Hot Anime Girls Hentai

Hot Anime Girls Hentai


Hot Anime Girls Hentai

Shura – Picture taken from

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Top 100 Hot Anime Girls That Will Surely Grab Your Attention
Welcome to the top 100 hot anime girls list to look forward to seeing some of the hottest anime girls in anime! The ranking is done according to the popularity and well a bit of my own opinion. I think the fact that my personal opinion somewhat profoundly affected this list will make a lot of people maybe disagree with it, and that’s fine; it makes things fun. But while my opinion does change this list a bit, I’m still considering popularity, so some characters rank high, but I don’t like them, but I know that they are popular and good looking, so I put them high on the list.
Just because I don’t like something doesn’t mean I’ll remove it from the list. At the end of the day, this is about hot anime characters. Whether you like them or not doesn’t matter as long as they are hot they shall be on this list so let us get started
We are starting this list with someone nice and plain girls, before building up to the good stuff. Misaki Nakahara is a normal, very nice, and straightforward girl. Nothing about her stands out, Yet you can’t help but love her. Though despite seeming like a basic normal girl. She has a very mysterious air about her. Which makes you ask questions about who she is and what her end goal is, Which in turn makes you grow to like her more and more. Overall though, she’s a nice and basic girl to start this list with.
Annie Leonhart, It might be weird at first but, Annie is hot very hot. Yeah, she looks a bit strange and is very off-putting. But the longer you look at her, the more you get to know her character and whats Annie’s about. She starts to grow and become more attractive as time passes by on top of that shes a well-trained soldier who can fend for her self and doesn’t need anyone else to help to take you down. There’s also another part of her that’s attractive, but hey, that’s spoilers, so let us not get into it. Just know she deserves to be on this list, That’s all.
Rikka is a strange girl who often does many odd things. Many strange things that make her stand out all the time. But she does those peculiar things because she has the 5th-grade syndrome. It makes her do some really over the top stuff like being a superhero or magical girl or whatever fighting in a magical world where she’s super powerful. When in fact, none of that is true, and she’s just a normal school girl. But despite being a bizarre girl, she is adorable at the end of the day, and you can’t help but what to protect her.
Belldandy from the series Ah My Goddess is the first goddess on this list. Honestly, I feel like it’s a crime putting her so low on this list. Belldandy is one of my favorite hot anime girls. She’s the classic original best girl from the past. While she also is an outstanding looking character. She is also basically perfect personality-wise. Belldandy is very supportive and loving, a type of girl that would stick with the MC through thick and thin, always caring about those around her.
She is just all-around amazing. I’ve got so much love for this character and felt like putting her in the top 20. But that wouldn’t be right, and I’m sure many people who see this list wouldn’t agree with me putting her that high mainly because most of the new generation of anime watchers haven’t even heard of this character or it’s series sadly. So, for now, she will just have to stay so low on this list.
Umaru Doma is an adorable sexy girl on the outside, but a closet weeb on the inside. Though her laziness at home might annoy some people, it makes up with the fact you could chill out and watch anime and read manga with her. But even if she is a lazy bum at home. When she goes outside, she doesn’t hold back on her looks and goes all out to look like the perfect girl who stands out in public. She is kind of a girl that’s the best of both worlds.
Winry is a wonderful girl and very supportive. She is downright great but sadly didn’t get much of the screen time she deserves. But from what you do see of her, it shows just how great she is. She knows how to get down and dirty(not in that way perv) when it comes to fixing mechanical things. She’s that perfect Mechanic waifu, With the looks to back her skill. I do like her a bunch, and if I could, I’d put her a bit higher, but this isn’t the best girl list. It’s the Hottest anime girl list, and with that, we move on to the next girl.
Sawako Kuronuma, while many when they look at her mistakes her for the horror character Sawako Kuronuma. In reality, behind that scary look is a charming, adorable, and shy girl. Who only wants to be friends with the people around her. But sadly, she has horrible communication skills, but even so, she’s a lovable female character.
Shiba Miyuki is from the series The Irregular in Magic High School. The hardcore bro-con but also her bro is for sure a sis-con, which is a deadly and taboo combo but ignoring all that bro and sis con stuff. Shiba is a real look even if it doesn’t seem like that in her image above. She is often described as a lovely, beautiful girl who captivates whoever sets their eyes on her. And with good reason. While she for sure ain’t the best on this list. I do think she at least deserves to be on it
Would I call Hange Zoë an incredibly sexy character deserving to be on this list? Well yes and kind of from a certain point of view she does come off as sexy, but it’s mainly her somewhat crazy personality that makes me want to add her to this list. Though while coming off as mad from time to time, she is dedicated to her craft and always gives it her all when she’s curious and wants to learn something. She’s also a fantastic leader when push comes to shove; she knows how to take command and plan. Overall shes a fun and without a doubt an exciting character who to me deserves to be on this list
Misa Amane, while I don’t like her. Everything else about her looks-wise is excellent. Rocking that goth lolita style outfits makes her look seriously attractive. Though I can also understand many may not like this style of hers. You still can’t deny she is an appealing character. As for her role, Misa was an up and coming model who early on became very interested in Kira for reasons that are spoilers so I won’t go into that. After that interest grew and she found out who Kira was, she devoted her life to him. A bit extreme, don’t you think and a bit too overly attached, but hey, what does that matter. She’s hot, so she’s on the list.
