Hooked6 Stories

Hooked6 Stories


Hooked6 Stories
Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
Lisa On the Beach - Part 1

When I was 13, I did something stupid. I was on holiday with my parents. We were renting a house and were sharing it with the owner's family. I am an only child and the owner had a daughter too. Her name was Suzy. She was 16, but we played together a lot. I guess she was happy to have somebody to play with at home, even if I was younger.

We were close to the beach and often spent the day there. My mother would come with me and Suzy. My father didn't like the beach and wasn't with us most of the time. It was great though, as I played in the water with Suzy while my mother worked on her tan.

I was wearing a little yellow bikini. It was an old one I got some years before and it was a little small for me. But my mom didn't buy a new one, so I wore it every day at the beach. The top was a little tight, but it was OK. The problem was at the bottom. They were tight, and I always felt them digging into my pussy and between my ass cheeks. It was uncomfortable, but when I asked my mother to buy a new bikini, she said it was OK for now and she would buy a new one later.

After a few days, I was getting bored with the discomfort. I was swimming in the sea and pulled my bottoms lower. It felt good as my pussy was getting irritated because of the tightness and the salty water and the sand... But it was difficult to swim with my bottoms around my tights... I looked around myself. No one was close to me and I knew they wouldn't be able to see anything, anyway. The water was not clear enough, so I was safe as long as I had water up to the waist.

In one quick motion, I expunged my bottoms! It was exhilarating to be half-naked in the water! I had never skinny-dipped before and I enjoyed the sensation. I swam a bit with my bottoms in my hand, but it wasn't really easy. I needed both my hands to swim, but I didn't want to put my bottoms back on as I didn't want to feel it against my sensitive pussy yet.

I wrapped the bottoms tightly around my ankle and made a knot to hold them in place. I felt free as I swam around naked below my bikini top. I constantly checked to see if my bottoms were still there, but they were well tied.

At first, I tried to avoid getting too close to people, but I realized that swimming close to someone like that was giving me a thrill. I gradually was careless and swam in a more crowded area. It was funny to be surrounded by people, as they couldn't tell I was half-naked! I even went to shallower water. I was standing on the ground with water up to my belly button! I couldn't go further because of the waves but it was exciting to know that I was almost exposed and yet nobody knew it!

I saw Suzy coming my way, so I went into deeper water. I didn't have time to put my bottoms back on, though. So I swam and played with her like that! It was hilarious! She noticed nothing! I was happy as not only I wasn't feeling the tightness of my bikini bottoms, but I was enjoying the thrill of being nearly naked unknowingly to everyone!

It was soon time to exit the water. I carefully untied my bottoms and put them back on. I wince as I felt them on my tender parts. I walked out of the water and went to where my mom was to dry up.

The next day, I did the same. I removed my bottoms as soon as I was in the water, which didn't happen over two minutes after we were on the beach! Again, I tied it around my ankle and enjoyed swimming around half-naked. It was cool, and I enjoyed the feeling once more. I almost forgot one time when a wave brought me in shallower water and I almost got up but thankfully stopped myself just in time! I swam to deeper water and relaxed again.

I had so much fun but I gradually got used to it. When I had to walk out of the water I almost forgot I was bottomless! I was walking until the top of my buttocks were out of the water before I realized it! I gasped and crouched to hide. I couldn't believe I almost exposed my pussy! That would have been humiliating!

I put my bottoms on and exited the water. Fortunately, no one saw anything. But Suzy was looking at me strangely. She didn't say anything, though, and I assumed she saw nothing.

The following day, I had to do it again! I removed my bottoms as soon as I was in waist-deep water. I was tying them to my ankle when Suzy rushed next to me with the buoy.
"You'll never get the buoy!" she said, laughing and swimming further away.

I chased after her. This was our favorite game as we only had one buoy and it was fun to swim with it. We fought for it for a long time and I finally won. I was happy because Suzy was older and bigger than me! I swam in the buoy for a long time and Suzy swam away, pretending she wasn't interested in it anymore. But I knew she was jealous.

I saw her walk out of the water and I followed her to taunt her a little. It's only when I was completely out of the water that I realized I was still bottomless! I looked down and to my horror saw that my bottoms were not tied around my ankle anymore! I must have lost them during the fight! Oh god!!! What should I do?

I was already out of the water, so there was no point in running back there. I tried to hold the buoy around my hips to cover myself and walked on trembling legs to where my mother and Suzy were.

"LISA!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" shouted my mother.
I was so shocked I couldn't speak.
By now, everyone around us was looking because of the noise she was making! To my horror, she grabbed the buoy and dropped it on the ground! I was completely exposed, except for my bikini top!!

