Horoscope Erogenous Zone

Horoscope Erogenous Zone


Horoscope Erogenous Zone
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Can you imagine understanding mathematical errands without learning the basics of addition subtraction division & multiplication. The answer is a universal number, so this is what our zodiac signs are for each one of us. Our zodiac can give you so many intricate characteristics about us to which we were blind always. So Horoscopefan.com is here to give you sneak peek into your zodiac.

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Every sign in the zodiac has at least one or two hidden erogenous zones on their body that have to power to get them seriously turned-on.
Some signs love having their hair played with, some are suckers for those neck kisses and some will melt if you give them a sensual back massage.
So today, I present to you, the hidden erogenous zones of the zodiac signs!
Aries erogenous zone: their head, face and hair.
Aries can’t say no to a deep and satisfying head massage. Not only will it leave them feeling calmer and happier… but it can put them in a state of total arousal.
They’ll also shiver with waves of euphoria if you gently run your fingers through their hair!
Taurus erogenous zone: the back of their neck.
The Taurus has a hidden erogenous zone right on the back of their neck.
Simply running your fingers up and down this area can induce a powerful response and sensual kisses can drive them crazy with lust!
Gemini erogenous zone: their hands and arms.
Geminis are surprisingly responsive to being touched on their hands and arms.
Massaging the back of their hand as well as giving them a light tickle up their arms can seriously raise their arousal levels.
Cancer erogenous zone: chests, abs and breasts.
Cancers are extremely sensitive and receptive to touch around their chest area. They love to be kissed, massaged and can even get into a bit of soft biting.
Anything involving their nipples is also a surefire way to get them hot and bothered!
Leo erogenous zone: their back and shoulders.
Leos have a bit of a weakness for being touched anywhere on their back area. They love deep and sensual shoulder and back massages.
Running your fingers along their spine is also a surprisingly effective way to gets their endorphin’s going.
Virgo erogenous zone: their stomach and waistline.
Virgos have a hidden erogenous zone right in the middle of their stomachs. When touched around this area it can induce arousal and have a very powerful effect on them.
Kissing them along their waistline is also sure to drive them wild!
Libra erogenous zone: their lower back area.
The Libra has an erogenous zone tucked away on their lower back. Simply giving them a gentle massage around this area can be a powerful way to send their libido soaring.
Throw in a few light scratches too and you can make them lose their mind!
Scorpio erogenous zone: their genital region.
Sure, most people get hot and bothered having their junk touched but for Scorpio this is especially true.
Their biggest erogenous zone is focused and concentrated right around their genital region making them extremely sensitive to even the lightest of touch.
Sagittarius erogenous zone: their thighs and hips.
If you’re looking to turn a Sagittarius on then you should pay close attention to their thighs and hips.
These little-known erogenous zones are extremely responsive to any sort of touching, kissing, or massaging.
Simply running your hands lightly along their inner thigh can be enough to make them weak at the knees!
Capricorn erogenous zone: their legs and knees.
The Capricorn has an erogenous zone right around their knees and legs. This often overlooked area is super receptive to all kinds of physical contact.
Try running your hands up and down each of their legs and even lightly tickling the back of their knees and they’ll get giddy and playful real fast.
Aquarius erogenous zone: their calves and ankles.
It’s a well-kept secret that Aquarians are extremely sensitive around their calves and ankles.
Pay close attention to these areas the next time you’re showing them affection and you’ll be amazed at how receptive they are to your touch!
Pisces has a hidden erogenous zone right in the souls of their feet. If you offer them a foot massage you’ll find they rarely turn it down.
Play with their toes and gently rub the bottom of their feet and you’ll leave them feeling utterly relaxed and even a little turned-on!


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Naima Karp
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We all have different zones on our bodies that feel electric when touched. These are called erogenous zones, and they are areas of our bodies that are sensitive to arousal. There’s no rhyme or reason behind why some people love neck kisses and others don't, but astrology might have something to do with it. Not only do different zodiac signs have different hidden, erogenous zones, but your sign can actually help guide you to discover more about your body (or your partner’s body) and its desires.
Aries tend to be stimulated above the neck: we’re talking face, head, and even hair. For foreplay, try a sensual head massage while gently running fingers through their hair. Hair play can awaken the senses, but know if your Aries prefers soft strokes or a rougher tug.
From hickeys to light kisses, the Taurus is all about the neck. If they prefer a more aggressive touch, this may translate to light choking (always on the sides of the neck, never covering the windpipe) or if they prefer a gentler touch, even running your fingers up the back of the neck can induce tingles.
This is not a place you normally associate with sensuality: the arms. But touching the underside of the arm can actually set off a ton of nerves. Consider playing with a feather, or lightly tracing your fingers up the arms. Hands are also a strong point of arousal. Maybe start things off with a hand massage.
The chest area cannot be ignored on a Cancer. While others might not feel as much heightened sensitivity around the breasts and nipples, any bust action gets a Cancer hot and heavy. Think kissing, massaging, even some light biting to spice things up.
It's all about the back. A Leo loves having hands wrapped around them, back massages, and soft touches up the spine. Any back action will get a Leo’s endorphins going, including around the shoulders.
Even the most subtle of touches can drive a Virgo crazy—but you need to know the geography of their body first. The torso is what gets this sign turned on. Consider some gentle bites or kisses up and down the stomach, chest, and along the waistline.
The erogenous zone on a Libra is tucked into their lower back, which also happens to be where many of us physically hold onto stress. Try massaging this sensitive area, and maybe some light scratching. The booty is also a zone that should be paid attention to on a Libra.
A Scorpio is straightforward, passionate, and prefers genital stimulation over all else. This means that their genitals are very sensitive (more so than other signs) and they can get hot and bothered with the lightest of touches. Perhaps try some teasing with kisses, strokes, and finger play around this area.
A Sagittarius is most sensitive around the thighs, hips, and upper legs. Even a fleeting, secret touch under the dinner table is enough to make send a Sagittarius over the edge. Activate those passionate senses by going south and massaging these limbs for surprisingly pleasurable results. Inner thighs especially.
Just like a Sagittarius, the legs and knees are the main erogenous zone of focus. Any leg action, from calf traces to thigh bites, will satisfy a Cappie’s deepest urges. Capricorns feel deeply connected by touch, so give them a few sensual kisses when their legs are up over your shoulders and see what happens.
How come the further down the zodiac signs we go, the further down the body we go? For the Aquarius, ankles and calves are everything. These are often neglected zones that can open up incredible sensations. Try some calf tickling, putting their ankles in handcuffs, and tying them up.
Foot rubs mean the world to a Pisces, so if they kick off their shoes after a long day at work, you know what to do. Anyone with a thing for feet is a potential soulmate of a Pisces. Still, this sign has very sensitive feet, so communicate with them on how much touching they like, and what kind of touch.