Ristarte is from the anime Cautious Hero, the second goddess on this list. The third one should probably be obvious. I’m talking about Aqua spoiler alert. She’s on this list too, what a surprise. But the reason why I’m mentioning aqua now is that Ristarte is kind of in the same league as aqua personality they both kind of well silly characters. Silly but fun, of course, while they come off as annoying sometimes you still can’t help but love em on top of that, Ristarte is also an attractive character very much deserving to be on this list.
Mashiro is one of those hot anime girls you kind of wants to protect. She doesn’t have much going on personality-wise. Since she is pretty much emotionless throughout most of the series, but her looks are damn great and more then makes up for the lack of personality. She deserves to be at least mentioned on these kinds of list
I was kind of wondering which Tohka I would add to this list since inverse Tohka is much sexier than normal Tohka without a doubt. But I decided to go with the normal her. Because at the end of the day, they kind the same character one just has an edgier look, but all in all, both are great. Cute and attractive girl with a fun-loving personality, so there’s no point picking one of the two, I guess.
Orihime Inoue from the Bleach. A pretty popular character at first, But as the series went on, the fan base just slowly kind of turned on her and for a good reason. But we are not going to get into that whole fiasco. We are here for her looks, A department she does not lack in at all.  Orihime is a beautiful girl, and her orange hair looks so lovely on her. It’s a look that’s hard to dislike. She also kind of gained massive boobs throughout the series, which was kind of weird. Overall she’s pretty sweet if you ignore all the anime drama that’s connected to her.
Hestia from the series Danmachi. Queen of the Oppai loli’s, she was another one of those hot anime girls that hit the anime world by storm. You did not know you loved her until you saw her. Cute, Adorable, and fun-loving, it was hard to hate her. She was all around a great character. But her looks don’t give off hot vibes. They give off an adorable and cute vibe, which is why I kind of added her so low on the list. It’s not like I’m saying she’s bad, She is by no means at all bad she’s terrific just not that amazing in the looks department.
It might be a crime to others for me to put Tohru so low on this list. But in all honesty, most of Tohru charm comes from her fun personality. If this was a list about that, you for sure know I’d be adding her extremely high on that list. But this is the top hot anime girl list, and I don’t believe her looks are all that. She’s still cute as heck though one can not deny that fact.
Miia is from that classic series called Monster Musume. Okay, it isn’t a classic series, but it’s undoubtedly unique in the whole ecchi drama, I think. But anyway, Miia, she might seem like a weird one to add on the list since she’s a monster a Lamia to be more exact. And might be a fan of that, but honestly, monster or not Miia is hot. She’s also a loving character who can’t get enough of her hubby. So obsessed it might be a problem. But if you ignore those annoying overly attached parts of her, Miia is honestly really damn attractive.
Also, be happy I decided to put her on the list and not the Spider girl who I honestly think is the hottest character in the whole Monster Musume series, to be honest. But I thought adding the spider girl would be a bit too much, and some might not like her on the list, so sadly, I left her out.
Revy from the series Black Lagoon. Probably one of the most badass chicks in anime without a doubt. She flaunts her badass side like there’s no tomorrow. Personality-wise, she’s very sarcastic, short-tempered, and she hates losing, which makes her very competitive. She’s also insanely confident and tends never to doubt her self. If she’s doing something wrong or right, it doesn’t matter; she listens to no one and just doesn’t whatever the heck she wants. The list about her character just goes on and one she’s one wild check man. And we all love her for that.
Misty, what can I say about this great girl. She kind of was the gateway drug to waifu’s back in the day. Without a doubt, misty was on many people’s best girl lists back in the day and for a good reason. Misty is a sweet and lovable girl who also has somewhat of a competitive said, which made her fun to watch. The day pokemon decided to leave her behind was a sad day. But luckily, Pokemon Sun and Moon brought her back, and she was better than ever. Her new design is more playful than before, which was great. It made us remember why we use to love her back in the day.
Asuka Tanaka from the series Hibike! Euphonium. She’s the vice president of the main casts concert band. An entertaining vice president though, Asuka is a very outgoing character, highly playful and always full of energy it’s honestly hard to keep up with her character due to how active she is. But even show it makes her insanely lovable and a character who is hards to hate.
Meat, oh wait, sorry her actual name Sena Kashiwazaki, Sena is the daughter of the headmaster of her school, Shes insanely attractive, very smart and very athletic, and she grabs the attention of all the male students. But even tho she seems like the perfect girl. Sena is still an outcast in her school. Despite being great at most things, she does it lead to many of the other girls disliking her. But despite all that, Sena is still a very nice and also very gullible girl. She easily makes it to the list of hot anime girls.
Rukia is the next one on our list. She’s a nice one she comes of as an aloof loner type character at first. But slowly, she starts to interact with others more. She’s also a tiny and petite girl, but don’t let her size fool you. Rukia can hold her own in a fight and really shouldn’t be underestimated.
