Honoo No Mirage 01 Vostfr

Honoo No Mirage 01 Vostfr


Honoo No Mirage 01 Vostfr
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Asato Tsuzuki is a shinigami with 70 years' worth of experience. He has the power to call upon twelve shikigami, mythical creatures that aid him in battle. The shikigami reflect actual historic religious beliefs--such as Suzaku and Byakko. The manga portrays Tsuzuki's relationship with the shikigami in much more detail. Tsuzuki is the senior partner of the Second Division, which watches over the region.
Genre Komödien , Animation , Horror , Drama , Anime , Fantasy , Romantik Untertitel English Wiedergabesprachen English
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A series of vampire killings in Nagasaki lead Asato Tsuzuki to a confrontational encounter with his new partner, Hisoka Kurosaki. As the two try to cope with working together as guardians of death they must also figure out who is responsible for the supernatural attacks.
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Maria Won is revealed to be the attacker responsible for the Nagasaki attacks, however her life after death was not without the helping hand of another. As it becomes clear that the mysterious Dr. Muraki is involved in the supernatural goings-on, Tsuzuki learns that Maria Wong is not the only one he should be concerned about.
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Tsuzuki rushes to the aid of Hisoka, who has been captured by Dr Muraki, however during the confrontation he discovers the shocking truth behind Hisoka's death. As the two partners are reunited they are thrown into working together as Muraki attacks, trying to force the pair into submission and preventing them from escaping.
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Hijiri Minase's joy at being able to play the violin again thanks to a donated cornea fades as his precious instrument is destroyed in a fire. Offered a replacement by Kazusa, the daughter of the cornea donor. Little does Hijiri realize, but the secrets that the violin hold is only just beginning...
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Hijiri is crushed to learn that by receiving Tatsuya Otonashi's cornea he has been entered into a contract with the devil that will culminate in the death of both Hijiri, his close friend, and Tatsuya's daughter Kazusa. Determined to defy the pact, Hijiri tries to go on with life as normal but soon discovers this is not an option and that the assistance of Tsuzuki and Hisoka may be his only solution.
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Despite what he may believe, Hijiri Minase's contract with the devil is far from over and now Tsuzuki, under the devil's control, is looking to fulfill both parts of the contract. Distraught at his friend and partner's suffering, Hisoka set a plan in motion with the hopes of freeing Tsuzuki from Sagatanas' control, however the risks are great for all involved.
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A request from the Count himself leads Tsuzuki and Hisoka to the Queen Camellia cruise ship to investigate its ties with the mysterious longevity of a number of people who were due to die. Once on board, Hisoka finds himself drawn to Princess Tsubaki, the daughter of the ship's owner, while Tsuzuki is horrified to discover an old acquaintance alive and well. As one of the passengers is killed, suspicions turn to all directions but Tsuzki and Hisoka have one particular suspect at the top of their list.
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The serial killings take an unexpected turn as Dr Muraki becomes the second victim. Tsuzuki and Gushoshin attempt to unravel the mystery of the Tarot Cards left at each killing, however Muraki's card, the King of Swords ripped in two, leaves them stumped. Hisoka, meanwhile, furthers his friendship with Princess Tsubaki but uncovers some shocking truths in the process.
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Dr Muraki's miraculous return from the dead helps Tsuzuki and Hisoka unravel the mysteries of the Tarot Card murders, however the truths they uncover are not easy to stomach. With Princess Tsubaki under Muraki's control, Hisoka is forced to fight his new found friend in order to save her from her torment, but will the power of the Guardians of Death be enough to save this victim from her fate?
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A serial killer taking a lock of hair from each victim leads Hisoka and Tsuzuki to Kyoto, Watari's home town. When a lock of the murderer's hair is found at the scene of the latest victim, the pair discover that their criminal is none other than Dr. Muraki and a run in with the evil doctor leaves Tsuzuki battling with memories of his past. However, Muraki knows more about Tsuzuki's past than he is letting on, and what Tsuzki doesn't know could just be his downfall.
