Horny Goddess

Horny Goddess


Horny Goddess
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College virgins discover each other.
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I was in the college library, using what I guess are called carrels, relatively private rooms that aren't quite rooms, more like cubicles. You can hear slightly what is said in adjacent carrels but normally it's so quiet or barely audible that it doesn't matter. This time, I had reached a spot in my studies where I stopped to mull over what I had just read. Try to understand it better. I guess I really wasn't as interested as I thought because when I heard two girls talking in the next carrel, I purposely perked up my ears to try and listen to what they were saying.
"I don't want to give up my virginity but I get so darn frustrated so often. I'm doing myself all the time. But I've been thinking. Oral sex still leaves me a virgin, technically doesn't it? If I could just find a guy that liked to eat pussy, that would go down on me and give me orgasm after orgasm, I'd become his sex slave. I want someone to do that to me so bad I can hardly stand it."
"Doris, don't wish for something that you might regret if you got it. Oral sex, any sex, isn't worth getting too excited about. When the right guy comes along, everything will work out."
I had to see this girl that badly wanted someone to eat her. If she was good looking at all, I'd volunteer gladly. I'd never done it but I was about as hooked on thinking about it as that girl was. I mean, here I am in college and still a virgin but wanting to change that as soon as possible. I gathered my stuff together and as quietly as possible sneaked out in the direction of the main door into this area. I wanted to get in a position where I could see the girl that left that carrel. I wasn't sure exactly how to go about it but I wanted to offer my services. I sat in an empty carrel right next to the door, where I could keep an eye on whoever left that carrel where the girls were.
Very soon, less than a minute, a girl came out. Wow! She's downright gorgeous. Dark red hair, beautiful face, perfect body. A ten! A twenty if the scale goes that high. I stand up, almost in her way.
"Excuse me," I manage to blurt out. She stops and looks at me. Just looks, no particular expression. She seems to maybe be thinking of something else. "I happened to overhear what you said a minute ago and I would like to volunteer to satisfy your needs."
She just stared at me a moment. Her face screwed up a little as if she was trying to understand what I said. Then she smiled. Wow, she's gorgeous when she smiles. "That wasn't me. That was my friend. I was advising her against it."
The next thing I know, she's gone. The door closes behind her. I back up and sit down again in the carrel. I wish she was the one, I can't imagine any girl I'd rather do anything with. But she's gone, I may never see her again. I was still sitting there when the other girl came by. I should have jumped up and made my offer. She wasn't the goddess the other one was but she was attractive, certainly above average. By the time I recovered enough she was gone, too. I jumped up and ran out the door but there were so many people, both girls had disappeared into the mob.
I used the library a lot. My dorm was loud and busy, the library supplied peace and quiet and a good place to study. Obviously, a lot of other students did, too. I was walking down the steps in front after studying for a while and I could see the same two girls walking towards the library. Just as I am about to pass them, the red haired goddess says, "Hey," and I pause and look at her. "Doris," she says to her friend, "this is the guy I told you about." Then she grins. Grins big, looking at me.
I'm not good around girls. That's why I'm still a virgin, I guess. I feel scared, stopped there with both girls looking at me. I'm sure I'm red with embarrassment. Then the one named Doris, who's pretty foxy in her own right, says "Are you good at that?"
Oh fuck, what do I say. "Good at what?" I sort of croak out.
"You've never done it at all, have you?" she then says.
"Uh, no," I blurt out, getting redder, I'm sure. Doris grins and turns and starts off. The goddess smiles at me and then follows her friend. Well, I've just goofed that up about as much as it's possible to goof, I think to myself, and walk on.
School goes on. A couple weeks go by. I still study at the library. I'm in one of the carrels again. They all come with two chairs, although sometimes a chair gets borrowed and moved somewhere else. Someone starts sitting in the chair next to me, at the same carrel where I'm studying. That's never happened to me. I look and it's the goddess. The beautiful red haired goddess.