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Apart from the recent waxing session, there are many more reasons behind why you simply can’t stop touching that one part of your body or simply care too much about it. Happens, it could be your erogenous zone .
If we fast travel to the ancient times, astrologers, back in those days, deeply believed that all humans ruled over a certain body part (which is not false). Based on this fact, astrologers even used to treat illness by specifically focusing on that one particular body part.
Though we don’t practise medicine the old way today, but the belief of each zodiac sign ruling over certain body parts is still intact (about which you can read here ). So to explore the arena more, we asked our astrologers what is each zodiac sign’s favourite erogenous zone . In simple words, what is the easiest way to turn on each zodiac sign ? And here is what ended up with. 
Aries born are one of the most horny zodiac signs of them all. And though that should make you think that their erogenous zone would be somewhere between the legs, but that supposedly is not the case. Aries favourite erogenous zone is the shoulder. So the next time when you are massaging their shoulder, don’t get surprised if they start moaning after a while. Also, though shoulder kisses do not occupy much screen space in the movies anymore, but if you really want the Aries to like your first move, start with kissing their shoulder.
Taurus, the bull, is best tamed if you can kiss their neck. Though Taurus is one of the most horniest zodiac signs, however, their way to arouse and get aroused revolves around an elongated role play. So if you seek to fasten the things up (which you won’t seek for sure), all you need to do is kiss their neck. Thereafter, you are to blame for what happens next.
Each day is arm day for the twins. While pinning someone down and holding their wrists against the bed is a basic act of love for most people, but doing the same to the Gemini is very arousing. As Gemini’s erogenous zone is the arm, they would like it if you stretch them out, massage them, play with their fingers or simply hold on to their arms while you are out on a walk.
The emotional and sensitive carbs are really good at grabbing the chest and breast. And the good part is that the act won’t hurt you a bit. Cancer men like it when someone places their palm on their chest and cancer women, on the other hand, likes all kinds of stuff happening to them around that area. A Cancer fascination for the breast area is due to their fertile and sensitive desires.
Nothing turns on Leo more than simply being with their love. That’s one reason why they govern the heart. Apart from the heart, Leo favourite erogenous zone is the spine area, aka the back. So, the next time you hug your Leo love, make sure you hold on to them for a bit longer and run your hands somewhere close to their spine. That’s an instant turn on for the Leos.
Virgos are the organisers of the zodiac jungle and hence they have a hold over the digestive system in the human body. So when it comes to their favourite erogenous zone, planting kisses on their stomach and waistline could simply prompt them to hold you between their thighs and not letting you go until you are doing what they want you to do. That’s steamy.
Touching what body part turns on the Libra? Well, that would be buttocks. So if your forte is spanking or you simply have those big hands, getting yourself a Libra is as fun as fun can get. Libras are attracted to buttocks because it reminds them of the scale that they are represented by. A secret, most Libras women would really like it if you stick your chest to their buttocks while kissing their waistline.
For the ones waiting for the main course, here you have it for yourself. Meet the horinest people of the zodiac jungle, whose erogenous zone is the sex organ. However, this isn’t an invitation for you to directly get into piercing the crack. Scorpios are very demanding by nature and also very tough to satisfy. So you need to be innovative around their genitals and add oral, bondage and hand play to your to-dos before you finally thrust them.
Add holding the ankles and spreading her legs to gently kiss the thighs on your to-dos if you really want to please the Sagittarius woman in your life. Sagittarius are the explorers’ sign, whose erogenous zones are their thighs and hips. And while they use their hips to explore the world, you, as their partner, must focus on getting them the tiniest shorts and staying close to their thighs.
While knees may not sound sexy to you, but they surely are for the Capricorns for all the astrological reasons. As Capricorns rule over the skeletal system, they like to be stretched and are known for easily acing the toughest ‘positions’. Also, knees just don’t only represent the area where they like to be touched but also their fondness of getting on the knees both when you are in your clothes and off clothes.
The air sign Aquarius is associated with ankles in the human body. However, using the ankles to your advantage could be a pretty difficult task, as people really don’t go ‘that far’. So how could you be an exception? Well, simply grab that portion (when they are on the bed) to pull them close. Or simply stretch their legs by holding them from the ankles. And the most endearing? Bring them an anklet as it gives you an excuse to kiss their ankle.
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