointless) only focused on the one trait. If there was another article, it might talk of how Hungarian women are the country’s top innovators… how Hungary has a nation of “born leader” women… how Hungarian women have the most infectious laughs … how Hungarian women are the most inspiring role models of Europe… who knows… But the article focused on the trait of beauty. And I’d much rather appreciate and applaud the genuine beauty of a person than a mountain range. To me that doesn’t objectify a person, as I’m well aware there is an actual PERSON behind the “looks”… but if we can all gather on a deck with friends just to watch a beautiful sunset, then you can bet I’ll proudly enjoy that Hungary does, indeed, have the most visually attractive nation of women.
Sure taking pictures of rainbows with a jaw-dropped wow and awe is more socially acceptable than randomly taking picture of women (which would be entirely creepy 🙂 ) …. but nature’s best views could barely compete with some of this country’s beauties. And I’m PROUD of that. It’s like Hungarian women challenge nature to try harder.
I’m all for RESPECT to anyone (man or women) and equality … but the “feminism” movement goes too far in some areas. Women ARE beautiful. They are certainly a LOT MORE than just beautiful. But this knee-jerk sensitivity to anything that suggests we should ignore the beauty of our fellow citizens, and instead only find beauty in the intangible like fireworks and forests is plain dumb to me.
P.S. But yes, women should gain full equality and be permitted into parliament. I’d bet they’d do a better job in many areas than the boys club. So I agree with the intent of your message. 🙂
As a Hungarian woman I would like to prove a point.
I left Hungary more than 15 years ago.
I went to university, achieved 2 degrees and I am about to qualify as a solicitor.
We are certainly strong and willing to fight for what we want.
We are passionate and we give our heart to whom appreciates us.
Hahahaha, you got a be kidding me! Why do you say that? Is it because Budapest is the porn capital of the world and there is more porn actresses per capita in Hungary then there is anywhere else? Or because Budapest streets and clubs are full of foreign men who came to have fun with Hungarian girls in hotel rooms?
“neither are they easily obtainable. They love old-school romance such as compliments and flower bouquets, and believe that it is the man who has to take the first step.”
Hahahaha, you got a be kidding me! Why do you say that? Is it because Budapest is the porn capital of the world and there is more porn actresses per capita in Hungary then there is anywhere else? Or because Budapest streets and clubs are full of foreign men who came to have fun with Hungarian girls in hotel rooms?
hungarian girls are beautiful but totally sl.ts.
It’s true that Hungarian women are very intelligent, beautiful and charming. They are a bred apart from other European women and American women. I can only say that they are driven by their own desires and do not demand that their every need be met by someone else. They work hard for their dreams and that is what I feel really sets them apart from women in other countries.
It would be nice to find a guy who appreciates a Hungarian woman. I don’t think that American men know how smart and loyal we are. We can definitely cook, hold an intelligent conversation, are passionate, feminine and know how to provide a loving and caring relationship with a man.
Any guy who thinks Hungarian women are odd,needs his head examined.
Hungarian women are beautiful,friendly,carring,cute,loveable etc.
I am an irish man saying this and never been to hungary.
I appreciate the Hungarian woman.i like them a lot.yes you can cook,but that’s not all.i agree with you when you say you can have or hold an intelligent conversation,are passionate,femine,and are loving and carring in a relationship with a man.
I like a Hungarian for who she is.I like Hungarian music.
since I know you are a Hungarian woman,from what you said above.
I would like to know you.
I’m Hungarian and the first generation born in the US. From what I’ve experienced, most American men don’t appreciate the loyalty and livelihood of a Hungarian woman. Of course we want to be treated well by a gentleman. What’s different is that with most Hungarian women, you receive a lot of affection back and they care a lot about the man they are with.
I agree with you l,hungarian women do show a lot of affection and care about the man they are with.i really like them for that.they have respect also.
they should be shown the same affection and care and respect back.i may be old fashioned,but that’s the way I feel.