"I need to apologize to you," she almost whispers to me. Talk in these carrels that are intended for studying is discouraged but if you do talk it should be very quiet. That's how I overheard her friend Doris some weeks ago, she didn't whisper. The whispering also means that you sit fairly close and sort of lean towards on another. It could be considered intimate in the right situation.
"Yes, for treating you bad when we ran into you a while ago. I've been looking for you ever since," she replies.
"Oh, that's o.k." I come back, still whispering. I felt like a fool when they saw me but it was my own fault.
"No," she whispers back. "We acted as if there was something wrong with you because you are inexperienced when it comes to sex. But we're also inexperienced so we have no right to dis you."
"Oh," is all I can think of. Then I blurt out what I probably shouldn't. "You're a virgin?"
I pause and think about a lot of things before finally replying with a simple, whispered, "Yes."
"Why the long hesitation?" she asks.
"Well, it's probably more than I should say but I just happen to be the kind of person that sees complications in a lot of things others don't. Like now, females physically change when they cease being a virgin. At least many do. They have a hymen that gets broken. I guess some also break the hymen other ways, like horseback riding or sports or with their own fingers or toys. But males don't change physically when they cease to be a virgin so maybe men can't be called virgins or non-virgins. However, the physical change probably doesn't matter nearly as much as the psychological change. And that's true for men or women. The psychology of losing virginity is probably much bigger than the physical. So, that's why I decided a simple 'yes' was the right answer." All that in a whisper, perhaps two feet from her face.
She grinned. "Well, the simple answer was best, the other one is way too complicated." She just looked at me a minute and I could see her brain working. Then she asked, "Why are you a virgin?"
"The simple answer is, I never had the opportunity. But anyone that looks like you has had many opportunities, I'm sure. Why are you a virgin?"
"Well, it's true, I've dated a lot. I've been pawed a lot and fought off a few guys. I guess I just always thought I would be a virgin when I got married. So I'm a virgin on purpose. I look forward to some day not being one but it has to be right somehow. Not just doing it to do it. But when you say you never had the opportunity, I can hardly believe it."
"Well, I never turned anyone down. I guess it's true, though, that if I wanted to bad enough I knew of some girls that were, well, easy. I guess I wanted it to be something right, too. I would want to be attracted to the girl and probably be in a position to make some level of commitment. Maybe marriage would be too strong but some level, perhaps going steady or something. And I've never gone steady with anyone."
"Neither have I. In the back of my mind I think I've avoided that on purpose. Probably because of sex. I mean, I can get awfully aroused from just kissing and hugging. If I went steady I don't know how I could control things if we started going a little farther and we probably would."
"But waiting until you're married is tough" I say. "We might be 25 or more before we finish college and get a job or start a business and sort of find out who we are. Remaining a virgin until then may just not be possible. We've all got a sex drive and hormones. So maybe having some level of commitment is right but it might not be necessary to be married before having sex."
"Yeah, maybe so." she whispers back. "And, there's sex and then there's sex. Sex doesn't necessarily mean a penis in a vagina, which is the real definition of virginity, I guess. You heard Doris mentioning oral sex and doing that doesn't make you lose your virginity, technically, although it still involves a huge emotional experience, so that likely means a high level of commitment, too." I was surprised to hear the goddess mentioning oral sex. Surprised but glad.
"So far, I've only thought of you as 'the goddess'. You're absolutely beautiful. Gorgeous. I'm Dave Swanson. Who are you?"
She grins. "The goddess? Wow, I've never thought of myself like that at all. But then, I've only thought of you as the only guy that's offered to have oral sex with me, which is probably not how you think of yourself, either. I'm Deirdre McIntyre"
"Deirdre," I repeated out loud, looking at her. I couldn't help myself. I leaned forward the little bit involved and kissed her. Put my lips right on hers. She didn't pull back. She didn't slide her tongue into my mouth either but she did push back a little, kissing me almost as much as I'm kissing her.
"How would you like to go on a date with me? Maybe just a movie to start with or whatever you would prefer."