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The case takes on a new turn as Watari discovers that Dr. Muraki has been regularly visiting his old mentor from Shion University, Dr. Satomi. When Tsuzuki and the others pay the university doctor a visit ,he seems oddly curt. Things go from bad to worse when two girls from the high school, Maki and Mariko, are attacked by Muraki leaving one of them dead.
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Wracked with guilt after Maki's death, Tsuzuki and the others take up jobs at Mariko's high school in order to protect her, however she is terrified that the Guardians of Death actually want her dead. Meanwhile Muraki, intent on using Tsuzki's body to take revenge on his own step-brother Saki Shudo, will do anything to claim his prize, even putting more innocent souls at risk.
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Muraki asks his old friend Oriya for one last favour; to distract Hisoka and the others for as long as possible so that he can finish what he needs to do with Tsuzuki in private. As Hisoka, Watari, and Atsumi arrive at Kokakuro, Oriya refuses to give up the entry card without a fight so a sword battle between the two protectors. Meanwhile Tsuzuki slowly recovers from his mental anguish, remembering his past and wondering whether he was ever truly meant to exist in any form, human or otherwise.
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Regie Arlen Tarlofsky , Hiroko Tokita Produzenten Atsushi Moriyama Jahr der Staffel: 2008 Sender Starz Kaufrechte Direkt streamen Details Format Prime Video (Online-Video wird gestreamt) Geräte Kann auf unterstützten Geräten angesehen werden
Moshella Am 18. April 2003 in den USA rezensiert
I want to start off by saying that I hadn't read the original manga of this, nor had I heard anything about "Descendants of Darkness" before I purchased it; so I went into viewing this as non-biased and not expecting too much. I've been hesitant to make purchases of anime these days, since the recent saturation of the market makes it harder for a person to decipher what's going to be quality and what just isn't. That said, I took a leap of faith in purchasing this DVD, and I ended up being pleasantly surprised. It's not 100% perfect or ground-breaking, but it IS pretty damn enjoyable. And although this first volume begins pretty weakly, it actually gets better as the series progresses. In the first episode, we are somewhat hastily introduced to our main protagonist Tsuzuki Asato, a likable, goofy guy who works for a detective agency--of Death(?) This isn't made too clear in the first episode, which I think was a weak start for this series, but over the next episodes we learn more about his occupation and what it entails. We also meet his new partner Hisoka, a young man who died of mysterious causes and now works for this agency. It was pretty confusing to someone who hadn't read the manga, and I feel that this factor added to episode one's weakness. Another gripe of mine are those "chickens" who work for the agency--I've never been a fan of cutesy mascots, and the fact that their existence was never explained or even questioned was another added weakness. I was a little put off by episode one, but I kept with it. Yes, it indeed got better, and I found myself entranced by the end of this disc. Over the next episodes we learn a little more about Tsuzuki and Hisoka, and we are introduced to the sinister villain Muraki--and this is where the "yaoi" element really comes into play. Yes, it seems as though all of the characters are gay, which I found to make the series all the more intriguing. This is probably why the series won't appeal to everyone, especially straight guys, but I thought it was handled well and not done in a way that was insulting to its gay characters (or gay members of its audience, for that matter). This volume covers a complete story arc involving a series of vampiric murders, and provides an insight to Hisoka's dark past. The series deals with some dark subject matter like death and rape, but overall there is a pleasant lightness to the show and the characters are all surprisingly likable--I say "surprisingly" because it's hard to view and anime these days and not be annoyed by at least ONE character. Overall, I really like this show and I'm going to make sure I view the entire series. So why only three stars? While enjoyable, the show isn't perfect (this disc in particular). The music, for one, is particularly grating. From the score to the ending and opening theme songs, the music is hard to take. By volume two it improves a bit, but the music on this volume is sometimes intolerable. The overall look of the show and the animation is hard to adjust to as well. It almost looks like it was done in the style of the show "Yu Gi Oh!"--brightly colored cel-animation badly mixed with CG. However, again, by volume 2 this improves considerably. And finally, since the show got off to a weak start, I had to deduct a star. "Descendants of Darkness" is an enjoyable series that improves as it progresses. I would recommend it to anyone who likes yaoi (I include myself in that audience), light comedy, action, a bit of drama, and occult themes. So, even if you're a nit-picky, jaded anime viewer like me, it might be worthwhile to give this series a try if those themes appeal to you. And did I say this allready? "It gets BETTER."