My mother was waiting for an answer. I tried to cover my pussy with my hands and explained I had lost my bottoms during the fight with Suzy for the buoy. Suzy was looking at me with a big smile all the time!
"I thought your bottoms were too tight!!! How did you lose them?" said my mother with anger.
"She removed them! She wasn't wearing them when we started the fight!" said Suzy.

I looked at her in shock! What a bitch!! How could she do that? My mother was getting angrier!
"She already did it yesterday! I saw her naked butt while she was swimming!" added Suzy.
I couldn't believe it! She was making it much worse for me!! It was probably because I won the buoy!

Of course, she wasn't lying. I removed my bottoms after all. But she didn't need to tell my mother!! I was so angry I yelled at her. I even cursed and called her a bitch! That was a great mistake! It only made my mother angrier (if that was possible!)!

She came to me and quickly stripped me of my bikini top! I was completely naked!! I screamed in surprise, which attracted even more attention to me!

I think I never saw my mom so angry before. She started packing all our stuff, and I sat down in the sand, covering my pussy and tits with my hands while Suzy was laughing at me!

When my mother started walking away, I was shocked. I ran after her and begged to have my clothes back.
"Oh! Now you want to dress?" she asked ironically.
"But! Everyone can see me!" I exclaimed.
"You should have thought about that when you removed your bikini bottoms! Now walk! And you may cover nothing but your pussy with your hands!"

Then she looked at me and put all our stuff down on the ground.
"You are full of sand! Come with me!" she said.
She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the edge of the water. I was still wet from the water when I sat down in the sand and my ass and pussy were full of it! I had to spread my legs while she splashed water on my privates. Fortunately, I was facing the water, but I had to face everyone again when she was finished and we headed back to where Suzy was with our stuff.

The walk back home was torture. Everyone was looking at me! They could see I was trying to hide my pussy, which meant that I was not naked intentionally, but they could see my ass and my tits! It was so embarrassing! And that bitch Suzy who couldn't stop laughing! I wanted to kill her! It was all her fault!

We arrived at the house, and my mother opened the door to let me in. I ran inside but stopped dead in my tracks. There were my father and Suzy's father looking at me with big eyes! I interrupted their conversation, and they seemed to be too shocked to say anything.

My mother and Suzy came behind me and my mother told them what happened at the beach. It was so embarrassing to hear her telling my father and that other man how I was exposed to the whole beach! My mother grabbed my arm and pulled me on her knees. She spanked me hard in front of the others! When it was finished, I was crying. My ass was burning! And Suzy was still looking at me with that evil smile!!!

I was told to go in the corner and keep my hands on my head. It was so humiliating to be punished like that! Especially in front of Suzy and her father! I couldn't believe it was happening! All that because my bikini bottoms were too small!

Then I looked down and gasped! My nipples were hard! I looked at my pussy and was even more shocked! My clit was hard too! It was so long I could see it sticking out of its hood!! What was happening to me? I couldn't be excited by this humiliating situation, could I? And yet, it was the case. I couldn't deny my feelings. I was horny! Horny as hell! I prayed no one would notice!

After standing in the corner like that for a long time, my mother told me I could move again. But I couldn't dress! I had to eat naked with all of them and then I had to wash the dish like that! Suzy was enjoying herself and I was trying to get back at her!

I had to go to sleep early. But I couldn't sleep! I was way too horny!! I was still naked under my cover because my mother wouldn't let me dress. I put my fingers to work and quickly reached several big orgasms!

My mother woke me up in the morning and told me I couldn't dress yet. The breakfast was as humiliating as dinner the day before. My father was trying not to look at me, but Suzy's father was less discreet! He kept glancing my way! Fortunately, he could only see my tits while I was sitting!

But that little comfort quickly vanished when I had to get up and clear the table. I then had to clean the dishes while Suzy kept making fun of me. I never answered her taunting because my parents were not far, but I desperately wanted to shut her up!

After that, my mother started taking all the stuff to go back to the beach. Suzy went to put her bikini on while I waited for my mother to tell me what I should do. I didn't dare to ask, as I feared her answer!

"Go put your swimsuit on!" she told me after some time.
"But! I only have the top part left!" I exclaimed.
"Too bad! Go put that on!" she said without looking at me.
"But Mom!" I began.
"If you prefer to stay naked..." she said.