"I'd like to. A movie is fine." Her face is still there so I lean back to her and kiss her again, this time reaching out and putting my one hand on her shoulder and the other on her waist. She put her hands on me, too. Wow, this gorgeous girl thinks of sex when she sees me. I don't think that's ever happened before in this world. Well, I definitely think of sex when I see her. And she's agreed to a date! I think I floated on air all the way back to my dorm.
We go to a very big school in a very big city so there's not enough dormitory space for all the students. I live in a dorm. Deirdre and Doris have a small apartment close to the school. We go to a movie and everything goes fine. I'm always sort of tongue-tied around girls but I'm not with Deirdre. She's not only beautiful, she's nice. I'm still a little amazed but happy about being with her. We go back top her apartment and end up horizontal on a couch, arms wrapped around one another, kissing and sucking tongues. I can't believe I'm holding that perfect body and that she's as aggressive with me as I am with her, maybe more so. I've never, ever experienced anything as hot as being with her right then. I slide my hand up her back, under her blouse, to feel bare skin and she doesn't stop me. I don't want to be one of those guys who paw her or she has to fight off and I tell her so. She tells me that she'll let me know if I go to far and she doesn't stop me from having my hand on her bare back.
The next time we go out we again end up on the couch in the same position. This time I unfasten her bra where it hooks on her back and she doesn't stop me. I shift position some to be able to get a hand up under her blouse in front and get my hand on her bare breast. The first bare breast I've ever touched. And hers are ten times better than a lot of girls. I think she actually wants it, likes it. She asks me if I want to go steady, each of us seeing no one but each other and I definitely agree. She never says a word about my hand holding her breast, so I use my other hand to start unbuttoning her blouse. It takes no time and her blouse is open and spread to the sides and I'm looking at naked breasts. I start kissing them and then start sucking on a nipple while I caress the other one, then switch. I'm in heaven. I've never kissed or licked a breast in my life and these are goddess breasts. And she's letting me. I could keep doing this forever. She obviously likes this but after a short time lets me know it's time I left. Third date we get to the same point and I'm sucking on her breasts. For the first time she feels my cock, through my pants. I mean, wow, just making out with the perfect woman is fantastic but she makes a move on me! Next date I suck her nipples again and she unzips me and holds my bare cock. She tells me it's the first cock she's ever touched. I let her know that her lovely breasts are the first I've ever tasted. This absolutely the sexiest time in my life. The next date I push it a little further and while I suck on her nipples and she holds my bare cock, I reach down between her legs and get my one hand on her pussy. She spreads her legs slightly to give me room. I push my fingers under her panties and get my hand on her bare pussy and pubic hair. I get a finger into her and slide it in and out. She moans some and squeezes my cock a lot until I'm afraid I'll cum but then she lets me know it's time for me to go. I'm walking on air again back to my dorm. I can't believe how hot and sexy this all is. As I do after every date, I masturbate dreaming of Deirdre.
The next date I slowly get to where we were before, sucking her nipples, my finger in her vagina, her grasping my bare cock. I amaze myself, that I have the nerve. But I move a step further and lean down over her and kiss where her pussy would be. She moans and I move my other hand down to pull her skirt up so that I can kiss her pussy on top of her panties. She moans some more and spreads her legs even more. I figure it's worth a try, so I pull my finger out of her vagina and use both my hands to grab her panty top and start pulling it down. She lifts her butt and gets her legs together so I can pull them all the way down her legs and over her feet and off. I then start kissing where her pussy would be and she spreads her legs, very wide. Now's the time. I've never done this but I've read about it a lot and watched on the 'net, so here goes. I move my whole body. We're on a couch so I end up kneeling on the floor, I kiss up between her legs. One of her legs is bent and her foot is down on the floor, her other leg toward the back of the couch, body skewed a little so that I can get up between her legs. I get a finger into her vagina again, mostly as a guide to let me know where her pussy is in the dark and I get up as far as I can, kissing along her thighs, and then get my tongue into her and start licking. Her moans go faster now. I lick down to where my finger is in her and pull it out so I can stick my tongue into her as far as I can get it. I'm actually eating pussy! It tastes a little like licking raw meat or something -- not bad at all. Then I lick in her pussy up until she almost jumps so I know I've reached her clit. I lick back and forth there and slide my finger back into her. I work my tongue on her clit while I finger fuck her and her moans get continuous and I can feel her getting wetter. I work my tongue faster on her clit and slide my finger in as far as I can and out again over and over and pretty soon her hips are jumping and her moan goes into sort of a low scream. Her hands come down onto the back of my head, pushing me into her more. I just keep licking and fingering her as fast as I can and she screams a little and I can feel her vagina sort of pulsing on my finger and fluid coming so I slide my mouth down, pull out my finger and try to suck her whole pussy into my mouth. A taste I can';t exactly describe but one I'll always think of as what sex tastes like. I'm sure my whole face and chin are wet. She starts pulling on my hair so I pull my mouth away from her. I've actually done it!