GardenProphet Am 23. Januar 2003 in den USA rezensiert
This is one of the GREATEST series ever, in my humble opinion. I would have to admit though, that it probably won't find popularity with many guys. It's mainly aimed at chicks, and boy does it ever hit the mark. I was getting really tired of shows where a bunch of pretty-boys ran around and killed things, so Yami no Matsuei (Decendant of Darkness) is such a nice change of pace. Sure, ALL of the main characters are damn good looking, and that's half the fun. But beyond that, it's got an *extremely* good plot, and one of the most entertaining CONCEPTS of any anime out there. The premise: The hero, Tsuzuki Asato is an 'Angel of Death' responsible for bringing back souls that don't reach the afterlife, or solving cases involving mysterious or unliscensed deaths. This leads to an interesting cast of characters, and a VERY interesting look at some of the Japanese myths surrounding the afterlife, gods, etc. Not, I warn though, for the squeemish, or for those who have a problem with guys with...eh...*questionable* relationships with one another. i.e. - LOTS of fangirl service and a number of situations involving the main character and other (male) characters.
M. Kaye Am 29. Januar 2021 in den USA rezensiert
This is a cinematic masterpiece. No anime in 20 years will ever come close to this level of artistry. This is elite.
Brittany M. Altvater Am 25. Januar 2003 in den USA rezensiert
I recently received the the Japanese version for Christmas 2002, and fell in love with it. I am very curious as to how they will change the plot to make this show... well, 'down-beat' enough for American's. I want to get this very much. But as for the Japanese version, I loved the plot twists. And *ahem* the Yaoi. This isn't a girly anime, but it is deffinatly not for guys. Scratch that, I know several guys who like this show. ^^ I personally became obsessed with Hisoka. lol, He has so much angst and is in so much emotional distress inside! If anyone who has seen this wonderful anime in English and would like to clue me in on how they went about it, please email me and do. >< Cause I most likely won't be getting it until May. Last note: I LOVE YAMI NO MATSUEI!! ^^ And I love Kurosaki-kun very much.
Jennifer D. Am 17. April 2013 in den USA rezensiert
While this series isn't perfect - suffering from a slightly odd start and some plot-lines that are only fully explained in the manga - it will always remain one of my favorites. The characters are engaging, the story arcs generally well-paced, and the over-arcing storyline interesting. While there are some suggestive gay/yaoi/slashy themes and moments, it's fairly mild for those who aren't big fans of the genre. I watched it with my father - who is generally not a fan - and he didn't have any problems with it, if that helps anyone. Also, the Instant View, or whatever Amazon calls their instant video purchases, for this series is Dubbed. Not subtitled, which is a pity.
"crimson_tears_x" Am 12. März 2003 in den USA rezensiert
Yami no Matsuei is a beautiful peice of work. I had been a fan of the series since 1999, and to find that they were bringing the anime series to America, I nearly [messed] my pants. My friend had the Japanese import of the seires and let me see it before, but now that I have my own copy of the Descendants of Darkness, I must say that I am in love. Not only are the animations as beautiful as the manga, but it's also very well CGed, and the story line is great. Trully, it is a must see for Shounen-ai fans. The Bishounen are totally worth it, and to see and hear Muraki from your own TV... it's definately worth your money. I don't regret spending my money on this DVD.
Yes, and? Am 26. Februar 2022 in den USA rezensiert
I didn't catch this before I bought it. This has some of the worst english dubbing I've seen, and there is no option for the original japanese with english subtitles. I'm sad I wasted money on it.
Jennelle Greg Am 10. Oktober 2014 in den USA rezensiert
it shows when the main characters first meet and gone on this crazy adventure trying to stop someone with vampire like skills. Only turns out theres someone else pulling the strings that gets them started on an ongoing adventure

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