Hongkongers’ Petition for the Decertification of Hong Kong’s Special Trade Status

Hongkongers’ Petition for the Decertification of Hong Kong’s Special Trade Status






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實體簽名表請於6月7日前電郵至 petition@SecureHKFreedom.org ,以便計入聯署總數。

Hongkongers’ Petition for the Decertification of Hong Kong’s Special Trade Status

In light of the imposition of the national security law on Hong Kong by the Chinese Communist Party, groups of Hongkongers have organized a letter campaign to petition the U.S. President to expedite a decertification of Hong Kong’s special trade status, following Pompeo’s strong statement on Hong Kong’s loss of autonomy today, and against the backdrop of the recent breaches of the Basic Law and the Sino-British Joint Declaration by Beijing.

With Hong Kong serving as a major offshore financial center for China, and being the largest source of foreign direct investment into China and the most important source for offshore bank loans, revoking the city’s special trade status is an effective countermeasure against direct Chinese interference in Hong Kong through economic means.

The petition will be open for public signatures from now until June 7th, followed by an official submission to the U.S. Consul General to Hong Kong and then to the White House. Press information will be released worldwide. 

Link to the Petition: 

List of Initiating Signatories (continuously updated):

Physical Signatory Form:

Please submit any physical signatories to petition@SecureHKFreedom.org on or before 7th June, so that we may add them into the final count of signatories.

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