I didn't wait for the end of the sentence and ran to my room. I put my bikini top on and walked back to the living room.
"Let's go!" said my mother.
She was ready, as was Suzy. They were both dressed in their bikinis, with a summer dress on top.
"Mom! Please! I can't go to the beach like that!" I pleaded.
"This is your punishment for what you did yesterday. You wanted to swim bottomless; you will do it again today. Only this time you will be bottomless the entire time! But you can go completely naked if you prefer..." she said, opening the door.

I couldn't move and saw my mother and Suzy walk out of the house. But after one minute, my mom yelled from outside.
"If you don't come right now, I'll come and get you, and then I'll spank you again, but on the beach this time!!"
I ran outside, knowing she was serious.

It completely mortified me to be walking on the street bottomless again! The worse was that I still had marks on my butt from the spanking! Everyone in the street was looking at me! Fortunately, my mom allowed me to cover my pussy with my hands! But it was so humiliating!

Once we reached the beach, I quickly sat down on the towel. I held my knees against my chest and tried not to move to avoid attracting attention. But all the surrounding people already saw me when we arrived! I tried not to look at them, but I could see from the corner of my eyes that they were looking at me all the time! I was completely mortified!
This story was written by KrlB - the creator of of the well-known "Erica" universe and the complete story (there are more chapters than are posted above) can be found here:


Unless the poster, AAAHimuks, is also the famous author KrylB, I suspect this story is pirated and is being passed off as the poster's own work.

Can you not Post other people's stories here? I just read this story back then it was really good so I thought of sharing it with other people. I had no idea. I honestly wasn't trying to pass someone else's story as my own. I am currently working on the part 2 of another story, 'I'm in Control' viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1558&p=6390#p6390 . I'm sorry for the mistake and thanks to others for pointing it out.
Two comments.

First, it is ALWAYS proper etiquette and form to give the original author credit for his or her work. It is NEVER acceptable to post another's work giving the impression that this posted work was your own which is what you did by posting KrylB's work under your own name. That, my friend, is plagiarism.

Second, if you wish to share another author's previously published work here at this forum, the proper place to post this is in "The ARCHIVES" section giving the original author credit for the story. AND changing nothing of the original content. You can find numerous examples of the proper format for this in the archives.
Thanks Hooked6, good to know. Forgot there exists an archive!

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A board for stories about girls pantsing and stripping others or getting pantsed and stripped


by AAAHimuks ยป Tue Aug 17, 2021 5:13 am


by Hooked6 ยป Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:43 am


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My story is more humiliating than embarrassing. I knew some of the girls I went with to the beach were jealous of me, because I looked sexier than them in bikini. Over heard them saying "look at her flaunting her stuff in a string bikini" Having guys and even their own boyfriends looking at me didn't sit very well. I'm sure most of them were glad to see my bikini stripped off. I was sun bathing face down with my top strings undone, when some b****** picked me up off the sand by arms and legs. Never saw them coming. Found myself dangling in mid air with my t*** hanging out and bottom slipping off between my thighs. Hung there nude with girls telling them to turn me over, while guys got a free t** and p**** show. Bared it all that day and the fact that I was totally shaved down there and so spread out, I think I even showed off my c*** . Must have seen it, because I could feel my p**** lips wide open. The degrading part of it, was that it all was disguised as a friendly prank and almost had to laugh about it. The truth was I felt publicly humiliated and sexually assaulted, just to thrill everyone's sexual desires.

Youโ€™ll be alright, sounds like they just proved to everyone that you really are sexy

My mom is a nudist and she forces me to participate in nudist events. I feel always so embarrassed there and she forbids me to cover me.

My two sisters caught me in front of my bedroom window flashing my b**** to the boy next door. I was so scared they would tell my mother, they dragged me outside naked to embarrasse me in front him.

My mother got a devorce when I was 17 and re-married a guy that she had had a sexual affair behind my father's back. I knew she was f****** him when my Dad was at work. I sudently found myself living with my mother and a step father that kept groping me sexually. My mother knew about it, but so scared of loosing him she just ignored it. I remember he caught me in my underwear when my mother was out of house, threw me in bed and porformed oral s** on me. I tried to tell him it wasn't right, but he kept spreading my legs, reaching up squeezing my b****** and pushing his finger inside me. I was so disgusted when he dropped his pants and told me to open my mouth. I remember telling me to suck harder. He orally f***** me, came all over my face, told me to clean up pushed me into the bathroom in a rush when her the front door slam. It all happed in just 20 minutes but to me it felt endless. Nothing was said but, I'm sure my mother figured that something had happed but didn't really care.

Karlie Brooks
Worldwide Boy Gladiators

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