Nancy is a very kind and compassionate girl who tends to treat everyone she meets with respect. Despite her weak looks, Nancy is an incredibly strong-willed girl who can stand her ground and fight, especially when it’s to protect people she cares about. While you might not think much of her at first looks-wise, there is more to her then meets the eye. And to explain what I mean by that would once lead to spoiler territory. Just know that she very much deserves to be on this list.
Ais is a girl who has a hard time expressing her emotions. Usually, something like that would make a girl lack character. But not In Ais case. Despite her seeming like she lacks passion, she still tries her best to protect those around her. She also does not look down on the weak despite being a first-class adventurer. Overall though she’s a great, helpful and nice-looking character sure to be loved by many
Yona tends to have a sweet demeanor but, in reality, is a very strong-willed character. She could also pretty much adapt to any situation and has a strong will to learn. She does tend to have a problem where she depends on people to do stuff for her without showing any appreciation, but as her character develops, she grows and starts to care more and more about the people around her. Other then that looks-wise, she has a very striking and attractive girl but has a hard time picking up on romantic hints. You could even call her somewhat dense to the point where it’s kind of a running gag in the series.
Lust just radiates attractiveness. You seriously can’t look at her and think, “No, she’s not attractive.” No, you’d be wrong even if you hate her you can not deny her attractiveness. Personality-wise though eh that’s where I back away and kind of lose interest in her. She’s kind of a cruel woman granted all of the sins are sadistic. She’s just a bit more sadistic compared to the others. But hey, if you a fan of sadistic women then power to you man, Lust is the perfect anime girl for you.
Shura from Blue Exorcist, she’s one of my favorite hot anime girls then again that doesn’t have much meaning since I have to-many favorite girls. But besides that point, Shura is excellent. At first, she kind of came off as an anti-social chick, not trying to interact with many and always keeping to her self. But that ended up being just a disguise. Her genuine personality shines when her real self comes out, just a laid back fun chick who just likes to chill with a beer by her side, and you can not help but love that. She also has a unique look which I’m a fan of, especially her hairstyle, it’s so cool.
Hana Midorikawa is from the series prison school. My girl Hana she’s very freaky, but I don’t think she tries to be weird. It’s just all the situations she is shoved into makes her look incredibly creepy, not like that’s a bad thing, though. Because those weird situations they always push her into really makes you start to love her more and more. Also, her short blond hair looks and body is extremely hot shes a damn great girl.
Rem is from the series Re: Zero. Yes, I just put one of the most popular hot anime girls in recent anime memory at Number 72. But hear me out, man, Rem isn’t that good looking. She is adorable, I know, but that isn’t enough; her looks are pretty basic and straightforward. It isn’t all that unique, which is why I think she doesn’t need to be that high on the list. But that isn’t me saying she’s a bad character. Far from it, I know Rem is great and insanely lovable. But that’s it, that doesn’t help and isn’t a good reason for me to put her higher on the list. Believe me, though, if this was a simple best girl list. Rem would, without a doubt, be in the top 10.
Shokuhou Misaki is from the series Railgun. It was a hard decision Between her and Makoto. But I decided to go with Shokuhou because compared to Makoto looks-wise. Shokuhou is leagues above. The bright yellow hair and unique looking eyes make her stand out so much but in a sexy way.
Haruhi is from the viral series The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. She, in a way, is also a classic and beloved anime girl. But she also has a fair amount of haters due to her personality, which can be very extreme sometimes. Haruhi the type of girl to blackmail you without a second thought to get what she wants, and many were not okay with that part. But overall, if you ignore that terrible part of her, she’s excellent looks-wise very attractive, especially when she’s wearing a ponytail.
Chika is a more recent girl from recent anime who became very popular because of a dance. The dance is very good, though straightforward to learn, which gives us a sweet sing-along song. Her character is also really great; She has pale skin with long pink hair(her hair in the manga is sliver though). She’s just downright adorable too for sure a girl from recent anime who will be remembered for a while.
Shalltear from the series overlord. Don’t let her small body fool you. She can devour you in a split second, and I’m not referring to that as in a lewd way. I mean, she can eat you. But who cares about that part, right? It’s about her looks, and Shalltear is one elegant looking character. Rocking that goth lolita style while having a flirtatious personality, you would not be able to avoid her charm.
Shirogane is from the series Karakuri Circus. Now I honestly believe she’s probably like one of the most underrated waifus ever. But putting how great she is aside because I could honestly fangirl so much about her. Let’s just focus on her looks, and I’m sure most can agree that she is so unique looking. You might not like the outfits she wears, but her extraordinarily bright and silver hair that matches her silver eyes is just downright beautiful, I think.
If I could, I would have loved to add her much high on the list. But sadly, she’s too unknown to be higher, and this is a massive list with many more hot anime girls to come that might need the top spots more. So sadly, she needs to stay here at this low spot. I’m just happy she’s on the list.
Rin Tohsaka from the Fate series. Which fate series, you may ask? Well, who knows there’s so many of them I lost count. But I’m joking this Rin only refers to the main series
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