This makes it easy to understand why some men are single. If I could find a tall Hungarian woman i would love her for life. I hold a women up in the highest regard. I want to find a lovely lady. Relationship/marriages should not be difficult, but sometimes it does not emulsify. If I could have a chance, tranquility and happiness would only prevail. I am right here my love if you are ready. No drugs or alcohol permitted because I find it to be problematic these days. I am single by choice, however the woman that finds me will be so elated that we could only make it together.
I wonder why men on here think I’m posting because I’m looking to find someone? I’m merely voicing my opinion about being a Hungarian woman. I’m single by choice. And by a person saying they like Hungarian women, that doesn’t mean I am automatically going to be interested in them. I can only speak for myself. I don’t choose a person based on the fact that someone likes that I’m Hungarian, nor should they. That isn’t the point of commenting on this post.
One Hungarian woman used me for 30 days only because she didn’t have were to stay and she didn’t want to pay her student hostal for 10 days… she “worked on me” for few weeks and then when she had nowhere she played her card… I didn’t know it and I thought she liked me and I offered my place because I was alone and I took the chance… she always lied to me and I was so stupid I didn’t see it. She went back to her country as soon the classes finished and we stayed in contact but she was not writing very much and even she said “I don’t have skype here”, I thought we still have something then I found out via facebook she was going to get married with her boyfriend… her boyfriend for years… she said they were finished more than one year before I met her… she never finished with him… she just used me… Do you think that is a honest and good woman? She never showed me affection or interest or cared about me… She never had time for me until she had not where to stay I was so stupid. Even some months later I heard she was sleeping with other men while she was with me because she asked to everyone to have a relationship but no one should know it… Anyway she was not good in bed or sexual… she only had time for studies because she was not good on this and she had to study a lot to not fail… in bed she just opened the legs and not sound… nothing… I can’t even say it was good sex for not feeling so bad… it was not even sex. I don’t think she was clever or charming or sweet… what I really think is that she was a real Hungarian slut from Budapest.
And I never thought she was beautiful or ugly… for me she was okay. The women in the picture up are not really beautiful, but nice. I really think you can find beautiful women everywhere doesn’t matter which country. But this woman was not good, no one deserves be treated like this.
hungarian girls are certaINLY not the most beautiful that s for sure, Canadian Women me are the most beautifil women me, to my husband and plenty more i am the most beautiful woman in the world, sans me vanter
Where did you meet this Hungarian lady. I too have had a terrible experience with one.
You can find beautiful and ugly all over the world.
All of u r beautiful…just be honest allways
here’s the link to the foreign wife page? Where can I buy one? This is a horrible article about Hungarian women… Hungarian women are too beautiful to be in Hungary’s Parliament, but pretty enough to be a bit of jewelry. I’m too much a fan of Hungarian women, but this is a pitiful bit of click-bait.
here’s the link to the foreign wife page? ful/Where can I buy one?u
Do you know how I got to this article? I used tinder and fake changed my location. Now it has Hungary’s turn, I chose Budapest and swiped. And damn, I didn’t expect that. They were exceptionally ugly. I mostly swiped to the left side, like 90%. Normally I swipe left to like 50% in the average locations and to like 20% in better looking areas. That’s the reason why I googled for “hungarians ugly” and this website was ranked at the 5th place. This article is a joke.
Are you kidding? Hungary is full of mad. I was scammed by one
and so were other men I know. Leave them to the Hungarian men! They know how to handle them.
Some of them look alright, but I’ve already got the best one at home.
But I’ll hold my hands up a say some of the lovely ladies could come a good second! 🙂
The ones i have met during my life have bad behaviour. like some of the guys here mentioned before: they’re the kind of women who are looking for benefits , they’re just sellfish and manipulativ. i hate generalizing but that is my experience with the few hungarian women i got to know. And their looks are not that special.
I plan to mention about Hungarian ladies in my next blog post “Women of Eastern Europe”.
There are so many good, available, and marriage-minded women around the world. In my WordPress blog, I make sure that they are no longer ignored. If you are interested in visiting “Foreign Love Web” blog, please do so.
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were can meet beautiful Hungarian woman to marry someone should help me please
This article is ridiculous and proves how vain and shallow some women in Hungary really are. Women should be celebrated for reasons other than how they look! They should be celebrated for their independance,intelligence,strength and the beauty within their heart as
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