Hongkongers and Taiwanese, don't be numbed to the darkness

Hongkongers and Taiwanese, don't be numbed to the darkness

By Translated by Guardians of Hong Kong 24 Jan 2021

"To destroy a big city, you do not need a natural disaster. A human catastrophe  can do too and it does not need to be a war. Just a few words or benighted moves by a few are more than enough to kill a big city".

"Regarding the death of the city, without any word, everyone can see the city is one step at a time walking towards its death. People who can leave will not stay. When more and more people are leaving, it approaches its death even more quickly" Chasing the Dragon by Ni Kuang, a famous Hong Kong novelist.

Ni enlightened me. The themes of his novels are diverse. In his sci-fi novels, the themes were so creative that people before or even after his era could not come up with. The most brilliant political prophesy from him was written in Chasing the Dragon, published in 1983.

Chasing the dragon has nothing to do with subsequent gangster movies of the same title. It is the about an astronomer who predicts the destruction of a big oriental city and asks the protagonist Wesley to save the city. However, the city is destroyed as concluded by Ni with the word— fate.

The death of Hong Kong as her fate

Fate— I am sure everyone knows the word. From a small coastal town to the current international free port, and finally to a hell on earth. Back in 1983, Ni already predicted the marching of Hong Kong towards her own death would be her inevitable fate after the change of flag in 1997. It is because under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party, even with One Country Two Systems, Hong Kong would eventually lose all her freedom and suffocate. This is her fate. Not even a hero can change this. Even Wesley cannot do anything.

What else we can do? Today the police arrested 53 Hongkongers for “subverting national security” because they hosted or participated in the 2020 Democrats primary election for the Legco. As long as one had participated in the primary election, one would bear the risk of being arrested. So, we then have to ask what the primary election was. 

The CCP suppresses the democracy in Hong Kong by 

The Hong Kong Legislative Council (Legco) (equivalent to parliament or congress) is the highest level authority reflecting public opinion. According to its constitutional schedule, there should be an election in September 2020. However, the Hong Kong government cancelled the election with Wuhan Pneumonia pandemic being the excuse. Anyone reasonable can tell that the actual reason behind was that the CCP was shocked at the result of the last District council election with most pro-CCP candidates lost. The CCP therefore just looked for an excuse to cancel the election. 

In order to avoid fighting against each other and losing out to the pro-CCP camp in the actual election, the Democrats hence hosted the non-legally binding primary election in July to look for appropriate candidates. Somehow, over 610,000 citizens took part in the primary election. The government was afraid of the meaning of the high turnout of the primary election on the actual election. Beijing determined the primary election as subverting national security and defined it as a rebellion. As a result, it arrested the 53 "masterminds" as they could not criminalize those 610,000 voters in one go on 6th January.

Well, the 610,000 voters was involved in rebellion against the CCP. How scary is it? Furthermore, they only hosted primary election just like any primary election within a political party. Under the One Country Two Systems, selecting candidates in a democratic election is seen as rebellion. A city like this under the rule of China puts great insults to the name of the Pearl of the Orient and certifies her death.

What can we do?

I don’t dare to appeal others to do anything because any contract, donation or help would put the one being helped at risk of offending the national security law and going to prison. We don’t have the ability to do much for Hong Kong because it is the internal matter of another country.

We can only voice out Hongkongers’ demand for democracy and give the world a complete picture of the real situation of we are in.  

Furthermore, I hope we can forever be alert to the stepwise corruption since 1997 and we should not trust anyone or party associated with the CCP. What the CCP wanted was never unification with Taiwan.  The freedom and democracy in Taiwan irritates the CCP. Seeing the death of Hong Kong should allow us to see not just the death of the Pearl of the Orient, but also to reinforce the path and future Taiwan should persist on.

Finally, just like the movie Godfather says. “Mike, whoever comes to you with this Barzini meeting, He's the traitor. Don't forget that." The CEO also once said, “Negotiating with the communist thugs for peace is essentially asking a tiger for its skin.”

Hong Kong shows the world how the Chinese style of unification turns out to be— a flourish city dies. 

Hongkongers and Taiwanese, don't be numbed to the darkness. 

Author: Lu Chiu-yuan

Source:Standnews #Jan07

#Hongkongers #Taiwanese #Darkness #Destroy #BigCity #Disaster #Catastrophe #War


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