Horse S Dick

Horse S Dick


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Sinonimi arabo tedesco inglese spagnolo francese ebraico italiano giapponese olandese polacco portoghese rumeno russo turcoBETA cineseBETA
In base al termine ricercato questi esempi potrebbero contenere parole volgari.
In base al termine ricercato questi esempi potrebbero contenere parole colloquiali.
Traduzione di "horse's dick" in italiano
That's when they whack the horse's dick off.
A quelli gli hanno tagliato il pisello.
His dick was the size of a horse's dick.
Il suo cazzo era grosso come quello di un cavallo.
How hard can it be to get a horse's dick in a bottle that big?
Come si fa a mettere il cazzo di un cavallo in una bottiglia così piccola.
Big Chief Horse Dick come bearing big news.
Grande Capo Gran Cazzuto viene con grandi novità.
Ha un cazzo grosso come quello di un cavallo.
Well, hey - Does the Trojan horse have a wooden dick?
Il cavallo di Troia non aveva l'uccello di legno?
Jane preferred the horse's company to Andrew.
Jane preferiva la compagnia del cavallo a quella di Andrew.
Tremendous buzz on this horse's works.
Ci sono voci straordinarie sugli allenamenti di questo cavallo.
Hey, your horse's stance is improving.
La tua posizione del cavallo sta migliorando.
This horse's father won the Belmont Stakes, man.
Il padre della cavalla aveva vinto la corsa di Belmont Stakes.
You put those wedges in the horse's shoes.
Hai messo quei cunei nei ferri del cavallo.
There's nothing wrong with his horse's eyesight.
Non credo che il suo cavallo avesse problemi di vista.
I think I would accept that more readily from the horse's mouth.
Credo che ci crederei di più se lo sentissi dire da chi l'ha realizzato.
Was able to catch the horse's tracks again.
Sono riuscito a ritrovare le tracce dei cavalli.
All right, so this shows the horse's past performance.
Allora, questo mostra le vecchie prestazioni del cavallo.
A jewel is prettier than a horse's ass.
Un gioiello è più grazioso di un somaro.
He says the horse's name was Lucky Number Slevin.
E lui: "Il nome del cavallo era Slevin Numero Vincente".
I invited you to hear from the horse's mouth.
Ti ho invitato per poter ascoltare il diretto interessato.
Well, your face reminds me of a horse's ass.
Beh, a me la tua faccia ricorda il culo di un cavallo.
Risultati: 672. Esatti: 3. Tempo di risposta: 176 ms.
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Horse & chicken were best friends. One day, horse fell into a hole. Chicken called a farmer who used his Audi Q7 Quattro to pull out the horse, horse became very happy & thought someday he will return the favour.

Then one day the chicken fell into the hole. The horse lowered his dick & pulled the chicken out.. Chicken was damn impressed..

Moral of the story-

If u have a horse's dick, u don't need an Audi to pick up chicks.

When Casey stated he was getting married, his pet parrot was very upset...
You don't call him anything because he won't come running anyhow.
and the bartender says: "hey where'd you get that? It looks exotic." And the...
Sadie: "That nice Morris Finkleman asked me out for a date. I know you went...
You don't call him anything because he won't come running anyhow.
and the bartender says: "hey where'd you get that? It looks exotic." And the...
Sadie: "That nice Morris Finkleman asked me out for a date. I know you went...
So there is three men standing around a fire. One man has a beautiful pair of...
and the bartender says: "hey where'd you get that? It looks exotic." And the...
Sadie: "That nice Morris Finkleman asked me out for a date. I know you went...
So there is three men standing around a fire. One man has a beautiful pair of...
There was a man named Bubba and Bubba knew EVERYONE in the whole world!!...
Sadie: "That nice Morris Finkleman asked me out for a date. I know you went...
So there is three men standing around a fire. One man has a beautiful pair of...
There was a man named Bubba and Bubba knew EVERYONE in the whole world!!...
Will the Real Dummy Please Stand Up?!AT&T fired President John Walter...
So there is three men standing around a fire. One man has a beautiful pair of...
There was a man named Bubba and Bubba knew EVERYONE in the whole world!!...
Will the Real Dummy Please Stand Up?!AT&T fired President John Walter...
To eat the dead chicken on the other side.
So there is three men standing around a fire. One man has a beautiful pair of...
There was a man named Bubba and Bubba knew EVERYONE in the whole world!!...
Will the Real Dummy Please Stand Up?!AT&T fired President John Walter...
To eat the dead chicken on the other side.
3 elderly gentlemen were sitting on a park bench discussing what the meanest...
There was a man named Bubba and Bubba knew EVERYONE in the whole world!!...
Will the Real Dummy Please Stand Up?!AT&T fired President John Walter...
To eat the dead chicken on the other side.
3 elderly gentlemen were sitting on a park bench discussing what the meanest...
Will the Real Dummy Please Stand Up?!AT&T fired President John Walter...
To eat the dead chicken on the other side.
3 elderly gentlemen were sitting on a park bench discussing what the meanest...
To eat the dead chicken on the other side.
3 elderly gentlemen were sitting on a park bench discussing what the meanest...
When Casey stated he was getting married, his pet parrot was very upset...
3 elderly gentlemen were sitting on a park bench discussing what the meanest...
When Casey stated he was getting married, his pet parrot was very upset...
You don't call him anything because he won't come running anyhow.
Many of the jokes are contributions from our users. If you find anything offensive and against our policy please report it here with a link to the page. We will do everything to make this an enjoyable platform for everyone.

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