"Oh, Dave, I've never felt like that before," she says, pulling me up over her so we can kiss. "That's the best orgasm I've ever had by far." We kiss and swap tongues and she has hold of my cock again. Then she starts pushing on me and I end up on my back on the floor and she's climbed down to be on top of me and the next thing I know she has my cock in her mouth and she's sucking on it. I've never felt anything so sexy in my life, this moist, hot surface surrounding y cock, masturbating my cock. I don't know what fucking is like but it can't be any better than this. I'm not going to last long at all, the way we've built up to this. I guess I did o.k. eating her pussy, just based on things I've read and seen on the 'net. I think she's done the same because her head is bobbing up and down, sucking me and masturbating me with her lips and I can't imagine how anyone could do it any better.
I can feel my balls getting ready and say, "I'm going to cum," partly because I am and partly, I guess, as a warning to her that she's about to get a mouthful. She just keeps on sucking and bobbing her head and I shoot off a load and she lifts her head back off from me. Her hand is still holding me. I shoot off another load that hits someplace, I don't know where in the dark, and then she has her mouth around my cock again so my next two loads, all I've got, shoot into her mouth. As my cock starts to soften, she's lays on top of me and we kiss some more. I can taste my stuff on her, at least I guess that's what it is because it's a different taste, and I imagine she can taste herself on me. We just stay there like that for quite a while, telling each other how great the sex was.
Then there's a holiday and she goes home for a week. As soon as she's back, she calls me to come over. When I get to her apartment she tells me that the day after I sucked her breasts for the first time she went to Student Health and got birth control pills. She then told me that she talked with her sister. Her older sister who's married with one child and another one on the way. She says she let her sister know that she'd met a guy who she figured was going to get her virginity and that we'd had oral sex. Her sister told her that oral sex is terrific and Deirdre's lucky to find a guy that likes it because you can do that forever. But, she said, once you've given him your bare pussy, you're definitely going to have intercourse. No one can stop at oral sex. Her sister told her to not do it in the back seat of a car the first time but to be naked in bed and do it right, have a positive experience she can remember forever. And the point of all this was, she asked me if I wanted to get naked and go to bed with her.
She just grinned at me. "Of course," she said.
"Let's go," I replied and we started into her bedroom. "I want to be with you more than you can imagine but this is almost unbelievable, one of the most important things that have happened to me in my life. It's almost scary it's so great."
She doesn't answer at all with words. Closing the door behind us she just starts taking her clothes off. Kicks her shoes off and bends down and pulls off her socks. Unfastens her jeans and pulls them down her legs and steps out of them. Pulls her blouse up over her head. Reaches behind her and unfastens her bra and tosses it onto the little pile of clothes and then pulls down her panties, bending to get them down her leg s. She's naked. Completely naked, right in front of me. It's still daylight and while there's only one window, the light is pouring in and I can see her whole naked body.
"Deirdre you're perfect, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life." She really is. The kind of nude body an artist would love to paint. Up to now, it's always been pretty dark when we made out, now it's dayligh
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